This is a message I received, from a credible source. This message is (allegedly) from a USAF pilot, who flies Aerosol Tankers, as part of the secret Indigo Skyfold (geoengineered aerosol “chemtrail”) program.
Please save this text, and forward the video! (The text was too long for Youtube to put in the description, so I will put the entire message in the comments section.)
I’ve known the source for six months, and I have POST confirmation of most of the things he’s told me, IN ADVANCE.
Also, IF THIS WAS DISINFO, the last message from the pilot would be “after Jan 20, they are shutting down the program”.
INSTEAD, he says the opposite: “a very new “extremely toxic” chemtrail mix, is going to be sprayed. Using new technology, that makes these special chemtrails, completely invisible.”
That is not how disinfo works. The last communication was the opportunity to calm the herd, instead, it is a call to action.
If you have a geiger counter, with an alpha/beta probe, please test the aerosol fallout, now, and after January 20, 2015. The best way to test the aerosols, is to wipe your car hood, and windshield, with a clean paper towel, after a dry period of heavy spraying. Then, test the towel for alpha and beta radiation. This is especially important in California, which has no natural radon sources upwind.
BTW, the building at 7:30 is the International Criminal Court, at The Hague, Netherlands. This is where the criminals behind these programs need to be taken, to be put on trial, while the world watches.
P.S. if anyone can do a better job of narration, please upload your own video! Don’t let this disappear from the internet!
The first comment has the complete pilot text, so please copy it, and spread the word.
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TEXT OF PILOT MESSAGE: December 8, 2014
My cousin who was fired by our dictator, just before making “rank
withheld”, sent me information given to him by a friend, who is still an
Air Force pilot. This pilot is saying that he flies CHEMTRAIL flights!
This pilot told my cousin that this global engineering effort, goes by the
name of “Indigo Skyfold”. At least within the circle of pilots and aviation
crews, that he works with. They are told to fly specific routes, and
satellite com links control the aerosol dispersal patterns. He says that
they only make course corrections, from time to time, and perform landings
and take-offs. Pilot, navigation and maintenance crews are rotated
constantly, and only spend about 18 months at one given base. He states,
that is to keep pilots and their families from making too many friends, and
ending up with “Loose Lips”. Plus, they also rotate between day and night
flights. One base for daytime flights, and one for night. Each base covers
a 250 mile zone, and each fleet (squadron) of planes can cover Three
States, or an even larger swath of ocean.
They are told to simply do their job and “Shut the F*ck Up!”
Their superiors will only tell them. “It’s a matter of National Security”
“Without these flights, our enemy’s newest technological weapons of war,
could easily penetrate America’s air space, at will. We are dedicated and
committed to keeping our allies safe, from the same skyward threats. So we
extend the arm of protection, to those countries who support our efforts.
Hostile nations are also building Atmospheric Shields, while in the same
discourse. Trying to explore weaknesses in our ever developing, air and
space-based technologies.”
Sounds more like a PR statement to me.
I think this pilot, either believes what he is told. Or, he is simply
trying to sugar coat their Genocide Project.
December 08, 2014
My firewall detected multiple intrusion attempts, when I googled the Indigo
code as well. Zero info to be found on the internet, for this operation.
That is unique.
I received a rather (lengthy) reply, from the chemtrail pilot. Here is that
text, from his (or her) email.
First of all, I would like to say;
I do not agree with my mission assignments. But, what soldier ever truly
Several of us have considered bucking the ranks, and going AWOL from time
to time.
We are kept in the dark, when it comes to getting honest answers about what
we are really spraying.
Should they discover that we, or our families, are actively inquiring about
your so called “chemtrails” term. Then, automatic and swift disciplinary
actions will be taken. HAARP and Radar, are two other non-allowed research
Unless our children are learning about these in (base) schools. We cannot
educate ourselves, or our children, through any public tutoring system.
I would not intentionally spray my children or family with toxic aerosols.
But, you must know. 80% or better, do not have any family, or children.
Indigo pilots are chosen from the top ranks, within the Air Force, Navy and
Coast Guard. Most of the pilots are “Hardened to Humanity”, and could care
less about killing off, unwanted or “Leaching” aspects of America, and the
world. I swear to you. The majority of the pilots are like Machines. I call
them (Tanker Terminators).
I should not be telling you this. But nearly one-third of all flights, are
being orchestrated from small un-named islands. Where newly constructed
bases, are being built, at a rate of eight per year. On these extremely
remote islands, there are HAARP arrays of every possible design. With many
arrays surrounding these islands, within the depths of the ocean itself.
The Navy has developed sophisticated underwater construction technology.
That allows fully autonomous robot submersibles, to travel great distances,
and even manufacture parts for these massive under water arrays, as they
progress across the open sea floor. Every time that you see or hear about
military excercises at sea. They are basically there to give support and
resupply, their army of underwater robotic minions. There is possibly, one
aquatic robot per plane, and will soon be double that.
You will never be able to google Earth search any of this. Other than an
occasional error, in blurring some island bases, or smudging images of
underwater arrays. It is impossible to locate all these artifacts. They
even paint fake clouds, over some of our island installations, to keep
prying eyes away. I have been shown some of these images, by civilian
friends. That is the reason I know this.
I completely understand your concern for human safety.
But, here is the Kicker.
We are shown videos in our training, of catastrophic destruction to our
homeland, by very sophisticated weapons.
Then told, that these will be the consequences, if we don’t fly. Our
efforts in building a defensive atmospheric weapons shield, are the only
missions of it’s kind in the world. We are paid more than any other pilot,
for our service. Other than Air Force One pilots. Who make as much or more,
and are also kept in a dark secret world, for their protection.
They tell us that secrecy is our protection, and not to listen to any
public rehtoric.
We all know about cyber program “flashpoint”, or FP-03 as it is known
within the veteran community. This program is a Self Destruct sequence,
that can be remotely activated, from any ground, water, underwater based,
or other air mobile unit. The signal is encrypted through “Three”
satellites, and cannot be jammed or blocked.
At any given moment, you could only have 15 seconds, to make peace with
your God.
They tell us that FP exists, to keep planes from accidentally going down in
heavily populated areas. They can remotely detonate our planes, over safe
zones. But in the back of our minds. We are pretty sure, this is a
fail-safe program to keep pilots from turning over assets, to any public,
private or civilian authorities.
Have you ever seen any member of the crew, survive the few crashes that
have occurred? Every plane that has gone down, was completely destroyed.
For a good reason, I’m sure.
We risk our lives, in more ways than one, every single time that we fly.
Especially night flights. They are ordering us to fly at lower and lower
altitudes. We feel like massive “dark force Empire” crop dusters, and know
that one night. Bubba, or Billy Joe will fire their long rifles at us. When
we spray their moonshine making operation, or pass over an illegal mary
jane crop.
I know for a fact that some planes have been shot at, and subsequently
brought down. By mostly Russian, Chinese and Korean weaponry. But, the
media will never cover these events. As they are not allowed to report on
our flights either. That must be true, for I have yet to see a detailed or
in-depth report of our missions. On any public venue. Other than conspiracy
shows and anti-government websites.
I risk everything for disclosing so much information, and you will find
very few like me. Even my own flight crew, would have me arrested and court
martialed, if they knew of this dialogue. That is why I cannot email you
But, from what your cousin tells me. You are also risking everything, just
to get this information out to your colleagues.
I salute you sir, for standing up to the establishment, and big brother.
I would love to go home tomorrow, and not rack up one more single minute of
flight time. Except for a sweet little Piper Cub, or Rat Tail Barn Racer!
I miss those beautiful Blue skies, from my youth, and I am ashamed for
hazing over that dream.
Maybe, more of my fellow pilots will read or hear about this, and decide to
come forward as well.
I only know a small fraction of the larger picture, and they
compartmentalize everything.
Should I become aware of any (new) significant developments. I will email
your cousin.
He senses a wavering within the ranks, and feels that a kind of (Mutiny) is
being boiled to the surface, of this whole GeoEngineering..
Global White Washing. “if you catch my drift?”
My cousin still has friends in high places too. So, he is helping to
protect him.
Last word from “pilot”, was:
“All pilots on leave, are required to report to their CO by Dec.15.
For special training operations, to qualify for Indigo Phase II flights.
Expected to be initiated by Jan. 21.”
Those were his words. Not the actual Air Force message. He wanted me to
stress that.
He believes that the focus of their flights will be moved to areas east of
California and Texas. In order to progress the drought, further into the
Plus, he feels that a very new “extremely toxic” chemtrail mix, is going to
be sprayed. Using new technology, that makes these special chemtrails,
completely invisible.
Atmospheric Shield of Protection.
he doesn’t believe that either.
End of message text
Ken Caldiera has a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy, so OF COURSE, he is the
world’s top scientist on geoengineering. He tells everyone that chemtrails
are a hoax, while doing his mysterious job at the Carnegie Institution.
(This guy should be arrested, and put on trial, by the ICC, for GENOCIDE!)
Back in the summer of 2012 the morning news on the radio was Janet N.
saying there would be 30,000 drones over America. Most would think that
maybe this is to spy on us and it may be. I have long thought since that
day that drones are spraying us. They don’t need merc pilots. Give me a
break the drones can do anything they want and don’t need a human to do
This is very serious.
I continue to be very skeptical of what I hear from nothing more than
word-of-mouth rumor. Of course everything you hear them say has come true
because it already happened in the past. We just cannot be suckered into a
cheap version of Edward Snowden. We need a live whistle-blower willing to
go public in the flesh and in front of a camera. People willing to die for
their country are not that hard to find. The military is full of heroes.
Let’s see just one blow the whistle on chemtrails.
Need to create a popular song about the chemtrail blues, how about Taylor
Swift? I’ve been trying to think how to publicize this stuff too, and I
think a really good publicist is needed. Not joking. Another scary thing
is the educating of our children to believe that these are new clouds or
weather patterns that have already existed. Have you seen the “Strangest
Weather” shows on the Weather Channel? wow, do they have some pet
meteorologists and scientists lying through their teeth.
Survivor Kitty says Google Earth is shutting down in 2015.
Found this quote in one of the two articles she supplied links to:
“Beyond that, nobody is really using Google Earth…”
Really? Everyone I know uses Google Earth. Nearly 25% of all youtube videos
references Google Earth.
Google Earth is simply one more tragic victim, of the Dis-Information
They expose too many vulnerabilities of project Indigo, and other illegal
military missions, for the entire world to see.
But I have been told:
They are shutting down.
Because of the many lawsuits filed by Photo-Shop experts, who are coming
down with carpal tunnel syndrome!
Couldn’t resist that one.
I live inWalnut Creek, CA. I have watched Chemtrails being sprayed overhead
on a regular basis. Their “giveaway” are the strange cloud formations
created over the sky that, after 7 decades of living, I have NEVER seen
before. There is also the devastating drought in CA caused by what the
meteorologists term “a strange persistent high-level ridge” preventing
rainfall! Coincidental? It’s time to step up and take action folks.
Thought this would interest everyone on this issue——I wrote my US
Senator (one of them) just before Christmas, this was her
December 22, 2014
Dear xxxxx
Thank you for contacting me regarding “chem trails.” I appreciate hearing
from you.
As you may be aware, the theory that the federal government is purposely
and intentionally spraying chemicals into the air at high altitudes has
been discredited by the scientific community, which maintains that such
trails in the sky are actually condensation trails or “contrails,” which
are created by airplanes at high altitudes. Contrails are formed when
humid, hot air from airplane engines interacts with the surrounding cold
air. The length and duration of contrails depends upon weather conditions.
Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. As your Senator, it is
important for me to hear from you regarding the current issues affecting
our nation. Please do not hesitate to be in touch again if I may be of
further assistance.
Kelly A. Ayotte
U. S. Senator
Needless to say, Ms. Ayotte is a Republican. But I give her credit for
replying promptly.
See my chemtrail videos on CloudWakeUp channel. I have a video called “WTH
are we breathing! Chemtrail Chaff” which shows all sorts of chaff and a
chemtrail dye capsule.
Thanks for all your tireless work over the years on this. So appreciated.
Damn..this made/makes me see red…
TEXT OF PILOT MESSAGE: December 8, 2014
My cousin who was fired by our dictator, just before making “rank
withheld”, sent me information given to him by a friend, who is still an
Air Force pilot. This pilot is saying that he flies CHEMTRAIL flights!
This pilot told my cousin that this global engineering effort, goes by the
name of “Indigo Skyfold”. At least within the circle of pilots and aviation
crews, that he works with. They are told to fly specific routes, and
satellite com links control the aerosol dispersal patterns. He says that
they only make course corrections, from time to time, and perform landings
and take-offs. Pilot, navigation and maintenance crews are rotated
constantly, and only spend about 18 months at one given base. He states,
that is to keep pilots and their families from making too many friends, and
ending up with “Loose Lips”. Plus, they also rotate between day and night
flights. One base for daytime flights, and one for night. Each base covers
a 250 mile zone, and each fleet (squadron) of planes can cover Three
States, or an even larger swath of ocean.
They are told to simply do their job and “Shut the F*ck Up!”
Their superiors will only tell them. “It’s a matter of National Security”
“Without these flights, our enemy’s newest technological weapons of war,
could easily penetrate America’s air space, at will. We are dedicated and
committed to keeping our allies safe, from the same skyward threats. So we
extend the arm of protection, to those countries who support our efforts.
Hostile nations are also building Atmospheric Shields, while in the same
discourse. Trying to explore weaknesses in our ever developing, air and
space-based technologies.”
Sounds more like a PR statement to me.
I think this pilot, either believes what he is told. Or, he is simply
trying to sugar coat their Genocide Project.
December 08, 2014
My firewall detected multiple intrusion attempts, when I googled the Indigo
code as well. Zero info to be found on the internet, for this operation.
That is unique.
I received a rather (lengthy) reply, from the chemtrail pilot. Here is that
text, from his (or her) email.
First of all, I would like to say;
I do not agree with my mission assignments. But, what soldier ever truly
Several of us have considered bucking the ranks, and going AWOL from time
to time.
We are kept in the dark, when it comes to getting honest answers about what
we are really spraying.
Should they discover that we, or our families, are actively inquiring about
your so called “chemtrails” term. Then, automatic and swift disciplinary
actions will be taken. HAARP and Radar, are two other non-allowed research
Unless our children are learning about these in (base) schools. We cannot
educate ourselves, or our children, through any public tutoring system.
I would not intentionally spray my children or family with toxic aerosols.
But, you must know. 80% or better, do not have any family, or children.
Indigo pilots are chosen from the top ranks, within the Air Force, Navy and
Coast Guard. Most of the pilots are “Hardened to Humanity”, and could care
less about killing off, unwanted or “Leaching” aspects of America, and the
world. I swear to you. The majority of the pilots are like Machines. I call
them (Tanker Terminators).
I should not be telling you this. But nearly one-third of all flights, are
being orchestrated from small un-named islands. Where newly constructed
bases, are being built, at a rate of eight per year. On these extremely
remote islands, there are HAARP arrays of every possible design. With many
arrays surrounding these islands, within the depths of the ocean itself.
The Navy has developed sophisticated underwater construction technology.
That allows fully autonomous robot submersibles, to travel great distances,
and even manufacture parts for these massive under water arrays, as they
progress across the open sea floor. Every time that you see or hear about
military excercises at sea. They are basically there to give support and
resupply, their army of underwater robotic minions. There is possibly, one
aquatic robot per plane, and will soon be double that.
You will never be able to google Earth search any of this. Other than an
occasional error, in blurring some island bases, or smudging images of
underwater arrays. It is impossible to locate all these artifacts. They
even paint fake clouds, over some of our island installations, to keep
prying eyes away. I have been shown some of these images, by civilian
friends. That is the reason I know this.
I completely understand your concern for human safety.
But, here is the Kicker.
We are shown videos in our training, of catastrophic destruction to our
homeland, by very sophisticated weapons.
Then told, that these will be the consequences, if we don’t fly. Our
efforts in building a defensive atmospheric weapons shield, are the only
missions of it’s kind in the world. We are paid more than any other pilot,
for our service. Other than Air Force One pilots. Who make as much or more,
and are also kept in a dark secret world, for their protection.
They tell us that secrecy is our protection, and not to listen to any
public rehtoric.
We all know about cyber program “flashpoint”, or FP-03 as it is known
within the veteran community. This program is a Self Destruct sequence,
that can be remotely activated, from any ground, water, underwater based,
or other air mobile unit. The signal is encrypted through “Three”
satellites, and cannot be jammed or blocked.
At any given moment, you could only have 15 seconds, to make peace with
your God.
They tell us that FP exists, to keep planes from accidentally going down in
heavily populated areas. They can remotely detonate our planes, over safe
zones. But in the back of our minds. We are pretty sure, this is a
fail-safe program to keep pilots from turning over assets, to any public,
private or civilian authorities.
Have you ever seen any member of the crew, survive the few crashes that
have occurred? Every plane that has gone down, was completely destroyed.
For a good reason, I’m sure.
We risk our lives, in more ways than one, every single time that we fly.
Especially night flights. They are ordering us to fly at lower and lower
altitudes. We feel like massive “dark force Empire” crop dusters, and know
that one night. Bubba, or Billy Joe will fire their long rifles at us. When
we spray their moonshine making operation, or pass over an illegal mary
jane crop.
I know for a fact that some planes have been shot at, and subsequently
brought down. By mostly Russian, Chinese and Korean weaponry. But, the
media will never cover these events. As they are not allowed to report on
our flights either. That must be true, for I have yet to see a detailed or
in-depth report of our missions. On any public venue. Other than conspiracy
shows and anti-government websites.
I risk everything for disclosing so much information, and you will find
very few like me. Even my own flight crew, would have me arrested and court
martialed, if they knew of this dialogue. That is why I cannot email you
But, from what your cousin tells me. You are also risking everything, just
to get this information out to your colleagues.
I salute you sir, for standing up to the establishment, and big brother.
I would love to go home tomorrow, and not rack up one more single minute of
flight time. Except for a sweet little Piper Cub, or Rat Tail Barn Racer!
I miss those beautiful Blue skies, from my youth, and I am ashamed for
hazing over that dream.
Maybe, more of my fellow pilots will read or hear about this, and decide to
come forward as well.
I only know a small fraction of the larger picture, and they
compartmentalize everything.
Should I become aware of any (new) significant developments. I will email
your cousin.
He senses a wavering within the ranks, and feels that a kind of (Mutiny) is
being boiled to the surface, of this whole GeoEngineering..
Global White Washing. “if you catch my drift?”
My cousin still has friends in high places too. So, he is helping to
protect him.
Last word from “pilot”, was:
“All pilots on leave, are required to report to their CO by Dec.15.
For special training operations, to qualify for Indigo Phase II flights.
Expected to be initiated by Jan. 21.”
Those were his words. Not the actual Air Force message. He wanted me to
stress that.
He believes that the focus of their flights will be moved to areas east of
California and Texas. In order to progress the drought, further into the
Plus, he feels that a very new “extremely toxic” chemtrail mix, is going to
be sprayed. Using new technology, that makes these special chemtrails,
completely invisible.
Atmospheric Shield of Protection.
he doesn’t believe that either.
End of message text
May God destroy these scum, these pieces of shit from hell. I live in
Kansas City and see the chemtrails all the time. Some days my eyes fill
like I have metal in them. I watched as my innocent 18 month old grandson
rubbed his eyes 10 minuets later and decided I better take him inside.
Today if any person doesn’t believe in God I find that amazing The evidence
of Satan is every where including in the sky. Only Satan himself could
force plans like this, could come up with such evil. And only men and women
under the spell of Satan could direct such pure evil plans. The price for
these people is death or worse hell, eternal hell and that is deserving to
those that are the synagogue of Satan. I feel sorry for the ilots to a
degree. Many have put in years and are close to retirement, but the life
they will find in retirement will never let them forget they became the
tools of the devil. People in government that are not evil are going to
have to wake up and put their faith in Jesus Christ the Savior of all who
accept him.There is a God, there is a creator of all, he sent his only
begotten Son to take on a mortal body, to have all the pains that all have.
The Savor took on all the sins of the world, died and then was resurrected,
to return and sit on the right hand of God. This world is nothing but our
test, our time of salvation. I truly feel for those in positions like these
pilots, like people in high offices like FEMA, FBI,DHS et… that are
finding and will find themselves doing the devils work, doing pure evil at
the behest of pure demonic controlled scum. To stay and do the work of pure
evil for the devils and the jews who rule with him is to risk eternal hell.
Don’t risk it. Don’t waste eternal life for a retirement that will not be
worth anything. In fact the goals o most of the jews is communism, and
history has shown that we they bring in communism millions and million of
Christians will die. Maybe this spraying of toxicins is the slow death
scenario. If you believe in the climate change scenario and that many must
die to save some, you are deceived. Many good Jews that are not evil have
been deceived by evil rabbis that preach that God tells them they must do
evil, and that by doing evil they are actually serving God. How far will
men and women go in the pursuit of the false American dream? How many will
believe lies like evolution and turn from the light of Christ? Howe many
will let getting high, getting drunk, committing adultery like that which
is shown in every movie or TV show? This is the test, the jews that run
Hollywood are doing their jobs for the devil. The gentiles or non-jews that
are masons and follow jewish mysticis, how are they going to be saved? Has
the pride of being high up in the lodge, or high up in rank in the military
worth it? I was in the USAF in the early 70s and loved it, I felt it was
honorable, but is it today? I think not To any in government service or in
plice work, you must put Christ first in your life, and if at some point
you have to resign to save your eternal soul then that will be a small
price. Who wants to live today anyways? Those who have committed treason,
those who in power have sould their souls have become evil. At one time
maybe men of honor, now demons bent on doing evil. Jesus Christ is real,
God is real, the Holy Ghost is real.
If this were a hoax. the hoaxer is absotively, posilutely a USAF insider.
Unfortunately, every word of it makes perfect sense.
When chemtrailing began in earnest here over WDC in Fall 2011 ( the
last area treated to the grid works due to presence of Senators and top
mil/intel officers who could surmise what was happening) the sudden daily
creation of SuperGoo at jet cruise altitude was accompanied by frequent
appearances of the Airborne Laser which circled about the region. Why?
Because the spray campaign was accompanied by the massive saber rattling
that Iran had offshore freighters that were equipped with medium range TV
(visual manual guidance) systems so that the SuperGoo was created as a vast
blanket to deny visual targeting of our precious Federal temples. This
was clearly designed primarily to give a “good National Security reason” to
the people involved in the Operation itself, as well as to provide a
plausible reason for the Senators et al who may have questioned the use of
such…controversial… defense systems. The Airborne Laser was
specifically designed to shoot down medium range missiles in launch phase.
After that Fall period the Airborne Laser never came back… but the
spraying never stopped. See? Once they got away with it, the presence of
super trails, grids, and daily SuperGoo aka “White Slime” was never
questioned…. by anybody! So they saw the same phenomenon – sheeple who
see nothing, really… even in the Nation’s Capital. So this operant
system I describe and which took place for real dramatically underscores
the coherence of the account provided to us in this video. Well Done !
Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks, on Dec 8, 2014: http://youtu.be/lZaD-H_j3pU
Thank you for posting.I am taking photos of major chemtrails constantly
from my front yard in Nevada.Feeling helpless.Few of my friends almost none
of my neighbors care.Makes me so sad for the plants, animals & children.So
sad I can only cry.
While this is a great report I’m confused why the pilot called himself a
soldier. As a pilot myself, and knowing more than a handful of military
pilot from erau where I attended college. Not one would describe themselves
as a soldier. I’m leaning towards this being someone trying to stir the pot
for attention.
Hi you guys, did you get a chance to read this recent article from Veterans
Today and see all the video’s included and reading material?
a lot of valuable information at this article, make sure you watch the 3:29
long vimeo video there titled “climate scientist Jasper Kirkby blows
whistle on chmetrails,geoengineering” and the other youtube videos at this
link and plenty of reading material as well. I am starting a political
movement against chemtrails in California in our performing arts industry,
statewide, and we are starting a non profit org campaign to create some new
laws for the California senate to force the state of California to ban
chemtrails in the state of California,,, the legal battle can only be won
one state at a time, one county at a time. The individual states have to
stop the federal government. Thanks for reading the pilot’s letter on video
my friend. When Roi first printed this letter on the last video The HAARP
Report posted, I copied it all and saved it right away,,, Please Tell Roi I
said hello and to never give up the fight and I send my love and respect
all the way from Northern California.
Get a Water Distiller or start saving for a box.
What ever these chemtrailsare there are more in the sky on the Texas gulf
coast than I have ever seen. Day and night spraying. So whatever their
agenda is they seem to be in a real hurry.
Are they using units like this as a cover?
Even mentions a radio frequency engineer here
http://www.afrc.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123425077 exactly what HAARP would
~*~Please Join together to make phone calls to the Marana AeroSpace
Solutions ( Evergreen / Geoengineering ) Facility 520-682-4181 & thank each
department for participating in Exposing the Truth of these facilities ~*~
That’s what I do & I know it works ~*~ Lv. a message & my cell phone calls
are free on wk ends ~*~ We must continue to plant the seed & encourage
these people working there to stand in their integrity & document the
corruption & compartmentalization that goes on there ~*~ Give them
resources to inform themselves & refer them to Truther Radio Resouces to
Share their Inside Information ~*~ God Speed God Sparks ~*~ ~*~
Help me out here. How in the world could we produce so much of whatever
chemical they supposedly use? The contract would be massive. Who makes
it? I suspect that this chemtrail business may be a created by the gov to
discredit all conspiracy theories – it just seems so far fetched. And many
of the photos look photoshopped. Enlighten me oh youtruthers.
But…there cannot be that many pilots involved, surely. These images are
just the same as those across all of Europe. I am in France and I see these
skies nearly every day. Wherever I go in Europe, the same, there would need
to be tens of thousands of pilots involved? I want to believe, but…
Why can’t more people track these flights with android app’s like
flightradar24 an start exposing these pilots so we can get more light on
whats really going on. I say when you see one of these planes spraying just
pull out flightradar24 an do some tracking … get your friends involved .
This will take team work. Just an idea guys thank you for listening .
Hell Yeah Storm!!! This is credible information!!! We need to get you on
with Alex Jones!!!
not sure if this is true, don’t think so but it could be.
Listen, just use common sense to look at this situation. They are doing
this without the knowledge or approval of the people of this country. so,
that means it has to do with something we know nothing about. if we did
know, we could logically connect the events together. since nobody has,
this means this is about something they WILL NOT EVER tell us about. if it
was really about an enemy’s weapons, I would think an attack of some sort
to prove this, would be much better at getting these chemtrails sprayed on
us, attack us and we are game for anything! So, without the false flag
event to get this kicked off, they did this shit anyways, fuck you if you
see it or say anything about it! this to me signals, it involves their
survival as well and there is a time factor involved- must get done asap,
due to the fact they are doing this no matter what, it’s about their
survival, and it involves something they HAVE never told us about and won’t
no matter what, and this has to get done NOW.mmmm…… what could it be? I
think we have a couple of logical conclusions for this, and in my book the
reason this is being done doesnt have anything to do with enemy weapons,
nothing at all.oh, and i dont see this being a genocide type thing either,
these people have families also, they would be killing their extended
families and possibly even their immediate family and themselves. besides,
if you wanted to kill a bunch of people you wouldnt do it this damn slow!
you kill them as quick as possible and as many as possible at once,
eliminate the threat before it hurts you. It doesnt make sense for them to
do this the way they are doing it because of the reason they gave, it dont
make sense. if your scared of an enemy weapon, you make sure EVERYONE knows
about it and what your doing to protect us from it, this military doesnt do
humanitarian or goodwill shit without getting it’s kudo’s, believe that.
this aint no dam saving us from weapons, it aint to wipe us ut either. what
other reasons could there be that are logical conclusions from the common
sense facts stated above? maybe something NOT of this world or on this
world? mmm.. but what?
At 9:06, that’s ballast system that uses water, water-pumps and pipes to
test weight distribution vs. center-or-gravity for passenger aircraft
loading data.
Hughe crimes against humanity by our governments exposed.
thank you to this person who gave this information and to you for sharing
this. it’s too bad the pilots don’t think ahead and see how they are
harming and killing their parents, brothers and sisters, and loved ones.
but that is why the U.S. military trains young people, cause “most” are
gullible and believe what ever they are told. thanks for sharing this.
There seems to be nothing the average person can do. Most are too busy hard
at work trying desperately to hold onto job period. Staying on top of what
is happening at city hall or even at the state level is usually not
included beyond the evening news. It’s more then what the average person
worries about. We have been conditioned to keep both parents out at work
and too tired to deal with more then the chores at home. Schools and
counselors now dictate the directions at home for our children’s welfare.
The Internet will inform the numbers but not bring the change. Otherwise
this aerial spraying would have stopped before take off of the first year
of flights. I’m afraid those at the controls have already won. But this
life is nothing but a foot print left in the sands of time. Toxic this
spray is, I see the change in the environment, the rivers and lakes, even
the ocean. Our trees are dying, especially the many species of pine trees.
For the last 7 years the changes to our planet have been so severe. I see
why so many believe it’s the end of days. My heart feels sorrowful for the
newborns because they will never know our beautiful mother earth the way I
knew her.
Put additional power in substation on erst side if a place, NAS, called san
Nicolas island. Janet flighted over in 91 for JIP contract subs. Holmes n
Narver were GCs … that’s now BR. All parts go over 2 weeks in advance by
barge. Stay in barracks or get srrested when SR71 lands to refuel. What we
wondered is why the west side extra power required … rumor….. was sub
base under island required. it. Its a nature preserve so civilians are gov
screened for research prior to arrival. Sea lions and seals were very cool
but u can’t play with them … we got reprimanded. No cameras or other type
of recording devices allowed … sux to record your work product and we
complained. Several 3 week stays. Good ol boy network and we were outsiders
… Anything Electrical. For the disinfo trolls … I have the original
contract, nobody left alive that I care about to threaten, no license to
revoke, no benefit checks to stop, so fuk U. Fuk with me and I’ll disclose
bldg 666 … 667 security contract with pics. Anachoic chamber where nellis
checks out recovered craft for radar signatures. LOL. For the doubters …
check atlas maps printed up 96 … see island off catalina? … now check
new maps past 96 … island gone. Think it sank? Thanks to Natgeo for
confirming chemtrails exist … nice prop video a few years ago but still
have natgeo n history channel on VHS from 2006 claiming its a tinfoil hat
conspiracy theory. Government propoganda sites … feed u what they’re told
to. Same with military channel. Thank u directv for the genie system. Great
for fast comparative analysis.
It’s the deniers that allow this to continue. The deniers make up more than
70% of the U.S. population. If every citizen, would acknowledge and get
upset about this, the chemtrails would be stopped. But I do not see this
happening. Too many grown men and women are so worried about how they would
look if they agreed that chemtrails are happening daily. The peer pressure
they allow themselves to absorb, is literally stopping them from joining
the ranks of the believers of truth.