Collapse of WTC building 7: were explosives used?

This video focus is on the collapse of WTC building 7, a less widely publicized event that remains unexplained to this day. Even the official government inve…

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  1. 0:30 "Larry Silverstein announced on television that the fire department demolished building 7."
    A blatant, flagrant LIE! He said no such thing!
    Shame on you!

  2. Stop media fags. The media in us is the main terrorist The bloodfagging media – the main terrorist. Media always lies. This is how terror is organized so please stop this terror kill media bastards, kill this bloodfagging media bitches and eveyone connected with media shit Cbs Cnn Fox Comcast kill them all they are the main terrorists stop media terror.

  3. 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
    Why The Military Knows Israel Did 9/11
    War By Deception {9/11, Iraq, PNAC , All Roads Lead To Israel}
    9/11 – Missing Links

  4. It's my impression that they gave WTC 7 "help" because it was too severely damaged to be used again. Or maybe there was another related terrorist plot for that one, that they didn't find out about.

  5. If you have more intelligence, discernment.. or even attention span.. than a monkey.. If you are interested in more than fast forwarding to the most sensational clips of the wtc attacks; treating it like disaster pornography.. like most most everyone does… Then I have something for you FEW.. On my channel, is the only experiential wtc attack account. It is respectful of all concerned, more so than anything released from that day. . It is the answer to: 'What would it be like to be there?'

  6. (continued)
    14- Anybody who believes… Uh you have no fucking idea what anyone believes you cannot read peoples minds that is merely your OPINION

    Every single fucking line and clip in this entire video………..PURE SHIT

    freetruth101……… a fucking idiot.

  7. (continued)
    12- WTC7 also collapsed in a manner that can be explained by explosions- uh no that is merely your OPINION at no time did you present a single fact to support that bullshit OPINION
    13- This is why the govt says they do not know how it collapsed- uh no we DO KNOW why it collapsed however to offer state this is why they state….is only an OPINION
    OPINIONS are not FACT

  8. 10- pieces of a building cannot fall through concrete and steel as fast as through air- so WTF is your point??? Debris falling outside of the tower clearly hits the ground first proving that the tower did fall slower falling through concrete and steel and did not fall at free fall
    11- fact that towers fell in less than 10secs is proof- uh no that is a bullshit lie not tower fell in less than 10 seconds.

  9. (continued)
    7- the building falls at free fall with dust at the bottom. No tower fell at free fall. And you really think that a collapsing building would not produce dust???
    8- 1:20 "Building 7" your pic shows debris over a large area. Your own pic is proof WTC7 did not fall into it own footprint
    9- Some of what we have is speculation. Uh no ALL of what you have is opinion and speculation. NONE of it is fact. Speculation proves NOTHING only FACTS do

  10. (continued)
    5- Nobody asked any questions- WTC?? Yeah because you stated firefighters already explained what happened
    6- The collapse of WTC7 is not identical to a controlled demo. It may have similarities however it was not the same. A horse and zebra have similarities also so would you now also call horses and zebras the same

  11. (continue)
    3- your own "proof" is only preliminary after by your own words a few months. After a full study however they know exactly what caused the collapse
    4- Silverstien never said firefighters demolished the buildings. The term pull it has been explained. Besides this point is illogical why go on TV and openly admit his crime and why would insurance pay out if it was fraud

  12. It is amazing how much bullshit you fit into 2 mins:
    1-WTC was not hit by an airplane- yeah so what is your fucking point??? It was hit by WTC1 or how would you explain the damage and fires
    2- 0:19-0:24- edited footage of the collapse. Try showing the entire collapse not just the end with the outter wall that fits into your shitty belief
    3- After months of investigation no idea of collapse- yeah if you read your own pic it says "prelimenary study". (continued)

  13. Freetruth101 you are a fucking moron. Your video is complete shit.

    Truthers are fucking idiots. Retarded monkeys are smarter than Truthers.

  14. God, this video is such self-evident horseshit. How can anyone fall for it? You have to be uneducated and a frothing government hater to even begin to believe this conspiracy silliness.

    No, I’m not in denial. I’m in fits of laughter.

  15. Whoever made this video is hilarious. Statements like "It is scientific fact and can not disagree with it" that is the most preposterous statement since 99.9% of all scientist agree that global warming is man made. He uses words like science and fact but then makes these dogmatic statements like "You can not disagree" and there only one explanation and if you disagree it must be because you are in denial. What an idiot.

  16. sorry,if some sheep here still believe that NIST explained the wtc7 collapse, watch this:


    See that in 2008 Shyam Sunder from NIST said "the public should really recognize the science is really behind what we have said" and "the obvious stares you in the face" LOL!

  17. wellifthemediasaysit · Edit

    TO DATE theres isnt 1 PIC OR VID that even shows a commercial airliner used on 9/11! its ASTONISHING!! missing plane at pentagon and the 4th that 'melted in a field (shot down), the only footage of the 1st plane hitting wtc is a blur, there are NUMEROUS SHOTS of the 2nd plane hit wtc, but not one shows the colours/tail of an AA or UA jet, they have all been altered, if you watch closely you can make out a blue/white tail! THAT IS NOT A PASSENGER JET!! Watch 'september clues' on YT! 9/11's a lie

  18. The collapse of WTC7 was BETTER than most controlled demolitions. The east and west upper corners of the north facade dropped within a half second of each other, though the building was 100 meters wide. Pretty good timing for chaotic fires  but easy for a CD. WTC7, at least the part we can see in the videos, dropped at free fall ACCELERATION (not speed) for 2.25 seconds, according to NIST. Therefore, some "event" suddenly removed 25 meters of vertical support from all over the base.

  19. So let me get this straight….when the leaseholder of an office building orders the fire department to blow up a building they have to do it? Is that what we are supposed to believe now? I never knew " lease holders " had that much power.

  20. Are you suggesting that the fire department and Larry Silverstein were "in on it?" I think they would both find that extremely offensive. What Larry Silverstein said was "pull it." That phrase is not used in the demolition industry to refer to destroying a building with explosives. What he meant was that the fire department decided to "pull" all the firefighters out of the building.

  21. All the accounts of "explosions" come from eyewitness testimonies from a few people who were very panicked, scared, and confused at the time. If there were explosions intended to demolish the building, there would have been very loud bangs heard from miles around and clearly recorded on all cameras present. Look at videos of buildings being demolished with explosives, and you'll see just how much noise they make. Building 7 had no sounds of explosions at all.

  22. WTC7 = convewntional demolition
    the explosion in basement of WTC1 and WTC2 was of the same type as Fukushima 3.
    MINI NUKES (HYDROGEN) in basement

    The only difference


    illuminati BushClinton did the first two as planned
    For the FULL STORY — Google—-
    911 for dummies

  23. Inside Job…..Thermate prefabricated to fit beams and installed….large crew never needed, just access……Drone Planes with laser targeting…..Building 7 falls without losing it's shape…..Demolition…..WTC 1 and 2 turn to dust before even hitting the ground…..Demolition……Inside Job….."Pull it"

    Who was the Saudi Prince that offered Guiliani millions after 9/11? Remember Guiliani refused to take the money? <——- I think it was all done for the masses and television.

  24. Yes it was. Now fk off. Neener neener neener you got a real small one mr weener, That's why your one of those shmegeggie disinfo sock puppets,


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