Remember Building 7

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21 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Remember to Remember Building 7 At World Trade Center. Who can explain what
    happened? Why Cant Congress And Senate, Democrat And Republican Work
    Together for American People’s Interest? How can American People Trust
    Uncle Sam? Solution not Simple. It will Take Three Years. Cancel Cable And
    Remove Your Money From Big Banks. Invest in Community Bank or Credit Union.
    Stand For Something or Fall For Anything or Set the Stage for God To make
    your enemy His footstool.

  2. @unRompecabezas I am an engineer with many years working gas and oil
    systems. I to believed the story until i researched the evidence. A fire
    cannot cause a building of that type to collapse inside its own footprint.
    Fire, dirty fire of a building cannot produce enough heat to cause instant
    demise of all supporting steel columns resulting in a building to fall in
    its own footprint. Unfortunately you have not done your research. Even the
    owner asked to have it pulled. It takes months to prepare

  3. Physically impossible, yet legally and virtually possible. As a matter of
    fact, that’s what happened. The perps are “virtually innocent”. i suppose
    it is good to know who did it and who got framed and blamed. Not very good
    for credibility of authority or purpose.

  4. @ “Are you people fixating on how fast a burning skyscraper collapsed
    because you’re desperate to deny that fire can actually destroy a
    building?” Who is saying that fire can´t destroy a building? You are making
    yourself look so stupid right now, you probably haven´t watched not even
    one petition by AE911 Truth and have no idea about the evidence they have
    gathered. There are pilots, firefighters, military, intelligence and
    goverment officials speaking out, where you live? under the rock?

  5. Jooos are trying to dominate the discussion as usual with their media? spin
    and hijacking of both Conservative (NeoCon) and Progressive (NeoLib) THE
    JOOOS ARE SCARED OF RP and real conservatives and progressives. Paul’s want
    to cut off funding for Israhell and kill their joo Fed Reserve, THE JOOOS
    ARE SCARED OF RP and REAL conservatives and progressive Christians,
    Muslims, Catholics. They love aetheists who are usefull tools

  6. @unRompecabezas Barry Jennings (who was trapped in Bldg 7) gave testimony
    that stated that he was “stepping over bodies” in the lobby when trying to
    escape. If that’s the case, then yes people DID die in Building 7.

  7. Spread the video and donate, guys! Although that is a very small thing to
    do, all this add needs is that little bit of help to get aired. Let us
    finally, and truthfully, sort this mess out.

  8. @Matu1 Fukushima plant burned for 10days up to 3000 F before steel melted.
    How does colder burning Kerosene jet fuel melt steel in 60min ? Because
    Empire State Building plane crash used gasoline which burns even hotter
    than jet fuel, yet building suffers only minor damage and steel unharmed.

  9. @aikido7 Can I ask why you even bother mentioning FEMA? If the entire
    official story is just a tissue of absolute lies, why would you lend
    credence to anything FEMA says?

  10. Wow. Building 7 fetishism reaches a new low. Why are the victims of the
    Twin Towers’ collapses relevant to the discussion of 7’s destruction? No
    one died when building 7 fell. Are you people fixating on how fast a
    burning skyscraper collapsed because you’re desperate to deny that fire can
    actually destroy a building? Is this all about your powerlessness and
    frustration in the chaotic events of life?

  11. In essence, building 7’s collapse was enough to convince sane people that
    fires burning out of control are enough to completely destroy a skyscraper,
    whether or not a fuel-laden jet crashes into it. This obviously means
    nothing to truthers, whose dogma preaches that only deliberate demolition
    can produce such an effect. Facts mean nothing to people in denial.


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