Jews Did 9/11 Proven Part 26. BBC Lying Building 7 Collapse Exposed By Alex Jones

Jews Did 9/11 Proven Part 26. BBC Lying Building 7 Collapse Exposed By Alex Jones.

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  1. the building to screen left is higher than the building you id as the
    WTC….but how is that possible, the WTC was the tallest building in New
    York….on the face of it….you look like an idiot…..leave jews alone,
    they fuck themselves up and don't need help……

  2. I have read a lot of very solid and damning evidence that the jews did do
    9/11. Go google it. There's no question that the jews did it. An Israeli
    company was responsible for security for the WTC buildings, which enabled
    mossad agents to spend a lot of time setting them up for demolition. Mossad
    agents were seen celebrating when the buildings went down. The CIA caught
    them. They had pictures of themselves celebrating the destruction. There's
    more. Go educate yourself.


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