Debunking 9/11: NIST Building 7

9/11 Truth responds to NIST with HARD FACTS & Evidence! Please copy and re-post! Spread this like virus! Make sure to use different search tags too! NIST pro…

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  1. And heres NIST themselves on all the steel they recovered and tested .
    NIST NCSTAR 1A aka the final wtc7 report page 37of the pdf.
    "However, the reader keep in mind that the building and the records kept within
    it were destroyed, and the remains of all the WTC buildings
    were disposed of before congressional action and funding was available
    for this Investigation to begin."
    DUH! its a no brainer!
    NIST recovered NO STEEL and tested NO STEEL.

  2. NIST NCSTAR 1A aka the wtc7 offical report: page 87 of the pdf.
    "In Stage 2, the north face descended at gravitational acceleration, as the buckled columns
    provided negligible support to the upper portion of the north face.
    This free fall drop continued for approximately 8 stories or 32.0m(105 ft), the distance travelled between times t=1.75 s and t=4.0s."
    DEBUNKERS! please explain the free fall from fire damage since NIST can't?

  3. "Funny, the government hasn't been able to cover up anything"

    Please elaborate on that. I know of several US government cover-ups and likely cover-ups.

    "you Truthers"

    I don't need a label to be addressed. Do you need one? I've never considered myself "a truther". Is it a self-proclaimed thing?

    "obvious lies and misinformation"

    Tell me what lies and misinformation I "cling to".

    "everyone that pushes 9/11 conspiracy has an agenda"

    What does "conspiracy" mean, and what is my "agenda"?

  4. Funny, the government hasn't been able to cover up anything, yet can keep 9/11 firmly under control even though thousands and thousands of people would have to have been involved in the process…yet you Truthers cling to obvious lies and misinformation to keep a completely unprovable (going on 11 years now) conspiracy theory going…and for what reason? So that people can hock their 9/11 conspiracy websites, videos, and books? Looks like it, everyone that pushes 9/11 conspiracy has an agenda

  5. "No engineer can explain how a tall reinforced steel and concrete building could naturally collapse in this manner from briefly burning fires."

    Great, that's that. MUST HAVE BEEN ALIENS.

    Classic argument from ignorance.

  6. The Truthers would come out on top if they actually had some proof, instead of being caught lying, manipulating information, using peoples’ quotes out of context, etc.

  7. PROVE that 9/11 was an inside job…oh wait, you Truthers have had over 10 years to do that and NOTHING, nobody, not a single person in your idiotic “coverup conspiracy theory” has come forward due to guilt/etc.?

    Instead the Truthers purposely LIE and give FALSE information in an attempt to keep their stupid conspiracy theory going…ones that go as far as calling the NYFD liars, demonizing a building owner, and blaming the “dumbest” President in history for the most intricate plot ever

  8. would you concede that the buildings fell at a constant speed? would almost be stranger than freefall, because it would mean that the building literally worked its way down. all 3 buildings in exactly the same way, give or take, although all 3 buildings certainly had very different damage patterns.

    and alienscientist: great job, but i think the speculation at the end about who actually did the whole thing dosn't do the science any good, since it's just that – speculation.

  9. @ AlienScientist – Great job doing this video. I have no idea why you would even bother to retort or debate someone like CrazyRay7979. It's now over ten years later and "the people" have still swallowed the whole myth. I'm amazed, startled, & dumbfounded at the reaction of the general public over the events that transpired throughout that awful day. People disappoint me on a daily basis for their lack of critical thinking skills. I'm glad I stumbled across you. I know now that I'm not alone.

  10. I wonder where the debunkers will go when the truth comes out. Will they look to their handlers for help. They will find none there. They will only find bullets aimed at their heads. The debunkers don't understand that they can never be allowed to tell anyone that the government hired them to do this. It would completely erode all confidence in the government.

  11. Take your Incredulity to someone who cares.
    NYFD Fire Chiefs on the ground said that 7 was badly damaged, and was fully involved with fire.
    Sorry Bub…I will believe them long before I believe a YT CT Nutter.
    My advice:  turn off the puter, wash your face and some clothes, toss the bag of pot, check the job listings, try to find a GF. Try to get out and function.

  12. So instead of changing the subject…what does NORAD have to do with the WTC on 9/11?
    LOL, you go from "explain NORAD" to "Cheney conspiracy"…

    I just made you look like a fool; not knowing that NORAD wouldn't have shot down the hijacked planes, not knowing that NORAD wasn't even involved until after the 2nd Tower was hit…and you just reply with more conspiracy bullshit

    Hell, why would the planes really even matter, you Truthers swear that 9/11 was a controlled demolition.

  13. I will restate my claim because I looked it up. Before 911, NORAD had a 100 percent interception rate dealing with 65 suspected hijackings. Standard operating procedures for NORAD were changed in June 2001, by executive order. Dick Cheeny was in charge of NORAD that day. September 12, 2001 standard operating procedures put back in place. Do you know anything about how this government works? Your just pounding on the table now to enhance your nonsense.

  14. Obviousy, you don't even know what NORAD does, maybe you should look that up first…only AFTER 9/11 did NORAD begin to monitor all aircraft flying inside of the US

    NORAD doesn't shoot down hijacked planes, NORAD wasn't even contacted regarding the hijackings until after both planes had already hit the WTC

    The planes had their transponders turned off

    "How about that?"

  15. How about you tell me why NORAD did not shoot those planes down. Nothing happened for 82 minutes. You can't explain how an organization that had a 100 percent interception rate before 911 messed up 4 times on that day with no one being demoted but promoted. Explain NORAD please. I don't care about anything else. The rest is smoke and mirrors. The military does everything in triplicate. I want another investigation. How about that?

  16. If you have no idea about what I said, then YOU need to brush up on your 9/11 facts (the real ones)…it is NOT my job to spoon-feed you information that is widely available just so that you can then ignore it (as all Truthers do) and keep on with your uninformed standpoint (as all Truthers do)…

    …now answer my questions

  17. the "no steel building has ever collapsed due to fire" has been disproven ever since Richard Gage made that comment
    Could you please enlighten me and show me some proof of what you just said? A link will do. Unless you have other sites to administer to. Getting kinda busy these days huh? Kinda wishin right now that you didn't sell your soul? It's not too late, you can still change your mind. Universal law 1. Everything is allowed. 2. Balance must be maintained.

  18. Obviously I was replying to someone 6 MONTHS ago…
    Funny, the only thing you Truthers have is the "looks like" B.S. Maybe if you understood what a tube-design skyscraper was, that the FDNY repoted the damage and fire, AND then predicted the collapse you'd get it…or are you calling the FDNY stupid and/or liars?

    Explain why you think it isn't possible…oh, and the "no steel building has ever collapsed due to fire" has been disproven ever since Richard Gage made that comment

  19. What does that have to do with the building being demolished in a way that looks suspiciously like a controlled demolition? Who gives a damn who was in control of the building. Lets just take that off the table and try to explain how this hi-rise structure can fall down like that from fires alone? Could you please explain how this is possible?

  20. There are also 120,000 members of ASME(American Society of Mechanical Engineers) who do not question the NIST report. There are also 370,000 members of IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) who do not question the NIST report. There are also 40,000 members of AIChE(American Institute of Chemical Engineers) who do not question the NIST Report. There are also 35,000 members of AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)

  21. You can call me a retard, but you are jumping to conclusions, proving that you are in fact a retard. You are making baseless accusation without evidence. Until you have PROOF, something the conspiracy nuts NEVER have, stfu. Tired of morons that listen to Alex Jones spouting bullshit from unknown 'sources' then saying of course they are family so they conspired to blah blah blah. Even IF YOU ARE RIGHT, PROVE IT, dont speculate about what you THINK you know. You know shit.

  22. Speaking of retardation, that is some of the worst logic I've ever heard, even for YT. You have to be blind as fuck to not notice that the entire Bush family is a fucking evil empire that stretches back to George Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush who "was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany."

    The point is, the Bush's work as one evil entity, and OF COURSE Marvin Bush helped out his bro. DONT BE A RETARD!!

  23. Being related to someone != they conspired bro. Dont be a retard. Evidence is clear. You can use the 6th degree of seperation to link ME to Bin Ladin if you try hard enough, that is NOT proof and does not mean *I* had anything to do with 9/11 either.

  24. I have a weird feeling that you didn't even watch this video…..

    He DID link the Bush's to 9/11. Marvin Bush, and George Bush's cousin Wirt Walker III were long-time members of the Board of Directors for Securicom, the company that turned off the security cameras and made it possible for the Banking/Ownership Elite to commit the mass murder of Americans, blame it on a well-known CIA operative (Bin Laden) who was "working out of Afghanistan", all while instead invading Iraq…..!

  25. so bad science = conspiracy? Dont think so bud. But I do know building 7 is a problem even for me. But until you show direct evidence that someone knew before hand that this was going to happen on this date, you have an empty sack bro. Show real evidence linking all this back to Bush and we can talk. Until then you are an Alex Jones nutjob. Sorry.

  26. At 3pm FDNY was pulling people back. That new accounts were muddled from that wtc7 is about to fall to has fallen is not a big leap. But you want to believe that someone tipped of the worldwide media BBC ahead of time cause they could not see for themselves? Details are very very sketchy is what was also said in that BBC report. instead to oops they got it wrong to oops they leaked a Govt conspiracy that was leaked to them for no reason.

  27. So since building 7 burned for 7 hrs are we supposed to believe that there were explosives or thermitematenano, being used in a demolition setup , that would have to be complicated to say the least , cuz its covert ya know. Really ?bombs in a burning building just waiting to be set of whenever you feel like it? Or in 1 and 2 =bombs just chillin next to a burning 767 that hit the building at 400mph just waiting for someone to push a button?

  28. What you’re doing is NOT thinking critically. It’s making up your mind before the fact. If you look at the evidence, and at science, the conspiracy theories simply do not hold up whatsoever. And believe me, I’ve looked into them, along with the moon landing conspiracies. Its all utter garbage. The people who buy into this nonsense don’t understand physics, or how photographs or videos work, and they’re sifting through evidence trying to make it fit their preconception.

  29. And what about the plane in Pennsylvania? Some conspiracies say that was faked. If so…why? Again, what's the point in that? There already was enough to spark a war with the other 3 crashes. So why fake another? And if any of these crashes were faked, then where are the people?
    Every conspiracy is totally POINTLESS. There's no point to controlled demolition, let alone all the other crazy stuff. There's so many wild consp theories, and none of them really fit together with each other

  30. I mean, none of these conspiracies match up. Have you realized that? What would be the point of controlled demolition, for instance? I mean really, what's the point? Before the towers fell, thousands had already died from the plane impact and from fires. Isn't that enough right there to spark a war? Did planes actually crash there or were they missiles (different conspiracies say different things)? And if missiles, then what was the point of that? Why not just crash the actual planes?

  31. I don't have a with us or against us mentality. The majority of people, whether liberal or conservative or libertarian or a mixture thereof, know that 9/11 conspiracies are complete BS. I'm not trying to be important. I'm just sick of people spitting on the graves of thousands. You ARE NOT a critical thinker. If you were, you would look at the NIST report and see that the official story is 100% more grounded in fact and physics than the hodge podge conspiracies.

  32. "I don't have to pretend. I actually understand physics"

    LOL look whos trying to be important.

    "Stop spitting on their graves in an effort to feel important."

    Feel important?, Sorry I'm not as close minded as you want me to be, its called being a critical thinker. Your "with us or against us" mentality is the exact reason why the US is one of the most hated countries on earth.

    Just like those morons who claim if your against US style diplomacy, your against freedom itself.

  33. Ditto, mate. As for me, I don't have to pretend. I actually understand physics. This guy is a scifi nerd. But this isn't a fucking movie. This is real life, and a very real several thousand people died. Stop spitting on their graves in an effort to feel important.
    There was a 9/11 conspiracy.Several terrorists infiltrated our country and trained in flight schools and eventually hijacked airplanes using simple tools as weapons and flew them into buildings. Isn't that bizarre enough?

  34. reading these comments really shows how many close minded people exist in the world.

    I can’t believe people will personally attack you if you don’t act like a sheep like everyone else.

    I see the government has managed to twist “open minded” to “conspiracy nut”

    Conspiracy nut = anyone who can think for themselves aka, not sheeple

  35. This is just plain not true, unless you’re calling NIST liars. Which would be appropriate. NIST admits 2.3 seconds of acceleration of gravity. Sorry, but the science you’re RELYING on, NIST’s report, is working against you here.


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