“Congressman The Evidence That WTC Building-7 Was Brought Down With Explosives Is Real And Proven!”

December 04, 2013 C-SPAN http://MOXNews.com.

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  1. No building built like that ever collapsed from fire. All three was built
    to withstand the worst thrown at them, yet they collapse without touching
    another building in a controlled manner. He didn’t read the report but
    thought it was good enough to explain what happened. Everything was just
    too convenient.

  2. NO INCUMBENTS! Vote EVERY ONE of them out! This is a good reason. Just
    ignoring the question and the truth will not wash with the
    starving-for-truth American public. Morons cannot defend the Constitution.

  3. I won’t waste my time debating with retard shills. They will talk all day
    about the “Kader Toy Factory”, which was a poorly built factory in
    Thailand. The Kader factory was a series of buildings that were 4 stories
    high. 4 stories. Even the most inept, retard, dribbling spittle on his own
    chin, will understand the difference between a FACTORY, 4 stories high,
    that was built in Thailand and which didn’t follow the building code; and
    an modern steel frame, 47 story office building that was built to code in
    the United States.

    The reason why these dishonest, lying sacks of crap talk about Kader is
    TO FIRE. This is because steel is very strong and doesn’t lose its strength
    in an office fire temperature. Steel frame buildings are engineered to
    carry many times their intended weight, and can only be brought down by
    controlled demolition. The Windsor Tower in Spain burned for 24 hours and
    did not collapse. The retard liar-shills will tell you that Windsor did
    collapse, but that was only part of the top of the building that wasn’t as
    strongly reinforced. If you look up the Windsor tower, you can see that it
    was 32 stories before the fire, and 32 stories after the fire. The Windsor
    Tower did not even have a sprinkler system.

    Duncan Hunter is an excellent example of the corrupt, idiots that we have
    in Congress. He admits he hasn’t read the 9/11 commission report, but he
    magically knows that we don’t need another investigation.

    Anyone who looks into 9/11 with an open and LOGICAL mind will soon discover
    that the whole story is complete BS, and that it was disseminated as we
    watched the events unfold. This is a method of cognitive dissonance known
    as “anchoring”: the first story you hear becomes the “truth”, and it has
    predominance over everything you hear subsequently. Intelligence services
    use anchoring to steer the public conscience. The result is that you get
    people like “Representative Press” going off an irrelevant inquiry based on
    a false assumption: “It is extremely illogical to rationalize WTC SEVEN as
    a target.” This is the sort of non-sequitur you hear when senile people are
    watching the news. How the hell does RP know what the “target” was? His
    question ASSUMES that there were 19 hijackers flying planes into buildings,
    1. The demolition of WTC7 shows that it was a “target”.

    I believe that the method of destruction of all of the WTC has been
    purposefully hidden from the public and distorted by the perps. I don’t see
    why all of the buildings could not have been brought down by conventional

    2. Much of what we “know” about 9/11 has been distorted by the government
    and controlled media. They had total control of the crime scene and the
    pictures and video could have been altered. Moreover, there are many
    “eyewitnesses” who are not the people they purport to be.
    3. It is much more intelligent to stick to what we know and can prove.
    4. If there is a crime, the motive can often be found by asking “cui bono”:
    who benefits from the crime?

    On the very day of 9/11, even as we were watching events unfold, former
    israeli prime minister Ehud Barak was on BBC TV calling for a “global war
    on terror”. –> Hello!?!?! That is the same slogan repeated by every
    western puppet head of state since 9/11. Since 9/11 we have lost numerous
    freedoms and have been prodded and poked like cattle wheneve we try to get
    on an airplane, and all because of the “global war on terror”.

    Ever since 9/11, the zionist puppet government of the US has been
    destroying all of the countries in the middle east that are unfriendly to

    Many will say that it was just a coincidence that the israeli prime
    minister was on BBC to shovel the propaganda during 9/11; or that the US
    just happened to destroy all of israel’s enemies after 9/11; or that
    numerous israel companies have profited directly from the military and
    security build-up following 9/11.

    5. I say that israel has benefited more than anyone from the 9/11 attacks,
    and that they are the obvious perps. There is much, much, much more
    evidence tying israel to 9/11. google: israel did 9/11; all the proof in
    the world.

    If a group of people have a “holy book” wherein they claim that they are
    supposed to rule the world; and their leaders continually voice the opinion
    they they are better than normal humans, and that ordinary humans are
    cattle, made by God to serve them. And these people just happen to control
    all of the banks and all of the media… Should it really surprise anyone
    that they would enact a plan to take over the world and make all of
    humanity into their slaves?

  4. MOOOORRROON. He didn’t read it but thinks it’s adequate. Claims that no
    studies have shown otherwise. What a complete and absolute idiot. Not even
    intelligent enough to bake cookies much less hold office.

  5. All you fucking “Truther” lunatics need to eat a big bag of dicks.
    It’s you assholes that caused any real investigation into 9/11 to go
    undone, with all your “fake planes”, ” controlled demolition”, “free fall
    speed”, “it’s own foot print”, “fire can’t take down buildings” and a
    mountain of other obtuse assertions that took away from real facts ((the
    government knew hijackings were going to take place and did nothing)).
    But nope, thanks to you morons anyone that even wants to start a real
    debate is to fucking scared to… in case they get lumped into the same
    boat as you clowns.

  6. Did you read it? “no” But you believe it? “yes” WTF lol, I think this sums
    up about 99% of Americas politicians. ~give me the money, I’ll say whatever
    you want me to say~ 

  7. Great stuff.

    Duncan “Didn’t read it, but it was adequate.” Hunter.

    Proper little D.C. Submissive available for bookings. Can’t accommodate but
    will supply toys. Excellent rates. 

  8. Only the US government believes there own lies we know the towers were
    brought down by Mossad in Saudi Arabia.The way our government spies on
    everything we do there is no way this could have happened the way our
    government said it did.According to the Act of 1871 which is on YouTube
    .The zionist Jews are in control of America.We you just say corporations
    you are missing the point who is the boss of these corporation’s. They also
    control Hollywood .

  9. The congressman did not read 9/11 investigation.
    He ignored that BBC knew about the implosion of building 7 before happening.
    Watch in YouTube this video watch?v=ltP2t9nq9fI
    The real name of building 7 is the Salomon Brothers Building. The owners of
    the building 7 are Jewish from its name.
    Of course NRA’s lobbyists have got huge benefits from this endless war
    against uncountable terrorists around the world.
    I do not want to talk more about who have been controlling the dirty
    business of guns and drugs in US. I think Americans know those guys as well
    as the congressman. Plastic gun ban helps us to understand the reality.

  10. What a crock of sh*t. As other commenters note, Bldg 7 wasn’t a target, and
    the “9/11 Report” the host was referring to didn’t even mention Bldg 7. The
    NIST report, that came out years later, said it collapsed due to “burning
    office furniture.” How can anyone with any science background accept this
    as reasonable?

    I’ll throw my guess behind the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (
    http://www.ae911truth.org/) and claim foul play was involved, and nothing
    to do with a bunch of Saudi jihadists in a cave half a world away. No
    wonder Congress has a 5% approval rating.

  11. In all fairness the caller was referring to building 7 and not “those
    towers”. I am no expert and claim no loyalty to either side of this debate
    but building 7 did in fact have all of it’s core steel columns fail
    simultaneously and catastrophically causing the structure to fall at free
    fall speeds due to an isolated fire on one side of the structure. If for no
    other reason a new investigation should be done to ensure that other
    buildings don’t fall if some kid decides to play with matches in the
    parking garage.

  12. Doesn’t dude know the gig is up, I mean really?! Got a good chuckle
    though from his facial expression and lame comment ..comedians aren’t this
    funny! LOL

  13. Pretty boy Rep. Duncan Hunter, a Zionist shill, likes his shekels too much
    to be honorable and decent. He’ll sell out innocent Muslims and his
    constituency for the Zionist mandate — cheap empty whore that he is.

    Dick Cheney! I can’t believe you sheeple STILL believe the bs lies spread
    Bringing down the WTC using controlled demolition and making it APPEAR as
    if “Muslims” flew planes into the buildings was the most efficient way of
    bringing us closer to MARTIAL LAW and a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT! WAKE UP

  15. Ok I’m sick and tired of all the conspiracy youtube videos with the title
    saying EVIDENCE, PROOF when there’s not. Its suck because I do believe it
    was destroyed by explosives but all you truth-seeker youtubers out there
    make us looks stupid.

  16. I think it’s funny how these so alled “representatives” allways need a sip
    to drink or get those weird facial expressions ervery time someone mentions
    building 7.


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