What the heck is – H.A.R.R.P.? – http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/

http://socioecohistory.wordpress.com/2011/03/24/european-parliament-issues-warnings-on-haarp/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Frequency_Active_Auroral_Rese…

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  1. The length of a contrail is determined by how moist the air is. If the air
    is very moist the contrail will form immediately behind the plane and the
    contrail may be persistant and even evolve into a cirrus cloud. “Con trails
    only form at a certain altitude by the way… that’s above the clouds not
    in them..!!” No they don’t form only at a certain altitude! They form at a
    certain temperature (less than -40ºC which is usually above 26,000′). But
    there are exceptions, read your link!

  2. Okay we are now going back to your erroneous understanding of radio
    frequencies. The HARRP experiment is being conducted in the HF Band which
    goes from 2-30 MHZ and has a wavelength of 10-100 meters. Nexrad Radar
    operates in a radar frequency known as S-Band which is in the 1.55 to 5.2
    GHz frequency range and has a wavelength of 10 cm. Please get your
    information straight!

  3. Unless your exposing more NASA bullshit..!! Heres MY VIDEO of CHEMTRAILS
    … taken by my.. I remember contrails from when I was 6-7 onwards.. and I
    had never ever seen one last more than a few minutes.. Notice the misty
    milky blue skies and how long they all last. That is until the form a
    complete sky cover. /watch?v=MMzFmnYtR00 – .Cornwall. redrik11. (Notice in
    the first part the 2 or more very strangely mixed types of cloud..)

  4. Right! Read your link completely. Exceptions occur in cold climates such as
    Canada and Alaska, you may also see this in northern tier states in winter.
    Cold weather doesn’t just happen at ground level… I’m still thinking you
    flunked science… Didn’t you?

  5. /watch?v=RNyNEnfN9L0 – 2/27/2013 — US Navy Labs create Plasma Spheres
    (rings) using HAARP “Ironic indeed that the frequency they used from HAARP
    matches the capability of NEXRAD RADAR.. as they are creating this plasma
    in the atmosphere using 0-4MHz.. (nexrad pulses between 0 to 12.4MHz
    putting the HAARP frequency and RADAR frequency on overlapping spectrums)”

  6. Dude you are waaaaay out there… VLF (3 kHz to 30 kHz) has a wavelength of
    10 to 100 kilometres, HF (3-30 MHz) has a wavelength of ten to one hundred
    metres, while a Microwave (300 MHz- 300 GHz) has a wavelength of only one
    meter to as short as one millimeter… Have you got any videos on
    contrails… Oops I mean Chemtrails? ROFLMAO…

  7. Yer thats the bullshit cover up because “It ain’t happening” there is a
    cover up.. or playing down and denial about GEO Engineering.. but slowly
    governments are having to admit ” we have been experimenting with GEO
    engineering.. See the Alex Jones Video part 1 part 2.. linked to earlier.

  8. “These long-lived contrails will usually grow wider and fuzzier as time
    passes.””Sometimes contrails will actually take on the characteristics of a
    natural cirrus cloud and no longer look like contrails after only a half
    hour or so. Persistent contrails can exist long after the airplane that
    made them has left the area. They can last for a few minutes or longer than
    a day.”

  9. Did you flunk the reading portion of your GED Test too? ht tp : // rif . or
    g / Let me call your attention to some specific phrases in the page you
    linked: “Under the right conditions, clouds initiated by passing aircraft
    can spread with time to cover the whole sky.””usually
    above””about””Exceptions occur in places like Alaska and Canada, where such
    very cold air can sometimes be at or near ground level.””Persistent
    contrails form immediately behind the airplane in very moist air.”

  10. /watch?v=MMzFmnYtR00 … here they are my friend… try to make up your own
    mind. 🙂 Next time it’s sunny.. It will be a milky blue color sky.. or
    fluffy clouds… and 30-40 mile long narrow clouds.. that seem to melt away
    to form… a milky blue all over cover to the sky.. Happy to wake you. Con
    trails only form at a certain altitude by the way… that’s above the
    clouds not in them..!!

  11. Yer… only they never did when I grow up.. maybe I have a few years on
    you.. and can tell you “That’s Bullshit” throughout my lifetime.. it’s
    never happened where you get starts.. 30-40 miles later off.. then planes
    returning to where they started to spray again.. Ask anyone of age… how
    long would you say those trails that get left behind a plane last.. ? If
    they know nothing about Chemtrails.. they will say 3-5 minutes.. if they
    know chemtrails… all day.!

  12. ht tp : / / science-edu. larc. nasa. gov /SCOOL/contrails.html – Contrails
    are human-induced clouds that only form at very high altitudes (usually
    above 8 km – about 26,000 ft) where the air is extremely cold (less than
    -40°C). Because of this contrails form not when an airplane is taking off
    or landing, but while it is at cruise altitude.

  13. “I remember contrails from when I was 6-7 onwards..” That may have
    something to do with the evolution of the jet aircraft fleet and the
    engines used. When you were 6-7 years old there were a large number of
    “Turbojet” engines in use while the fleet today is predominantly “Turbofan”
    engines which develop higher thrust with better fuel efficiency.

  14. Are you telling me you learnt this shit in university.. and still you know
    nothing.. “what a waste.. what a waste” /watch?v=fCohucT7FmQ = Chemtrails
    connected to UN 2013 Report? ‘Earth is in the midst of a Mass Extinction of
    Life’ /watch?v=PBEO0PgA1mY = Global Chemtrail Secrets Revealed 1/2
    /watch?v=LgR5NtgoTmg = Global Chemtrail Secrets Revealed 2/2

  15. Did you like MY video of the non existent Chemtrails.. I even changed the
    music so you could learn..Chemtrails are real.! “No they don’t form only at
    a certain altitude!” I guess NASA was wrong..lol.. I’m sure it read..-
    Contrails are human-induced clouds that only form at very high altitudes
    (usually above 8 km – about 26,000 ft) where the air is extremely cold
    (less than -40°C). Because of this contrails form not when an airplane is
    taking off or landing, but while it is at cruise altitude. 

  16. Yea funny thing about the Dew Point and Exhaust Gas Temperature of a jet
    engine at altitude… Soooo did you pass the science section of your GED

  17. “You know how there’s high pressure zones and low pressure zones. High is
    hot, and low is cold. Hot flows into the cold.” You might want to
    reevaluate this claim, as in, you’re totally full of shit. Maybe it was a
    simple mistake, but I suspect you really don’t have a clue what you’re
    fucking talking about anyway. Cheers!

  18. In this video you can see the engines that are causing Chemtrails… only
    they are not engine exhausts they are spray attachments
    /watch?v=fCohucT7FmQ – Chemtrails connected to UN 2013 Report? ‘Earth is in
    the midst of a Mass Extinction of Life’ /watch?v=rQl4QZZGEPw – Chem trails
    Over Cornwall UK 2011 .

  19. “However, because they form at high altitudes where the winds are usually
    very strong, they will often move away from the area where they were born.
    When we look up into the sky, we may see old persistent contrails that
    formed somewhere else but moved overhead because of the wind.” Sometimes
    reading more than the sentence or, two that you believe proves your point,
    will make your point invalid.


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