(Visible Explosions) NEW VIDEO_ SEPT 11 2001. WTC Building 7.flv

A video from the backside of WTC7. What happens here?

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  1. LMAO , but it didn't fall toward the " other side " right ? it fell through the path of resistance , from top to bottom as if there was NOTHING inside it , sleep tight sheep .

  2. This video of wtc 7 has been flipped & doctored. This is done with the intent of discrediting 9/11 truthers. The goal, of course, being to make them look like liars. This would in turn discredit legitimate evidence.

  3. Vesta International · Edit

    FAAAAKE. Made by Edward Current to show how many idiotic 9/11 truthers would fall for it. Most did, here we see how stupid you really are!!

  4. The other side of the building was demolished by the rain of concrete from the fall of WTC. When WTC fell, there was a massive shacking of the earth, in other words, an earthquake which greatly weakened the support beams. If they had instruments they probably would have been able to record a 9.0 quake in the immediate area of the WTC collapse, because of that collapse. This likely caused the fires and weakened the supports and so it came down. There's a saying, truth is stranger than fiction.


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