WTC Building 7 coverage LIVE on WB11 News

Truly rare 9/11 TV archive. WTC7 collapse barely missed. Dust plume rises.

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  1. 12:30..interview done by greenscreen, the construction guy they are
    interviewing is an actor, they actually laugh at 13:30 when he said he was
    runninbg for his life????? Are you kidding me? , This is fake. He says he
    worked for IBM = agent. They want you to give blood as part of the
    ritual…this is like watching a horror movie.

  2. That smoke that looks like is coming from #7 is actually cars on fire on
    that side of the building. Notice they never showed a camera view of where
    that smoke was coming from. They always showed that angle @ 0:30, that
    makes it look like #7 is under heavy fire. Deception to use as ‘proof’ that
    #7 was under heavy fires, they knew the story to be made beforehand. The
    lady co anchor does not look human, she wears her hair to cover one eye,
    much like Lady GooGoo does to show her worship.


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