Huge explosion before the destruction of building 7 WTC .mov –

A huge explosion is clearly heard before building 7 is destroyed. You may need earbuds to hear the explosion. This video is part of NIST’S recent FOIA releas…

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  1. No, not a trick question.
    You said the Liberty & Cole were sunk, I'm just asking for proof.
    I remember both attacks and don't remember reading about either vessel sinking. And I'm also aware of who Mr O'Neil was but fail to see his connection to the USS Liberty.

  2. facebookprogrammer · Edit

    That's a trick question 😉 Neither of them were technically 'sunk'. Check out Jeff Prager's downloadable PDF document on the Dolphin class submarines and Popeye missiles and how the FBI was pinpointing it on that when all the sudden the State Dept under huge Israeli pressure pulled the FBI off the case. John P O'Neil was in charge of that and spoke out & was forced to resign. He then started his new job @ the WTC and was killed on the first day.

    That was the morning of September 11, 2001.

  3. Can you provide any verifiable links to support your claim
    that the USS Liberty and the USS Cole were sunk?
    When did these sinking's take place?

  4. That's not a huge explosion, it sounds like wind across a microphone.
    Compare to youtube footage of the landmark tower implosion. 120db charges going off bang bang bang bang bang bang bang before it's collapse.

  5. The USS Liberty was attacked by the Israeli Air Force moron. And I'm going after the people who cloud others' minds with this bullshit. And you're goddamn right I'll keep waving my flag, eating KFC and wishing I were an NFL player. I'd rather do that than be a 38 year old virgin living in my moms basement, pissed off at the government for no reason.

  6. facebookprogrammer · Edit

    Keep paying those mortgages and taxes to those that own you like the fucking coward you are. USS Liberty and USS Cole were both sunk by the same terrorists and here you are going after those that seek the truth. Typical piece of shit dumb fat ass American you deserve what's coming next but I'm sure you're too busy waving that cute little US flag and eating KFC and still dreaming you're going to be an NFL star to realize you're about to get nuked again. I'm getting out the popcorn this time…

  7. There's another video out there from the base of the building that shows glass blowing out and the explosions are clear.
    Watch the Colorado PBS 9/11 Documentary, 1100 architects and engineers can't be wrong.

  8. Clearly see the windows perfeclty fine then pop pop pop they start breaking from the explosions going off where the steel beams are that keep up that portion of the building, making the left side fall first, then the right side the other windows pop pop pop where the beams are keeping up that side and then it completely falls down. Evil Americans killed their own for oil and money! Sad.

  9. lol… sounds more like someone blowing on a mic.

    typical truthers, jumping to conclusions with a bunch of shit that doesnt prove anything.

  10. facebookprogrammer · Edit

    Of course you wouldn't hear it – ground zero was positioned 77 meters below surface. There would be no air blast wave or atmospheric conditions in which to produce sound 🙂

    Jerry Hauer (if you even know who he is) pre-fitted the building to withstand bomb blasts and even all the windows were bullet proof. You can look this up, he did an interview with CNN a few years before 2001 (before it became taboo to discuss this stuff).

    7 had the same detonation cavities @ ground zero as 1 & 2.

  11. I will tell you for a fact. The system we live in and how we live as a culture can not be sustained. So your kids and their kids, their kids and so on, don't have much to look forward to. their are plenty of ideas out there to help this issue. The don't come from the talking heads in suits. Your miss guided faith in politicians needs to be dealt with. How i don't know. Those of us awake try very hard not to lose it and throw you in a dirt hole.

  12. for those of you hard of hearing, the bang happens at 17secs. You can hear it, and if you cant your a dumb ass or have a hearing problem. I will say, is the sound real who knows. Another thing is, we can look past this event and ask what should the people do to prevent things like this happening. Along with a lot of other dumb shit our system of government does. These people need to be put out of office. Prosecuted if possible. For those of you living in the today mind set.

  13. eatwoodman and mrhangbush had a pretty extended hate affair. there is no bigger waste of time than arguing with deniers so people just dont do it.

  14. I hate living in this country. I hope I can move before It get's nuked by others and invaded.. There's too many dumbass kids today who watch Jersey Shore, and pile up on the Stupid music such as Justin Bieber, Lmfao, and other garbage Artists. I am 15 years of Age, an American Citizen, and I can say this… This country IS doomed.

  15. That's funny, the real murderer is free and he live well in US, ritch and famous… His name is Bush 😉 Pray to him slaves 😉 .. hmm i heard that they like to call you a cattle? But what a diffrent you can't hear what world say and especially what Bush say 😉

  16. I only corrected you the first time, and the second time I mentioned it was in response to your correction, genius. What an angsty teen you must be. But it’s okay. You try to make a point using false facts, and when those facts are corrects you cry “STRAW MAN!”. You don’t even know what straw man means. Quit being so pathetic. It’s pretty clear you make all these mistakes because you either like twisting facts or don’t know a thing about what happened.

  17. And very good, at least two of the towers fell the same way. I see you're getting better at counting now. I wonder why two towers fell the same way….hmm. It couldn't be because they were DAMAGED the same way, could it? Nah.

  18. u mad. You said all three fell at free fall. This is false. The twin towers do not fall at free fall because you can clearly see debris (free fall) falling at a faster rate than the building itself. You obviously don't know what you're talking about. Damn bro, you are further convincing me that conspiracy theorists are prone to mental disorders. Thorazine, it might help you.

  19. You said 3 building fells the same way. That is completely wrong. Anyone who says they aesthetically fell the same way is either trolling, or is seriously ignorant on the subject. Two towers fell in the same way, but they were damaged in a very similar way. What are the chances of to building being damaged similarly and result in a similar collapse? Geez, I'd be willing to guess not very low as you'd like. WTC 7 didnt fall like any of those.

  20. Fell the same way? 2 of them fell from top to bottom, one of them (WTC7) fell beginning from the penthouse, several seconds later collapsing from the bottom. Could you guys at least pretend to have seen the collapse videos?

  21. Wrong again. I never said thermite can't cut through beams, it obviously can. It is very impracticable and difficult to the point where it would be virtually impossible to knock down a building using thermite.

  22. Thermite cutter charges LOL. Geeze, you guys are such experts. Thermite is so practical for CD! I mean, that's why all CD use thermite. It works very well! It's no infamous for being absolutely chaotic at all!


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