SHASTA, CA Hearing on Covert Chemtrail Operation

Subject: Chemtrails Public hearing July 15th, 2014 Shasta County Air Quality Management Board Discussing GEOENGINEERING CHEMTRAILS R-7 Expert Testimony Dane …

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  1. “People that are loading their planes with the chemical are dressed in
    complete hazmat outfits,” one man said at the meeting, according to KCRC.
    “So if this is not harmful, why are they in a complete hazmat outfit?”

    KEEP IT GOING PEEPS! It is full of information!

  2. We are passing on ALL the information to our readers and viewers and ask
    that you do the same.
    ***Subject: Chemtrails
    Public hearing July 15th, 2014 Shasta County Air Quality Management Board

    Expert Testimony
    Dane Wigington opens the argument with the destructive chemtrails overall
    view., USAF Weatherman/Wildlife Biologist Alan Buckman,Biologists-scientist
    Francis Mangels, Airline Pilot Jeff Nelson discusses the contrail VS
    Chemtrail, Neurologists,
    Russ Lazuka USAF Vet talks about Evergreen Aviation, Planes with no
    passengers on board, no squack codes (more formally transponder code), a
    four-digit number sent out by an aircraft’s , and over a mile long
    chemtrails Dr.Frank Lavosse also a pilot (steps in for Fred Meyers) talks
    about chemtrails in Hawaii, Quebec, Maine, Mass. talks about those
    employees who load these planes are in Hazmat outfits, 25% increase in lung
    problems because of micronized aluminum, Mark MacCandlish, secret clearance
    in USAF, consultant to Aerospace Companies, worked on classified systems
    discusses the size of NANO and what it means. MacCandlish states: ” When
    you look up at the sun and you see a white haze, that is aluminum floating
    in the air right now, and it’s coming from the aircraft.” He also discussed
    how chemtrails suppress the immune system, simply by breathing the air.
    NASA conducted a program called metalized hybrid fuel systems. ,Dr. Steve
    Davis resident of 30 years of Shasta speaks of the contaminants

  3. Please let us know if you are having problems sharing this information
    (meaning the video). There have been many reports of this problem. If you
    encounter this problem, please simply copy and paste the LINK into any
    social media site.

    ***Subject: Chemtrails
    Public hearing July 15th, 2014 Shasta County Air Quality Management Board

    Expert Testimony
    Dane Wigington opens the argument with the destructive chemtrails overall
    view., USAF Weatherman/Wildlife Biologist Alan Buckman,Biologists-scientist
    Francis Mangels, Airline Pilot Jeff Nelson discusses the contrail VS
    Chemtrail, Neurologists,
    Russ Lazuka USAF Vet talks about Evergreen Aviation, Planes with no
    passengers on board, no squack codes (more formally transponder code), a
    four-digit number sent out by an aircraft’s , and over a mile long
    chemtrails Dr.Frank Lavosse also a pilot (steps in for Fred Meyers) talks
    about chemtrails in Hawaii, Quebec, Maine, Mass. talks about those
    employees who load these planes are in Hazmat outfits, 25% increase in lung
    problems because of micronized aluminum, Mark MacCandlish, secret clearance
    in USAF, consultant to Aerospace Companies, worked on classified systems
    discusses the size of NANO and what it means. MacCandlish states: ” When
    you look up at the sun and you see a white haze, that is aluminum floating
    in the air right now, and it’s coming from the aircraft.” He also discussed
    how chemtrails suppress the immune system, simply by breathing the air.
    NASA conducted a program called metalized hybrid fuel systems. ,Dr. Steve
    Davis resident of 30 years of Shasta speaks of the contaminants

  5. Chemtrails, FEMA Camps, HAARP, Morgellons, Monsanto. I didn’t get the memo
    that Shasta was holding a paranoid schizophrenics gathering. I would just
    like to know why the flat earthers, geocentrists and moon landing deniers
    were not invited?

  6. I am now a disabled RN (22 yrs) With paraneoplastic syndrome, unexplained
    how. Bizarre symptoms, I have been ringing the bell. Then bam all this
    stuff happens to me. Eating organic did not help me. Lived in the country
    could see on the days the chemtrails on any given day !!!

  7. It was all so true…then a naysayer is one of the last people to speak &
    then we have no way to test nano particles!! I’ll spread this, I knew
    these people are talking truth…I just don’t know if it will make a
    difference IN THE SHORT TIME WE HAVE!

  8. +Roxy Lopez …THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I am proud to know that
    there are concerned citizens like yourself, there are not afraid to get the
    TRUTH out there…and certainly this topic is a MAJOR; or “should be” a
    major concern for all humans that live on this planet. I’d tend to believe
    that THIS “may” be one of the reasons we are seeing more visitations from
    our non-terrestrial friends; they TOO are concerned regarding the gradual
    destruction of the earth, that is taking place at a phenomenal rate!
    Shared, shared, shared!!!

  9. The Reason for the Geo-Engineering is Simple! It is nothing less than
    Terraforming of the Planet! They are wiping out life on Earth. They
    already have Deep Underground Military Bases or DUMPS, where the Satanic
    Cabal could hide with their Clean Air, Water and Food. But they have
    enough Advanced Technology to be able to create Bases in other parts of
    the Solar System. They are prepared to Kill us all, because they do not
    want Mankind to Spiritually Evolve. The Rabbit hole is bigger and much
    deeper than you could possibly imagine or Comprehend.

  10. Disclaimers at the end by The Air Quality Board … could have been
    expressed long before they wasted the time of many people. This should
    have been clearly stated long ago……. And The E.P.A. addressed long ago.
    Seems to me The Air Quality Board dragged it’s heals and ground the wheels
    of justice to it’s slowest possible speed.
    This … Wasting the time of many patriots. In the entire disclaimer at
    the end not a single member of The Air Quality Board uttered 2 words
    geo-engineering & chemtrails.
    Even NASA satellites confirm it’s happening:

    Geo-engineering & chemtrails is an act of war against Americans. And it’s a
    crime against humanity. DO YOU REALLYCARE? LOL. … NO it’s about you
    getting “Respect” for being in control in boardroom. And you didn’t earn

  11. Not one report of a spectral analysis of the light passed through or
    reflected off these jet trails. Don’t any of these people understand that
    we chemically analyze stuff all the time, by spectral analysis. A trail
    made of ice crystals and water vapor would be instantly distinguishable
    from a trail made of nano particles of metals or metal compounds, by its
    infrared spectrum. Hell, the rover on Mars does this with dust on Mars,
    every few days. If you think these trails are suspicious, collect the
    actual data. Water and aluminum nano particles look as different, in the
    infrared, as milk and squid ink look, in the visible.

    But all we get is enthusiastic suspicion.

  12. Christopher Cisneros · Edit

    Thank you! SJ County here. Country side, greenbelt… My plants are
    scorched, bark falls off of my trees, my soil is like the Giza Plateau…
    And because of extreme weather engineering, I got a rare, acute version of
    West Nile Virus in late 2012 – two cases at my residence. Had to get temp
    disability… Yet almost never get sick. I’m only 32. Now with chronic
    fatigue. Still don’t feel myself. My joints hurt like I’m 80. And I have
    Tourette Syndrome + co-morbid disorders… I could punch a hole in the
    wall. Because psychopaths pose as our leaders. And we need to say ‘NO.’
    Take care and thank you, again. 

  13. Outstanding Video. I know for a fact this caused my Mother’s brain tumor.
    In Utah, they spray us probably more and were doing chemtrail spraying back
    in the 60s. The North American Weather Consultants are in Utah, and
    Evergreen Aviation is also here in Utah. 

  14. MAKE THIS GO VIRAL! You can thank those that attended the #Shasta, CA
    #chemtrail #Geoengineering hearing this July!

    Thanks to their efforts, chemtrail activity has been down the past few days
    because THEY know we know! The town of Shasta is making it a known FACT
    what is taking place! Let’s keep this event spreading viral so others can
    watch what happens as we take this mission to an entire new level putting
    them on notice! #Staged

  15. Amazingly well done by this troupe of speakers! Well coordinated and
    executed by all. I can only hope that we will hear that requested response
    from Government soon and that by ALL claiming that we do NOT give
    permission just because the PTB keeps us jumping through their Red Tape
    Government Hoops so that we cannot know ALL of the horrific things they put
    upon us continually, I do not agree to be sprayed nor do I give permission
    for minors to be sprayed. We have the final say not those who would take
    advantage of us. Thank you all for your research and courage.

  16. Veröffentlicht am 17.07.2014
    Subject: Chemtrails
    Public hearing July 15th, 2014 Shasta County Air Quality Management Board

    Expert Testimony
    Dane Wigington opens the argument with the destructive chemtrails overall
    view., USAF Weatherman/Wildlife Biologist Alan Buckman,Biologists-scientist
    Francis Mangels, Airline Pilot Jeff Nelson discusses the contrail VS
    Chemtrail, Neurologists,
    Russ Lazuka USAF Vet talks about Evergreen Aviation, Planes with no
    passengers on board, no squack codes (more formally transponder code), a
    four-digit number sent out by an aircraft’s , and over a mile long
    chemtrails Dr.Frank Lavosse also a pilot (steps in for Fred Meyers) talks
    about chemtrails in Hawaii, Quebec, Maine, Mass. talks about those
    employees who load these planes are in Hazmat outfits, 25% increase in lung
    problems because of micronized aluminum, Mark MacCandlish, secret clearance
    in USAF, consultant to Aerospace Companies, worked on classified systems
    discusses the size of NANO and what it means. MacCandlish states: ” When
    you look up at the sun and you see a white haze, that is aluminum floating
    in the air right now, and it’s coming from the aircraft.” He also discussed
    how chemtrails suppress the immune system, simply by breathing the air.
    NASA conducted a program called metalized hybrid fuel systems. ,Dr. Steve
    Davis resident of 30 years of Shasta speaks of the contaminants.

    “People that are loading their planes with the chemical are dressed in
    complete hazmat outfits,” one man said at the meeting, according to KCRC.
    “So if this is not harmful, why are they in a complete hazmat outfit?”

    The Shasta County board voted to send information from the meeting to the
    Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board, as
    well as legislators. They plan to see if a local national park has access
    to equipment that can measure nanoparticles in the environment to measure
    the potential for chemicals.

    “They say they have a lot of science, they presented us a lot of
    information and I think it’s important for us to have that public
    discussion,” Supervisor Pam Giacomoni said of the group that spoke at the
    meeting, according to the Record Searchlight.

    Other discussions: The ultimate issue goes beyond the board of Supervisors

    Federal and States codes, regulations,& limitations and policies were
    discussed. Air Quality Management issues rules, development, maintenance of
    monitoring equipment etc.

    The district feels that this is beyond there local capacity regarding the
    complaints filed today. He stated that aluminum is monitored. Other items
    Discussed were reduction of diesel vehicle emissions through grant programs
    ( retrofitting or replacing engines) and he stated that the expert
    testimonies today may very well be attributed to diesel emissions as well.

    Conclusion: Air Quality Management District took a vote and it was
    unanimous to further look into the matter of nano aluminum environmental
    disaster caused by chemtrails, and a DEMAND for a response.

    THE TRUTH DENIED is a collection from The Truth Denied Team of
    Investigations regarding environmental hazards,, researchers and Radio Show
    Hosts with subject matters such as Conspiracy in Government, Chemtrails,
    Aerosol Spraying, GMO, Morgellons Gang Stalking, Alien Implants, Disease,
    Health and Healing, NWO Agendas, Nano Technology,alternative
    media,Weaponizing Space, Transhumanism, Alien Bases and Technology,
    Healing,Nutrition & Health, Spirituality, Outer Space,UFO
    sightings,HAARP,Morgellons Disease, Disease, Iluminatti, secret societies,
    Matrix,Government,Mythology, archeology ,Ancient Aliens, Astrology,Agenda
    21 Topics, Smart Meters and Conspiracy Theories that are really Facts for
    the public. We are a volunteer organization.

    Our website is
    Nachrichten & Politik

    @1:45:15 Verna SMITH
    …………. HR2977 in 2001 section 7-b /// chemtrails mentioned as an
    exotic weapons system / designed to destroy ionosphere control weather /
    Kids now using inhalers /

    @1:50:00 Katrina Knoll
    Cleverly written LAW Legalized experimenting on PEOPLE / chemtrails
    …. Public law 105.85 SECTION 1078
    …. protects those doing the experiments.

    @1:55 Kristin Idiama … [[Kimberly Steel CAN’T SPEAK]]
    continues to read … …. Public law 105.85

    Again this proves chemtrails-geoengineering is part of Eugenics. 

  18. you all really like the true believer echo chamber effect, gee where else
    does this exist? apologists for the israeli genocide currently taking
    place in Gaza. While you people are sucking up nonsense without a single
    piece of hard evidence to support your hypochondria, you’re not taking
    action to speak out and demand your elected representative stop supporting
    a psychopathic political agenda to murder every single non zionist in
    Palestine. Over 1500 civilians are dead, murdered in cold blood by cowards
    with the most advanced military equipment on the planet, supplied to them
    by American tax dollars. F16’s vs home made rockets, tax dollars,
    supporting the extermination of all non zionists in the occupied
    territories. Pat yourselves on the back and go back to talking about how
    ill you feel, even when there’s no evidence, anywhere, to support the
    notion of constant, global spraying, given zero evidence collected of the
    spray medium, ever, anywhere on the planet.

  19. IF chemtrails – spraying of chemicals by the government to subdue to people
    – is true then this is pure insanity…

    Where is the ideal of a government of the people for the people?

    Contrast the above with the nature of nature which is the propagation and
    furtherance of life…

    Of course those of you more learned will know of the connections between
    high level government and secret societies which worship death….

    If you think this is nonsense then just research the Skull and Bones
    society…Kerry and Bush were both members…

  20. I think this is great! If they can convince the tax payers to pay for some
    testing and a commission of professionals to go over Dane Wigington’s
    evidence (which I doubt will happen), it will put a big dent in the
    chemtrail fantasy and alleviate a lot of fear for a lot of people,
    including pilots and passengers who have to worry about the chemtrail
    believers on the ground with lasers. In the end though, all will likely
    happen is they waste a lot of taxpayer’s money, go way over budget, and the
    chemtrail community wanting more tests done because they didn’t get the
    answer they wanted. They’ll get an answer, most likely, but it will not be
    what they wanted so they won’t believe it, and they’ll want other tests
    done next time. More waste of taxpayer money, more waste of government
    time which could be spent better on running the County instead of testing
    for things that don’t exist.


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