The Quest For The Cures…Continues Episode 1: Modern Medicine & the Cancer Pandemic – 28 Doctors, 11 Scientists, and 9 Survivors Break Their ‘Code Of Silence’ And Expose The TRUTH About Cancer And Exactly How To Prevent, Treat And Beat it 100% Naturally in This 11 Episode Docu-series — WATCH EPISODE 2 at the link below

Episode 2 –

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Own the Hero Edition (over 45 hours of expert interviews and transcripts)

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The Truth About Cancer Natural cancer treatments cures alternative treatments survivor stories

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  1. I had a breast cancer diagnosis in 2012 and I had to fight with all of my
    doctors because I would not take traditional treatment. If I hadn’t had
    such resolve, I would have caved in. They really scared me and I started
    to think that I was taking the wrong action or lack of action. The only
    exception was when I talked with Dr John McDougall and he explained all of
    my options – and recommended I have a lumpectomy and no other treatment.
    He recommended that I lose weight and get very very skinny (to eliminate
    the hormone stimulus) and that I follow a strict plant-based diet with no
    junk food. I have lost some weight and follow a plant-based diet, but I
    need to do more. After watching this, it has given me the resolve (and the
    push) to really get my weight down, to not put any junk food in my mouth
    and to exercise more regularly. I guess I got lazy and complacent and it
    was out of sight, out of mind …. and I could fool myself that it wouldn’t
    come back. Well, I am not going to continue to put myself in a position
    where I wake up in 2 or 3 years to more lumps. It will be too late then.
    I will act now. THANK YOU for this series!

  2. Interesting interview at the end of the video. This woman did the right
    thing not having her lymp nodes removed. From what I understand, our
    lymp nodes can be compared to a sewer system, constantly removing toxins
    from our body, they are part of our immune system. 

  3. Join and watch these episodes~28 Doctors~11 Scientists~9 Survivors And 1
    “FDA Dragon Slaying” Attorney Break Their ‘Code Of Silence’ And Expose The
    TRUTH About Cancer And Exactly How To Prevent, Treat And Beat it 100%

  4. I’m just a novice on this subject, but being made of flesh and bone and
    blood I am concerned about cancer. If I understand correctly, 1 in 2 men
    and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Frankly,
    that scares me into doing what I can to avoid being a statistic. It would
    seem self evident that a person in robust health via diet, exercise,
    sunshine, fresh air along with as little exposure to toxic chemicals and
    all that would be much less apt to get mutated cells and be more resilient
    to defending against them should they occur. Prevention before the cure.
    I have watched several friends and relatives undergo chemotherapy and
    radiation for various cancers, and frankly it tore my heart out to see the
    suffering they were undergoing. Only one of them is still alive today.
    Anyway, being uneducated in the sciences but always looking around and
    reading etc. I discovered something that is very troubling to me. Perhaps
    someone with more experience could help me clear it up or at least help me
    understand it. What I am talking about is a rancor and animosity to the
    ideas and research of anyone who has a differing theory. I mean, if we had
    a preventative and a cure, or at least something successful, who would know
    it? Everyone is arguing and disagreeing and name calling and refusing to
    consider any other ideas but their own. (I’m not referring to this
    site) Why can’t they just put everything out there on the table, keep open
    minds and seek for the common good? I know money gets in the way, but my
    God, millions of people are suffering and dying. What am I missing?

  5. I love what you’re doing for cancer. I have a question though I suffer from
    ankylosing spondylitis an autoimmune disease, I was wonder if you know of
    anything that could help me? Any information would be great and I would be
    thankful. I suffer greatly and nothing is helping. 

  6. Utterly amazing. Thank you for doing this. If we could all stand up against
    big Pharma and those who have highjacked out health then maybe we’ll see a
    change. It all starts with education. I thank you again!

  7. The Eugenic movement have been harping on about population control 50 year
    or more, as they are all part of the Elite, the idea of introducing cancer
    to the public was started in the 60’s by using an under ground Laboratory
    to experiment on monkeys and produce a cancer causing Virus, Read the book
    Dr Mary’s Monkey by Edward Haslam, this virus was added to polio vaccines,
    and if you look on You Tube you will see a Scientist confessing to it…

  8. Root canals are a major cause of the immune system being suppressed and
    they are a major cause of cancer:
    Dr. Thomas Rau, who runs the Paracelsus Clinic (cancer clinic since 1958)
    in Switzerland recently checked the records of the last 150 breast cancer
    patients treated in his clinic. He found that 147 of them (98%) had one or
    more root canal teeth on the same meridian as the original breast cancer
    tumor. His clinic has a biological dentist section where all cancer
    patients, on reporting in, have their mouth cleaned up first — especially
    all root canal teeth removed.
    There are about 24 million root canals done in the U.S. alone every year.
    They were proven deadly disease agents in 1925 in a study by Dr. Weston
    Price and 60 prominent researchers. That study has been suppressed ever
    since by the ADA and the American Association of Endodontists (AAE).
    Read the book “Root Canal Cover-Up” by George Meinig, DDS, FACD for the
    full story. Dr. Meinig was an endodontist for 50 years. He helped found the
    AAE in 1943. His book is a mea culpa (apology) to the thousands of patients
    whose health he ruined doing root canal fillings. He discovered the Weston
    Price research only after he retired in 1993.
    His book was published first in 1994 and he has lectured widely since then
    trying to alert people to this danger to their health.
    The Weston Price conclusions (i. e. that there is no safe way to do a root
    canal filling) track with my experience with counselling cancer patients
    for the last 8 years.
    What is interesting about this quote is that 100% of the breast cancer
    patients had root canals, or other infections, on the same acupuncture
    meridian. Since the microbes do not originate in the root canal, what this
    implies is that breast cancer cannot form without the assistance of the
    metals and microbes coming from the root canals.

    It is a major research effort of the Independent Cancer Research
    Foundation, Inc. to identify other types of cancer which may be caused by
    root canals.
    But root canals may also explain why so many cancer patients are able to
    cure their cancer with alternative cancer treatments, but the cancer comes
    back again and again. The next section will discuss this problem.

  9. I cannot believe there are people this evil out there that have all of the
    money in the world and will push it onto people to sell drugs and fight
    natural cures, just because it doesn’t make them more money. It is just
    insane that there are people that evil, making money off of the people who
    are suffering and dying, and they’re able to sleep at night. How is there a
    god on this earth that could allow such a thing, or is he made up by evil
    people too? 

  10. Episode 1 is wrong. The cause is not some lurking problem that will make
    that cancer recur even if you succeed in removing or killing every cancer
    cell in your body. The problem IS the cancer cells, but ONLY when they
    accidentally protect themselves from the normal functioning of the immune
    system with nagalase, Alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase.

    Specifically aneuploidy, having the wrong set of chromosomes IS the cause
    of cancer. That’s how non-mutagenic carcinogens can cause cancers. Every
    cancer has too many copies of some chromosomes and too few of others, some
    missing entirely. You are right that slash, burn, and poison do not work
    very well. You are right that often that leaves enough cancer cells and in
    particular cancer stem cells so that the cancer recurs.

    But read about the aneuploid theory of cancer. That’s true and Duesberg and
    Rasnick have shown that very clearly in their papers.and books. But what
    even they don’t understand is the key fact that all the cancers that
    oncologists encounter have inhibited the immune system from killing them as
    they actually do with almost all cancers we make. The ones they see have
    ALL accidentally elevated the blood level of nagalase. That prevents
    T-cells and B-cells from removing two specific sugars from the triple sugar
    on vitamin D binding protein, VDBP, turning it into GcMAF, the macrophage
    activating factor.

    Nobuto Yamamoto figured that out and made GcMAF in his lab. His small
    experiments with fifteen or sixteen patients were 100 percent successful,
    but they took thirty to fifty weeks to work, and all his patients were
    Japanese, young, otherwise healthy, and non-anemic. Immuno Biotech Ltd.
    also make GcMAF, but they add oleic acid which greatly improves the power
    of the process, so they see 25% reduction in tumor size in the first week
    of treatment. Just see the three top hits from Google Scholar when you ask
    about GcMAF oleic acid. The papers are freely available there.

    Ask DickKarpinski gmail for answers to any questions these remarks may

  11. I have just lost my 85 year old father to multiple cancers. It was a race
    against time for me to try to save him with natural foods etc. He was
    offered so many pills that we could have been taking one every 20 minutes.
    At no point were we given the help of a nutritionist! The nurse at the
    hospice felt there was more cancer today because of our increased exposure
    to radiation….the air is toxic. Our bodies have not been built for this
    assault on our cells. I am researching the herb ESSIAC which also has a
    blocking medical history. 

  12. As I’ve been saying since my TV investigative reporting days, and in my
    books, when you understand there’s no money in broccoli, then you
    understand why you have to be your own reporter and figure out the truth
    about food. There’s no corporation, lobby or association that makes
    broccoli. Drs. Barnard and McDougall have been singing from this same
    “doctors don’t get educated on nutrition” for decades. When I taught Dr.
    Barnard’s Cancer Project cooking classes for 6 years, results were typical.
    Weight loss, diabetes reversal, heart disease and hypertension gone, and
    cancer stopped.

    At a new student lunch at USC, I happened to sit next to the former exec.
    director of a cancer hospital in San Diego. He was all fired up about
    writing a book about his own hospital having no interest in curing cancer.
    He told me, if he wasn’t killed, he’d send me a link when the book came
    out. Never heard from him…

    Oh, btw, I’m the only female in my family without breast cancer. Mom, aunt
    and BOTH sisters. Plus most of my family of origin all had diabetes and
    heart disease. Throw in arthritis and osteoporosis as well. All while I’m
    7th in the US for my age group in the 1500 meters, 10th in the 400 meters,
    16th in the the 200 meters, 19th in the 100 meters. I have placed in 73 5K
    or longer races since ’06 “just” on plants. My sprint times are just a few
    seconds slower than NCAA college girls, and as a result, experts say I
    should not have ever finished a marathon. But I’ve done that twice, as
    recently as January.

    We were part of the original breast cancer gene studies with Myriad
    Genetics. We had hoped it might lead to a cure. You would think doctors and
    researchers would be lined up at my door to figure out what I’ve done
    differently to avoid the family scourge.

    Love the line about maybe “some investigative reporter will do this story.”
    Um…I worked in St. Louis, home of Monsanto. We couldn’t touch them. I sat
    next to Jane Akre, star of “The Corporation.” It’s all about her attempt
    and ultimate firing from a TV station when she tried to do that story.
    Toward the end of my career, broadcasting magazines extolled the death of
    consumer and investigative reporting at the local level because media
    outlets, increasingly beholden to the stockholder, were about reducing
    exposure to lawsuits.

    Great interviews. Wish I had the resources and production to put together
    some days from my life of cooking classes, lectures and athletic
    accomplishments I’ve been investing my time and money in since the 18.
    Ah…but no money in broccoli. 

    Guavas, Beans, WaterCress, Spinach, Onions, Carrots, Cabbage, Broccoli,

  14. I enjoyed episode 1 & have registered to view future episodes, but nothing
    has come through yet ?…would love to know when the’re available..thanks

  15. I ordered the hero package for my aggressive cancer and about half of the
    raw videos do not work online or via downloads. Is something wrong as noone
    is answering my ticket questions. Is there a site to ask questions like
    this or for updates..maybe this is the case with everyone–some of it plays
    and downloads and others do not 24 videos dont work

    please help as it was very hard for me to get the money for these with no
    one to help and no money and battling this on my own pretty much,..I want
    to be able to watch what I paid for and not waste my money..there were a
    few drs who I bought the videos to hear what they said and naturally these
    dont work I feel cheated and hope you and by these and get them working as
    I want the videos more than a refund.

  16. Ty i wonder at some point if you can put all the parts together for sale. I
    posted on my FB page and hopefully it will reach more people. I agree and
    am happy to join any movement forward, Thank You immensely, Marianne 

  17. This video offers HOPE that there are alternatives out there and many
    people who have succeeded to reduce their risk of cancer by making
    healthier lifestyle choices. I’m a survivor of cancer. I had a wonderful
    doctor who did not recommend the chemo radiation treatment following my
    surgery. My father went to another doctor who took a radical approach to
    cancer through surgeries and chemo/radiation treatments. I lived. He died
    at the age of 50 years young, after 3 yrs, eight surgeries, and
    chemo/radiation treatments. We do have choices. Do your own research.
    Pray. Rethink your choices. Surround yourself with good people who will
    pray with you and for you.

  18. Hopefully this hits the main stream media, sooner than later. I am a
    physician who has treated cancer completely eliminating the cancer (illegal
    to claim a cure) even many metastatic cancers. I learned how to do this in
    the US but had to do practice outside our country because if I did it here
    in the US, I wouldn’t have a license. This would be outside the scope of
    practice for a chiropractor/ clinical nutritionist and practicing
    acupuncture for 20 + years of experience of rapidly regenerating the body
    and killing the diseased cells for many with “incurable” diseases. It is
    true, the body can heal amazingly knowing how the energy in combination
    with customized natural medicine works together to regrow healthy cells in
    a healthy environment. The way it was meant to be. There are a lot of
    doctors in the US who cannot claim what they can do because they would be
    considered to be treating cancer which is against the state and federal
    laws. Only a MD can treat cancer. 

  19. I am a RN and almost everything in this program, so far ,is what I have
    been saying for years.I gave chemo in two different hospitals that I have
    worked in and I just couldn’t do it anymore.I called it the poison and
    ethically I had to stop administering it.I hope we all wake up to the fact
    that giving a cancer causing medicine to cure cancer is a little insane.

  20. Effects of Pernicious Drugs–every drug placed in the human stomach,
    whether by prescription of physicians or by man himself, doing violence to
    the human organism, injures the whole machinery. Every intemperate
    indulgence of lustful appetite is at war with natural instinct and the
    healthful condition of every nerve and muscle and organ of the wonderful
    human machinery through the Creator’s power possesses organic life. E. G.

    The Usual Course in the Free Use of Poisonous Drugs—A practice that is
    laying the foundation of a vast amount of disease and of even more serious
    evils, is the free use of poisonous drugs. When attacked by disease, many
    will not take the trouble to search out the cause of their illness. Their
    chief anxiety is to rid themselves of pain and inconvenience. So they
    resort to patent nostrums, of whose real properties they know little, or
    they apply to a physician for some remedy to counteract the result of their
    misdoing, but with no thought of making a change in their unhealthful
    habits. If immediate benefit is not realized another medicine is tried, and
    then another. Thus the evil continues.

    People need to be taught that DRUGS DO NOT CURE DISEASE PERIOD! It is true
    that they sometimes afford present relief, and the patient appears to
    recover as the result of their use; this is because nature has sufficient
    vital force to expel the poison and to correct the conditions that caused
    the disease. Health is recovered in spite of the drug. But in most cases
    the drug only changes the form and location of the disease. Often the
    effect of the poison seems to be overcome for a time, but the result
    remains in the system and work great harm at some later period.

    By the use of poisonous drugs, many bring upon themselves lifelong illness,
    and many lives are lost that might be saved by the use of natural methods
    of healing. The poisons contained in many so-called remedies create habits
    and appetites that mean ruin to both soul and body. Many of the popular
    nostrums called patent medicines, and even some of the drugs dispensed by
    physicians, act a part in living the foundation of the liquor habit, the
    opium habit, the morphine habit, that are so terrible a cures to society.

    The only hope of better things is in the education of the people in right
    principles. Let physicians teach the people that restorative power is not
    in drugs, but in nature, Disease is an effort of nature to free the system
    from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health. In case
    of sickness, the cause should be ascertained. Unhealthful conditions should
    be changed, wrong habits corrected. Then nature is to be assisted in her
    effort to expel impurities and to re-establish right conditions in the

    Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of
    water, trust in divine power—these are the true remedies. Every person
    should have a knowledge of nature’s remedial agencies and how to apply
    them. Ellen. G. White

  21. My mother died of “breast” cancer in 1990. Two years after she found a
    small lump in her breast. After she had her breasts cut off and had
    endured poisoning radiation & chemo. She went from a 60 something, healthy
    woman to looking like she was eighty something. Then lost her hair. The
    cancer just kept spreading. In the end the cancer spread into her liver.
    Never once did all the poisons or “surgeries” do ANYTHING to slow the
    cancer. With a 2 % success rate of “curing” cancer, it is astonishing that
    the medical industrial complex is able to get so many participants willing
    to sacrifice their savings, bodies and lives to their horrors.

  22. I have cancer and already have 40% doing what you are saying. But I can’t
    watch the whole video or money to buy it. Is there any way you can have
    another showing, maybe only 2 episodes a week so we can all absorb this in
    more time?

  23. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this documentary. My only hope
    is that people will finally stop to take the time and do some research
    about cancer……especially about the natural approach. The problem is
    that we have all been brainwashed, including the doctors. I vividly
    remember the day that my father was diagnosed with cancer. Prior to seeing
    the doctor, my sister, my father and I all agreed that if it was cancer, we
    wanted no parts of chemo. The doctor delivered the grim news. We sat and
    tried to absorb the shock. The doctor was so cold and callous. I guess
    because he did this everyday and it was just routine to him. We told the
    doctor about our decision and asked about a natural approach, and he
    laughed at us…..literally laughed at us……and dismissed us from his
    office by saying that if we even considered anything other than chemo, then
    it was time for us to leave his office and never return. Imagine that!!!!
    I wish I could tell you that my father continued to thrive and beat the
    cancer diagnosis; however, he did not. My father fell into a deep well of
    depression and basically gave up any hope because he was given none by the
    doctor other than the chemo. My heart aches every day when I think about
    my dad and the sadness that resonated through him because of that doctor.
    I believed then and I believe now that he would still be here today if he
    had just been given the chance. 

  24. This has needed to be addressed for a long time. I worked in a medical
    college for 29 years and what is said about medical school curriculums and
    how doctors are influenced to prescribe pharmaceuticals is true. 

  25. Dear Friends, Thanks for all the comments, I love reading them, and I am
    open to discussion, as I need to find answers to a cure ASAP. I was
    diagnosed in May 2012 with Breast/Lymphatic cancer (it’s now inflammatory
    breast disease), right after my husband died in March 2012 with stomach
    cancer at age 59. My daughters lost their dad 2 weeks after he was
    diagnosed. I had been fighting cancer naturally, but with little success.
    I started out doing the things in the book, “Killing Cancer, Not People”.
    I have been a massage therapist for 23 years, so I have always eaten
    healthy, but have had lots of stress in my life. I have done counseling
    and forgiveness therapy and in this 3 year journey, I have done black
    salve, budwig diet, Essiac tea, fermented soy, many supplements, High dose
    Vit C IV, Ozone, UVIV, Hocatt, and just recently 12 treatments of Low Dose
    Insulin Chemo, I have been drinking Kangen alkaline water for 2 years, I
    stay away from sugar and have been juicing greens daily for over a year now
    and still following the Gersen diet, none of these things have reduced the
    tumor, and I’ve found more lymph node involvement after the Chemo. I have
    spent over $60,000, went out of state to have some of these therapies and
    have missed over 2 months of work, now hurting financially. I am strong
    and I am still in the fight, trusting God more and more each day to lead
    me. I have A type blood, and read where most A blood types get breast
    cancer and it is hard to defeat in A type blood as we don’t process drugs
    like most people, so that might be why the low dose chemo isn’t helping. My
    blood was sent to Greece, and they extracted cancer cells from my blood,
    grew more cancer and tested it against the Chemo’s that they said would
    kill the cancer and tested supplements that would help. My chemo treatment
    was customized. The Dr that does IPT (Low Dose Chemo) is recommending I
    do Capsaicin green tea IV’s 24hours for 7-10day, says that will knock out
    the Enox 2 protein, which is produced by the tumor, which keeps the cancer
    growing. I will again have to go out of State and was told it cost
    $100,000, which is beyond my finances. Has anyone ever heard of this Enox
    2 protein? Also I was told that GfMAF, IV’s could help me too. Does
    anyone have information or experience with either of these? I only had an
    aspiration biopsy when I was first diagnosed, but was told that I need
    tissue removed and tested to find out exactly what kind of cancer and how
    to treat it. Is that really necessary? Hopefully this series by Ty will
    continue to shed new light in areas that I don’t know about and give me
    some answers for healing. I know we are all in this together, searching for
    answers and solutions. I have created/designed a Breast Cancer Awareness
    T-shirt for men and women that says, “Faith*Hope*Love, In this together”,
    with pink ribbons holding hands. If interested, Please take a look at it
    here; Thank you Ty for creating this channel of
    knowledge, hopefully we will all find our answers. God Bless everyone in
    the journey, Judy

  26. I am saddened and dismayed by this episode. Having been diagnosed with
    cancer 3 !/2 years ago, I did a GREAT DEAL of research and embarked on
    alternative treatments through weekly vitamin C infusions, vitamins.
    supplementals and herbs, extensive diet and nutrition, as well as an
    exercise regime. Unfortunately after three years, my cancer transformed to
    an aggressive form and I succumbed to receiving chemo. After listening to
    this episode,(because I have already had chemo) you have given me little
    hope and almost guaranteed me that I will have another cancer, and
    condemned me to die. I hope the remaining episodes offer more hope to
    those of us who have had chemo, I do not think I can watch. 


    Thank you for these videos! Have always had an interest in alternative
    medicines. And reading up on it you find some treatments that intrigue.
    Hemp Oil, 35% FG Hydrogen Peroxide, Ozone, Oxygen, Organic Sulphur, Oxalic
    acid. In fact just last week I found an inspiring story of Askrit Jawal
    – the boy genius from India. Today he would be about 21 years old. One
    answer he is confident of finding is a cure for cancer. It’s this claim
    that had brought him worldwide media attention at the time. You have to
    admire the young man for his tenacity and maybe one day he will find cures
    but I just thought I would share that will you all. I think if we will
    merge eastern medicine with western medicine we will be healthier and live

  28. Learn about CHEMTRAILS a/k/a POISONS, being sprayed > every < day on us by this despicable zionist occupied government. Just search chemtrails here on jewtube (like 100 % of the lying media, google fac(k)ebook etc - all run by jewscum) - and you will see how the government is making SURE we get cancer. Then tell EVERYONE about the jew-government aerosol slow-kill murder program. Time to attack these MF's and kill them all.....Like at least 10 million of these traitors who are simply the quintessence of pure evil.

  29. My son, Sean Pattison 45 diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in May 2014, now
    metastatic pancreatic cancer reaching the liver in June after being
    revealed with a CT scan with contrast. Following whipple surgery in May
    and chemo starting 6 wks after has lost 50+ lbs and still losing. He and
    his wife after watching your videos have decided nutrition and building the
    immune system are very important in fighting this battle. I and my younger
    son, Bruce are also convinced this may save or extend his life as well as
    our. Thankyou for the many hours spent compiling this life saving
    information from medical professionals andf cancer survivors!

  30. We have a mould called candida that is the mould that decomposes our bodies
    when we die. If we eat too much sugar and have an acid system we can
    develop cancer in our bodies. EDGAR CAYCE the sleeping prophet tells us
    to keep our system ALKALINE. Cancer and disease thrives in an ACID SYSTEM.

  31. No sugar folks! Sugar feeds the pathogenic bacteria that supports cancer!
    Stevia will sweeten and won’t hurt you. And no flour products!…pastries,
    cookies, crackers, pasta, white rice, etc…Get back to simple foods,
    straight off the vine. Eat lots of dark leafy veggies…with avocado,
    apple cider vinegar and Bragg’s Amino Acids (at health food stores across
    the country). And get your proteins!…wild-caught salmon, …soak your
    almonds and sunflower seeds for a blended dip,…yams and tahini dressing
    are good…fill up on nature’s bounty! Our bodies are self-healing
    mechanisms. Give Nature a chance!

  32. Ty Bollinger, you need to release episodes 3,4, 5, & 6 for us to
    watch…..this series is critical but it is very hard to set aside and hour a
    night to watch each episode. PLEASE make these available

  33. I had cancer and the chemo they were giving me did NOT reduce or stop the
    cancer growing. In fact the cancer kept on growing in 1cm. So being the
    Guinea pig and them not listening to me when telling them this is what I am
    feeling in my body. Because they think they know. I like this information
    I have listened too. It informs me on what is happening in my body. Doctors
    do not know what cancer is and how it spreads. Now for the good
    news…..Jesus is our greatest healer! Period.

  34. My grandfather died from colon cancer in summer 2006. It shaked our family
    and we were never the same any more. He was our base, our center…
    Although we knew it was because of his diet, we couldn’t do anything
    because we didn’t have knowledge how.
    What hurts me is that we COULD prevent it and what hurts me even more is
    that people that are sick refuse to believe in this and they are not even
    aware what damage their death will do to their families…

  35. I posted this earlier but since then it has been buried by comments. I have
    a Facebook page that features many of the contributors to this film. It’s a
    free resource in case this one goes private or is taken down. Check it out
    at I don’t sell anything; I’m just
    trying to gather resources to help people.

  36. Thank you! It was about time someone shines light into the subject. Thanks
    so much for having done the work. Thank you for your valuable contribution!
    You are much appreciated! 

  37. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication and research on
    cancer. My mom passed way Oct. 2nd 2014 after loosing her battle with NHL
    cancer. I was told by her Dr. that her cancer was incurable. That unlike
    other types of cancer Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma has no cure. My mom was 55
    years old. She tried juicing asparagus and drinking Essiac tea and it
    helped some but the cancer still won. I wish I could have found her a cure
    in time. Her cancer was caused from repeated 24D and Dioxin exposure. It
    was sprayed in her garden and she unknowingly ate the sprayed foods. Do you
    think that cancer caused from something like this could ever be cured? Or
    do you think it was a losing battle from the begining?

  38. Frederico Fernandes · Edit

    Episódio 1 de um documentário muito esclarecedor sobre o câncer, a
    indústria por trás dele, opções de tratamento etc. Vale a pena assistir. 


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