September 11th 2001 Looking Down at Building 7 and it falls? CBS-Net Dub6 45

September 11th 2001 Looking Down at Building 7 and it falls? CBS-Net Dub6 45

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  1. it really dosnt take an expert to reilise there were nano thermite planted
    i know demolition n thats just how a condemed building goes down

  2. Question: what suddenly attracted the photographers attention to WTC7
    before it started dropping? It must have been something that happened
    before the beginning of this video. Maybe several very loud explosions?
    Maybe large puffs of dust from the base of WTC7? The “VEOH video” also
    shows the photographer’s attention suddenly attracted to the base of WTC7.

  3. @IIMoses740II Secondly, you come in here to try to sell your “belief
    system” and attack others because you don’t see a “controlled demolition”.
    The restrictions of your own beliefs allow for this limitation and just
    because you know nothing of the tech. involved, based on your “limited
    understanding” and “beliefs”, does not mean it didn’t happen. Because it
    sounds more like you have a god inferiority complex. Your God is better
    than the one in the koran, even thou they are the same dam one.

  4. @IIMoses740II Based on your YT channel I can understand how you don’t
    understand the science and physics. You “believe” in an imaginary person
    that no one has ever seen, thinks a man can walk on water and can rise
    after 3 days of being dead. The only person here which is deluded and being
    manipulated is yourself. Society controls itself through “beliefs” and
    members of the “Church of Governmentology” are just as deluded and it would
    seem that you belong to both as they are for moral cowards.

  5. -This onlooking camera-person is obviously NOT a part of the “NWO
    jewZionist 9/11 Attack on NY/Tri-Towers”, –they’ve made valuable
    contribution, this great piece of evidence speaks for itself; –stop the
    inane suggestion they were part of the Jews murderous attack on Amerika.
    Since the Jews hyjacked our usTreasury in 1913, we’ve been living in a
    Bank’ster tyranny folks; –they are totally ruthless greed-driven
    arch-criminals whom flea to Isra’hell like nasty cockroaches when lights go

  6. @TheManInTheMasks Explosives in controlled demolitions are really small.
    Just big enough to cut beams not launch debris all over the place. I have
    never seen a controlled demo with debris launching out and utterly
    destoying buildings.

  7. @Skeptic121 – I don’t think it could be explosions: with lots of all kinds
    of noises outside the window at that time, even explosions could not be
    possible to immediately pinpoint among many other nearby buildings; note
    that the photographer does not hesitate and quickly zooms in on WTC7, not
    any other building nearby. If we discard the impossibilities, the only
    possibility that remains is that the photographer at that second received
    the command to zoom in on WTC7. Btw, who did the video?

  8. @TheManInTheMasks Yeah, it bucked inward at the south side because some
    time before the main collapse, a whole fucking part of it collapsed and
    ripped it open. The collapse lasts way longer than “free fall” myth. And
    even if we look just at the main collapse, the thing slows down after it
    reaches 1/3 of its height. Free falls accelerate objects. And it didn’t
    fall in its footprint. It smashed everything around itself.

  9. @haeresy What a “noble” Trooth-seeker you are; I said nothing about
    religion yet you not only post nothing countering my original posts but
    instead spend two comments to bash a belief system that has nothing to do
    with the “science” dealing with WTC7’s collapse. This is ironic because
    this sounds like the demeanor of the heartless & manipulative people
    running the supposed secret government that was behind 9/11. Way to
    generalize people like the prejudice simpleton that you are. GG man, lol

  10. ask the man or woman in the street what was the numerical designation for
    the third building that collapsed in New York that day and expect many

  11. I remember plainly the owner of that building being interviewed and said it
    was a controlled demolition that morning he was smiling almost laughing
    while he spoke

  12. @marvelfannumber1 Googled it. Saw it. It was from DEBRIS from WTC 7 that
    fell in it’s own footprint (which is pretty clear from the video, but I
    guess people who don’t want to see it blind themselves from it. Don’t
    worry, I bet you believe JFK was they was the way the Warren Commission
    said too, so I don’t expect much from you…

  13. @fennucci Wow, that answer may work on children and most of the ignorant
    public, which is most people, but in no way does reality work that way. For
    something to fall evenly without resistance (which the building obviously
    did), the resistance must have been removed simultaneously, assuming
    gravity is a real thing. Fire will not do this since it does not burn even
    close to hot enough, it astonishes me how people cannot see something like
    this and not realize the truth when it is presented….

  14. -This video stands as clear evidence there were NO airplanes flown into
    Tri-Towers, nor into Pentagon on 9/11/2001; –its been a massive jewZionist
    conspiracy to further the insane jewBank’ster-mafia Tyranny we’ve been
    living in since 1913. A grand-illusion, facilitated by Jews total control
    of our usaFCC-TV/Radio; -whereby ‘we the sheeple’ have been
    media-mesmerized! Time to round-up usual suspects, bring out the
    guillotine, -cockroaches shall scurry to Isra’hell as the lights go on…!!!

  15. @endimion17 Prof. Barnett and the engineers were not allowed access to the
    rubble. They might have found all the columns buckled as you claim. The
    question would still remain why they buckled such that the facade dropped
    together (within 0.5 sec) according to NIST. One engineer was able to sneak
    out one piece that appears to show thermate damage, high temperature
    sulfidation, which could NOT have been due to drywall (calcium sulfate). It
    was high temperature SULFUR, the yellow stuff.

  16. @haeresy So out of four comments, all you’ve got to argue is how you think
    I’m not worth arguing with? That’s very logical there, Troother. And
    ridicule is “a known society odour for moral cowards”, you do realize this
    works for your comments as well In any case, from my original first two
    comments you responded to, by all means, please enlighten me what’s so
    “faith based” about the content of the posts. And just so you know, this
    video is about the events of WTC7 on 9/11 not religion…

  17. @endimion17 No myth: NIST has acknowledged 2.25 seconds of free fall, equal
    to about 25 meters. The rest of the descent was NOT at free fall. So? It
    means that a 25 meter section of vertical support was suddenly removed from
    all over the base. Not weakened; suddenly removed. After the building
    dropped 25 meters, what happened? The (relatively) intact, undamaged part
    of the building hit the ground. Kinetic and potential energy was used to
    crush the structure. Anger is not an argument.

  18. There was lots of Security Exchange Commission documents and many title
    documents related to the 1999 end of the 3(70) year cycles of the United
    states Chapter 11 reorganizational Bankruptcy. You do know that it is a
    corporation? You do know that they are bankrupt and have to borrow their
    own fiat currency from the Federal Reserve and pay it back at interest.
    Ever expansion of debt, and the debt cannot be wiped out because that means
    less money in circulation…

    ARE ALL INSANE! Just cause something APPEARS like something doesnt mean it
    is. Just cause it looks like an explosion doesnt mean it was.

  20. -Camera-person is suddenly alerted aurally & tremor to record this best
    video of B-7’s explosive initial basement destruction (-note explosion
    erupting at street-level on left), and progressing upward therefrom.
    Initial video-frames capture Penthouse still structurally intact, but then
    collapses an instant before zoom-in, revealing core-structure has
    disintegrated via numerous skillfully timed diagonal Thermite-cuts, upon
    order of jewZionist criminal Larry ‘just pull-it’ Silverstein et’al…!!!

  21. People who believe that WTC7 imploded into it’s own footprint because of
    random fires burning inside are the most ignorant, gullible and offensive
    animals in the human race! This clip is a video record of a PERFECT
    STRUCTURAL IMPLOSION CAUSED BY DEMOLITION! The top demo guys in the world
    all agree too!

  22. @Skeptic121 I know that, but if there was a localized “almost free fall”
    (complete free fall is impossible), that doesn’t mean the whole event was
    an “almost free fall”,but people that like to scream about this don’t
    actually understand the difference. Sudden removal of forces can exist.You
    clearly don’t understand how do columns work. If a columns buckles,its
    loading capabilities drop sharply.Yes,it could support a small child,but
    that’s negligible when calculating the whole event.

  23. @brianalbright No shit. Everyone who believes that three buildings fell
    just like the controlled demolition we have seen time and time again. Three
    buildings all fell like controlled demolition on the same day within hours
    of each other? And one wasn’t even hit by an airplane! This is the
    coincidence theory. The odds of this happening to these three buildings are
    astonomical and if youbelieve this fantasy you had better start buying
    lottery tickets cuz you are due to win the big one.

  24. @IIMoses740II What is there to counter? Nothing I’m going to say, nor
    anyone else is going to “convert” or convince you. You have already made up
    your mind as it’s based on beliefs, not science nor physics. What I find
    odd and what I’ve already said is that you have come in here to try and
    “sell” us your beliefs and that if we disagree with you, we’re “delusional”
    and our argument is flawed as stated by your first attacks. The sweet smell
    of ridicule, a known society odour for moral cowards.

  25. @TheManInTheMasks Structural instability. At around 1700f the steel that
    was supporting most of the load had lost probably 85% of its integrity.
    Naturally it will come down, and down it went. I don’t know what is so hard
    about this. Why would they even need to use explosives? What is this trying
    to accomplish? That hijackers wouldnt? Starting a war? Invading our
    privacy? etc.. all this couldve been done without such an elaborate
    conspiracy. A theory more plausible: GWB paid them to do it.

  26. “this freefall drop continued for approximately 8 stories.” — The NIST,
    Final WTC 7 Investigation Report, November 2008 The only way free fall
    could be attained for 8 stories is if there was no resistance (no support)
    from approximately 8 stories near the base. Named officials at the NIST are
    lying for and hiding evidence on behalf of the mass murderers of Americans.
    To think of football stadiums full of innocent women and children in
    Afghanistan and Iraq who’ve been killed for their lies

  27. @fennucci Great question that many people on both sides of the argument
    would look over, fortunately that answer is very easy. Most types of
    explosives used in demolition are detonated. These detonators emit the
    necessary amount of heat and shocks (those which are not found in such a
    concentrated area almost anywhere on the planet, and yes, even inside a
    burning building) to ignite the explosive. So once again, explain how “just
    fire” caused a steel frame skyscraper to fall in on itself together

  28. @endimion17 Had you the most basic understanding of even those which you
    claim to be fools, you would realize that the “lean” you are seeing is due
    to the side of the building caving inward; as those who stood on the other
    side saw the same and most likely ignorantly believe the same thing you do,
    but unfortunately for those ignorant people (including you) this is very
    typical of controlled demolitions as a simultaneous weakness is needed
    throughout the building for a uniform collapse, PWNED!!!

  29. @haeresy BTW “science and physics”? That sounds like a phrase an uneducated
    teenager would say while trying to conjure up something to sound smart.
    Well you can talk about some “Church of Governmentology” as much as you
    want(as random as it is), but by the way, even with my supposed “limited
    understanding” I know that physics is a branch of science & that you did
    nothing but try to sidetrack arguing against my original posts by attacking
    my personal beliefs; way to fail at life Troother…

  30. Even IF WTC7 was rigged with explosives…why does it matter? If the CIA,
    FBI, NSA, Apple or whoever had classified information in that building,
    they had every right to destroy it. Fire, police, and other individuals
    would be crawling through each of those buildings looking for people. What
    would happen if they came across classified information? My “theory” IF
    this was a controlled demolition…this wasn’t a massive cover up of
    information, it was a means of protecting information.

  31. @TheManInTheMasks You have no idea what you are talking about. Search
    fiterman hall sometime on google or something then come back to me and tell
    me it felll in it’s own footprint.


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