STARGATE: 88th Episode: Building 7 Destroyed by BROOKHAVEN RING As Obama Watches!

I can’t believe this.

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  1. Shieena Living Waters · Edit

    Left hand (his right) horn of satan, other hand is Jupiter sign inverted
    (Jesus pointed upward) and numbers total 11 (two pillars) Hope that helps-
    I saw that immediately. Maybe someone sees more.

  2. I can’t believe this either. They represented Apophis in this show and then
    they guy was pictured wearing a shirt with 2036! The strange thing is this
    was all the way back in 2001. Recently the mainstream news came out and
    said that Apophis may hit the earth in 2036, this news made the rounds and
    quickly disappeared. Obviously 2036 is code. That is how they operate.
    Apophis is the Greek name for the the enemy of the Ancient Egyptian sun god
    Ra. He is the Uncreator, and is characterised as an evil serpent who dwells
    in eternal darkness and tries to consume Ra during his nightly passage. Who
    is RA? I believe its Satan. So Satan’s enemy would be Jesus. Freeman from
    Freeman TV also speculated recently that the secret societies were
    announcing that their enemy God was coming back but doing it in code. If a
    lot of things were to go down in 2015 and kick of the Great Tribulation,
    the scriptures say the Antichrist will be given authority for 3 1/2 years.
    So that would bring the end date to somewhere in 2018 right? So perhaps the
    2036 date is code for 20 3*6=18 so 2018 that Apophis would be “returning,
    just speculating here but this is all very interesting. Great work Casey in
    bringing this out. You bought more weight to this whole apophis 2036 thing.
    I can’t believe that it was in this show and then all the details you
    brought out with the episode # the feb 14th date, all pointing to Obama.
    Great uncovering. This is crazy stuff!
    Read more:

  3. You should also check every single episode of both The Six Million Dollar
    Man and The Bionic Woman. The theme, besides transhumanism, is all about
    911. So many ’15’ references and blatant they are about the event.
    Especially episodes filmed in 1977. Pretty sick. They tell you what they
    want to do to us!

  4. discombobulated101 · Edit

    any advice pls.. it appears as though i have been groomed for what you
    describe at 2.48.. stuck here in essex, uk. date of birth 20.03.73

  5. Brighton Pier Jetskier · Edit

    Have you seen the article about the Neo Nazi guy in the states who shot
    loads of people just a couple of days ago, He has 88 tattooed on his face
    equals HH.

  6. 2036 = 11 the number of CHAOS. Apophis – Egyptian god who was the
    deification of darkness and CHAOS. Asteroid Apophis 99942 = 33 = 6 (number
    of Man/Beast) – 99942 is also 666 – 42 or “the mark of the Beast” in the 42
    Generations up to the End Times. Diameter of 99942 Apophis = 1,066 ft. 

  7. cern will be used to magnify the earths connection with the sun, using
    scalor weaponised technology they are trying to releases a coronal mass
    ejection to fry the earths technology to bring in martial law and the


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