I appreciate the discussion on weathering bricks, in weighing the
difference between light and dark mortar. Also, how one can start light and
weather the bricks dark, or base paint the bricks dark, and weather it
light. These discussions promote thinking among your viewers, and based on
the application and resources at hand, can give the viewer a direction to
go. Also the pleasant bantering between two parties is a fresh take on
recording an instructional video. Kudos to both of you.
Sometimes the bare Floquil paint is too flat for the washes, and will
discolor from them. Next time try gloss coating before the wash. That way
the wash can easily be wiped off of the top surface of the bricks. Then
dullcote later to deaden the shine. There are also interesting techniques
for using colored markers to hit individual bricks. most buildings I’ve
seen don’t have the “blotchy” look that results from rough drybrushing and
I appreciate the discussion on weathering bricks, in weighing the
difference between light and dark mortar. Also, how one can start light and
weather the bricks dark, or base paint the bricks dark, and weather it
light. These discussions promote thinking among your viewers, and based on
the application and resources at hand, can give the viewer a direction to
go. Also the pleasant bantering between two parties is a fresh take on
recording an instructional video. Kudos to both of you.
Cool video about structures & bricks.
Thanks guys, great tip
Sometimes the bare Floquil paint is too flat for the washes, and will
discolor from them. Next time try gloss coating before the wash. That way
the wash can easily be wiped off of the top surface of the bricks. Then
dullcote later to deaden the shine. There are also interesting techniques
for using colored markers to hit individual bricks. most buildings I’ve
seen don’t have the “blotchy” look that results from rough drybrushing and