John Kerry Building 7 Was Deliberately Demolished – the nazis won ww2 !!!

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  1. Alors c'est simple, si ce qu'il raconte est vrai ; 2 possibilités:
    1) Les attentats du 11/9 sont la pire conspiration à jamais découverte (pas la seule àmho).
    2) C'est du gros foutage de gueule car ils livrent des infos contradictoires pour essayer d'embrouiller les gens.
    Dans les 2 cas une enquête sérieuse, donc indépendante à été faite, et en a conclu qu'il était impossible que ce soit une démolition contrôlée.
    Je vous le dis, il y aura une révolution mondiale dans quelques années… à suivre.

  2. This is huge news. The George Bush conspiracy theory told us that WTC 7 was brought down colaterally, weakened by fire and debris spread from the two towers. Mainstream Media ignored it. Owner Larry Silverstein admitted having ''pulled it'', and now Kerry says it was brought down in a 'controlled fashion'. WTC is the smoking gun in the 911 disaster sequence. Will people in the USA please wake up!

  3. So how far did that get you, did he ever get back to you. Why do people still look to this man, he lost the 2004 presidencey on purpose, the documentary slacker uprising proves it. Either he didnt want to inherit the mess or he probably profitted from Bush remaining in power. Through corporations like the Carlyle group or Haliburton. Perhaps he didnt want to stand on Bush seniours toes. History tells us politicians are not dumb and do things for a reason. Hes now defending obama to congress


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