WTC7 in Freefall–No Longer Controversial

Visit where you will find over 1000 Architects & Engineers demanding a real investigation into the events of 9/11 and the demolition of 3 skys…

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  1. WTC 7 was 610 feet tall. But yeah, sloppy investigation by NIST. Doubt it
    was a controlled demo although. You don't pack explosive for a demo, then
    let them sit in a burning building for nearly 7 hours. You can compromise
    the entire operation. If they were going to pull it, they would've done it
    a LOT sooner than 5:20pm EST.

  2. @MazJax How can you pull out firefighters, when the firefighters had been
    out of the building already? Contextually, it does not fit either with the
    rest of Silverstein's sentence. This is really grasping for straws here.
    Moreover, "Pull it" is a standard phrase for bringing a building down.

  3. @andrewyaoauatauabaea He confessed he didn't do it: tinyurl dot com/2eac7gu
    So what are we to believe, hmmm? The phony fake OBL tapes, which have been
    proven to be productions of the IntelCenter or do we believe rogue elements
    of our government in collusion with transnational, corporate interests
    pulled it off? Did OBL cause Norad to Stand Down? Did OBL cause WTC7 to
    free-fall into its own footprint? No, of course not.

  4. @Danro05 Youtube is a big Light-sheding machine to the many people, who
    otherwise would not have the means upon which to build their opinion. Of
    course with every communicated fact the question remains to be answered by
    YOU: Does this sound plausible to me, or does this need further
    investigation? But it frees you from dependence of authorites !

  5. You've established free-fall and conclude the building was demolished by
    explosives. But controlled demolitions are produced by destroying the first
    floor supports of a building and letting gravity do the rest. All
    controlled demolitions fall as a function of gravitational energy and the
    resistance of the building itself. For WTC7 to free fall explosives would
    have had to have been placed on EVERY floor to reduce the resistance to
    zero. As the building falls we see the structure remains intact.

  6. Our government's report says WT7 collapsed in 6 seconds due to fire. People
    who buy this need to get their heads checked. 911 was just like Oklahoma
    City Bombing. Government sponsored terrorism to take away our rights.
    "Absolute power corrupts absolutely. "

  7. Some people are going with the seismic activity saying bld 7 took 18
    seconds to fall. I have watched many vids and have yet to eyewitness an 18
    second collapse, have you seen this?

  8. richarerich richards · Edit

    why does'nt this have 10 million views ? proves that the psyc aspect
    worked, Americans just can bring themselves to believe anything but the
    official story.

  9. This is science. And this is important. But why, why in gods name does this
    video only have a 100.000 views??? We are talking about an event that
    changed our modern world. War in Afghanistan, Iraq, USA Patriot Act,
    Military Comission Act, etc. are direct aftermaths of 9/11. If you take
    away 9/11, then for example patriot act would have never made it through.
    And I'm not US citizen, but I'm not stupid. So why do 9/11 vids against the
    official story only have so many views??? I don't get it!

  10. I don't like praying, especially in front of people. September 12th 2001 I
    stood out front of my highschool with hundreds of classmates, held hands
    and we prayed for the victims of 9-11. I'll be god-damned if I dont find
    the most honest explanation as to why thousands of fellow americans were
    carelessly murdered. It's our job as compassionate humans to find out the
    truth. And if any of us knew the truth we wouldn't be arguing about this
    incident 11 years after the fact. Lets get it together.

  11. This is funny it's doesn't mean ur not an American if u believe this video.
    The owner said go ahead and do the demo. When was it's set up for demo
    before 911 of course it was. Look into it this whole day was set up. Why
    didnt these planes go down by a fighter jet. When u know that any plane can
    be reached within 10 minutes to be shot down but none of these planes were
    shot down. Why???

  12. Height at the roof of each building. 1 WTC: 1,368 ft (417.0 m) 2 WTC: 1,362
    ft (415.0 m) 7 WTC: 610 ft (186.0 m) btw he was going by the height of the
    building indicated by the NIST report.

  13. @andrewyaoauatauabaea His family is just the seventh richest family in
    Saudia Arabia at over $7 billion
    middleeastinvestors*co*uk/richest_arabs*php…and he himself was a useful
    patsy… Get your facts straight bubba, before you spout off.

  14. @LindaSteve First of all your response is an egotistical and ignorant
    response to a tragedy that killed 343 of NYs Firefighters. Think about the
    psychological pressures these guys are under to keep their mouths shut.
    Threats and intimidation and fear for their families and loved ones, fear
    they may not get the needed medical help by speaking up. But certainly
    there have been some speaking truth such as Anton Vodvarka, LT FDNY
    retired, who is on the front page of firefightersfor911truth*org

  15. How does even the most bootlicking FedGov lover dispute that this was a
    freefall or near freefall? The entire building fails in the same spots
    across the entire length of the buildin, at the same exact time. The
    building almost looks like it's being pulled into a hole below the street,
    the drop is so smooth.

  16. It occurred to me that if some entrepreneur could build a decently sized
    air plane for less money than a professional demolition company could rig a
    building of a large size to implode. Well, you could demolish buildings for
    cheaper and reap the profits. Not only that but it would be a much faster
    process only depending on the planes needed to be built. Are there any
    savvy people out there who want to fund my start up?

  17. Cover-up….period… May the ones that are potentially involved in this
    mass murder burn in hell for eternity… My heart goes out to all those
    lives that were lost..My prayers are going out to thier families….

  18. @hornetgags You trolls are annoying, but must be dealt with. You are full
    of BS on this comment. I just read the AE911truth article you posted this
    from. No where does it say remote detonators or cutter charges do NOT
    exist. In fact, the article shows an example of one, and here is another:
    freepatentsonline*com/y2006/0266204*html They are talking about one
    specific device and not calling it a cutter charge. A far cry from your
    claim they don't exist. You trolls amaze me with your delusion.

  19. I don't understand what some of the ignorant people are talking here. Larry
    already stated clearly they pulled the building. U just need to poke a
    rusty trident in his aZZ and ask him when did they wired the devices.
    Immediately after the 2 tall collapsed or few weeks ago? sooo ignorant
    people die with crappy id-io-ts controlled america if you still doesn't
    open your iezz.. pathetic still don't believe then.

  20. Can anybody say, 'Checkmate?' David Chandler has maneuvered those who
    oppose 911 Truth — let's call them 911 Falsifiers — into a logical
    Checkmate. First NIST and the rest of the 911 Falsifiers denied free fall.
    Then they concede it occurred for 2.5 seconds. But lies always catch up
    with the liar. Conceding it for any time interval means all building
    columns were removed completely for the width and breadth of the building
    for the vertical distance of the free fall — eight floors. Checkmate

  21. twin towers were engineered to take plane impact FACT.skyScrapers are built
    to withstand fire FACT.What in the world are you assuming?That fires
    dropped a building straight down to the ground all that heat
    conductive,fireproofed steal and concrete gave way because of office
    fires?weres your brain?they dont engineer scyscrapers to collapse when
    theres a fire…FACT.and if theres a fire they dont collapse , thats why we
    have building regulations. ]

  22. @tryithere close but not there yet …..the new WTC 7 building that was
    completed in 2006 stands 741 feet tall…the original WTC that came down on
    September 11th was a 47 story building that stood 610 feet tall.

  23. With a CD they blow up the inner core first, that in response drags down
    the rest. So you see the top imploding just before the rest is dragged
    down. At free-fall in this case!

  24. And now I'm asking myself: Could it be that in view of the republican
    congress majority president Barak Obama ordered the "clean" killing OP,
    knowing he is ecaping the hype in the follow up and escaping the three
    fingers pointing at the government, when Osama was alive to be
    interrogated, since Bush pointed with one finger on Osama.

  25. thanks for the video man. if people dont see this it only means they arent
    looking – could you add 'proof' to the title? might help with hits! I'm
    curious have you ever had exercises with your students involving the same
    statistics of the collapse of WTC7? Have you ever discussed this topic with
    fellow teaches, if so did they think you were crazy? Again, thanks for the


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