Debunking 9/11 conspiracy theorists part 4 of 7 -How did WTC7 collapse

Myles discusses how the WTC7 collapses. Pictures from this episode Dexter – Party Orchestra htt…

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  1. robert franklin Stro · Edit

    Well done. You are correct that Alex Jones (today, in fact) and other
    truthers leave out the penthouse collapse from when they show this video.

  2. Building 7: A few fires, yes, and that's it; but it collapsed, and came
    down at the rate of free fall, Controlled demolition say architects,
    engineers, demolition experts and anyone with commonsense. 

  3. This is British Intel. (look at Snowden revelations) to confuse and
    obfuscate the issues. WTC3 did NOT collapse as 4, 5, or 6 did NOT collapse.
    7WTC contained largest CIA office (possible black site) outside of Wash.,
    D.C., FBI, FTC, SEC, bank, and ins. offices over ConEd substation. Don't
    forget Rudy's bunker (FEMA and emergency response) making it MOST secure
    building in NYC on 9/11/01. And if "W" did watch first strike, like he
    claims, ("I saw the first plane go into the building and thought wow, bad
    pilot," said in Town Hall meeting), it would have been fed to his limo on
    CCTV from here. NIST only admitted free fall after 5th grade science class
    used vid. evid. to compute it. NIST comp. mod. used in THIS vid. does NOT
    match vid. evid. and will NOT be realised for 3rd party oversight because
    of Nat. Sec.. Really, aw gee, how come it takes NIST over five years to
    figure it out? Are they DUMB f*cks like MP? I think so. Simple arithmetic,
    ass bite, what about Barry Jennings (rescued by NYFD from 7WTC on 9/11)
    being BLOWN (before "collapse" of WTC1or2) onto 8th floor when he and his
    boss were trying to exit from Rudy's bunker (12th fl.)? OCT (Of. Con.
    Theory, David R. Griffin, "New Pearl Harbor") will "collapse" like 7WTC you
    ASS. Cheers!

  4. How about all those country that hate our guts,have there own spies who
    would be watching the Pentagon and we have no power over them short on open
    war pass up a chance to totally destroy the bush administration?

  5. Thank you for making these videos. These moronic conspiracy theorists
    should be confronted every time they speak on the internet. 

  6. Thank you for doing this series. I always here there conspiracy theories
    and not the actual facts its good to have some one to provide them.

  7. If a pot is full of shit I like to stir it I suppose.
    I'd much more prefer a beautiful and peaceful calm pot but there are
    idiots in this world trying to force utter crap upon me and you,
    I hate anything that's not the truth and the 911 story is bullshit.
    Truth is something I fight for every time sorry to tell you debunkers.

  8. The hiroshima memorial is the steel structure of a building that was
    directly below the bomb. 400 feet directly below a 20 megaton nuclear burst
    and it is still standing today 

  9. wow, 2 separate buildings collapsed today in Chicago from a fire. And
    according to Richard Gage and his sheep followers, that is impossible.

  10. +taledarkside dude,i dont even know what thermite is!
    Did i mentioned thermite?no.
    Feel free to presente the evidence that justifies 2.500.000 casualties
    since 9/11.

  11. +apostleverde I know they're was many circumstances that played a role in
    the fall of WT7 but it wasn't from the damage, the building sustained from
    from the fall of WTC 2 and fires. Let's not talk the pentagon. Or about
    operation NORAD. To many holes in story thumbs down by the way, but great
    observation. This guy went up to the less educated people on the matter. I
    would like to have a debate with him on the street. 

  12. You have a lot of fucking nerve putting a "Subscribe for SCIENCE" link
    below this video. Given you're an anti-science, anti-reason, anti-rational,
    anti-truth, anti-common sense, anti-logic, anti-science guy.

  13. You actually missed a good opportunity to prove fire can bend steel. It was
    staring you in the face. You even showed a picture of it.

    Simply type 'why didn't wtc5 collapse' into youtube, and you will clearly
    see beams bending under heat.

    There, truthers officially debunked.

  14. Still watching, all really solid journalism man.

    Also, I noticed the Dexter ad in the background in a previous video, and
    the Dexter music used here, ooooo symbolism!

  15. are you an engineer? do you have a degree in structural failure? please
    post your credentials for making these claims. I believe the truth here is
    you're just another swallower and don't know shit.

  16. Thx for making and highlighting this issue again as other poor folk have
    had to do. almost 13 years since old friends passed away yet the comments
    below, bring up alot of emotion/anger. Hopefully one day, people can move
    onto to more positive things.
    Hugs to the families of Cantors and the wonderful work BGC does to this

  17. This is wonderful. From now on there will be no need to use dangerous
    explosives to demolish a building. Demolition crews can just start a fire.
    Good work.

  18. Thank you for these videos! I am currently writing about bad science and
    conspiracies. I can't believe that after all these years there are STILL
    9/11 troofers out there. They are die-hard and I find myself constantly
    running into them. Who knew people enjoyed being ignorant? I think the
    worst people in the world are these charlatans like Alex Jones. 

  19. This guy knows how to talk and make himself sound more credible through
    tone of voice.. it's how lawyers get away with just about anything they
    say.. But nonetheless, where does he get the info. to claim that the method
    of collapse he provided to be a FACT? He makes pretty strong claims about
    the lower and inner building. However, there are not footage of the lower
    floors OR the inner that show the extreme "buckling" he is talking about.
    This guy is a hypocrite as it seems and taking a leap assuming a POSSIBLE

    He is on the extreme opposite of SOME of the stubborn idiot, biased

  20. You do sound like a cunt. And all this is fake you come up with your own
    facts, angle it just how you like and try to make it sound legit.
    you are a whiny fake cunt.

  21. Laughable… Fire made building 7 collapse exactly like a controlled
    demolition…right. And the Fire department never said they were going to
    have to pull building 7, which they did. There was actually a countdown.


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