The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup Revealed. By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white…
We need a new law.. Yes another one.. One that is not aimed at limiting the
people but making them feel good about the natural occurrence of contrails..
Like those that wish to disregard our privacy, I say if you have nothing to
hide, this would be no problem..
Now on to my proposal. ANY jet capable of leaving what looks like a
chemtrail, contrail or "persistent contrail" MUST leave all flight records
and reason for flying in these locations spanning at least a year.
ALL jets would have a unique ID, no jets (including military tools/chumps)
would be able to travel without this being available to the PUBLIC EYE.
(obviously super secret missions aside) <— few and far not capable of
supporting the program. Flightradar can kiss my ass… As if a jet cannot
fly without being detected here.
We would find it MUCH more difficult to apply these restrictions to those
that think they own us and really REALLY want to own our children's minds.
Still if WE could get this through (or make our own system where we could)
It would no doubt prove something is not right and as some already know
only serve to hinder the current plans and countless years/energy
developing this.
If I or someone like me had an army the illuminazis wouldn't stand a
chance. I say truth and justice. Not lies and electronic (or any) control.
My biggest question with regards to "chemtrails" has always been "Why don't
they just spray them at night or early morning while we're all asleep?"
Due to this question not being addressed, I am left to assume that it is a
PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION rather than a physical operation.
I've seen them in real life (not video), and as strange as they look, I
have still not cited evidence which proves them to contain "intentionally
distributed chemicals".
plan 1:
Take a airplane you checked , go up, see if it makes trails.
Does it make trails, do the trails presist= Chemtrails is most likely bull
Plan 2:
Try track/follow a spotted "chemtrail plane", by plane, radar, any
methods. See where it lands, take detailed photos as evidence and track it.
When on the ground, find out more. Show us evidence.
Plan 2:
Since these are 200 tonnes flying objects with illegal content, it should
be very easy to take them on catch them in the act.
Take a high res camera, document it and take samples. Physical evidence.
As this is still to bee proven, I call bull untill physical evidence is
shown on several occasions( since this is going on all the time right,
should not be hard to find 1 on each airport)
Plan 3. The idea is bullshit until these quite simple evidence is laying in
front of us, a busted plane win a aerosol system inside of it.
I know this is off topic to an extent, but if you are aware of the NWO
agenda it will interest you.
LATEST – 'The US Supreme Court upheld biotech giant Monsanto’s claims on
genetically-engineered seed patents and the company’s ability to sue
farmers whose fields are inadvertently contaminated with Monsanto
'The high court left intact Monday a federal appeals court decision that
threw out a 2011 lawsuit from the Organic Seed Growers and Trade
Association and over 80 other plaintiffs against Monsanto that sought to
challenge the agrochemical company’s aggressive claims on patents of
genetically-modified seeds. The suit also aimed to curb Monsanto from suing
anyone whose field is contaminated by such seeds'.
This is part of the globalist takeover. There is a war on and only some
people are actually aware of it.
I am going to see if i can rent some time at one of our local theaters and
see if we can schedule a day to have this movie played to see if we can get
the word out that way.
Wow a documentary on bullshit. Not uncommon, plenty of idiots out there to
fund this. Its not rejecting anything, there are 0 scientific papers on
chemtrails. Why? Because the pseudoscientist are to afraid to actually put
there claims up for other scientist to review and investigate. Most likely
because it wont stand up to scrutiny. There are no facts to even support
chemtrails, for the last decade since the whole thing started its been
nothing but misleading claims and in some cases completely fabricated
evidence to push there paranoid agenda. Learn to discern actual science
from pseudoscience. These assholes are good at cleverly disguising what
they do as real science but when actual scientist in the field look at this
its almost laughable. Every one of my college peers agree that the claims
regarding chemtrails are just bogus, supported by nothing. Its a movement
fueled by impulse and emotion by people who love jumping on these
conspiracy band wagons because they are bubbling with controversy and it
makes them feel like part of something bigger or they have access to
knowledge that most people dont. Its almost like a superiority complex.
If this is to combat global warming, and it's killing the trees, then it is
not successfully combating global warming.
Utter bullshit.
This makes me angry, but they want me to be angry, don't they?
I live in the Willamette valley Oregon and have been watching chemtrails
for years now.This has turned into an absolute nightmare, crisscrossing
planes flying patterns that are way off course. Every hot sunny day starts
off clear and blue but within hours the sky gets covered by these thin
chemtrails. You cannot with common sense look up in the sky and not see
thatsomething is wrong.Sometimes you can have two jets flying at the same
level and flightpath one has a comtrail that disappears and the other
leaves a trail across the whole sky.People are to busy with everyday
garbage to even think for one minute about the facts falling down on them
dusting their yards and poisoning their kids.Today is May 22nd here in the
Willamette valley Oregon the planes are out in full force.I refuse to let
this issue go I will inform everyone I can to look up and just think about
how the skys used to look 15 years ago.
A new, true scandal that is killing all of us….slowly. Do you wonder why
the incidents of all Cancers around the globe are growing not shrinking as
you might think. Demand answers from your political representatives.
They don't even give Easter Sunday a rest. The sky was totally crisscrossed
with trails the other day!! You would think they would take a day off once
in a while, ha not a chance.
weather modification convention of 1978 in Geneva. look it up. this
technology has been around for years. all the deniers simply have their
heads up their asses.
I've spent well over 1,000 hours standing behind a running c-130, inhaling
the exhaust and sweating my balls off while deployed to Iraq. I'm healthy
as a horse. So, I think I can debunk this bologna as false based on
personal experience.
To all skeptics… You know that we cannot trust the government. They have
destroyed the constitution. The food industry is horrible. And they invade
our privacy all without our consent what more are they liable to do without
telling us?
Chem trails, bro! The Jews and Delta Airlines are scheming to poison the
world and lower the population to 100,00 under one government and one world
religion. Just look it up on YouTube, that's all the proof you need.
Starbucks is putting cesium in their coffee too, fuckin corporations!
This is why you should've voted for Ron Paul! You sheeple can go ahead and
keep believing in "condensation" and "science", I go outside and I SEE CHEM
Go to the airports. Find the planes. Find the people who operate those
planes. Place guns and swords to their necks and children. Find their
bosses. Kill them all. Smoke a bowl fuck out of control.
All of this is based on the lie of global warming..
A massive ££$$ industry was created as the human co2 lie grow as they
Money, money and more money is why..
Thank you for your courage and compassion, Kristen Meghan and all of you
whistle blowers. God can protect you from all things even toxins. If the
three Hebrew children survived the fiery furnace they were thrown into, we
can also survive the poisons we're been given. The question is " Got
JESUS?". Satan will soon come to Earth pretending to be Jesus. Your brain
is being poisoned so that you're complacent and willing to accept anything.
Stand fast and seek out the truth from God's Word. God is faithful to
give wisdom and understanding to all of those whom seek it. Do not worship
Satan which is Lucifer the devil. Lucifer means morning star, he will come
pretending to be Jesus and almost all of the world will worship him.
People wonder why they're spraying… It's not because of global warming,
it's to prepare the whole world to accept Satan as their saviour. You're
having your mental health altered so that you will easily accept him as
your God. Wake up and seek God in His Word. The Word of God tells us
exactly how things will unfold in these last days in the flesh. The world
will not be destroyed in wars or astronomical coalitions, life in the flesh
will change after people are deceived by Satan. After the deception takes
place Jesus will return to Earth. Will you finish the race or will you be
swayed and deceived by Satan and his children….
God bless you and keep you always.
They're using these chemtrails to block out Russian/ Chinese spy satellites
from spying on us. And, yes, the chemtrails are poisonous. But the
government thinks that it's more important to stop our military from being
watched by our "enemies." And, yes, they don't care about the impact it has
on civilians health. After all, cancer is big business for the medical
Go outside, look up. If you see a plane spraying chemtrails, lok it up on
this map and find the same plane as outside and click on it to see more
info on that plane and find out what it really is.
Fact: Monsanto has an aluminum resistant sees patent.
Fact: the chem trails contain aluminum, barium & other toxic heavy metals.
They've been tested.
Fact: Monsanto can sue farmers for growing food that has been contaminated
through cross pollination.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they are doing.
They sell you the food, the sell you the disease. They sell you the cure,
or the maintenance of the disease. If & when they feel like it.
Forget illuminati. It's AllumiNazis
I really want to watch the whole video, but the background music is really
overwhelming. It's at the same level as people speaking. Is there any way
to turn off the music and just put the interviews? Thanks for putting this
video on, but this one fix will make it much more enticing and inviting to
the discussion.
Omg people. Chemtrails are real. But if you live in a region that gets lots
of rain or snow. Your going to be skeptical. Chemtrails are mainly sprayed
in California, arizona, New Mexico, west Texas, Oklahoma, Utah. Because we
get very little rain. Harrp also comes into play with chemtrails. They can
change the ionosphere mixed with the chemtrails to create rain. Tesla did
this in a small aquarium. He created rain clouds in a fish tank! It's real
not conspiracy!
You might know this stuff if you got off the Xbox, stopped face booking and
read a book or attend a lecture on geo engineering at your university. But
I understand the McDonald's you eat the poor public education you were
given and the television PROGRAMMING you received has made you fat dumb and
Can't get mad that the powers that be have bet on you becoming his way.
Prove them wrong.
What is the single strongest piece of evidence for chemtrails?
Did someone responsible for filling the tanks on a plane bring forth the
evidence? Who manufactures the chemical?
Are these commercial planes or secret government planes that only land on
private airstrips or places not marked on the map?
Disinfo shill traitors be gone, and do something positive for mankind. Go
build something, lol! Even Hypocritical Al Gore has reluctantly admitted to
We need a new law.. Yes another one.. One that is not aimed at limiting the
people but making them feel good about the natural occurrence of contrails..
Like those that wish to disregard our privacy, I say if you have nothing to
hide, this would be no problem..
Now on to my proposal. ANY jet capable of leaving what looks like a
chemtrail, contrail or "persistent contrail" MUST leave all flight records
and reason for flying in these locations spanning at least a year.
ALL jets would have a unique ID, no jets (including military tools/chumps)
would be able to travel without this being available to the PUBLIC EYE.
(obviously super secret missions aside) <— few and far not capable of
supporting the program. Flightradar can kiss my ass… As if a jet cannot
fly without being detected here.
We would find it MUCH more difficult to apply these restrictions to those
that think they own us and really REALLY want to own our children's minds.
Still if WE could get this through (or make our own system where we could)
It would no doubt prove something is not right and as some already know
only serve to hinder the current plans and countless years/energy
developing this.
If I or someone like me had an army the illuminazis wouldn't stand a
chance. I say truth and justice. Not lies and electronic (or any) control.
*Chemtrails, or not! What do you think?*
My biggest question with regards to "chemtrails" has always been "Why don't
they just spray them at night or early morning while we're all asleep?"
Due to this question not being addressed, I am left to assume that it is a
PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION rather than a physical operation.
I've seen them in real life (not video), and as strange as they look, I
have still not cited evidence which proves them to contain "intentionally
distributed chemicals".
plan 1:
Take a airplane you checked , go up, see if it makes trails.
Does it make trails, do the trails presist= Chemtrails is most likely bull
Plan 2:
Try track/follow a spotted "chemtrail plane", by plane, radar, any
methods. See where it lands, take detailed photos as evidence and track it.
When on the ground, find out more. Show us evidence.
Plan 2:
Since these are 200 tonnes flying objects with illegal content, it should
be very easy to take them on catch them in the act.
Take a high res camera, document it and take samples. Physical evidence.
As this is still to bee proven, I call bull untill physical evidence is
shown on several occasions( since this is going on all the time right,
should not be hard to find 1 on each airport)
Plan 3. The idea is bullshit until these quite simple evidence is laying in
front of us, a busted plane win a aerosol system inside of it.
I know this is off topic to an extent, but if you are aware of the NWO
agenda it will interest you.
LATEST – 'The US Supreme Court upheld biotech giant Monsanto’s claims on
genetically-engineered seed patents and the company’s ability to sue
farmers whose fields are inadvertently contaminated with Monsanto
'The high court left intact Monday a federal appeals court decision that
threw out a 2011 lawsuit from the Organic Seed Growers and Trade
Association and over 80 other plaintiffs against Monsanto that sought to
challenge the agrochemical company’s aggressive claims on patents of
genetically-modified seeds. The suit also aimed to curb Monsanto from suing
anyone whose field is contaminated by such seeds'.
This is part of the globalist takeover. There is a war on and only some
people are actually aware of it.
I am going to see if i can rent some time at one of our local theaters and
see if we can schedule a day to have this movie played to see if we can get
the word out that way.
Wow a documentary on bullshit. Not uncommon, plenty of idiots out there to
fund this. Its not rejecting anything, there are 0 scientific papers on
chemtrails. Why? Because the pseudoscientist are to afraid to actually put
there claims up for other scientist to review and investigate. Most likely
because it wont stand up to scrutiny. There are no facts to even support
chemtrails, for the last decade since the whole thing started its been
nothing but misleading claims and in some cases completely fabricated
evidence to push there paranoid agenda. Learn to discern actual science
from pseudoscience. These assholes are good at cleverly disguising what
they do as real science but when actual scientist in the field look at this
its almost laughable. Every one of my college peers agree that the claims
regarding chemtrails are just bogus, supported by nothing. Its a movement
fueled by impulse and emotion by people who love jumping on these
conspiracy band wagons because they are bubbling with controversy and it
makes them feel like part of something bigger or they have access to
knowledge that most people dont. Its almost like a superiority complex.
If this is to combat global warming, and it's killing the trees, then it is
not successfully combating global warming.
Utter bullshit.
This makes me angry, but they want me to be angry, don't they?
I live in the Willamette valley Oregon and have been watching chemtrails
for years now.This has turned into an absolute nightmare, crisscrossing
planes flying patterns that are way off course. Every hot sunny day starts
off clear and blue but within hours the sky gets covered by these thin
chemtrails. You cannot with common sense look up in the sky and not see
thatsomething is wrong.Sometimes you can have two jets flying at the same
level and flightpath one has a comtrail that disappears and the other
leaves a trail across the whole sky.People are to busy with everyday
garbage to even think for one minute about the facts falling down on them
dusting their yards and poisoning their kids.Today is May 22nd here in the
Willamette valley Oregon the planes are out in full force.I refuse to let
this issue go I will inform everyone I can to look up and just think about
how the skys used to look 15 years ago.
can someone tell me if this is real? ..I need to know by Monday
A new, true scandal that is killing all of us….slowly. Do you wonder why
the incidents of all Cancers around the globe are growing not shrinking as
you might think. Demand answers from your political representatives.
+Delmar karnes go stand behind a chemtrail youl sweat more than just your
balls off
They don't even give Easter Sunday a rest. The sky was totally crisscrossed
with trails the other day!! You would think they would take a day off once
in a while, ha not a chance.
weather modification convention of 1978 in Geneva. look it up. this
technology has been around for years. all the deniers simply have their
heads up their asses.
I've spent well over 1,000 hours standing behind a running c-130, inhaling
the exhaust and sweating my balls off while deployed to Iraq. I'm healthy
as a horse. So, I think I can debunk this bologna as false based on
personal experience.
Remember the time the CIA was caught using Bus terminals to infect people
in just to see how it affected the rest?
To all skeptics… You know that we cannot trust the government. They have
destroyed the constitution. The food industry is horrible. And they invade
our privacy all without our consent what more are they liable to do without
telling us?
The aluminum will drop to the ground and polute the soil and … Well lets
not think about it right, Alzeimer's will love it, yum yum.
Chem trails, bro! The Jews and Delta Airlines are scheming to poison the
world and lower the population to 100,00 under one government and one world
religion. Just look it up on YouTube, that's all the proof you need.
Starbucks is putting cesium in their coffee too, fuckin corporations!
This is why you should've voted for Ron Paul! You sheeple can go ahead and
keep believing in "condensation" and "science", I go outside and I SEE CHEM
Go to the airports. Find the planes. Find the people who operate those
planes. Place guns and swords to their necks and children. Find their
bosses. Kill them all. Smoke a bowl fuck out of control.
All of this is based on the lie of global warming..
A massive ££$$ industry was created as the human co2 lie grow as they
Money, money and more money is why..
Thank you for your courage and compassion, Kristen Meghan and all of you
whistle blowers. God can protect you from all things even toxins. If the
three Hebrew children survived the fiery furnace they were thrown into, we
can also survive the poisons we're been given. The question is " Got
JESUS?". Satan will soon come to Earth pretending to be Jesus. Your brain
is being poisoned so that you're complacent and willing to accept anything.
Stand fast and seek out the truth from God's Word. God is faithful to
give wisdom and understanding to all of those whom seek it. Do not worship
Satan which is Lucifer the devil. Lucifer means morning star, he will come
pretending to be Jesus and almost all of the world will worship him.
People wonder why they're spraying… It's not because of global warming,
it's to prepare the whole world to accept Satan as their saviour. You're
having your mental health altered so that you will easily accept him as
your God. Wake up and seek God in His Word. The Word of God tells us
exactly how things will unfold in these last days in the flesh. The world
will not be destroyed in wars or astronomical coalitions, life in the flesh
will change after people are deceived by Satan. After the deception takes
place Jesus will return to Earth. Will you finish the race or will you be
swayed and deceived by Satan and his children….
God bless you and keep you always.
They're using these chemtrails to block out Russian/ Chinese spy satellites
from spying on us. And, yes, the chemtrails are poisonous. But the
government thinks that it's more important to stop our military from being
watched by our "enemies." And, yes, they don't care about the impact it has
on civilians health. After all, cancer is big business for the medical
Go outside, look up. If you see a plane spraying chemtrails, lok it up on
this map and find the same plane as outside and click on it to see more
info on that plane and find out what it really is.
jet fuel (kerosine) exhaust.. Yes very bad for the enviroment.. CO2's
Stop jet travel for stupid holidays and save our world.
======== ========== =======✈
=== ====================✈
======== ===✈
This came straight out from The Animatrix …. sigh…. nothing but global
holocaust. Not just on humanity, but on nature herself.
Fact: Monsanto has an aluminum resistant sees patent.
Fact: the chem trails contain aluminum, barium & other toxic heavy metals.
They've been tested.
Fact: Monsanto can sue farmers for growing food that has been contaminated
through cross pollination.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they are doing.
They sell you the food, the sell you the disease. They sell you the cure,
or the maintenance of the disease. If & when they feel like it.
Forget illuminati. It's AllumiNazis
I really want to watch the whole video, but the background music is really
overwhelming. It's at the same level as people speaking. Is there any way
to turn off the music and just put the interviews? Thanks for putting this
video on, but this one fix will make it much more enticing and inviting to
the discussion.
So many fallacies in this.
Omg people. Chemtrails are real. But if you live in a region that gets lots
of rain or snow. Your going to be skeptical. Chemtrails are mainly sprayed
in California, arizona, New Mexico, west Texas, Oklahoma, Utah. Because we
get very little rain. Harrp also comes into play with chemtrails. They can
change the ionosphere mixed with the chemtrails to create rain. Tesla did
this in a small aquarium. He created rain clouds in a fish tank! It's real
not conspiracy!
You might know this stuff if you got off the Xbox, stopped face booking and
read a book or attend a lecture on geo engineering at your university. But
I understand the McDonald's you eat the poor public education you were
given and the television PROGRAMMING you received has made you fat dumb and
Can't get mad that the powers that be have bet on you becoming his way.
Prove them wrong.
What is the single strongest piece of evidence for chemtrails?
Did someone responsible for filling the tanks on a plane bring forth the
evidence? Who manufactures the chemical?
Are these commercial planes or secret government planes that only land on
private airstrips or places not marked on the map?
Disinfo shill traitors be gone, and do something positive for mankind. Go
build something, lol! Even Hypocritical Al Gore has reluctantly admitted to
The civilised civilians need anti aircraft guns.…
Obama admits it on at the Huffington Post