DAVID ROBINS, HORRIFYING HARRP SOUNDS Christmas eve, Sutts Strosberg LLP Lawyers

This Horrifying Infrasound is intentional and is vibrating You and your loved one’s, this is an
excessive, hazardous exposure claim, Infrasound, Low frequency Noise, in My Body and Home 24/7/365 days a year ! I have VAD diagnosed by Gaylyn Hosmer, FNP, Nurse Practitioner, and I would really like to get this Infrasound Engine shut down,
Pain and Suffering ! yes I am in PAIN constantly, taking Pain pills for Head aces, comb vent inhaler for Respiratory problems, I am painfully, Hearing the Hum constantly and Tinnitus searing through my head and feeling the vibration causing it, it’s hitting me so hard I am unable to work or maintain my Business and its future earnings for many years it causes me extreme fatigue and steals my days away! hospitalized for Atrial fibrillation, once and have other Health problems, My Bees in the back field are dead and gone as with many other insects, Greg Siwinski, MS, CIH, Industrial Hygienist will not check or shut off this very large engine causing Harmful Infrasound whole body vibration, large pressure amplitude, so I did with a HVM100 Human vibration meter 100, I have tests of 2.5M/s2 daily vibration in all of the people of Massena NY and beyond ! Michael B. Lax, MD, MPH, Medical Director Central New York Occupational Health Clinical Center say the Very harmful infrasound is not there and they do not need to get professional whole body Human vibration meter tests, as Greg Siwinski Industrial Hygienist informed me, they will not test for any harmful endangering ILFN, vibration, ALCOA Primary Metals Massena West Plant is continuously vibrating a large volume of air, the infrasonic molecular pressure wave vibrates through Me My Loved one’s and My environment and I need it to stop for Health reasons and I need compensation ! I am American Wind and Wave Energy and they have disable My abilities to run My company and its future earnings, I want compensation of one billion dollars ! My CO2 free power plants have been delayed for a very long time and they don’t come cheep !
My sister whom lives 3000 miles away from me says she is hearing a Hum and it irritates her more in the evening, and HVM100 a human vibration meter, tests I conducted in my silent home with the Triaxial Seat Pad Accelerometer says my ass is vibrating at 2.5 M/s2 per day and the same tests conducted 150 miles away gave the same 2.5 M/s2 per day whole body vibration David Alshom of Larson Davis, vibration meters confirmed the vibration , the intensity of the vibration does not weaken over time and space , Here ! there are cancer care centers in almost every village, 1 out of 2 man get cancer here and 1 out of 3 women get it, that’s bad ! and their are many people in the harmful impact area that are suffering from VAD and don’t know it !,Please represent Me and many others in this case of Toxic Infrasound and Low frequency NOISE in my Home, body, loved one’s bodies, residential area of Massena NY, St. Lawrence County, all of NY and deep into Canada. air pollution under Article 1 of the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution,
You are looking at the negligence of ALCOA Primary Metals,
Massena West Plant.
(Where does the Hum come from ! Thanks Giving Day Hum update 2013)On you tube
try shutting this VAD engine Off to prevent whole body pathology, VAD caused Autisms and Autism stomach disorders, depressive/aggressive/suicide shooters!
This is the Harmful long range intense vibration (the Hum) Infrasound comes from the northeast corner of their large facility, a Gigantic industrial engine causing an Infrasound and low frequency Noise, Regarded as a major agent of disease, that causes depressive/aggressive/suicide shooters’, cancers, autism, hearing problems and more !

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