High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program Research Station (HARRP)

HAARP’s Wrecking Havoc

BOOK Controlling the Human Mind : The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance

Background of the HAARP Project
It would be rash to assume that HAARP is an isolated experiment which would not be expanded. It is related to fifty years of intensive and increasingly destructive programs to understand and control the upper atmosphere.

It would be rash not to associate HAARP with the space laboratory construction which is separately being planned by the United States. HAARP is an integral part of a long history of space research and development of a deliberate military nature.

The military implications of combining these projects is alarming.

Basic to this project is control of communications, both disruption and reliability in hostile environments. The power wielded by such control is obvious.

The ability of the HAARP / Spacelab/ rocket combination to deliver very large amount of energy, comparable to a nuclear bomb, anywhere on earth via laser and particle beams, are frightening.

The project is likely to be “sold” to the public as a space shield against incoming weapons, or, for the more gullible, a devise for repairing the ozone layer. http://www.earthpulse.com/src/subcategory.asp?catid=1&subcatid=1

Dancing to the Tune of an Unknown Drummer

The Van Allen belts capture charged particles (protons, electrons and alpha particles) and these spiral along the magnetic force lines toward the polar regions where the force lines converge. They are reflected back and forth between the magnetic force lines near the poles. The lower Van Allen Belt is about 7700 km above the earth’s surface, and the outer Van Allen Belt is about 51,500 km above the surface. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Van Allen belts are most intense along the equator, and effectively absent over the poles. They dip to 400 km over the South Atlantic Ocean, and are about 1,000 km high over the Central Pacific Ocean. In the lower Van Allen Belt, the proton intensity is about 20,000 particles with energy above 30 MeV per second per square centimeter. Electrons reach a maximum energy of 1 MeV, and their intensity has a maximum of 100 million per second per square centimeter. In the outer Belt, proton energy averages only 1 MeV. For compar-ison, most charged particles discharged in a nuclear explosion range between 0.3 and 3 MeV, while diagnostic medical X-ray has peak voltage around 0.5 MeV.

This article was prepared to provide a summary of the contents of a book written in 1995 which describes an entirely new class of weapons. The weapons and their effects are described in the following pages. The United States Navy and Air Force have joined with the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, to build a prototype for a ground based “Star Wars” weapon system located in the remote bush country of Alaska.

The individuals who are demanding answers about HAARP are scattered around the planet. As well as bush dwellers in Alaska, they include: a physician in Finland; a scientist in Holland; an anti-nuclear protester in Australia; independent physicists in the United States; a grandmother in Canada, and countless others.

Unlike the protests of the 1960s the objections to HAARP have been registered using the tools of the 1990s. From the Internet, fax machines, syndicated talk radio and a number of alternative print mediums the word is getting out and people are waking up to this new intrusion by an

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29 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Fact! High frequency radio waves focused in a beam creates what is known as
    Plasma, the 4th state of matter. (solid, liquid, gas, plasma!). So let’s
    say it can’t be used as a weapon. Fact! Solar flares create imbalances in
    our earths Atmosphere, to be more correct, Ionosphere that create weather
    patterns. (Stoms, Hurricanes, Earthquakes) Fact! Solar flares are caused by
    high plasma radiation from the sun, focused on magnetic radio wave lines.
    Radio waves carry electricity! Look up Tesla!

  2. @korzon If you’re not scared of HAARP then why are you so obsessed with it?
    And most importantly to me, why are CHRISTIANS obsessed with HAARP? So the
    military has never done good? Is the internet a deadly weapon? You know who
    started that? You’re dumb as hell and sooner or later you’ll get tired of
    being told that. I only hope one day it dawns on you that you are the only
    person who can change that.

  3. @korzon You just refuse to accept that you are 100% incorrect, huh? I have
    explained every last aspect of what HAARP can do and is known to do and you
    still are just DYING to have something to be scared about. Why? Why do you
    want to insist that radiowaves can be used to move objects? Why, in the
    face of someone who is explaining the science behind HAARP, are you going
    to INSIST there is a conspiracy theory? Your video link also does not work
    for some reason – oddly goes to YT homepage.

  4. @YourBrainOnReligion youtube.com/watch?v=28VKiLIxZXI This is a film made by
    the public realations directors of HAARP or just put in HAARP Technology it
    might come up.This is the only video I will belive because it’s from the
    public realations of the project Howerver they could still be lieing even
    if they are head of the project.

  5. @YourBrainOnReligion No it is not it is ran by the Navy and Airforce it was
    taken over in the 90’s.And nobody knows what it does now because they need
    clearance to get close so there arent a bunch of college kids hanging
    around it that would have a clue.And I know it sends out radio frequencies
    this is how they find the oil and gas by directing the frequency into the
    ground and when it bounces back each type of natural deposite makes it’s
    own sound so they can tell if its oil or gas.

  6. @korzon Here you are just a few minutes ago telling me not to believe
    everything I’m told and what are you doing? You’re believing a guy who
    claims he made HAARP when all documents show that he was NOT involved in
    HAARP at ALL. They examined his patents because they were somewhat relevant
    to their project but in the end did not use him nor his ideas because they
    turned out to not work. You don’t need a WORKING idea to get a patent, you
    just need AN idea. Google him, fool.

  7. TheScienceFoundation · Edit

    @BereanBeacon1 So can you, unlike any other creationist I’ve asked, give an
    example of a country that teaches creationism/theism and is ahead of the US
    in educational statistics?

  8. @YourBrainOnReligion The people who made it told us what it does and they
    use it to find oil and gas in the earth but apparently we have descovered
    new uses scince.They even said if they sent a low frequency pulse into the
    ground it bounces back and tells them it’s gas or oil this was it’s
    original intent to find oil go reasearch it youreself and they never
    mentioned weather related uses that I have no idea where they got that
    information from,

  9. And I suppose the FEMA coffins are for packed lunches and the camps are all
    holiday camps for the poor? How about the erosion of your civil liberties
    in the USA? Thats for your own good too, naturally, because of the threat
    from ‘terrorism’. Americans will wake up too late. The illuminati will
    dance on your graves.

  10. You are *ALL* going nuts (bonkers). Of course there is something going on
    here! Most of it has to do with all of the attention that You pay to such
    things. Put another blob of Silly Putty in the clothes dryer with Your
    clothes, your kitty cat, and your television set. Set it for Permanent
    Pressed. You won’t believe the results You might get! You could take over
    the world! 73 -Grace NNNN z

  11. Sure, but the array is directed at the atmosphere. Unless an aircraft is
    flying over it, claiming HAARP is remotely “weaponized” or even has the
    capabilities TO be is utterly absurd. What he is claiming is the equivalent
    of claiming that if you blast a mountain with “just the right waves” you
    can literally move that mountain. That is plain fucking retarded and if you
    understand physics as well as you claim to, you will wholeheartedly agree
    after you get done laughing.

  12. @korzon Radio frequencies to find… lol. Radiowaves are a mere *area* of
    the whole electromagnetic spectrum, for one. For two, radio waves are too
    big to penetrate the ground. They utilize microwave waves to view whats
    there—and with very limited success. The fact that you think radiowaves are
    utilized for this purpose shows how much you don’t know about the
    electromagnetic spectrum or, again, the basic concepts surrounding energy
    itself. Stop stating statements and start asking questions.

  13. @YourBrainOnReligion Dont need to study it the people who made it said what
    it does you can go wiki it for the basics.And HAARP is run by the Navy and
    Airforce now go google that and I doubt they would be running it unless
    they could use it for a weapon you see sometimes you have to use common
    sense thats something you don’t have.Common sense tells us when the
    military gets involved with science it’s usualy made into a WEAPON.Back in
    the 70’s it was used to find oil now who knows what it deos.

  14. @korzon “Youre problem is that you belive everything you hear” This is why
    i have absolutely no respect for you. You say the dumbest fucking shit.
    Here I am telling YOU not to believe everything YOU hear and like a god
    damn little 5 year old you sit here and accuse *ME* of the very thing I’m
    sitting here correcting YOU on. Study electromagnetism or shut the fuck up
    Korzon. I’m tired of your extraordinary stupidity, straight up.

  15. @korzon Korzon… you IDIOT. What did I just explain to you HAARP does? It
    focuses RADIOWAVES. What are radiowaves used for? COMMUNICATION. THAT is
    why the military took it over – and they didn’t “take it over” by force or
    something as you insinuate. It isn’t even entirely controlled by the
    military, but rather, they take PART in the experiments and/or oversee
    them. HAARP is controlled by alaska university anyway moron. OMG you are so
    retarded, it’s NOT been weaponized nor COULD it be!

  16. its a phased array similar to the way pave/paws is directed and aimed.
    tesla showed that a couple pound wheel can shake down a building. The whole
    earth’s force of gravity holds down a paperclip you can pick up with a
    small magnet, a 400lb wheel is balanced by a 1oz wheel weight. There’s alot
    of energy in an atom, there are other ways to release it besides colliding
    particles. In ww2 it took hours to deliver a weapon, in the cold war it was
    down to minutes. Now you push a button and hit anywhere

  17. TheScienceFoundation · Edit

    You’d better have enough tinfoil hats for everyone, what with the
    conspiracy between the government and big oil to raise gas prices so high
    that no one can afford to drive to the store and obtain the precious brain
    saving metal.

  18. @YourBrainOnReligion maybe not be we are sure if they amplified the
    frequency we can cause an earthquake.They used it to find oil in the ground
    or natural gas they send a frequency pulse into the earth and when it comes
    back it tells us if its oil or gas.If you simply amplify the power and
    frequency you can pound the ground with pulses and definately cause an
    earthquake.Perfect weapon they can just blame it on a natural earthquake.By
    now they probably weaponized it scince it was made in the 50’s

  19. @YourBrainOnReligion Not scared of anything I have no idea what they would
    do with it I only know what they said they can do with it.But I do know if
    the military gets it’s hands on something i’m sure it’s not a good
    thing.I’m sure it can jamm communication no questions asked 100%.But
    pushing up the ionispere as they talked about as a missle shield might
    effect the weather as bit because the atmoshere would have to thin out and
    fill the vacant spot causeing servere low pressure thats a bad thing

  20. @YourBrainOnReligion The military wouldn’t have taken it over unless they
    saw some use for it use youre head.I did not say it makes earthquakes
    once.I told you we use it to find oil or gas by sending a freaquency into
    the ground.Now if that was amplified maybe it could I don’t know I dont own
    a HAARP and either do you and I doubt you have one clue what it does
    because you cant test it youreself.I dont know if it controls weather
    earthquakes or whatnot.But I do know it has been weaponized.

  21. As usual, more nonsense from people who don’t understand anything about
    what HAARP is doing but don’t shy for one second about telling us what they
    THINK it’s capabilities are. Yes, it is an array of antennas that are
    focused to a single point which interacts with the ionosphere. The
    ionosphere is nothing but a layer of charged ions above the atmosphere
    (charged by solar interaction). The ionosphere has little to nothing to do
    with weather, and couldn’t have any impact on humans.

  22. @YourBrainOnReligion I’m not talking about this guy here.I am talking about
    what the Gov. said we used it for in the 70’s and that was to find oil and
    natural gas.This was a Gov. representative of the project I’m not intrested
    in that Easton thing I am talking about the actual use of the project
    itself,And you know that it’s not impossible for the Gov. to take it by
    force or to steal a patent anyways because they have already been caught
    doing so,In fact they screwed Tesla like this.

  23. @korzon No amount of energy being blasted into the ionosphere could somehow
    cause a shifting in the techtonic plates, korzon. I’ve tried to explain
    this to you a thousand times and you just refuse to acknowledge the reality
    of the matter. What you’re essentially saying is that radiowaves can be
    used to move objects. This is absurd. It has nothing to do with “pounding”
    anything – they are *waves* that cannot effect mass like earth. Ionized
    particles != the earth. Weapon? You’re crazy.

  24. @korzon Just please acknowledge that you have no working knowledge of
    anything to do with electromagnetic waves, wave/particle duality, or even a
    basic understanding of energy. If you acknowledge that to yourself – only
    then can you possibly be intellectually open to ACTUALLY learning REAL
    science. If you’re going to pick a crack pot doctor who knows nothing about
    physics over real scientists, that’s your own loss. You’re doing yourself a
    disservice – no one else.

  25. @YourBrainOnReligion In a way you are right how could we know when
    everybody lies even the guys who made it could be lieing.Youre problem is
    that you belive everything you hear,I will stick with what the people who
    made it said it was until I see proof otherwise.So i guess the guys who
    made it are crackpots?Because thats where i got the information from the
    source not from a bunch of conspiracy theorists who think it controls


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