Mork & Mindy Ep 88: Building 7, Egypt & Brookhaven Energy Weapon AGAIN…

19 years before 9/11 that would happen in the Hebrew Year 5761

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  1. I was thinking about some more old tv series that seem innocent, but might
    show some clues. I need to look to see if I can find some that had 88

  2. Remember the Calendar ‘losing’ or ‘removing’ 11 ‘lost’ days in 1752?

    From 1752 to 2015 is 263 years which also adds to 11.

    263+mirror362 = 625 which is the square root of 25.

    “On September 2, 1752, an odd happening occurred that’s still keeping
    genealogists on their toes.
    On that day, the British Isles and all the English colonies, including
    America, lost 11 days–
    September 3 through 13. People went to sleep and when they awoke the next
    morning, the date
    had changed to September 14.”

    TimeandDate won’t let you calculate dates from Sept3 through 13.

    From 14/9/1752 to 11/11/2015 = 96,116 days and 9x6x6x = 324 = (6+6+6) x

    96,116 days = 263 yrs 1mth and 28 days. 2+6+3 = 11 and 1+2+8 = 11.

    The ‘missing’ days of Sept 3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 88 or 11×8. Bingo?

  3. You asked me if 11-4 ment anything….it’s my Little sisters birthday….

    My birthday is in 7-6-79. ..but I was adopted…. it seems my sister was
    born into the world ritually. …..

    I think they kept me seperate….out of it…maybe to add validation to how
    my mother” couldn’t have kids” but then randomly had my sister at the age
    of 42…on 11-4

    I’m slowly getting pieces and putting together this huge mystery……

  4. Scatman Crothers was in The Shining as well. Sometimes UFOs appear at
    eclipses. Sky News are in the Faroe Islands talking about first contact.


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