September 11, 2013, Times Square in New York City and Anthony Antonello talks with IRONMAN about Building 7 and gets an endorsement because of the gross negl…
Anthony why are you saying it fell at "'nearly' free fall acceleration?" You know the government has admitted that it fell at free fall for 2.25 seconds. Just sayin'. I don't even think controlled demolition buildings fall at free fall for the entire length of their fall. They generally have to slow down at some point. Sorry, it just bugs me to hear you say "nearly" free fall. Free fall for over a 100 feet is free fall. Thanks.
Anthony why are you saying it fell at "'nearly' free fall acceleration?" You know the government has admitted that it fell at free fall for 2.25 seconds. Just sayin'. I don't even think controlled demolition buildings fall at free fall for the entire length of their fall. They generally have to slow down at some point. Sorry, it just bugs me to hear you say "nearly" free fall. Free fall for over a 100 feet is free fall. Thanks.
sound has gaps
Now all we need is batman on our side. Get working on it.
"Gaps" , lmfao