Chemtrails? Watch This! Then Try to Deny It

(Truthstream The chemtrails hardly get any more blatant than this. Just what is up with what we’ve all been seeing up in the sky? Lingering, persi…

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  1. (Truthstream The chemtrails hardly get any more blatant than
    this. Just what is up with what we’ve all been seeing up in the sky?
    Lingering, persistent aerosols that some dismiss as jet contrails or
    aberrant cloud formations are actually just the most visible and mysterious
    part of an ongoing geoengineering effort admittedly being tested (and
    enacted) on a wide scale. On the surface, it is an effort to curb global
    warming by dimming the sun’s rays; behind that veneer are corporate
    motives, population control agendas and bids to control & predict the
    weather and reap handsome profits on everything it effects. Just how far it
    goes may be up for debate, but the denial that a geoengineering program is
    going on need go on no longer:

    Here are just a few resources highlighted in the video:

    See also:
    What in the World Are They Spraying?
    What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length)

    Why in the World Are they Spraying?
    “Why in the World are They Spraying?” NEW Critically Acclaimed Documentary
    [HD FULL]

    Aaron Dykes on Chemtrail/Geoengineering Agenda + DOCS
    ChemTrail and GeoEngineering Report 1 by Aaron Dykes – 11152011

  2. So I was babysitting the other day and the little boy was playing a game on
    his mother’s phone. The game was called Hot Donut and wouldn’t cha know, in
    the sky on the game was all chemtrails. They are totally indoctrinating
    people (especially children) that this is normal for the skies.

  3. TyrannyNewsNetwork · Edit

    I just want to thank you both for an honest assessment and helpful
    information. Not making claims that are too specific, as in this case is
    also helpful in keeping doors open to whatever the methods may be.

    Please be open to and consider the work of Clifford Carnicom. I’ve joined
    his Carnicom Institute and am working on an Internet marketing strategy
    including a new best-of-breed website, well underway. I find his knowledge
    of the present Chemtrails and Morgellons issues unparalleled.

    Quick Suggestion for All: To date I know of no way to discern between
    trails that emerge a short distance behind engines and those emerging
    directly from areas of the wing and/or fuselage indicating a spray
    apparatus of some kind. Vastly more close-up images of planes causing
    persistent trails show the engine aligned variety. The question is then,
    “Fuel based additives, engine delivery mechanism or autonomous spraying

    Not to mention night vs. day operations, piloted vs. drone flights, etc. I
    wish it weren’t so complex. Fuel additive origination has growing support.
    But, remember that this doesn’t account for actual spraying that has been

    Finally, if Chemtrails are multi-purpose then Morgellons distribution is
    almost certainly 1 of them. This has nothing to do with weather, sunlight,
    Bluebeam, Radar, etc. Personally, I think 2 types exist. One type achieves
    obfuscation of the terrain from above. Period. The other, and more harmful
    type is Morgellons distribution. In other words, none of it relates to
    weather control. Too many other technologies are in play each day for
    weather control. Hope this information is helpful.

  4. Here in Durban, KwaZULU Natal, I haven’t seen planes spraying, but this is
    our 4th or maybe even 5th year of grey skies & rain from beginning/mid
    October through to mid/end January!!! With only the odd sunny day
    in-between. They’re obviously using the much cheaper seawater spraying
    method on us plebs! GRRR 🙁 Evil, filthy BA$TARDS!!!
    ~South Africa~ xox

  5. Brutal Truth Media Maui · Edit

    You should see how horrific the chemcloud attack is in hawaii, about 80% of
    the cloud cover is artificial but the chemclouds look so real these days
    that unless u are a highly experienced chemcloud expert you would not know
    the massive amounts of fake clouds over us..the blatant jet and chemtrail
    is a distraction attraction to keep your attention on the blatant
    cjemtrails and not on the real looking chemclouds closing in around
    us…check out my vids to see the styles I’m talking about.

  6. Chemtrails are used by our govt. to poison us. It has nothing to do with
    climate, its all about human health. Global warming? haha Do you really
    think our leaders care about this planet? Satan and his synagogue only care
    about themselves, everything they do is NOT for our best interest or the
    planet for that matter. It’s all intentional with focused effects motivated
    by an evil, selfish agenda.

    Honestly chemtrails have become the least of America’s worries. American’s
    face the greatest threat of all, losing their soul to satan and
    jeopardizing their chance to live forever with Jesus. At its deepest root
    its a war for the soul, not the mind nor the body, though affecting the
    other two is how it is accomplished. 

  7. The exhaust of jet engines is hot and has a mixture of gas, along with
    particles of carbon. The hot gases cause condensation that loves to grab
    onto the little particles in the exhaust, causing a cloud; and since the
    plane is moving, it forms a long cloud that looks like a streak. The
    government isn’t spraying chemicals on you – chill TFO lol

  8. Bob Snake Plissken · Edit

    They ( the msm ) will still deny it and label us conspiracy theorists..

    Who is a sheeple gonna believe anyway , a conspiracy theorist or the man on
    the teevee?

  9. What part of the words “proposed”, “conceivable”, “study”, “in the
    future” and “may be done in the future” do you not understand?!

    The contrails that did not linger were at lower and warmer altitudes or at
    altitudes which were less saturated with moisture than the contrails that
    lingered at the cooler or more saturated altitudes.

  10. Geo-engineering my ass….look it takes alot of effort to turn the sky into
    an LCD screen. Welcome to the Truman Show! I really, really, and I mean
    REALLY did not want to believe in the holograms. Then I was staying at a
    hotel on March 4, 2014. I look out my hotel room window…..and there it
    is……the damn moon. It looked “funny.” I grabbed my computer and
    googled the moon phases for March. Not only was it “backwards” it had
    “slipped” and the illumination was on the bottom. I contact a friend
    “across the pond” same thing in Europe. WTF man? I mean really WTF!!!???

  11. Let’s go over some logic: They say the goal is to spray 10 megatons of Al
    into the atmosphere. Let’s think about that. 1 megaton is 2 billion pounds.
    You obviously need a solvent to dissolve the aluminum so let’s include 2
    billion pounds of solvent as well, which doubles weight. Let’s say each
    flight has a capacity of 10,000 lbs. We would need 400,000 flights which
    means 1,100 flights per day for one megaton. Now let’s think about this:
    Planes need airports, fuel, pilots, mechanics, a supply of chemicals, and
    more fuel. Combine that with 1,100 flights a day. There’s NO WAY to hide
    all of this from the national airspace system. It would easily get noticed
    and something would’ve been done a long time ago. Finally, where do they
    get that much aluminum? If 10 megatons was taken from the market someone
    would notice. One more thought: Look up the Busen and Schumann experiments
    on contrails. It explains how changes in engines are related to contrail

  12. Undeniable- I like the added B Gates touch lol Yeah been watching the same
    thing for 31/2 yrs now!!! They LIVE!!!!! X marks the spot it seems like
    doesn’t it??? And the more you watch the lanes………The more they will
    come around……YOU!!!!! Hmmm…..

  13. I’m all about raising awareness but what will people do about this? Sadly
    nothing. That being said, that goes for everything other horrific crime
    that your local governments commit on a daily basis. If you don’t like it,
    get your own planes and blow these fuckers out of the sky.

  14. Interesting.

    Has anyone taken the time to grab a kiddie pool, clean it, stick it under a
    “chemtrail zone” and then run it through a gas chromatograph? What that
    machine does is tell you the % of any substance, and it uses known value
    ranges to know what “spike” in the reading matches up with what substance.

    Ever been in a jet when it had to turn around and you could see where you
    had been from the trails?

  15. ownyourspeculations · Edit

    I can hear the anger in your voice and I can’t blame you. Ever time I walk
    outside and see them spraying chemicals into the air I feel like I’m being
    assaulted. It doesn’t seem much different than spraying something in
    someones face from 5 feet away. I’m sure it’s entirely possible that the
    chemtrailing will have no negative effects on people, to be fair I have to
    acknowledge that possibility. But if that is truly and provably the case,
    then why did I have to hunt down information through secondary media
    sources? Why wasn’t this “beneficial” operation explained to the average
    person? How long did they really think we wouldn’t notice? One thing I’m
    curious about is are they doing chemtrailing over major cities like NYC,
    D.C., LA, and such?

  16. If you have eyeballs and can see and get tremendous headaches from aluminum
    poisoning–number 1 on the hit parade…-then you cant deny
    chemtrails-unless you work for the fiction govt.military madness complex or
    your a troll on a payroll.,or are a lobotomy antidepressant slave-Just
    leave the weather and the sky alone you psychopathic cocksuckers-it hasnt
    needed your criminal intervention in 4 billion years—what makes you think
    your God —transhumanoid robot fuck.Children of satan psychopathic
    parasites—go back to where you once belonged.


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