Undeniable proof that WTC building 7 was taken down by a controlled demolition.

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  1. The building had received enough damage from the falls of the towers basically falling down on top of it, to make it not worth saving. Whether it got demoed then or fell on it's own it was severely damaged and would have been demoed anyway.

  2. Takes weeks of engineering, followed by weeks of structural weakening, while tying, the structure together, then placing the SHAPED charge explosives, det-cord fuses all individually home run to a computerized control board,

    Yeah you could do all that in say working round the clock how long after the twin towers before this building.

    People we build these things from the bottom up, which means the bottom will hold, DOES HOLD the top up, it is the structure for that.

    Ever hear of Pearlharbor

  3. All 7 WTC Buildings were destroyed that day. WTC 1, WTC 2, WTC 3, WTC 4, WTC 5, WTC 6. WTC 7 plus major damage to an 8th building – Banker's Trust. doctorjudywooddotcom.

  4. don't believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy. People lied about it. This doesn't mean I can then accuse Lyndon Johnson of being on the grassy knoll without any evidence whatsoever. Did things happen that bring up questions? Certainly that happens in all bad events. This doesn't mean the building were blown up. IT's not possible.

  5. If these people can bring a building down in broad daylight and NOBODY can do anything about it or prove it……these people are unconscientious and they have to regards for the so called laws that bind every American.

  6. You people dont know what you are talking about
    This structural engineer, however, does.
    reddit . com /r/conspiracy/comments/1m3xv2/­tell_me_again_how_building_7_w­as_damaged_by/cc5v1ky?context=­3

  7. There are people who's first instinct is to lie whenever they are asked a question. These people are called compulsive liars. They have no need to have any reason, nor do they do it to cover for anything. Somebody could have just been wrong when questioned about it the first time andthen lied about it the second time because they didn't want to admit they werewrong. The fact somebody lied does not a conspiracy make. A real conspiracy would probably be competent enough not toget caught in a lie.

  8. Hey, instead of paying exorbitant fees hiring experts to demolish buildings, maybe we can just set fire to buildings when they need to be demolished. Save tons of money and here's proof that it works!

  9. Very strange that the windows pop out before the building starts it's descent, and the all pop out together. Also that the whole structure descends, i.e. the distance between the windows remains constant during the fall. This suggests to me the ground floor was blown out and everything collapsed in the manner of pulling out the bottom layer in a house of cards. As you'll know from a house of cards, to get a uniform descent, all the bottom layer would have to be removed at exactly the same time.


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