Infowars Special Report -Building 7 an Inside Job

We Are founder Luke Rudkowski discusses his most recent confrontation with World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein as the 10th Anniversar…

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6 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. 10:55 "I NOT contributing to Adam vs The Man Kokesh" – Luke Rudowski Good
    move Luke, and remember to keep records on donations otherwise you will be
    accused like a home depot cashier when drawer is short and someone sees you
    running a tab at the bar. Protect yourself, don't let yourself get sloppy
    like Charlie Sheen and go on Alex Jones Competitors radio shows so you
    don't come off like his boy. Use your brain Luke, Alex is wrong that "guts
    are enough", not enough in this fight.

  2. Nice point – it's not Mr Rodriguez, Mr Jennings fault they didn't die at
    the scene – they bring the truth the others in the bldgs might have shared,
    had any of them lived. Their credibility I would rate as the highest an
    eyewitness could offer. Contemporaneous, taped, repeated, consistent,
    spoken in gravitas – but no matter. The de-bunk default take is that
    eyewitness testimony is the worst kind. But dig: debunks will never
    straight trade for purely-forensic. Because then we find tampering

  3. had cables guys install my new service yesterday. somehow we got into the
    conversation of 9/11 even THEY think it's a cover up and we're here in the
    middle of the desert. people are on the ball now about this. it's very
    exciting. the people who don't believe it, as i've met, are mostly drug
    addicts and goons. THAT is frightful.


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