9-11 In Plane Site Directors Cut Intriguing Video on 9-11 In Plane Site 9-11 In Plane Site – Directors Cut raises some very interesting points. Weather you believe all of them or not, you do have to wonder about certain aspects of what is being presented. There are simply to many unanswered questions to just…
Category: Building 7
9-11 Coincidences

9-11 Coincidences is a detailed overview of the areas of evidence surrounding the events of September 11th, and the way that these observations clash with the official story. This presentation is not partisan, sensationalist or a means for presenting an alternative explanatory theory.
9/11 (I) The BIGGEST LIE IV (I) No PLANES & Building 7 Ed. HQ – Dec. 9 2013 – by James Easton
Running Time 2hrs 16mins – By James Easton – December 9th 2013 North Tower = Tower 1 = WTC 1 South Tower = Tower 2 = WTC 2 Building 7 = Solomon Brothers’ Building = WTC 7 Chapters as follows: Introduction Nano Thermite Snaking down South Face of Tower 1 Empty Head Kla Klow!! Equal…
7 Days To Die Survival Guide – Building your first base (Alpha 10)
Here’s how I build my first bases when starting new games in 7 Days to Die. Summary: get into the first house I find, go upstairs, break the stairs, create a rather safe zone. I use that as a temporary base until I gather enough resources to build my own base, using a simple square-ish…
9 11 John Kerry admits that WTC7 was brought down by controlled demolition!
US Secretary of State John Kerry is recorded in this video saying how he was told that World Trade Centre building 7 was brought down in a “controlled fashion”. This building collapse is seen by many as the smoking gun, if that was the case, to set this up and to fall the way the…
Building #7 Anthem redux
Many of you still need to snap out of it and come into reality. The powers that be and their media crime partners are working against you. Read on. Commercial planes cannot travel at the speeds recorded because the air is thicker at the sea level altitude zone. The turbine fans would nave been overwhelmed…
Building 7 was a 47-story skyscraper and was part of the World Trade Center complex. Built in 1984, it would have been the tallest high-rise in 33 states in the United States. It collapsed at 5:21:10 pm on September 11, 2001. It was not hit by an airplane and suffered minimal damage compared to other…
East Village Building Explosion: 7 Alarm Fire, Partial Collapse and Over 40 Injured
Make Sure to Subscribe to the New J.KNIGHT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnLrtqd5qxC_f1lOnrybpnA An explosion rocked New York City’s East Village neighborhood Thursday afternoon and after the blast two buildings were engulfed in flames and and at least a partial building collapse has been reported. Witnesses at the scene tweeted photos showing the two burning buildings smoke pouring…
STARGATE: 88th Episode: Building 7 Destroyed by BROOKHAVEN RING As Obama Watches!
I can’t believe this.
Building Explosion NYC Building Collapse Fire Explosion New York City 7 Alarm Fire
Building Explosion NYC Building Collapse Fire Explosion New York City 7 Alarm Fire Building Explosion NYC Building Collapse Explosion New York City Building Explosion NYC Building Collapse Explosion New York City Building Explosion NYC Building Collapse Explosion New York City Fire rages after explosion, collapse at East Village apartment building AST VILLAGE (WABC) — There…