Fox News Geraldo Rivera Talks 9/11 Truth and WTC Building 7! – 11/13/2010

Fox News’ Gerald Rivera at Large talks 9/11 truth and specifically, WTC Building 7.

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  1. a spark from the all oxygen-consuming vapourising concrete dust of wtc 2 jumps 350 feet and ignites it
    a possible debunker journalist unblinkered and changing allegiance to the common sense from academics. the sixth sense. i see braindead people unable to use their instruction manuals.
    why didn't OBL accept the 'prize' of spanking the most paranoid heavily defended (scoff) country in the world for Allah and the muslim world? why is he still is not indicted for it on the fbi website? NO PROOF

  2. You're right, all those firefighters who said there was massive dmage and massive fires in WTC 7 are lying.

    Even though hundreds of firefighters died they're still lying to protect the New Wookie Order.

    That makes perfect sense.



  3. … Also do you know this fact: that there are a few other smaller WTC buildings between the towers and WTC 7. They are closer to the towers but none of them collapsed. Why?
    Sad to say, your brain is way past its expiration date.

  4. It's more like you set yourself up.
    Did you ever watch any of the video clips? Did you actually see any large chunks of the twin towers falling on top of WTC 7?
    Every clip of the towers collapsing shows that they powderized before hitting the ground. A lot of dusts rise up not fall down during the process. Any large chunks were from the lower levels, much lower than the top of WTC 7 (which is a 40+ level high rise itself). There's no way they can fly up from lower levels and then drop on WTC7

  5. Excuse me but did you know that WTC 7 was hit by the largest collapsing building in the history of the world?

    WOW! You walked right into that one!

    But then again, I totally set you up!

    911 TRUTH = 911 LIES

  6. Excuse me! Did you suggest WTC 7 was hit by a jet as well? This is the first time I ever heard of that. You can make news now since nobody else heard it before either.

    Debunk my ass!

  7. Excuse me! Did you suggest WTC 7 was hit by a jet as well? This is the first time I ever heard of that. You can make news now since nobody else heard it before either.

  8. No other steel frame skyscraper was hit by a 400,000 lbs jet at 560 mph.

    And the fires were NOT "limited".

    What other LIES do you need DEBUNKED?

  9. No other steel frame skyscraper ever collapsed because of fire (let alone a very limited fire) before or after. Why the anomaly? This in itself worths proper investigation.

  10. Yeah, what about the fires? I guess they burned – like the even more massive fires observed in hundred of other steel framed hi-risers burning for hours. What do you think, psychole?
    Did the fires in WTC 7 cause steel to look like this:
    If so, how? Care to present the experiment?

  11. Funny gullible shill, I don't see ANY "melted steel in you video".

    I see steel that was bent and warped. But no melted steel.

    Perhaps you should look up the term MELTED and see what melted steel actually looks like.

    Nice try gullible shill!

    What about the MASSIVE FIRES reported by firefighter in WTC 7?


  12. ctcole's 3-line version of the NIST-report:
    "WTC 1 collapsed on WTC 7. That's why it collapsed. (Let's not pay too much attention to the fact that the report concludes that only the fires had significant meaning to the collapse.)

  13. Geraldo is a Super Jewish Klan agent who does and says what he is told. This "Super Race" is a million years ahead of human Gentiles. They are telepathic, mind controlling, and caused the AIDS-HIV extermination and cause all diseases. The 911 Attack on America was a "Celebration of Terror"__the Super Jews took America. The Klan race is must be exposed but the Super Jews own the News Media, the Entertainment Industry,the Banks, the Jobs, You, your Wife and Kids,
    your House_Everything. Wake Up

  14. Lets get the truth at least once, from this lying sack of shit government. The victims families deserve it. The good American people share your pain and grief.

  15. That's easy dumb ass lying moron.

    Two planes hit WTC 1 and 2.

    WTC 1, the largest collapsing building in the history of the world hit WTC 7.


  16. Bush, Chaney and key players in the CIA and FBI all MURDERED over 3,000 innocent Americans in cold blood–to start an unjust WAR. They did so all for money and power. American lives meant nothing to them, and yet, they still want more unjust WARS! These murdering demons must be brought to justice!

  17. The 911 Commission Report hardly mentions WTC7? WTF. Makes you wonder what else they turned a blind eye to and glossed over with some bureaucratic bullshitting.

  18. God bless you Bob McIlvaine and the CE interviewee. God will have His revenge, and it will be severe.
    That’s what we can hang our hope on.

    ‘Geraldo’, I loathe you (and FAUX News) far less now. Thank you for this minisicule short segment. Run the race and try to never tire. Fight the good fight.

  19. There is no statute of limitations on murder.
    Eventually some brave soul with a death wish will come forward from the CIA/FBI (Able Danger is already well-known) or Mossad, and expose what really happened.
    The CIA hasn't investigated who made thousands of 'put' options on the two airlines and Boeing stock – why not?
    Besides the WTC, Pentagon, NYC Firefighter and NYPD victims & their families, now we must also avenge the deaths of witnesses piling up. Danny Jawenko is dead now!

  20. hes a fucking puppet just go back look at his reporting,heres one look how he reported on elvis presely death when they accused him of a drug overdose and many more after all these years now hes letting 911 truthers come on the show after putting them down and talk alot shit about 911 insiders hes sucking ass


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