his expert opinion carried more weight than a 1,000 conspiracy “nuts”- and
that is why he “probably’ was killed. it maybe end up being -the
conspiracy nuts had it right all along.
i am 27 years old…. i was 14 when the towers fell… when i watchd them
fall for the first time.. i had a feeling that something was not right….
2 years later… i was 16… i started my quest of finding out the truth…
by the age of 17, i already knew it was a conspiracy, i knew about the
insurance claim on the towers against terrorists attacks, i knew the
building was rigged months before the explosion and i knew all other
details.. i was frikken 17 years old and i knew this was a conspiracy…
this is 10 years later and some people STILL believe the official story…
listen you fucking morons, i did not have anybody tell me this was a
conspiracy… i used my own eyes and saw for my own self, that a building
cannot fall into its own foot print FOR NO REASON.. or 3 buildings for that
matter… and also there are way too many loopholes where you can debunk
this stupid event as a internal terrorist act. 1. how do 3 airplanes manage
to evade radar for so long, and actually make it to their nyc
destinations???? nobody at radar control notices 3 airplanes going off
oh and then you have the fact that ” all jet fighters were currently busy
in a training ”
really?? all the air force bases around new york city were busy?? all of
them?? you know how many there are??
and isn’t it a safety concern if ALL BASES ARE BUSY during a training??
wouldn’t that be a safety concern to begin with, in case they need some
jets due to a terrorist attack??
oh shit, there is more
just the physics of the building falling into its own footprint is
ridiculous to believe… i cannot believe there are human beings with no
physics in their head. it’s not like i took a class or anything.. its just
human nature to observe natural and unnatural things.
The actions of the US government since 9/11 are all the proof needed that
they were involved. Testifying behind closed doors, no WMD’s, and other
blatant, provable lies are pretty damning.
So many things about isreal are just evil. Google the truth about the
Jewish Talmud. Their bible, read the whole thing. Christians are just toys
to the Jews. Look up the population of Palestine during WWII somebody
brought hundreds of thousands of Jews to Palestine from all over Europe.
For a hundred years now hollywood has put 99% of Jewish TV people on in
north America, telling us how to act, what to believe and where to spend
their money. But at the end of the day they go home to thier relgion, no
easter bunny, no Santa Claus.
Google the christian population of the world, only 11% of Christians live
across the middle east and Asia, maybe less.
Our Christian bible tells us we need to help the Jews, Nobody else, to take
over the promised land, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria etc. every week
christian Churches send millions of dollars to Israel, are we that stupid?
This does not mean Israel did 911, but they have the power to get it done
buy lobbing our leaders, and most of our leaders and media if not all, are
Always remember Jew is just a religion, not a race, Jews come from all over
the world. Their race could simply be European. Their religion tells them
to exploit all people except Jews. Read it for yourself. Once a translater
was stunded to hear some Jews praying at the Wailing wall for the death of
all Gentiles, thats you and me folks.
The similarities between the car accidents of Danny Jowenko and Betico
Croes is striking. I wonder if both were taken care off by the Dutch secret
service ? Would the similarities qualify as “Modus Operandi” ?
Which parties had the most to gain by detroying all the world trade center
buildings? Who had the most to gain with an American presence in the middle
east? I think the answer becomes quite clear… those with the most to gain
What facts can be presented that puts Israel behind the 9/11 cover up? I’m
not being a smart ass, I’d just really like to know because I’ve researched
a lot on the 9/11 conspiracy and this is the first I’ve heard about Israel
being a part in it.
Here is a basic math, metallurgical and physics question. Structural steel
melts/fails at 2,800 F. Jet Fuel A in an uncontrolled or dirty burn, burns
at 1,500-1,600 F. So tell us where did the extra1,200 to 1,300 degrees F
come from? Not an oxygen tank … how about that nano-thermite and why did
all the metal beneath the rubble pile (that was later removed under
secrecy) remain red hot for weeks ?
Danny died in Holland though. Would an American agency come all the way to
Holland to cause the accident of Danny? genuinely just asking so dont bite
my head off.
Im no expert but… I don’t think I’ve ever seen a building come down from
a fire, I’ve seen crispy black structures half gutted from blazing infernos
but they never crumble and “fall down” like a house of cards. With that
said, where the hell do you even see a fire in building 7 lol? If it was
ablaze and lit up like a torch for several hours with smoke flowing out of
it I might be able to go along with it but… It crumpled like an
avalanche. At this point its like arguing the color blue isn’t actually
John F Kennedy assassination.
Between 1963 and 1967, eighteen people who gave witness statements to the
intelligence services and police about what they saw and heard in dealey
plaza were dead. Among the causes were suicide and car accidents. The math
for this possibility is one hundred thousand trillion to 1!!!!
How many witnesses have died since 911?
Whenever they take out one of these guys who tell the truth, then
some lone wolf should take one of the key players from 9/11. If someone
were to take out one of these, because it is so Justified. We don’t have
to list the names. So do we have even one lone wolf?
The towers were set with the demolition layout in 1993 after they were
allowed to be bombed in the basement due to the FBI handing a known
terrorist group all the working materials for the bombs that were used.
This gave the demo teams complete access to the fundamental structures that
were needed to bring the buildings down. WTC 7 was done in 1997 during its
security upgrade caused by the OKC false flag. You see, there are several
key events spanning from 1991 to 2001 that are intimately related to one
another which culminate to the 9 11 01 event. An entire decade’s worth of
Sorry tin foil hat peeps but it was terrorists crashing big planes into
buildings. No giant conspiracy or black magic. Get yourself a life. Maybe
wash yer ass and get a job.
Course it was the USA with the support of Isreal. They suck each other’s
Look at the current situation in Gaza etc-
USA and Israel are evil scum.
Well Larry. I am not a “conspiracy nut” and I initially believed just what
the government stated had occurred. However, as an attorney, I had
colleagues that opened my mind to the possibilities of something more, and
asked me not to believe them, but to spend time and really research the
evidence and build a case for both sides, just as I would in presenting a
case in court. As I loved my country and the freedoms associated to our
Constitution, and I respected the people who asked me to pursue the issue,
I took up the challenge.
I took months to listen to the testimony of eye witnesses and experts in
the know, studied the issues related to controlled demolitions, studied the
history of many skyscrapers that were subjected to fires (including WTC1 in
the mid-70’s), looked at the physical evidence and then saw the draconian
turn the laws and the federal government took immediately following 9-11
(especially when leaving the borders wide open), as well as studied the
history of false flag events, and I came to a firm conclusion that this
operation was indeed just one more false flag event of many that have
happened throughout history. Who exactly, I cannot say, but Israel
definitely knew in advance, because there were 5 Mossad agents arrested in
New Jersey filming the event and dancing, slapping “hi-5’s” as the towers
fell. That video should still be on youtube. There were elements within
the US government who not only knew in advance, but tried to profit from it
on Wall Street, and further, there was an incredible cover-up by the
“powers that be” to insure that a thorough and fair investigation never
took place. Even those on the staged “9-11 Commission” later retracted
their positions, citing not only a refusal to cooperate by the Bush
Administration, but threats posed to them to taint the report.
In the end, people need to realize that the federal government had been
infiltrated by those who would try to commandeer the American government in
a way that best serves the interests of a select few individuals, secret
societies and associations and foreign nations. You can see it not just
with 9-11, but with the false wars, the banking scandals, the enslaving
bailouts with no arrests, the derivative scandals, the open borders,
companies engaging in (at minimum) grossly negligent conduct against the
American people (Big Pharma with untested and dangerous medicine and
vaccines and Big Agra with GMO foods) and yet, being given immunity from
lawsuits, and so much more.
Of course, the internet is full of people who are learning the truth, as
well as people who either live in denial, or even are paid to patrol the
internet to try and manipulate public opinion to support the status quo.
Even the Wall Street Journal reported on that issue. In the end I can say
is that one thing my hundreds of hours of research have firmly convinced me
of, and that is that there is a huge treason element to 9-11 and there are
unreported foreign powers that were involved.
Keep an eye on what’s going on in Ukraine. You think that these two
Malaysian 777 incidents are just a coincidence? WW3 is coming soon…get
yer popcorn…
Not all conspiracy theories are theories, this example proves this. The
classic retort is to simply call conspiracy theorist crazy or nuts. That
aside why is Bush and his family in prison? Listen to his words. Did you
Fuck you cronies in govt. Clinton,bush,all of you. If you had a chance to
kill hitler before he came to power, knowing his plan, and didnt, your a
disgrace. Excersize your right to peace.
The Israeli camera crew were happy to record the Twin Towers attack.
I presume that the US got a copy before they went back to Israel, after 10
When the interviewer of Danny Jowenko asks for an estimate of the number of
men required for the job of setting charges for the controlled demolition
of Building 7, the interviewer states the building was on fire while they
worked. He discounts the more likely explanation that the charges were set
before 911.
Among the crimes of 911 is insurance fraud on the part of Larry Silverstein
– he could be the record holder for insurance fraud connected to one event.
Yet another indication of how corrupt US courts are that he was awarded
billion$ for this even after acknowledging on film he gave the directive to
“pull it”. Makes me wonder if the insurance company execs were in on some
kind of kickback scheme since it seems they did a feeble job of countering
his claim for remuneration.
his expert opinion carried more weight than a 1,000 conspiracy “nuts”- and
that is why he “probably’ was killed. it maybe end up being -the
conspiracy nuts had it right all along.
i am 27 years old…. i was 14 when the towers fell… when i watchd them
fall for the first time.. i had a feeling that something was not right….
2 years later… i was 16… i started my quest of finding out the truth…
by the age of 17, i already knew it was a conspiracy, i knew about the
insurance claim on the towers against terrorists attacks, i knew the
building was rigged months before the explosion and i knew all other
details.. i was frikken 17 years old and i knew this was a conspiracy…
this is 10 years later and some people STILL believe the official story…
listen you fucking morons, i did not have anybody tell me this was a
conspiracy… i used my own eyes and saw for my own self, that a building
cannot fall into its own foot print FOR NO REASON.. or 3 buildings for that
matter… and also there are way too many loopholes where you can debunk
this stupid event as a internal terrorist act. 1. how do 3 airplanes manage
to evade radar for so long, and actually make it to their nyc
destinations???? nobody at radar control notices 3 airplanes going off
oh and then you have the fact that ” all jet fighters were currently busy
in a training ”
really?? all the air force bases around new york city were busy?? all of
them?? you know how many there are??
and isn’t it a safety concern if ALL BASES ARE BUSY during a training??
wouldn’t that be a safety concern to begin with, in case they need some
jets due to a terrorist attack??
oh shit, there is more
just the physics of the building falling into its own footprint is
ridiculous to believe… i cannot believe there are human beings with no
physics in their head. it’s not like i took a class or anything.. its just
human nature to observe natural and unnatural things.
The actions of the US government since 9/11 are all the proof needed that
they were involved. Testifying behind closed doors, no WMD’s, and other
blatant, provable lies are pretty damning.
So many things about isreal are just evil. Google the truth about the
Jewish Talmud. Their bible, read the whole thing. Christians are just toys
to the Jews. Look up the population of Palestine during WWII somebody
brought hundreds of thousands of Jews to Palestine from all over Europe.
For a hundred years now hollywood has put 99% of Jewish TV people on in
north America, telling us how to act, what to believe and where to spend
their money. But at the end of the day they go home to thier relgion, no
easter bunny, no Santa Claus.
Google the christian population of the world, only 11% of Christians live
across the middle east and Asia, maybe less.
Our Christian bible tells us we need to help the Jews, Nobody else, to take
over the promised land, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria etc. every week
christian Churches send millions of dollars to Israel, are we that stupid?
This does not mean Israel did 911, but they have the power to get it done
buy lobbing our leaders, and most of our leaders and media if not all, are
Always remember Jew is just a religion, not a race, Jews come from all over
the world. Their race could simply be European. Their religion tells them
to exploit all people except Jews. Read it for yourself. Once a translater
was stunded to hear some Jews praying at the Wailing wall for the death of
all Gentiles, thats you and me folks.
The similarities between the car accidents of Danny Jowenko and Betico
Croes is striking. I wonder if both were taken care off by the Dutch secret
service ? Would the similarities qualify as “Modus Operandi” ?
Which parties had the most to gain by detroying all the world trade center
buildings? Who had the most to gain with an American presence in the middle
east? I think the answer becomes quite clear… those with the most to gain
Jowenko said the towers collapsed due to fire. Maybe conspiracy theorists
killed him for debunking them.
What facts can be presented that puts Israel behind the 9/11 cover up? I’m
not being a smart ass, I’d just really like to know because I’ve researched
a lot on the 9/11 conspiracy and this is the first I’ve heard about Israel
being a part in it.
Here is a basic math, metallurgical and physics question. Structural steel
melts/fails at 2,800 F. Jet Fuel A in an uncontrolled or dirty burn, burns
at 1,500-1,600 F. So tell us where did the extra1,200 to 1,300 degrees F
come from? Not an oxygen tank … how about that nano-thermite and why did
all the metal beneath the rubble pile (that was later removed under
secrecy) remain red hot for weeks ?
Danny died in Holland though. Would an American agency come all the way to
Holland to cause the accident of Danny? genuinely just asking so dont bite
my head off.
Im no expert but… I don’t think I’ve ever seen a building come down from
a fire, I’ve seen crispy black structures half gutted from blazing infernos
but they never crumble and “fall down” like a house of cards. With that
said, where the hell do you even see a fire in building 7 lol? If it was
ablaze and lit up like a torch for several hours with smoke flowing out of
it I might be able to go along with it but… It crumpled like an
avalanche. At this point its like arguing the color blue isn’t actually
John F Kennedy assassination.
Between 1963 and 1967, eighteen people who gave witness statements to the
intelligence services and police about what they saw and heard in dealey
plaza were dead. Among the causes were suicide and car accidents. The math
for this possibility is one hundred thousand trillion to 1!!!!
How many witnesses have died since 911?
Whenever they take out one of these guys who tell the truth, then
some lone wolf should take one of the key players from 9/11. If someone
were to take out one of these, because it is so Justified. We don’t have
to list the names. So do we have even one lone wolf?
He was probably killed but all of your videos comments is a sign of
ignorance. Go learn about perspective and the effects of zoo lenses!
The towers were set with the demolition layout in 1993 after they were
allowed to be bombed in the basement due to the FBI handing a known
terrorist group all the working materials for the bombs that were used.
This gave the demo teams complete access to the fundamental structures that
were needed to bring the buildings down. WTC 7 was done in 1997 during its
security upgrade caused by the OKC false flag. You see, there are several
key events spanning from 1991 to 2001 that are intimately related to one
another which culminate to the 9 11 01 event. An entire decade’s worth of
His last name sounds Ukrainian..
They should not have killed this man. BIG SIN. Tragedy.
where do the earlier unsuccessful attacks on the wtc stand in these
conspiracies? I think clinton was in govt at that time…
Sorry tin foil hat peeps but it was terrorists crashing big planes into
buildings. No giant conspiracy or black magic. Get yourself a life. Maybe
wash yer ass and get a job.
What a pathetic load of nonsense.
Course it was the USA with the support of Isreal. They suck each other’s
Look at the current situation in Gaza etc-
USA and Israel are evil scum.
Israel will hardly admit to 911 – people have to come to that conclusion on
their own. But the evidence is overwhelming.
Maybe the biggest cover-up in American history, but just give them time.
Well Larry. I am not a “conspiracy nut” and I initially believed just what
the government stated had occurred. However, as an attorney, I had
colleagues that opened my mind to the possibilities of something more, and
asked me not to believe them, but to spend time and really research the
evidence and build a case for both sides, just as I would in presenting a
case in court. As I loved my country and the freedoms associated to our
Constitution, and I respected the people who asked me to pursue the issue,
I took up the challenge.
I took months to listen to the testimony of eye witnesses and experts in
the know, studied the issues related to controlled demolitions, studied the
history of many skyscrapers that were subjected to fires (including WTC1 in
the mid-70’s), looked at the physical evidence and then saw the draconian
turn the laws and the federal government took immediately following 9-11
(especially when leaving the borders wide open), as well as studied the
history of false flag events, and I came to a firm conclusion that this
operation was indeed just one more false flag event of many that have
happened throughout history. Who exactly, I cannot say, but Israel
definitely knew in advance, because there were 5 Mossad agents arrested in
New Jersey filming the event and dancing, slapping “hi-5’s” as the towers
fell. That video should still be on youtube. There were elements within
the US government who not only knew in advance, but tried to profit from it
on Wall Street, and further, there was an incredible cover-up by the
“powers that be” to insure that a thorough and fair investigation never
took place. Even those on the staged “9-11 Commission” later retracted
their positions, citing not only a refusal to cooperate by the Bush
Administration, but threats posed to them to taint the report.
In the end, people need to realize that the federal government had been
infiltrated by those who would try to commandeer the American government in
a way that best serves the interests of a select few individuals, secret
societies and associations and foreign nations. You can see it not just
with 9-11, but with the false wars, the banking scandals, the enslaving
bailouts with no arrests, the derivative scandals, the open borders,
companies engaging in (at minimum) grossly negligent conduct against the
American people (Big Pharma with untested and dangerous medicine and
vaccines and Big Agra with GMO foods) and yet, being given immunity from
lawsuits, and so much more.
Of course, the internet is full of people who are learning the truth, as
well as people who either live in denial, or even are paid to patrol the
internet to try and manipulate public opinion to support the status quo.
Even the Wall Street Journal reported on that issue. In the end I can say
is that one thing my hundreds of hours of research have firmly convinced me
of, and that is that there is a huge treason element to 9-11 and there are
unreported foreign powers that were involved.
Hes with God now.
Keep an eye on what’s going on in Ukraine. You think that these two
Malaysian 777 incidents are just a coincidence? WW3 is coming soon…get
yer popcorn…
Not all conspiracy theories are theories, this example proves this. The
classic retort is to simply call conspiracy theorist crazy or nuts. That
aside why is Bush and his family in prison? Listen to his words. Did you
Fuck you cronies in govt. Clinton,bush,all of you. If you had a chance to
kill hitler before he came to power, knowing his plan, and didnt, your a
disgrace. Excersize your right to peace.
disney font?? seriously!?
See what engineers and Architects say
The Israeli camera crew were happy to record the Twin Towers attack.
I presume that the US got a copy before they went back to Israel, after 10
The Death of Controlled Demolition Expert Danny J…:
Global gangsta government, and hit squad. This was undoubtedly the work of
When the interviewer of Danny Jowenko asks for an estimate of the number of
men required for the job of setting charges for the controlled demolition
of Building 7, the interviewer states the building was on fire while they
worked. He discounts the more likely explanation that the charges were set
before 911.
Among the crimes of 911 is insurance fraud on the part of Larry Silverstein
– he could be the record holder for insurance fraud connected to one event.
Yet another indication of how corrupt US courts are that he was awarded
billion$ for this even after acknowledging on film he gave the directive to
“pull it”. Makes me wonder if the insurance company execs were in on some
kind of kickback scheme since it seems they did a feeble job of countering
his claim for remuneration.