Proof that Chemtrails Are Real

If you do not yet understand that chemtrail are real, you need to watch this clip. Chemtrails are not conspiracy and people need to understand the facts because we all breath air – and as you…

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  1. I suspect that the official story is weather control and the real
    unofficial story is keeping humans from evolving spiritually in this
    galactic paradigm shift. Dispite their pity tries on controlling us, people
    are awakening anyway. Rest assured, what they do does not work.

  2. Been watching your videos and others for a while but I still don’t see
    anything conclusive that says what your watching isn’t contrails.

    It seems that it is commonly overlooked that conditions at high altitude
    are different then on the ground and they can rapidly change giving the
    on/off effect. Also the rate and manner the trail dissipates would largely
    be based on present conditions not chemicals.

    It is public knowledge that the technology to change the conditions is
    available. I remember a few years ago China had successful tests by
    shooting a shell into the clouds. However altering the weather by way of
    chemtrails doesn’t have facts to back it. And the China tests were also a
    few years ago. Contrails today are the same as when I starred at them as a

    Its been said “If you believe something, be it right or wrong you’ll find
    your own facts to back it”

  3. The object which is moving in the blue sky and enters the cloud formation
    in the video at the 14 minute mark ejects a vapor out of the back side once
    it just enters the cloud. It is very brief , then shuts off. Do you see
    this? Or are my eyes playing tricks?

  4. Thank you for your awesome hard work! Great video and info, Thank you for
    caring and taking the time to educate the masses! People like you are so
    special and I appreciate all of you that are trying to bring this genocide
    to light! Cheers and Blessings! 

  5. I’ve heard through various sources that some chemtrails have traces of
    genetic material from viruses and bacteria, nano tracers and shit.
    I think possibly these UFO could be some sort of unmanned drone for
    observation and assistance. The shooting done could be some sort of extra
    ingredient being projected into the cloud that can’t be sprayed with the
    other chemicals and it doesn’t need to be in a mass quantity. Perhaps even
    simply a type of stabilizer. To me it appears these orbs are assisting the
    “planes” which I believe are also unmanned. 

  6. @ Crrow777 — Another wonderful viddy! Thank you sir. There are many of us
    who sincerely appreciate the independent work that you’re conducting &
    sharing with the public. A great many thanks!
    I feel horrible that I was unable to contribute to your fundraiser
    recently, because I ardently support your work. Perhaps I’ll be much better
    suited to do so if you conduct another.
    Thanks again!!

  7. Hi!
    I can’t find any way of contacting you, so I will just write here:
    You say that 3 heavy metals are showing up in lab reports all over the
    world, but you forget to mention which. I presume you mean
    aluminium/aluminum, barium and strontium.

  8. +Crrow777 14:18 -as I have pointed on the previous video. There is an
    object coming from the middle left towards lower right, it is flying over
    the chemtrail. The orb you have recorded is shooting at this object,
    exactly. Intercepting it?

  9. If this spraying is for weather control, then it sure is destroying any
    opportunity for rain out here in California. Our drought continues while I
    see this being sprayed out here everyday creating the milky overcast sky. I
    had seen second part of your video previously and forwarded it. This is
    what got me to subscribe. And I have also seen the white orbs playing peek
    a boo in the clouds. So now I know I am not crazy nor is my vision going
    bad. I can’t wait to show your video to the laughers. Let’s see if they
    laugh at this.

  10. 1. Has there every been any pilot admitting that s/he does the
    chemtrailing? You need probably thousands of pilots to do that worldwide.
    Or these planes run on autopilot?
    2. What’s the purpose of chemtrails, if they are real? Humans typically are
    good at figuring things out: by relating the unknown things to things they
    now. It follows, that chemtrails need to be connected with something way
    out of the ordinary human experience.
    2.1 In other words: The inability to explain what chemtrails are, for such
    a long time, does lead to two options:
    (a) they do not exist as such, or
    (b) they are connected to something very, very strange.

  11. On the “orb sequence” (around 11:13) there is A LOT going on all around the
    main orb you focused in, at different angles, altitudes and speeds. Do you
    know what they are? I only saw one person mentioning it here, despite
    they`re so astonishing. Did you notice them when you shot the clip and did
    you already check your older videos to see if maybe there are more of them
    unnoticed in the frames? Thanks for the video and keep the good work!

  12. Or simply Put a 3 foot handle on the tripod so when you move it it would be
    smoother instead of a small handle and have rapid jagged movements

  13. Hi! Awesome videos. I have to ask if you know anyone who is tracking where
    all these chem trails and geo engineering events take place. We had a huge
    grid covering our city, Queen Creek, AZ today. It’s so obvious it’s
    impossible to deny. But range of excuses include cloud ” seeding”, creating
    a type of sunscreen to reflect the sun, etc. 

  14. Great work Crrow777! Are you able to follow an orb longer to find out where
    they go ultimately, or horizon is obscured? Assuming they come down or just

  15. Can you get zoomed in close enough to the plane now and maybe see inside it
    or find out if there are any markings on any of the planes? 

  16. Thank-you for the upload and all the work you put into informing us of
    these Chemtrails and weird Orbs Crrow. Excellent footage my Friend.
    Hope all is well with you and Crrowette.
    Peace Y

  17. This gui substance have been accumulating on my car lately it is white. I
    looks like tree sap but when I use wind-ex to clean it it releases this
    ammonia smell and it is not the cleaner. If I use the cleaner on another
    surface I do not get the same reaction. I also see a silvery residue on the
    leaves of my plant in the yard. I think I am going to use soap to remove
    this stuff the fume resuting from silver oxide mixed with window cleaner
    cannot be good for one’s health.

  18. Awesome camera!!! Is this recorded with the new one? I am glad you are
    doing this. A group of us in California have been trying to tell people
    about this since the late 90’s when we were being used as guinea pigs and
    Kiser Permanente Medical was involved with the research. I’m wondering if
    the balloons are carrying the diseases? These are fairly new and they do
    not seem to have the same effects as the cloud bombs do. I have only seen
    the cloud bombs when trying to hide what appears to be a planet next to the
    sun at about 2 hours before sunset along with a chemtrail plane going right
    through it and then the bomb right behind it.
    Can you zoom in on the sun and filter for flares to see if you pick up
    anything please. Thanks

  19. NICELY done, thank you! It certainly IS a conspiracy, just not a conspiracy
    THEORY, as it is REAL. Where do you live? I’ve seen this occur even in
    semi-rural areas. Start out perfectly blue skies and soon all streaky with
    the halos around the sun.

  20. Excellent work! It would be nice to have a motorized tripod and a touch
    screen so you can just put your finger at what you looking at and the
    motorized tripod will follow with smooth video shots

  21. Just curious, how hard would it be to make a time lapse video of one of
    these events happening. For example, you go out, catch the chem plane and
    then set up a recording of the rest of the day showing the section the chem
    trail was in. This would give everyone an exact showing of how the chem
    trails effect the sky. Sped up time lapse videos are very helpful in
    situations like these.


    You got serious proof here.
    Ive seen the probe orbs.
    I seen in vids that the probes are from the hidden mother ships containing
    small greys sent by the tall greys(archons) to make sure the air is being
    changed correctly for them to breathe not us.
    Humanity had killed the ozone they come to save the planet not humans.
    I agree with them not monsanto/obama/nasa/satan. etc.


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