LETHAL WEAPON 3 Decoded: Ryder Truck BOMB & Building 7 COLLAPSE Year Before 93 WTC Bombing

Building 7 was 47 stories. 47 is the 15th prime number. The number 15 is mentioned many times in this film that released the year before the 1993 WTC bombing.


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11 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. So, the guidestones cube had JAM as well as 8-16-2014, BOTH OF WHICH ARE
    REFERENCED IN THIS MOVIE, Jam spoken by the black female cop and August 16,
    the birthday of Verrina at the end of the film!

  2. I’ve been thinking that they are doing Lupercalia concept because of the
    years we are in. They have been basing a lot with with it still even though
    Lupercalia is over now. 2-13, 2-14, 2-15, (2013, 2014, 2015)? Haven’t
    looked much into 2013 or 2014, but I’m guessing there are tons of
    references if so. 

  3. 79 was also the most important number for the “investigation” in to WTC7.
    NIST claims it was column 79 that collapsed first and then made the whole
    bulding collapse symmetric, in freefall in its footprint.

  4. So many plots with redundancy built in. Such so, a movie was said to have
    been canceled soon after 9/11 for its disturbing content coincidently
    related to the twin tower terror attacks; which makes me wonder now if
    there are any movies about such that have aired after the fact and which
    technically disqualifies them as foreshadowing, a sort of mistake in

  5. 26/2/1993 WTC bombing, to 11/3/2002, opening of light memorial for Twin
    Towers = 3300 days.
    29/3/1993, WTC reopens, to 13/4/2002, light memorial for Twin Towers closes
    = 3302 days.

  6. Love your channel keep up the good work! was wondering if you have seen
    pink floyd the wall that has a bunch of creepy stuff in it 


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