September 23 2015 Predictive Programming

September 23 2015 Predictive Programming

September 23 2015 Predictive Programming

September 23 2015 Predictive Programming

September 23 2015 Predictive Programming – False flag nuclear attack coming in September 2015? Watch for hints about this event happening just like the predictive programming of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks scattered throughout movies, television shows and other materials years in advance of the event ever taking place. There are many allusions to significant events taking place in September 2015 – especially the week of September 23rd. This type of programming in television and movies, as well as other forms of media, have been used by the Illuminati and the Elite for years to program the sheeple’s minds and blind them to not ask questions. “Question everything” should be the rule of the day. While the internet is still free and information abounds, do the research for yourself and find out the truth. Search forit like a hidden treasure. Take the “red pill” that Neo took and stay in Wonderland and go down the rabbit hole. So what are your thoughts on September 23 2015 Predictive Programming? Is there potentially something here or is it all a hoax? Comment below and let us know what you think? More on Predictive Programming

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  1. I think its good to beware at the same time what can you do about it really?You can't beat yourself up over it.We are all going to leave this earth this plain of existence in the flash one day.Just live your life.Whatever will be will be.You must learn just like every human being good or bad and just evolve adapt to any situation if you will.That is all you can do why make them get the best of you ?If that is what is really what is going on or gonna take place one day or not ,So what if they are having it out in plain site so what.Just beware and move on because either way you look at it you will look like a fool either way right now.


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