Click on the Pic: Look What Building 7 did to 30 West Broadway, Across the Street from Building 7…
9/11 was a very serious crime & it has changed the world. WE must find out
who were responsible for all American victims of 9/11 and those victims
killed abroad. Then punish them accordingly. A fully independent 9/11
commission must be set up some day in the future to reinvestigate this
unresolved complicated & vicious crime because it has too many questions
unanswered. This horrified tragic event should never & would never go away
until we find the whole truth.
911 twoofers NEVER show their sheepish converts pictures of the south side
of WTC 7. I suppose thousands of tons of concrete and steel falling
hundreds of feet on WTC 7 had NOTHING to do with the collapse? How about
the 30 foot hole in WTC 7's south facade? How about the southwest corner of
WTC 7 chopped off? Please explain firefighters predicting WTC 7's collapse
3 HOURS in advance? Please explain firefighters reporting MASSIVE FIRES in
falling in it own foot print dosent mean absouletly every piece of crashing
debree stays under itself…some chunks from smashingto itsef below would
get tossed any which way…………. so it debunks your debunk. physicvs
dosent use a force field.
If you read further into the comments you'll see that the antecedent to
"it" in the phrase "pull it" had to be the operation to save the building
and could not have possibly been dealing with explosives.
Chris Mohr has no understanding of the physics he uses in "debates". See
David Chandler's message to Chris Mohr, for a scientist's evaluation of
Mohr's knowledge of physics. While you're at it, you should watch his other
"9/11 Analysis" videos. Youtube: /watch?v=e8N6V68jotg
In the last 1 minute 30 seconds of Part One (below) NIST Admits 2.3 seconds
of Free Fall for of WTC 7. Part One /watch?v=eDvNS9iMjzA Part Two
Quote "Don't be obtuse" The true irony here is the fact that you used the
adjective form obtuse, makes you obtuse. But hey, I'm glad you admit your a
sheep, because Alex Jones sure likes Gyros. You didn't support your claim
with anything, so I'm not sure what you're even blabbering on about.
Its not the attack against America that offends me about this.It is the
false justification these events provided the warmonger Bush regime to
invade and occupy Iraq and Afghanistan and to destroy the lives of hundreds
of thousands of common people that is the real atrocity.Whoever did these
acts and in hind sight I can see who benefited from them, that being the
Bush regime and all the angles they represent,the state of Israel and even
the Saudi Arabian government and royal family.
Why don't you move on to American Idol where you should be, or maybe watch
a spider man film. Wake up & get with the programme. Hundreds of millions
of people do care about what happened on 9/11 because they understand what
this False Flag Elite Corporate Government Conspiracy is the start of.
Could you please not comment on these sites until you gain an education in
Global Economic Corporate Politics. Or at the least type in Zeitgeist,
watch it & get with the programme, Google New World Order
you can plainly see ikn the 2 towers where detenation cord burned through
the columns in the towers, melted the support strutures so that these bldgs
could come down. Its absolutely phenomenal that the american public is
letting this go so easily!!! The american government truely has their
people blinded fully and will be ran of teh edge of a cliff if the
government so willed it!!! Scary scary times when people have gotten this
stupid, useless, careless or whatever it is!!!
Idiots like you shum are the kind of useless people that would let history
repeat itself because you sweep it under the rug. Your family dies in a
plane crash and you are left with no one else in the world. Everyone you
loved and who ever loved you is dead, in 10 years would you tell yourself
"who fuckin cares they are dead? move on. It was 10 years ago" You
obviously didn't lose anyone in that attack. You are a sad sad person
I have not read the entire NIST report, but are familiar with some aspects
of it. Believe me, I would prefer to have trust in Governments however,
having known many people working on most levels of Government & listening
to their experiences, studying political science, history and Laws &
following Global Politics world wide, I have no confidence in almost all
politicians. Look at the mess the U.S. is in, not to mention most of
Europe. It is so obvious the world is run by a small group of Elites
You're all arguing about subjective interpretations of observations and
seem to think that these are "scientifically" relevant, and are proof that
CD was not involved. There is one fact that renders those arguments moot.
The undisputed fact that WTC7's rate of collapse included 2.3 seconds of
FREEFALL ACCELERATION is, all by itself, the PROOF of controlled
demolition! Any high-school Physics student could explain why. Those who
argue otherwise, display a serious lack of scientific understanding.
Those who had a hand in the events of September Eleven 2001 whom you call
Jew did not do those acts as a Jew.They did them as semites and as zionist
and those operating in deception and conspiracy.Separate the crime from the
claim,nothing in true Judaism supports these actions.We all know the false
Jew have an interest in having the dupes of the USA carry out their crimes
against their foes.That is the connection that MyonlyKing is making,but it
is based in a flawed reasoning and generalization.
Look people you're willfully blind if you can't see Bldg7 was a CD. Steel
frame buildings do not fall down from little fires. They do not fall at
free fall speed. They do not fall down on their own. My father was AIA and
I am not half bad with statics myself. The math is not hard to understand.
It cannot be refuted. The fact is bldg7 was brought down in a CD. I don't
care if debris washed into another building. Save your opinions. Facts.
Math. Easy. The official story is false. see WHG AIA SAME
I understand the reasoning why people make those generalizations and it is
derived from the fact that them who conspire these things use much
deception.The real key to understanding what is going on is to understand
your own nature and to hold the self to account for your own words and
actions.The truth is very simple and where it seems complex know that is a
true sign that deception is being used to confound them of the natural
mind,you are witnessing the serpent works in these things.
"The undisputed fact that WTC7's rate of collapse included 2.3 seconds of
FREEFALL ACCELERATION is, all by itself, the PROOF of controlled
demolition!" Freefall acceleration for 2.3 seconds, yes, but it does not
conclude controlled demolition by any means. You're a perfect example of
the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Just because WTC 7 caused some damage to 30 W.Broadway THAT DOESN'T MEAN
SHIT. So it didn't fall EXACTLY straight into it's own footprint means it
STRUCTURAL COLLAPSE like on 911 for any of those buildings. And you dumb
Why did the insurance company pay out? It's a big scheme buddy, things are
well planned out and people are set in place. True, it may not have been
live, but just watch it. In no way does he refer to the firefighters. Your
"answer" is non sequitur.
People just need to follow the money, and listen to the first hand
witnesses, those who are left alive that is. See 911 Press for Truth, (many
now murdered) see William Rodriguez the janitor's eye witness account, do
some research its so obvious what did and didn't happen wake up ameriKa.
See The End of America & From Freedom to Fascicm & Max Igan's work on
youtube. if you don't all you will have to do soon is to open your door &
there will be MARTIAL LAW to deal with every day. WAKE UP people
what a duplicitous bastard runs this site…'re a nut….how did she
know…..this is it? she says, which you don't show, deceptive bastard part
I referenced earlier on, you, she says, "this is it!" What was it? She had
her roving reporter camera set up on tripod ready for the implosion…..We
are going to strip the hide off of the new bolsheviks you just watch you
sorry bastard. hahhahah You gonna be begging soon. hahahhhaha
Well if that information is from NIST then it is definitely nonsense. Why
do thousands of independent architects and engineers disagree with the
official story if it is true. If you stop and think about it, it does not
make any sense.
What are you talking about.? How can any person realize the bullshit he
spews and even in this video the full version you can hear large
explosions..Even the news girl talks about hearing the sounds of
explosions..Nevermind the damage from wtc one and two..Symmetrical collapse
is impossible from some office fires and NIST offical report states the
collapse was caused by one single column giving way..HOW CAN MR.PRESS POST
The building fell into its own footprint. Sure some debris was blown
outward but the building fell straight down. Nothing is debunked in this
9/11 was a very serious crime & it has changed the world. WE must find out
who were responsible for all American victims of 9/11 and those victims
killed abroad. Then punish them accordingly. A fully independent 9/11
commission must be set up some day in the future to reinvestigate this
unresolved complicated & vicious crime because it has too many questions
unanswered. This horrified tragic event should never & would never go away
until we find the whole truth.
911 twoofers NEVER show their sheepish converts pictures of the south side
of WTC 7. I suppose thousands of tons of concrete and steel falling
hundreds of feet on WTC 7 had NOTHING to do with the collapse? How about
the 30 foot hole in WTC 7's south facade? How about the southwest corner of
WTC 7 chopped off? Please explain firefighters predicting WTC 7's collapse
3 HOURS in advance? Please explain firefighters reporting MASSIVE FIRES in
Yeah… they forgot to put up containment walls is all. At least they did a
nice job loading up the explosives.
What's the other purpose of this video rather than trolling? Support your
what you're talking about and show us a real video next time.
how bout it came down faster than a fkn gumnut from a tree u fkn retard how
can people deny america didnt do this
falling in it own foot print dosent mean absouletly every piece of crashing
debree stays under itself…some chunks from smashingto itsef below would
get tossed any which way…………. so it debunks your debunk. physicvs
dosent use a force field.
If you read further into the comments you'll see that the antecedent to
"it" in the phrase "pull it" had to be the operation to save the building
and could not have possibly been dealing with explosives.
Chris Mohr has no understanding of the physics he uses in "debates". See
David Chandler's message to Chris Mohr, for a scientist's evaluation of
Mohr's knowledge of physics. While you're at it, you should watch his other
"9/11 Analysis" videos. Youtube: /watch?v=e8N6V68jotg
In the last 1 minute 30 seconds of Part One (below) NIST Admits 2.3 seconds
of Free Fall for of WTC 7. Part One /watch?v=eDvNS9iMjzA Part Two
Quote "Don't be obtuse" The true irony here is the fact that you used the
adjective form obtuse, makes you obtuse. But hey, I'm glad you admit your a
sheep, because Alex Jones sure likes Gyros. You didn't support your claim
with anything, so I'm not sure what you're even blabbering on about.
Its not the attack against America that offends me about this.It is the
false justification these events provided the warmonger Bush regime to
invade and occupy Iraq and Afghanistan and to destroy the lives of hundreds
of thousands of common people that is the real atrocity.Whoever did these
acts and in hind sight I can see who benefited from them, that being the
Bush regime and all the angles they represent,the state of Israel and even
the Saudi Arabian government and royal family.
Why don't you move on to American Idol where you should be, or maybe watch
a spider man film. Wake up & get with the programme. Hundreds of millions
of people do care about what happened on 9/11 because they understand what
this False Flag Elite Corporate Government Conspiracy is the start of.
Could you please not comment on these sites until you gain an education in
Global Economic Corporate Politics. Or at the least type in Zeitgeist,
watch it & get with the programme, Google New World Order
you can plainly see ikn the 2 towers where detenation cord burned through
the columns in the towers, melted the support strutures so that these bldgs
could come down. Its absolutely phenomenal that the american public is
letting this go so easily!!! The american government truely has their
people blinded fully and will be ran of teh edge of a cliff if the
government so willed it!!! Scary scary times when people have gotten this
stupid, useless, careless or whatever it is!!!
Idiots like you shum are the kind of useless people that would let history
repeat itself because you sweep it under the rug. Your family dies in a
plane crash and you are left with no one else in the world. Everyone you
loved and who ever loved you is dead, in 10 years would you tell yourself
"who fuckin cares they are dead? move on. It was 10 years ago" You
obviously didn't lose anyone in that attack. You are a sad sad person
I have not read the entire NIST report, but are familiar with some aspects
of it. Believe me, I would prefer to have trust in Governments however,
having known many people working on most levels of Government & listening
to their experiences, studying political science, history and Laws &
following Global Politics world wide, I have no confidence in almost all
politicians. Look at the mess the U.S. is in, not to mention most of
Europe. It is so obvious the world is run by a small group of Elites
Who ever posted this video is a fckin idiot,
You're all arguing about subjective interpretations of observations and
seem to think that these are "scientifically" relevant, and are proof that
CD was not involved. There is one fact that renders those arguments moot.
The undisputed fact that WTC7's rate of collapse included 2.3 seconds of
FREEFALL ACCELERATION is, all by itself, the PROOF of controlled
demolition! Any high-school Physics student could explain why. Those who
argue otherwise, display a serious lack of scientific understanding.
Those who had a hand in the events of September Eleven 2001 whom you call
Jew did not do those acts as a Jew.They did them as semites and as zionist
and those operating in deception and conspiracy.Separate the crime from the
claim,nothing in true Judaism supports these actions.We all know the false
Jew have an interest in having the dupes of the USA carry out their crimes
against their foes.That is the connection that MyonlyKing is making,but it
is based in a flawed reasoning and generalization.
Look people you're willfully blind if you can't see Bldg7 was a CD. Steel
frame buildings do not fall down from little fires. They do not fall at
free fall speed. They do not fall down on their own. My father was AIA and
I am not half bad with statics myself. The math is not hard to understand.
It cannot be refuted. The fact is bldg7 was brought down in a CD. I don't
care if debris washed into another building. Save your opinions. Facts.
Math. Easy. The official story is false. see WHG AIA SAME
I understand the reasoning why people make those generalizations and it is
derived from the fact that them who conspire these things use much
deception.The real key to understanding what is going on is to understand
your own nature and to hold the self to account for your own words and
actions.The truth is very simple and where it seems complex know that is a
true sign that deception is being used to confound them of the natural
mind,you are witnessing the serpent works in these things.
"The undisputed fact that WTC7's rate of collapse included 2.3 seconds of
FREEFALL ACCELERATION is, all by itself, the PROOF of controlled
demolition!" Freefall acceleration for 2.3 seconds, yes, but it does not
conclude controlled demolition by any means. You're a perfect example of
the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Just because WTC 7 caused some damage to 30 W.Broadway THAT DOESN'T MEAN
SHIT. So it didn't fall EXACTLY straight into it's own footprint means it
STRUCTURAL COLLAPSE like on 911 for any of those buildings. And you dumb
Why did the insurance company pay out? It's a big scheme buddy, things are
well planned out and people are set in place. True, it may not have been
live, but just watch it. In no way does he refer to the firefighters. Your
"answer" is non sequitur.
People just need to follow the money, and listen to the first hand
witnesses, those who are left alive that is. See 911 Press for Truth, (many
now murdered) see William Rodriguez the janitor's eye witness account, do
some research its so obvious what did and didn't happen wake up ameriKa.
See The End of America & From Freedom to Fascicm & Max Igan's work on
youtube. if you don't all you will have to do soon is to open your door &
there will be MARTIAL LAW to deal with every day. WAKE UP people
what a duplicitous bastard runs this site…'re a nut….how did she
know…..this is it? she says, which you don't show, deceptive bastard part
I referenced earlier on, you, she says, "this is it!" What was it? She had
her roving reporter camera set up on tripod ready for the implosion…..We
are going to strip the hide off of the new bolsheviks you just watch you
sorry bastard. hahhahah You gonna be begging soon. hahahhhaha
Okay, forget about Larry Silverstein for a second… s = vt + (1/2)at^2.
Add a bit more time for air resistance, and you see that you have freefall.
Well if that information is from NIST then it is definitely nonsense. Why
do thousands of independent architects and engineers disagree with the
official story if it is true. If you stop and think about it, it does not
make any sense.
What are you talking about.? How can any person realize the bullshit he
spews and even in this video the full version you can hear large
explosions..Even the news girl talks about hearing the sounds of
explosions..Nevermind the damage from wtc one and two..Symmetrical collapse
is impossible from some office fires and NIST offical report states the
collapse was caused by one single column giving way..HOW CAN MR.PRESS POST