Should you be worried about chemtrails? – Truthloader

The chemtails conspiracy is the belief that the contrails aka. vapour trails you seen behind aircrafts are laced with chemicals thought to be put there for p…

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  1. Should you be worried about chemtrails?

    The chemtails conspiracy is the belief that the contrails aka. vapour
    trails you seen behind aircrafts are laced with chemicals thought to be put
    there for population control, weather modification, warfare, or
    psychological manipulation. Are these chemtrails real and if so, should we
    be worried? We take a look at both sides of the argument to uncover some
    truths about chemtrails.

    #chemtrails #conspiracy #geoengineering

  2. the idea that rich people are trying to kill off poor people is the single
    dumbest idea ever. why the hell would the owners of coca cola, or McDonald,
    BP, or toyota, or any number of other mega businesses want LESS customers.
    if they did anything to manipulate the global population, it would be to
    increase the population so that more people buy their junk. rich people
    wouldnt be rich if poor people didnt buy their stuff. lord knows
    billionaires dont eat at McDonald, so all those executives would find
    themselves with no income overnight. such a stupid idea. yeah, rich people
    are rich, and yeah, they use their wealth to stay wealthy, but they arnt
    trying to thin the bloody population. that would cost an ABSURD amount of
    money, and in the end, simply leave them making less money annually. they
    didnt get rich by doing something that bloody stupid

  3. Every time they spray. I have headaches and other issues. When they don’t,
    I feel fine.
    That’s all the evidence I need. To prove, whatever is in it is unhealthy.

  4. Well, I do think the population-reduction idea’s pretty necessary, because
    there really are too many humans on this poor planet. Or we’re gonna have
    to move half the population to another planet and start using population
    growth restriction methods.

  5. Really? Chemtrails? This is so debunked that its not even funny. Water
    vapor from exhaust crystalizing in the upper atmosphere?

    “People see more of them.”

    No kidding. Check out the statistics on increased air travel in the past 20
    years. Almost double the amount of flights in the air.

    “I saw pictures of these storage tanks inside a plane filled with some

    No kidding. Those devices are ballast tanks that pump water around the
    newer plane designs that simulate passenger movement in flight to test for

    “They last longer”

    That’s because of the variables in the weather. Altitude, wind speed,
    humidity….Same thing happens with fog, clouds, smoke…..

    “They weren’t there years ago..”

    Yes they were. There’s World War 2 footage from the war. I live under a
    flight corridor between Boston and New York. Seen them for 30 plus years.

    “The government is seeding the clouds.”

    Duh. This is NO secret. Used to help in measuring weather patterns. The
    trace chemical helps the instruments measure the conditions better. Google

    “They turn them off near the ground.”

    Holy Facepalm! That’s because of altitude, temperature……water vapor
    doesn’t…at lower altitudes….do you know how much colder it is up….and
    lower air pressure. .

    Aw frigging hell. To all the conspiracy morons, go take some science

    This is about as stupid as the idiot woman on Youtube that thinks the
    rainbow glowing around the mist of her sprinklers is a chemical the
    government puts in the water.
    Seriously? How many of you were home schooled or rode a short bus?


  6. TheGermansarecoming · Edit

    What a load of nonsence! Everyone who even remotly knows how an engine
    works is able to see this for the garbage that it is.

  7. Sure lets carry tons chemicals on planes that will cost millions of dollars
    of fuel and add to global warming just to dump them 35,000 feet in the air
    so they will be so disperse once they hit the ground they will not do a
    thing. If a government wanted to poison people it could use those trucks
    that sprayed the mosquito insecticide in the 50’s which would be much
    cheaper and much more effective. They could also just starve or shoot the
    people to death like stalin did.

  8. did you know the military has been trying to turn a self-drying towel into
    a weapon?

    yea, chemtrail conspiracy is something like that

  9. Lol, such ignorance from some of the comments here… Believe me, live in a
    ‘non-western’ country as long as I have and the governments actually report
    in the newspapers each month the days that they will be cloud seeding to
    avoid droughts etc.. They’ve been doing it for decades… Not to mention,
    contrails have NOTHING to do with the exhaust from the engines, it’s
    increased pressure of the air that releases vapour, and it happens on the
    wing tips, particularly visible when an airliner comes in to land… Do
    yourselves a favour and next time you see an aircraft high in the sky
    spewing out what you think is a contrail, just grab binoculars and ask
    yourself is the trail emanating from the wingtips? Or is it indeed being
    left behind by the 4 engines… I don’t even need binoculars to answer that
    question.. You ever asked an actual airline pilot? You should try it one
    day, they’ll tell you immediately the difference. 

  10. It happens yes. But nowhere near the levels you brain dead wannabe
    conspiracists want to believe. If you want to totally discredit and
    ridicule yourself to your family and work colleagues
    About it I guarantee they will look at you like you had two heads. INSTANT

  11. That’s dumb, how can you put aluminium and salts in an engine ? That will
    ruin it. Do you think airline companies would risk that and the lives of
    their clients/passengers ?

  12. I don’t think it’s a totally ridiculous idea but it doesn’t worry me –
    being quite happy with how my life Is, I’m not too worried. Probably not a
    valid response but oh well, it’s how I feel 

  13. Whenever you call a group of people making an argument “conspiracy
    theorist” you are already discrediting them as lunatics.

  14. So let me get this right, the rich not only control our politicians, but
    our weather as well? If they do, make it rain in Cali, I want to water my
    plants without getting a ticket. Thank you

  15. Yes. Very much. It poisons our soils , our food and our air and water. The
    German website has done good measurements and found high
    levels of Barium and Aluminium salts !

  16. The majority of conspiracy theorists on this thread seem to believe TYPING
    EVERYTHING IN CAPITALS will make your argument carry more weight when it
    doesn’t. People who are losing arguments tend to shout and since caps is
    the same thing in computer text terms you’re just looking like a 10 year
    old shouting to be heard because noone will listen to your nonsense.

    Anyway, the trails are just because when planes are at high altitude the
    water vapor crystilizes and causes it to stay there longer and the reason
    why is seems to disperse when it loses altitude is simply because things
    aren”t the same at 10,000 feet as it is at 5,000 feet it’s much colder up
    there hence why the water vapor crystilizes. Go get your daily fix of Alex
    Jones lads.

  17. They do it all the time here and I’m certain it’s geo-engeneering and the
    goal is to make things worse. The reason i say that is that the
    establishment always advance their agenda through crisis. In that sense
    they are predictable.

  18. I don’t have an opinion on chemtrails as I haven’t researched it throughly.
    Yet I don’t call chemtrail proponents conspiracy theorists

  19. Well that made no sense at all…chem spraying has been going on for years,
    but I can’t see commercial airlines being part of the conspiracy….

  20. What’s up with you guys? Lately you been pumping out material that seem
    more like clickbait that proper information. Can you give sources to any of
    these claims? Peer reviewed material?

    You used to be extremely stand out channel reporting analysis and pure
    facts about things going around the world. Please change before you turn

  21. We should worry, why they think we need them. We know it cools down the
    earth. And we need to cool it down some how.. The news people stay away
    from is the holes in our ozone. Have you heard anything at all about that?
    I have not

  22. Seems hard to believe but who knows the definitive answer? You’ll be
    surprised at the stuff your government gets up to. Look at the US
    government for example, fundef middle-eastern terrorist groups in the 80’s
    and 90’s and also purposely killed thousands of pro people on 9/11…

  23. And everyone close minded will only contain one hypothesis and take it as
    conviction because their brain cant juggle and handle more.

  24. OK, I think I’m done with this channel. You call yourselves Truthloader.
    Yet you are spreading and feeding into this conspiracy bullshit. They’re
    not chemtrails, They’re contrails. There is no debate. Unsubscribed….


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