Larry Silverstein admits WTC7 was pulled down on 9/11

Larry Silverstein admits WTC7 was deliberately demolished on 9/11 – 2001.

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  1. Silverstein lied when he said that the fire in Building 7 was out of
    control, that is first and foremost…The Building had been cleared, and
    there were but a few small fires remaining at the time the order was
    directed to "Pull It" what I don't understand is why the Swiss Re and the
    Deutsche Bank's only quibble with the whole thing was that it was one act
    of Terror and not two. After all they had to answer to their perspective
    Boards and Share Holders as to why they were paying out on a claim when no
    Thorough investigation had been conducted…that seems paramount as to

  2. So, basically you truthers are saying that he admitted on national
    television that he and a team of firefighters blew up building 7.
    Uh…… Couple questions:
    Why would he admit this on national television?
    Why would firefighters even be in charge of a demolition?
    Even if "pull it" does refer to initiating a demolition, why does it make
    even LESS sense in the context of everything else Silverstein said in this
    clip (about the firefighters not being able to contain the fire, about
    there already being a "terrible loss of life", etc.)?
    Why would he admit this on national television?
    Are you really accusing an entire team of firefighters of mass murder?
    Why would he admit this on national television?
    Why secretly demolish building 7 when it sustained enough damage to warrant
    total re-construction (thus, demolition) afterwards anyway, like the
    Deutsche bank building did?
    Ever hear of Occam's Razor?
    Did not one of you truthers think this through for more than 5 seconds?
    Are you truthers fucking braindead?

  3. It's very obvious he meant to pull the firefighters out of the building so
    there would be no more loss of life. This is the lamest smoking gun I've
    ever seen.

  4. 3rd attempt to post this: For The Dark Passenger – formerly known as
    handsofmyboots (or tinky)

    (tinky)Wow, 262 lines, really?(end)
    (tinky)Wow, another 200+line comment!?!(end)

    Try reading them instead of making limp handed, gay comments.

    (tinky)Just several other questions you've completely ignored in the past,
    and questions you will ignore again:(end)

    A bold lie.

    Tinky's 10 terrifying questions and my answers:

    1. Was Chief Nigro lying when he said, "in the FDNY pull means to withdraw,
    and nothing else."??? Yes or No

    Why would you think that I think he's lying? Of course "pull", when spoken
    within the FDNY (eg, pull back, pull out) means to withdraw personnel.
    Nigro was organizing the evac of the rescue effort from the wtc mess, ready
    for the demolition of wtc7. You should try reading my 262 and 200 line
    comments, idiot.

    2. If explosive charges were used, why were they not captured on any of the
    video footage, when they are in every other controlled demolition???

    You assume multiple explosions. This is the west street footage with the
    audio before NIST re-released the edited version without the boom sound at
    0.21 secs :

    Building 7 Collapse Time (my channel)

    It's not wind. It's not mic rub. Use headphones. Note the timing
    (immediately prior to the east penthouse collapse – allowing a couple of
    seconds for the sound to travel makes the timing perfect).

    3. How do you have evidence of thermate without traces of barium nitrate,
    which is a main element of thermate???

    I don't have evidence of thermate. What makes you think I do, liar? Where
    did I ever claim anything about thermate? I never have. Good luck looking
    for it.

    4. How do you have evidence of thermite without traces of elemental
    aluminum, which is a main element of thermite???

    I don't have evidence of thermite. What makes you think I do, liar? Where
    did I ever claim anything about thermite? I never have. Good luck looking
    for it.

    5. Who does Larry say made the decision to "pull"???

    You are very, very unintelligent. I have answered this one over and over
    and over! WHY don't you read? Do you have memory issues, or are you just
    terminally stupid?

    There is no point to this enquiry. It's a red herring. You're not proving
    anything about anything. But, since you're lacking in brain matter I will
    repeat yet again. Larry is saying that the FDNY made the call (decision) to
    set in motion organizing the demo of wtc7. WHY is this so hard for you?
    What don't you get? Ted Sutton has been very clear about this particular
    point. Is he lying?

    I predict that you will again ask this same stupid, pointless question.
    Take note folks!

    6. Why does every firefighter that was on the scene on 9/11, disagree with

    WHAT do you think they disagree with? Be specific, instead of making vague

    7. What makes you smarter than the thousands of experts that were involved
    in the investigation of the collapse of the WTC buildings that spent years
    studying these structural failures???

    Shut up. What makes YOU think YOU are smarter than AE911Truth, or
    professional pilots whose professional opinions you disrespect by reducing
    to mere OPINIONS (your use of caps to highlight your contempt, remember)?
    Why are you smarter than pilots and engineers and architects who know
    you're full of shit?

    8. Have you signed the petition on the AE911Truth website as a supporter???

    None of your business. Why do you want to know and why should I tell you?
    Have YOU signed the petition supporting the official sto…. oh, silly me,
    there isn't one.

    9. Why haven't the "experts" of AE911Truth written a report of the
    controlled demolition of the WTC buildings that can be reviewed by their
    peers in the scientific, and engineering community, despite the fact
    they've been around for about 6 years now???

    AE911Truth don't have access to what NIST were privileged to see for one
    thing. But notice your deeply shocking DOUBLE STANDARD here. Tell me, why
    haven't the "experts" of NIST written a report that can be reviewed by
    their peers in the scientific, and engineering community, instead of having
    so much withheld data, despite the fact that their final report has been
    around for about 6 years now??? Huh? You stupid hypocrite.

    10. Why do you ignore these questions???

    Bold faced liar. 


  6. So how did they know, being the smartest decision to destroy WC 7, it would
    go down like it did. ???????????????????????????????????? Why did it go
    down like it did ????????????? Did they sneak in with explosives and wire
    it like the other buildings in a couple of hours ???????????????? That
    proves foreknowledge ……….. Bang !!! proof right there. But We have
    gone past it all, those who see the truth see it, those who believe the
    official BS will never change their minds.

  7. The Dark Passenger · Edit

    How did I know that I would get responses today to the comment where I go
    on a rant about "truthers" while the other comment where I list facts about
    Larry referring to firefighters when he said "pull it", would be completely
    ignored? Because "truthers" ignore facts and pretend they're not important!

  8. @ The Dark Passenger
    You no longer use the reply button, wishing not to appear in the margins of
    the page and so I will do the same.

    You wrote—>"……the majority of 9/11 "truthers" reside in the comment
    section of 9/11 YouTube"
    Answer—>The bunkies do likewise.

    You wrote—> " Any normal person with skepticism that is interested in
    knowing the real truth of 9/11 can look at both sides of this topic"
    Answer–> This is why you must see the following available on YT(Copy and
    paste in 3 parts)->
    "September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor" – Full version
    "Both sides" are explored and the debunkers are allowed to air their
    opinions in this documentary.

    You wrote that a "normal person" can—>"quickly realize which side is
    supported by facts, and which side isn't"
    Answer–> Does this mean that normal people "quickly" come to a conclusion
    without reflecting and that abnormal people are those who ponder and

    You write waffle such as –>(" mountain of evidence"….. "distorted
    facts, and outright lies"….. "dishonest, and disgraceful methods"……"
    mockery of a horrific event"….."all they care about is making themselves
    feel confident in their own delusional opinions because they like to think
    they know more than most people, but they don't")

    Both bunkies and truthers do not deny that this was a " horrific event"
    Such horror was extended by USG's stamping on whole countries (
    Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan. Libya etc) and the death count was far far

    You wrote –>" 9/11! "Truthers" don't care about the victims of 9/11,"
    Answer–> This is an "assumption" and of course they do. "care"

  9. Israel and Mossad pulled it. They left too much evidence and loose ends
    also. They couldn't have predicted how the web would allow the info to
    spill past their media empires also. Sorry crooks. Americans are pretty

  10. Foreknowledge of the pulling down of wtc7.

    Article (excerpt) : Shame On Jesse Ventura! By Jeffrey Scott Shapiro – Fox
    News website (2010);

    "I was working as a journalist for Gannett News at Ground Zero that day,
    and I remember very clearly what I saw and heard.

    Although I arrived at Ground Zero shortly after the Twin Towers fell, I was
    in the danger zone created by Building 7 from the moment it collapsed in
    the afternoon, an event that is one of the key cornerstones of the 9/11
    conspiracy theory.

    Governor Ventura and many 9/11 “Truthers” allege that government explosives
    caused the afternoon collapse of Building 7. This is false. I know this
    because I remember watching all 47 stories of Building 7 suddenly and
    silently crumble before my eyes.

    Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison
    workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World
    Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they
    would authorize the controlled demolition of the building – since its
    foundation was already unstable and expected to fall.

    A controlled demolition would have minimized the damage caused by the
    building’s imminent collapse and potentially save lives. Many law
    enforcement personnel, firefighters and other journalists were aware of
    this possible option. There was no secret. There was no conspiracy.

    While I was talking with a fellow reporter and several NYPD officers,
    Building 7 suddenly collapsed, and before it hit the ground, not a single
    sound emanated from the tower area. There were no explosives; I would have
    heard them. In fact, I remember that in those few seconds, as the building
    sank to the ground that I was stunned by how quiet it was.

    The myth that Building 7 was blown up by the U.S. government is false – and
    so is the broader theory that our government was somehow involved in the
    9/11 attacks. I know this because I was one of the few reporters who
    investigated 9/11 conspiracy theories and urban legends on location in the
    immediate aftermath of the tragedy."

    Comments by actor Ted Sutton (YT – 2013):

    "There was an announcement on local New York media within a day or 2 of
    9/11 [he later corrects this to on the 9/11]. It said the city will "pull"
    building 7 as it is a danger to first responders at ground zero. The idea
    was the building was not stable so they wanted pull it down in some
    controlled way. They said it had suffered so much damage that it could not
    be repaired and could fall on people working to clear ground zero. They
    said they would pull it and they did. Demo team sent in…. "I worked at
    CBS News in New York on 9/11."

    …[After being corrected about when 7 was pulled] "I believe you are right
    about the time [5.20]. I remember now the decision came very quickly. It
    sounded sensible. Just like you said [me], the building was on fire and
    leaning. The fire department made the call. I [it] didn't take long to pull
    it down."

    And we know that John Kerry also referred to the pulling of building 7
    quite casually, and highlighting it was done so for 'safety reasons'.

    All this ties in with Larry' comments.. that wtc7 was pulled for safety
    reasons ("terrible loss of life today…. smartest thing to do…"). A
    perfectly reasonable and sensible decision. The only mystery is why it has
    been denied/covered up.

    Interesting point to note is that Shapiro, Sutton and Kerry all support the
    official story of 9/11.

  11. The Dark Passenger · Edit

    Reasons why Larry was referring to the contingent of firefighters when he
    said "pull it", and not the C.D. of WTC7:
    1) Before Larry says "maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it", he says
    "we've had such terrible loss of life", which obviously means people.
    2) On 9/11, several firefighters used the term pull to refer to the
    evacuation of firefighters from WTC7, including Chief Nigro who gave the
    order to pull.
    3) Chief Nigro himself said "In the FDNY pull means to withdraw, and
    nothing else"
    4) Chief Nigro and the firefighters that were on the scene on 9/11 were
    well aware that WTC7 was gonna collapse from the damage and fires, which is
    why they withdrew (pulled) from WTC7.
    5) Larry himself says "THEY made the decision to pull", not WE, not I, but
    THEY (the FDNY).
    6) And most importantly, there is plenty of evidence that proves that WTC7
    collapsed from damage and fires, and absolutely none to suggest it was a
    C.D, so it makes no sense whatsoever that he was referring to the C.D of
    WTC7 because WTC7 was NOT a C.D.
    The only people that fail to comprehend this are "truthers", who have
    failed continuously for the past 10 years to prove that 9/11 was an inside
    job. The only thing they've accomplished is showing the rest of society
    just how ignorant, delusional, and dishonest they truly are! 

  12. John Kerry admitted building 7 was pulled down in a controlled
    fashion,rumsfeld admits flight 93 was shot down,there are allsorts of
    admissions on yt,concerning every aspect of this crime,all are ignored by
    wankers like boots,who drones on and on about the same old shit without
    addressing any real questions,ignore,evade,distort,anything rather than
    face the cold hard simple truth

  13. we've been listening to this clip for a decade – two things are abundantly
    clear.. 1. it was an inside job. 2. they got away with it.

  14. In this video larry is asked WHAT HAPPENED TO BUILDING 7,he then proceeds
    to explain what happened and tells us it was pulled,not the rescue
    operation,he was not asked about that,he tells us the decision was made to
    pull,then we watched the building come down,he feels like he answered the
    question posed and was not asked about it further so it makes no sense to
    suggest he was talking about the firefighters

  15. The Dark Passenger · Edit

    ……..which is why the majority of 9/11 "truthers" reside in the comment
    section of 9/11 YouTube. Any normal person with skepticism that is
    interested in knowing the real truth of 9/11 can look at both sides of this
    topic (the conspiracies, and the official version) and quickly realize
    which side is supported by facts, and which side isn't. The official
    version is supported by a mountain of evidence while the conspiracy side is
    filled with assumptions, distorted facts, and outright lies, which is why
    the majority of society ridicules 9/11 "truthers" for the dishonest, and
    disgraceful methods that they use to continue to make a mockery of a
    horrific event that took the lives of almost 3000 people on 9/11!
    "Truthers" don't care about the victims of 9/11, or the real truth for that
    matter, all they care about is making themselves feel confident in their
    own delusional opinions because they like to think they know more than most
    people, but they don't!

  16. The Dark Passenger · Edit

    And as usual, ManAgainstLogic is right there to tickle his butt buddies
    balls and congratulate them on a job well done……despite the fact that
    he only has illogical rants to refute the valid points I make! Tell me
    ManAgainstLogic, how can you have thermite without barium nitrate? And how
    can thermite survive for 7hrs in an inferno? Uhhh……duhhh!!!

  17. The Dark Passenger · Edit

    For the third time…….the title of the video is: on 9/11 WTC7 collapse
    was firemens concern…….I repeat…….for the fourth time……..the
    title of the video is: on 9/11 WTC7 collapse was firemens concern.

  18. Ah yes. "Maybe the smartest thing to do is pullet.. and so we flapped
    around like little chickens making clucking sounds.. and then we watched
    the building collapse." hee hee.

  19. Oh dear… temper, temper… you said that all in one breath. Did a little
    bit of wee come out right before your empty head exploded?

  20. The comments (when replying and so clicking the corresponding button) seem
    to show up in our mails some time before they hit the message board.

  21. The Dark Passenger · Edit

    …..and yet, you claim there is 70 peer reviewed reports/articles on this
    but you fail to list even one? All the available evidence points towards a
    collapse from damage and the fires that followed. You say nano thermite was
    used but there is no trace of barium nitrate, which is the main element of
    thermite. Even S. Jones doesn't claim to have found any traces of it. No
    barium nitrate, no thermite! If there was thermite in the WTC7, how did it
    not get ignited until 7hrs after the fires ignited?

  22. …cont'd… But when you look at that phrase you basically have two
    choices to what he's refering to 1. An object ("it"), ie the building, and
    thus talking about taking down wtc7. 2. An operation "(it") ie the
    rescue/firefighting team. Problem is, at the time of this alleged phone
    call (3:30-4pm), the FDCmdr had already ordered the firefighters out and
    the evacuation was wrapped up earlier that afternoon. ..cont'd..


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