Counter-Conspiracy: Chemtrails | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid – Ora TV

Today on #OffTheGrid, we’re holding our breath, until Jesse Ventura gets to the bottom of the Chemtrails Conspiracy! Is the U.S. Government poisoning our ski…

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  1. So is the rise in rickets and respiratory illness just a conspiracy too? Or
    are we just imagining that even though we have statistics to prove this…?
    Rickets is caused by LACK OF SUN.

  2. Pilots only “dump fuel” during emergencies. It is not even common. In most
    emergencies, such as Miracle in the Hudson, Capt. Sullivan had no time dump
    fuel, let alone do it over a city.

  3. Shame on you Jesse, you are NOT EXPOSING THE TRUTH, but simply spreading
    lies and misinformation. Call it what it really is *Geoengineering*. Now
    go back and do your research and don’t even bother thinking that you are
    honest enough to run for President. I once respected you, but not any

    P.S. LOOK UP !
    It doesn’t take a genius to see what is going on right over our heads.

  4. There are probably 10 names that come to mind that would have been able to
    convince Gov Ventura, this captain joke spreads pure disinfo.

  5. The more I study chemtrails and contrails…the more on the bubble I
    am…Both sides have VERY convincing evidence: Jesse did make a valid point
    though: If they are poisoning us..they are poisoning them…BUT…the big
    BUT…What if it isn’t the government? What if it is a biotech company who
    is poisoning plants? …I must admit…I am very, very confused by it…and
    the more I research…the more confused I become

  6. They’ve already admitted geoengineering and spraying stuff in the air to
    reflect sunlight, as well as barium. I don’t get Jesse sometimes. In “What
    In The World Are They Spraying” they admitted it.

  7. Wow, Jessie you need to check more then one expert, how about the
    presentation to the UN on weather modification that’s on youtube, how about
    soil sample results having a high spike of chems that shouldn’t be there?
    Take your own advise and get vigilant!

  8. Well, these fools will lose this argument however they try to spin it. My
    son’s excuse, is that the planes are fuel dumping and that causes the
    trails. So, I guess they just fly all over my house dumping fuel, all day,
    every day. Then another fool my say that these are condensation contrails.
    Well, i guess in these contrails that comes from the burning fuel, we have
    high dangerous levels of aluminum and barium. Some “contrails” even have
    lithium and e-coli. So, you lame criminal pilots are dumping these poisons
    on us through your fuel apparently. Listen, these are chem trails, stop
    ignoring, denying and saying how smart you are. Because you are not going
    to outsmart me, when I don’t believe just what i want to believe. I believe
    in reality. So, to address you in terms you understand. Stop spraying us
    with chemicals THROUGH YOUR FUEL.

  9. My guess is that government officials are vaccinated against the poison in
    the sky, so that they are immuned from it. that’s just my theory

  10. Sharing again as it seems to have left my channel. He is nothing to me and
    must be stopped before he harms innocent ignorant people.

  11. Is he on prozac?
    If chemtrails is fake then i want someone to tell me why the hell snow dont
    melt as it should when you put a flame to it plus is stinks like burned
    platic or so..
    there are a lot of videos with it..
    So something must be in the snow, how did it get there? i believe with

    There must be something. Hey im not a pro on chemtrails..
    But i still need someone to tell me why snow did smell like burned plastic
    last year when you put a flame to it.. its a lot of videos here on youtube
    where you can see it.

    I got a new name for that man. If he is wrong
    then captain chemtrails will be named Prozac Maniac


  12. Absolutely jesse has turned his back and joined ranks of the government
    oligarchy to lie and spread disinformation and rumors, his kid is in on it
    too , yup I once respected this guy now he’s just another asshole liar. 

  13. I think it’s bogus, I’m up from sun up to sun down. I’ve seen those chem
    trails form and dissipate. From what I’ve seen it’s a natural phenomenon.
    Some jets leave a trail, it’s just exhaust. I’ll tell ya some scary stuff I
    saw in the sky on my last vacation though. The plane I was in flew over
    some industry during the night, and there was some crud in the air that
    looked like fiberglass dust flickering in flood lights outside my window.

  14. Being a pilot and well educated in this field, I can say that they are 100%
    contrails. Fact is, contrails are essentially man-made clouds that are
    formed from water vapor from the engine exhaust that form at high
    altitudes. Also, contrails form at different times or none at all depending
    on the air density and temperature at that altitude. They usually form at
    about -30- -40 degrees C/F and at about 20,000 ft, but not 100% on the
    exact numbers.

    I also see pictures that show trails that are left from the wings and not
    from the engine and have conspiracy theorists go crazy. This is called a
    fuel dump ladies and gentleman. When an airplane is forced to land at an
    alternate airport earlier than the planned one due to an emergency or other
    need, they need to dump fuel to get the weight light enough so the plane
    can land. They cannot land with a full tank otherwise the drag would be

  15. Chem Trails, GMO’s, Fracking, 9/11, Iraq war, Boston bombing, JFK, Lincoln,
    etc…..our Govt worships the beast. atheists belief system was created to
    stop people from knowing this. the people running this country worship him
    as well. it’s all connected. wake up. 

  16. RemoteTimeTraveler · Edit

    Sequential Heterdyne Wave Generation. If you don’t know anything about
    electromagnetic fields, waves, or pulses, and how it’s scientifically
    proven/ patented to be used as weather modification techniques.. Then you
    just WON’T get it. Willful ignorance will kill mankind. Every NEXRAD
    station is capable of producing such waves, and with help from the
    stratospheric metallic aerosols (Chemtrails) .. weather can and it’s being
    manipulated on a daily basis.. They will close HAARP, because there’s no
    point in using old technology..Get with the program Jesse or are you just
    controlled opposition? A phony?

  17. See, I wouldn’t go as far as saying they’re spraying mind-control; even to
    me that’s a bit much. But they’re definitely spraying something, that’s
    for sure, all you have to do is look up and see it. The question is..why?
    I don’t think we’ll truly know until someone leaks that information out.

  18. I suggest you take even the most basic community college level meteorology
    course, and you’ll learn something. Contrails are clouds…plain and
    simple. When a jet engine compresses air, that air condenses and forms
    clouds…that is what you see trailing behind each of the engines. The
    length and duration of the contrails depends entirely upon the atmospheric
    conditions at the altitude the plane is flying. Drier conditions mean no
    contrail or a short lasting one. Humid conditions (which usually precede a
    storm system) mean longer lasting contrails.

    If it were anything other than condensed water vapor (a liquid or gaseous
    chemical), it would NOT have the same color, look, or density as an
    upper-level ice/water vapor cloud does. Not even jet fuel released from the
    fuel dump lines of an aircraft produces a “cloud” that resembles that of
    water vapor or ice. 

  19. Jesse, you did a half-ass job on this report! What about the reports of
    pilots falling ill that have been involved in spraying? What about all the
    reports of artificial snow(doesn’t melt naturally), odd occurances of
    milky-white rain, morgellons, and independent lab results of air samples?
    You either were terribly distracted on this report or you’ve switched
    sides. I’m guessing ‘people in the know’ are for-warned, either skip town
    or do not come into contact with outside air- I do know the elites do not
    eat GMO foods, they know- what time it is!

  20. I find it odd that Jesse Ventura isn’t all that convinced of the
    chemtrails. I’ve seen quite a few videos where people all over the country
    notice residue on their vehicles. Some even took samples of that residue,
    and samples of collected rain water and had it tested. Some of what showed
    up in the test results, among other chemicals, was barium. There is indeed
    something to the chemtrails, I’ve seen way too many videos about people
    testing residue and rainwater, pilots being interviewed, etc. I have the
    highest respect for Jesse Ventura, but he needs to look a little harder
    into this…and another thing…he LEFT the USA, he resides somewhere in
    Mexico, South America, or something…WHY leave the country if he wasn’t
    worried about SOMETHING?!? Makes me go, hmmm.

  21. Chemtrails is a stupid sucker hoax designed to obtain clicks, views and
    book sales. The only thing more ignorant is man caused global warming.

  22. Scientist can’t be bought? When BP gives LSU and other major universities
    10 MILLION DOLLAR grants, you better believe the scientist in those
    departments will say anything BP tells them to say. And they did. The oil
    is not gone. It’s sitting on the bottom of the Gulf. The seafood is not
    safe. How do I know? I live on the Gulf.

  23. I worked on airplanes in the service and I believe the planes are just
    dumping fuel to adjust for the weight of the plane( example to lighten the
    plane for landing ) I wounder if that’s safe the fuel droplet’s? The
    other white vapor that looks like smoke is the contrails The jet engines
    not Propeller type leave a condensation type frozen air droplet type of
    trail HOT meeting Frozen air.
    A large scale fuel dumping occurred on September 11, 2001, when many
    international flights were refused American airspace entry due to
    numerous hijacking incidents. Many of these international flights were
    fueled for travel well into the American interior but had to be diverted
    into Canadian airspace, Newfoundland specifically, or instructed to return
    to their point of origin. For those mid-flight aircraft unable to land due
    to excessive fuel weight, dumping was necessary.

  24. I appreciate Jesse’s attention to Chem Trails. I too find it implausible
    that the government or anyone would poison their own air. I believe that
    our government is responsible for 9/11, but I am more skeptical about Alien
    spacecraft and Chemtrails. 

  25. Not sure about what is in these chem-trails, but if there are “chemicals”
    being dumped this way I would say that the folks doing it really think that
    it doesn’t effect anyone or anything. It’s the same as when people were
    dumping crap in to the water 100 years ago … they figured nature would
    clean it up.

    Dumping mind controlling chemicals in to the air like that get so diffused
    that it’s hard to believe it could get concentrated enough for predictable
    results. Wind patterns alone make those kinds of experiments
    uncontrollable, invalid, and virtually useless. Time will tell I suppose.

  26. I freakin LOVE Jesse… But I’ve got to wonder… Why does everyone ALWAYS
    address him as “Governor”? He’s not a governor anymore and hasn’t been
    forever! When he does a show (even in Conspiracy Theory shows) you always
    hear people address him as governor. Like, before they are filmed for an
    episode, are they told to address him as such? Like.. Ok.. We are gonna
    include you in this episode and here are the rules: you must address Jesse
    as governor.. Not Jesse, not Mr. Ventura! LOL

  27. A contrail dissipates in about 10 seconds. A chem trail spreads out into a
    huge cloud. I see chem trails every day here in Indiana and i am not
    imagining a damn thing. I am done with Jesse Ventura. This actually makes
    me a little sad. If HAARP says they are short on funds and anyone believes
    that, you probably just need to take your vaccines and get chipped. Both
    of these guys are criminals. Jesse just got put on another list. One that
    makes him an enemy to a lot of Americans now. I hope he knows just what a
    horrible mistake he just made.

  28. I’m glad Ventura is exposing the fraud and ridiculous “chemtrail”
    conspiracy. “Chemtrails” = Contrails. The exhaust from large aircraft
    persists in the sky based upon atmospheric conditions. If the conditions
    are not conducive, they do not persist. If the conditions are conductive,
    the contrails do persist. He makes logical and evidence-based arguments
    against this evidence-free ideology.

  29. Sharing again as it seems to have left my channel. He is nothing to me and
    must be stopped before he harms innocent ignorant people.

  30. How can a specialist about contrail/chemtrail not know much about HAARP. He
    lost all his credibility when he started to talk about it. HAARP and
    chemtrail is a phenomenon commonly linked together. And this guy don’t even
    know about it? Also, spraying can have thousands of applications they
    didn’t even spoke about. The phenomenon is real and is definitely not
    normal to have lines of smoke standing in the sky from far east to far west
    for that long. The phenomenon could be easily linked to Monsanto who
    already used to spray (agent orange) and have many manipulation records
    with proof of their bad intentions. I do believe this have to do with
    Monsanto and GMO’s and to reduce seeds effectiveness to achieve special
    agenda such as Agenda 21, and gaining more control over the food
    productivity and privilege the sell of their own GMO seeds. Please
    governor, you got to investigate deeper, it’s too easy to discredit the
    phenomenon that way. 

  31. pathogens, radiation and chems can be countered with antidotes and the
    such, i suspect that if they were spraying they would have these antidotes.

  32. I think y’all are ( including Jesse ) are missing one valuable angle which
    is…what if the GOV BOYS are taking a antidote like a daily pill or
    weekly…Very feasible. We’re talking about thinning out the sheep, I
    think a slow engineered vapor-virus is completely possible. What do you
    think Jesse? 

  33. As ye sow, so shall ye reap!
    To thine own self be TRUE!
    For you shall know the TRUTH.
    And the TRUTH shall know you!
    So help us GOD ALL-POWERFUL!
    Peace all ways . . .

  34. hey Jesse,Phillip Marshal was killed by the CIA, he had published two books
    about 9/11, and 2; the port authority awarded building permits only if you
    have a plan for demolition,you can read about.3:There are plans and also
    finished plants, where tunnels were dug far below the building and are
    equipped with a small atomic bomb.this little A-bomb leaves a hole in the
    ground back of vaporized rock.This is not a Joke.You can ask the port
    authority after the Building Permits!! you make a great Job. greetings from


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