In America Rebuilds, a PBS documentary, World Trade Center owner Larry Silverstein admits to giving the order to “pull” building seven. What is the significa…
Please watch ( 9/11 experts Speak Out and The Toronto Hearing 9/11) these people are architects and engineers that are speaking. One more video but different subject "Nullification is the Rightful Remedy" The 10th amendment….Read YOUR CONSTITUTION…..Every STATE is a SOVEREIGN state….SEPARATE from the FED. GOV…..
Criminals murderers evil satanic people Silverstein the Mossad caught filming before and after the collapse caught by NJ police and arrested and later released by the FBI .
Look at their Israeli TV interviews , claim they were just there to document the event . Then why the celebration after the buildings fell?
Your agents of the Israeli government and you celebrate the twin towers falling!
as air, when the force of resistance of the medium is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force of gravity.
3. Ah, I suppose the wings, tail, and the entire body of the plane must have "vaporized". This should be the only way a 124ft wide jet would fit into a 75ft wide hole.
4. According to the NY Times, all firefighters had exited the building by 11:30AM. So, how now should we define the word "pull"?
1. You did not tell our subscribers what Operation Northwoods was, as you appear to be avoiding the answer.
2. Terminal velocity has a great deal to do with the relevance of 9/11, as no damaged building on the planet would fall at that rate without a controlled demolition taking place. (By the way, terminal velocity is "the velocity at which a falling body moves through a medium, as air, when the force of resistance of the medium… (cont.)
By the way, my sincerest apologies for the strawman question… I should not have done that. I was in the moment when I typed my rebuttal, and I was not thinking clearly. Debates always get my pulse going 🙂
And I do note the typo on question 2. It should have been, "…there is no such thing as free fall speed, you…"
3. I must admit, I don't think we were speaking of the same hole in the Pentagon, but going on that thought, how wide is a Boeing 757? (Hint: check for the answer)
4. While "pull it" may not be an industry term (as Mr. Silverstein was most certainly not a demolitions expert), to what was he referring?
I eagerly await your answers.
Well, hey hey… there's no need for name calling. I'm just trying to debate the facts.
However, we can use this a a teachable moment, since we're on the topic.
If you will enlighten the class:
1. What was Operation Northwoods?
2. While it is true that there is no such thing as "free fall" is not a speed, you are correct. There is such a thing as "terminal velocity". So, how long would it take to reach terminal velocity, and how long did it take the towers to fall?
No no… I am so sorry for trying to think with my little moron 9/11 truther brain. So, can you explain away the false flag operations by the CIA and other military entities (Operation Northwoods, Gladio, Ajax, etc.), how WTC 7 fell at "free fall" speeds, how the Pentagon only sustained an 8 meter wide whole rather than a 38 meter wide whole required for a "jumbo jet", etc. I truly am sorry… I do believe that the definition of the word "pull" has truly debunked 911 truth. Good job.
"The red/gray chips found in the WTC dust at four sites in New York City are consistent with a carbon steel coated with an epoxy resin that contains primarily iron oxide and kaolin clay pigments."
"There is no evidence of individual elemental aluminum particles of any size in the red/gray chips, therefore the red layer of the red/gray chips is not thermite or nanothermite."
"We have never, ever heard the term "pull it" being used to refer to the explosive demolition of a building, and neither has any blast team we've spoken with. The term is used in conventional demolition circles to describe the specific activity of attaching long cables to a pre-weakened building and maneuvering heavy equipment (excavators, bulldozers, etc.) to "pull" the frame of the structure over onto its side for further dismantlement."
what about the first responders, the people who helped search through the rubble, many of them got cancer and what does your government do, they offer financial support for healthcare over ten years after the incident, and all these people had to do was pass a terrorist check. the government has their own interests, and you’re not in the picture, when did patriotism turn into being willfully ignorant and so obedient to state. the true patriot rejects government abuse.
I don't care what Larry says,,,,the fact that Building 7 fell in less than 7 seconds,,,,total free fall,,,,confirms it was a controlled implosion.
The fact that Nano Thermite was found in the dust confirms that these were taken down with demolition. Larry's statement just adds fire to these arguments,,,,but it is the other facts which confirm them IMO.
– I was talking about 9/11 – you are the one that wants to talk about Obama's penis. Seems like you must not be able to keep it our of your mind. You are displaying the intelligence level one needs to be at to be a "truther". Well done you are winning the argument for me.
-"eey wanker" – just go and get an education, you are barely literate and can not even form a coherent sentence. Do you honestly expect a response to such illiterate nonsense?
Pull it is also a term used to evacuate all safety, fire and rescue people. Before he said pull it, he made the statement “So many lives had already been lost they gave the order to ‘pull it”’ and that is referring to pulling emergency personal battling the fires to pull out after it was evacuated. Do better research. This had nothing to do with demolition. Suspicious that it imploded, but they are designed to do just that in a failure anywhere on the building in skyrise design.
You are a simple shiller without a doubt. No one that has seen the video could deny that Larry Silverstein clealy stated they would PULL building #7. Only a fool would state it otherwise.
If your are only a fool, a simpleton, then we will pat you on the head and send you out ot play. You clearly do not have the capacity to understand. I would suggest you go back to watching the Simpsons or reality TV, the cartoons, or whatever you doing before you stopped here.
– He didn't say B7 was pulled. This is another example of you taking what he actually said and changing it to suit your conspiracy. You were even willing to totally misquote him in order to make his statement fit your view of events. The "issue" is what he said and that you keep trying to change what he said. No one has ever referred to a controlled demolition as "pulling" a building and he was clearly referring to pulling the firefighters out of the building. A common term.
You argue about the arguement. Dont confuse the issue. Larry Silverstein clearly stated that building seven was pulled, Controlled demolition is PULLING the building down. Nothing else was inferred in the statement. Bldg seven was controlled demolition at 5 pm on the samday. There hadnt been time to set the necessary charges for controlled demo. on 9 /11. Which means they already had planned to demolish bild #7 before sept 11. Preplanned by Silverstein & Dick.
– Well that was not the quote you tried to get past me in your last post. You said "They made the decision to PULL the building" that was a lie and a perfect example of trying to distort the truth to fit a conspiracy theory. You have no evidence and so you have to keep lying about the actual facts to build a case. It is not working.
Oh we know what he said alright. Larry Silverstien: "Then they made the decision to Pull it", quote unquote. Larry Silverstien was in on it from the beginning. Money talks , and these greee bastards new exactly what they were planning before the towers were destroyed by controlled demolition. They new that hundreds or thousands might die and others injured for life. Did that bother DicK Chaney or Larry, Hell no.
Thats the lamest excuse Ive heard yet. Larry Siverstien gained billions in insurance fraud money after collecting on his investment at the WTC buildings. Larry clearly stated on video, "They made the decision to PULL the building" Demolition by well placed thermite and explosives. 3000 people died because of his greed, and the greed of Dick Chaney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz.
The title on this video needs to be changed. WTC owner is incorrect. Larry Silverstein part of a joint venture with SPG Funds (Silverstein Properties Group). We do not know his exact percentage of ownership interests in the WTC Complex but my very educated guess is that the redhead we can see from the back on my featured vid has the largest ownership position. I was defrauded of SPG Funds I &II and the owner of those Funds gave me a special power of attorney to stop him from his manipulations.HR
- Yes because he said PULL them. Thanks for backing up the facts. What the hell do you want be the way? I was talking about the term PULL! Got a comment on that leave it, if not leave your tin foil hat on and keep your crap to yourself.
"pull it" does not mean withdraw the fire fighters you dumb shit. It is what you do with your pud, and demolition guys do when the implode buildings.
Kevin Spacey's voice?
Then the building was already rigged with explosives then you friggin sick lying scum. Why isn't this freak behind bars right now?
Please watch ( 9/11 experts Speak Out and The Toronto Hearing 9/11) these people are architects and engineers that are speaking. One more video but different subject "Nullification is the Rightful Remedy" The 10th amendment….Read YOUR CONSTITUTION…..Every STATE is a SOVEREIGN state….SEPARATE from the FED. GOV…..
Criminals murderers evil satanic people Silverstein the Mossad caught filming before and after the collapse caught by NJ police and arrested and later released by the FBI .
Look at their Israeli TV interviews , claim they were just there to document the event . Then why the celebration after the buildings fell?
Your agents of the Israeli government and you celebrate the twin towers falling!
You're not even mildly brilliant:
4.5 billion one the Trade centers
Larry, how much did you make from 911?
Alright, what is the sense behind this? "Oh look two towers collapsing with 3000 deaths, lets take advantage of this and pull the third down… "WTF?!!
Let me ask you another question… what is it about 9/11 Truth that scares you so much? Does it really threaten your worldview that much?
I give you the floor.
as air, when the force of resistance of the medium is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force of gravity.
3. Ah, I suppose the wings, tail, and the entire body of the plane must have "vaporized". This should be the only way a 124ft wide jet would fit into a 75ft wide hole.
4. According to the NY Times, all firefighters had exited the building by 11:30AM. So, how now should we define the word "pull"?
I'm sorry, but you did not answer my questions.
1. You did not tell our subscribers what Operation Northwoods was, as you appear to be avoiding the answer.
2. Terminal velocity has a great deal to do with the relevance of 9/11, as no damaged building on the planet would fall at that rate without a controlled demolition taking place. (By the way, terminal velocity is "the velocity at which a falling body moves through a medium, as air, when the force of resistance of the medium… (cont.)
1) Again, an operation that NEVER HAPPENED.
2) Terminal velocity has nothing to do with 911 or building collapses. I don't think you even know what it means.
3) I'll refer you to the structural analysis of the Pentagon by the American Society of Civil Engineers.
4) He CLEARLY said he meant to pull all firefighters from the building.
Any more STRAWMAN arguments you need DEBUNKED!
By the way, my sincerest apologies for the strawman question… I should not have done that. I was in the moment when I typed my rebuttal, and I was not thinking clearly. Debates always get my pulse going 🙂
And I do note the typo on question 2. It should have been, "…there is no such thing as free fall speed, you…"
3. I must admit, I don't think we were speaking of the same hole in the Pentagon, but going on that thought, how wide is a Boeing 757? (Hint: check for the answer)
4. While "pull it" may not be an industry term (as Mr. Silverstein was most certainly not a demolitions expert), to what was he referring?
I eagerly await your answers.
Well, hey hey… there's no need for name calling. I'm just trying to debate the facts.
However, we can use this a a teachable moment, since we're on the topic.
If you will enlighten the class:
1. What was Operation Northwoods?
2. While it is true that there is no such thing as "free fall" is not a speed, you are correct. There is such a thing as "terminal velocity". So, how long would it take to reach terminal velocity, and how long did it take the towers to fall?
Easy, Gladio and Ajax are NOT false flags and Operation Northwoods NEVER HAPPENED.
Free fall isn't a "speed" Mr. Science, and absolutely no building collapsed at free fall on 911.
The whole in the Pentagon was 75 feet moron.
"Pull it" isn't even a demolition term.
Anymore STRAWMAN questions?
No no… I am so sorry for trying to think with my little moron 9/11 truther brain. So, can you explain away the false flag operations by the CIA and other military entities (Operation Northwoods, Gladio, Ajax, etc.), how WTC 7 fell at "free fall" speeds, how the Pentagon only sustained an 8 meter wide whole rather than a 38 meter wide whole required for a "jumbo jet", etc. I truly am sorry… I do believe that the definition of the word "pull" has truly debunked 911 truth. Good job.
Dr. James Millette of MVA Scientific Consultants
WTC Dust Study
"The red/gray chips found in the WTC dust at four sites in New York City are consistent with a carbon steel coated with an epoxy resin that contains primarily iron oxide and kaolin clay pigments."
"There is no evidence of individual elemental aluminum particles of any size in the red/gray chips, therefore the red layer of the red/gray chips is not thermite or nanothermite."
"We have never, ever heard the term "pull it" being used to refer to the explosive demolition of a building, and neither has any blast team we've spoken with. The term is used in conventional demolition circles to describe the specific activity of attaching long cables to a pre-weakened building and maneuvering heavy equipment (excavators, bulldozers, etc.) to "pull" the frame of the structure over onto its side for further dismantlement."
It doesn't take weeks to blow up a building.
what about the first responders, the people who helped search through the rubble, many of them got cancer and what does your government do, they offer financial support for healthcare over ten years after the incident, and all these people had to do was pass a terrorist check. the government has their own interests, and you’re not in the picture, when did patriotism turn into being willfully ignorant and so obedient to state. the true patriot rejects government abuse.
I don't care what Larry says,,,,the fact that Building 7 fell in less than 7 seconds,,,,total free fall,,,,confirms it was a controlled implosion.
The fact that Nano Thermite was found in the dust confirms that these were taken down with demolition. Larry's statement just adds fire to these arguments,,,,but it is the other facts which confirm them IMO.
– I was talking about 9/11 – you are the one that wants to talk about Obama's penis. Seems like you must not be able to keep it our of your mind. You are displaying the intelligence level one needs to be at to be a "truther". Well done you are winning the argument for me.
ey gaylord…. suck obama his black cock dirty fag
-"eey wanker" – just go and get an education, you are barely literate and can not even form a coherent sentence. Do you honestly expect a response to such illiterate nonsense?
Pull it is also a term used to evacuate all safety, fire and rescue people. Before he said pull it, he made the statement “So many lives had already been lost they gave the order to ‘pull it”’ and that is referring to pulling emergency personal battling the fires to pull out after it was evacuated. Do better research. This had nothing to do with demolition. Suspicious that it imploded, but they are designed to do just that in a failure anywhere on the building in skyrise design.
eey wanker you are a crazy you dont see the building fall in 6 seconds? wake up this is a world order
You are a simple shiller without a doubt. No one that has seen the video could deny that Larry Silverstein clealy stated they would PULL building #7. Only a fool would state it otherwise.
If your are only a fool, a simpleton, then we will pat you on the head and send you out ot play. You clearly do not have the capacity to understand. I would suggest you go back to watching the Simpsons or reality TV, the cartoons, or whatever you doing before you stopped here.
– He didn't say B7 was pulled. This is another example of you taking what he actually said and changing it to suit your conspiracy. You were even willing to totally misquote him in order to make his statement fit your view of events. The "issue" is what he said and that you keep trying to change what he said. No one has ever referred to a controlled demolition as "pulling" a building and he was clearly referring to pulling the firefighters out of the building. A common term.
You argue about the arguement. Dont confuse the issue. Larry Silverstein clearly stated that building seven was pulled, Controlled demolition is PULLING the building down. Nothing else was inferred in the statement. Bldg seven was controlled demolition at 5 pm on the samday. There hadnt been time to set the necessary charges for controlled demo. on 9 /11. Which means they already had planned to demolish bild #7 before sept 11. Preplanned by Silverstein & Dick.
– Well that was not the quote you tried to get past me in your last post. You said "They made the decision to PULL the building" that was a lie and a perfect example of trying to distort the truth to fit a conspiracy theory. You have no evidence and so you have to keep lying about the actual facts to build a case. It is not working.
Oh we know what he said alright. Larry Silverstien: "Then they made the decision to Pull it", quote unquote. Larry Silverstien was in on it from the beginning. Money talks , and these greee bastards new exactly what they were planning before the towers were destroyed by controlled demolition. They new that hundreds or thousands might die and others injured for life. Did that bother DicK Chaney or Larry, Hell no.
– /watch?v=7WYdAJQV100
Listen to what he says. Next time learn what you are talking about before using quotation marks. Otherwise you look like a fool.
"They made the decision to PULL the building" does he say that? No he doesn't. Then you just make up some nonsense about thermite.
So your starting point is totally wrong and your end point is frankly stupid.
Thats the lamest excuse Ive heard yet. Larry Siverstien gained billions in insurance fraud money after collecting on his investment at the WTC buildings. Larry clearly stated on video, "They made the decision to PULL the building" Demolition by well placed thermite and explosives. 3000 people died because of his greed, and the greed of Dick Chaney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz.
who does he think hes fooling lol what a twat
The title on this video needs to be changed. WTC owner is incorrect. Larry Silverstein part of a joint venture with SPG Funds (Silverstein Properties Group). We do not know his exact percentage of ownership interests in the WTC Complex but my very educated guess is that the redhead we can see from the back on my featured vid has the largest ownership position. I was defrauded of SPG Funds I &II and the owner of those Funds gave me a special power of attorney to stop him from his manipulations.HR
- Yes because he said PULL them. Thanks for backing up the facts. What the hell do you want be the way? I was talking about the term PULL! Got a comment on that leave it, if not leave your tin foil hat on and keep your crap to yourself.
– "learn to read" do you really think I can't or is this just more proof that the "truthers " start at 9 up.
learn to read, it said no fire fighters were in "WTC7". No one died in WTC7.
– Really – wow then you must be right. All those dead firefighters on 9/11 were sent to Narnia then.