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6 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. my aunt died from cancer and my mentor had cancer. my aunt had lung cancer
    and my mentor had prostate cancer. my aunt new the cancer had spread threw
    out most of her body and just gave up. the doctor said she only had 3
    months with treatment. she choice not to have any treat and chose to die
    peacefully in her own house in her own bed with the people she loved and
    trusted. she died 2 months after when she was supposed to according to the
    doctors. my mentor on the other hand had a simple case. they removed the
    cancerous spot and didn’t have to go threw chemo. cancer treatment is
    extremely profitable. but the case with any great lie is you gotta give
    people something to believe in. something to say well yeah a lot of people
    died but what about the survivors when in reality they dont care about the
    survivor they just want to make a profit. its one of meany flaws of
    capitalism but is a sad part of a free market. its sad but it is a free
    market, changing it would make our country a socialist state. altho we can
    release bans or alternative medicines and change the way it is viewed in
    our society.

  2. what is the book called send me an ebook copy my
    friends mother is apparently dying of cancer these people only trust the
    doctors so natural treat ment they may not try but i feel its better to at
    least give the other a good go and live your days out happy not vomiting
    and sick as hell.


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