Historic Court-case win against BBC for deliberate dishonest reporting (Building 7 collapse)

Published by EddyTheCat7 on Feb 25, 2013 If you want to learn more: www.killingauntiefilms.co.uk Tony Rooke’s Court hearing on not paying his TV license at t…

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9 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. how about LET;S ASK THE REST OF THE PEOPLE VIEWING THIS VIDEO? please please please please, LET;S ALL TAKE THIS VIDEO, GO TO THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA'S FACEBOOK PAGES, and bombard their pages with the video and commentary! go to the individual reporters facebook pages, put up the vid, ASK WHY THEY AREN;T REPORTING THIS IMPORTANT PIECE OF INFORMATION? LET;S DO IT!!!!

  2. All we need is enough doubt of the integrity of news reporting of this event, to create distrust in the minds of the public. Any exposure at all of any news story at all that casts doubt on the honesty of the media will be enough to create enough doubt to wake people up. The longer it takes this evil cabal to get its new world order in-place, the more chance there is that they'll wind-up in prison – & they are currently nowhere near to achieving anything after their setbacks in Egypt & Syria.

  3. Good news. Thank you for your efforts. It is unfortunate that the truth of what happened on 9/11 and the planning that went into the event before that day will NEVER be released to the public. Too many "governments" behind this act of terror and too many "powerful" people behind making sure it stays covered up.


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