WTC Building 7 Bombs explosion in High Quality

This building is not even hit by the airplane, but went down. Investigation report commission says this is due to fire in the building. However, this video c…

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  1. SkylineToTheSeaAndMe · Edit

    Look at the upper/top left corner (roof) of the building from 0:03 to 0:06 and you can see white smoke which resulted from the charge detonated to blow the penthouse (or maybe the major internal support columns on that side).

  2. At exactly 0:04 into the video, you can literally ***SEE***, extremely clearly, without a doubt, the actual f*cking ***BOMBS*** going off inside the building before it comes down in a ***CONTROLLED DEMOLITION*** , at precisely "0:04" seconds into the video.

  3. god save our country. damn the treasonous cowards that committed these horrific acts, then covered it up. i pray for 9/11 justice and truth. we are being lied too. this is scary.

  4. So, maybe your fake ass would like to answer a question? Dumb ass? What part of the psysics don't you agree with? Why do they fireproof the steel trusses of steel framed high rises? You dummy. LOL Oh yea,and how did building 7 catch fire to begin with?

  5. Wrong you shit stain. This is only half of the collapse video. You dumb ass. Watch the entire collapse video. Building 7 s collapse was no surprise to anyone,dummy. The entire world watched it burn for 7 hrs on live TV. You dummy. LOL

  6. at 0:05 look at the former location of the collapsed mechanical east pent house (if you know where), a huge amount of whitish smoke ejects there as the building collapses…

  7. Proof positive that there is something that goes down faster then Thia hookers.
    Even before Kennedy was killed America was lost. America is just a name on a piece of land now. It is controlled by foreign power barons and spies. You are no better then bitches to a pimp to these people. They own and control you! Live with it. Remember to squat to pee, or do something about it and stop whinning Bring these criminals to justice. Oh yeah they got that locked up too. Too bad. You loose again!.

  8. whty cant some one play this to obama and ask him how in the laws of physics can this become a genuine building collapsing without explosives.

    This building falling how it did is like for instance a human swimming air or walking on a cloud.

    Basicly to put it in a more blunt way , this is fucking bullshit and cannot happen

  9. I don't think Al Qaeda behind this….they don't have such equipment or knowledge. Only special trained agent such as Mosad; KGB or CIA who able to do this…


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