“ This documentary is dedicated to everyone who wants to fight for truth and life on planet Earth. Let’s stand up and defend our rights ! ” Antonio and Rosario Marciano
Antonio and Rosario Marciano administrators of the Italian website TANKER ENEMY produced the film : “ Chemtrails the secret war ”. This HD documentary film is the first Italian professional film on illegal geo-engineering aka chemtrails. It has been realized thanks to many friends and collaborators. For years this issue has been denied and mocked but the chemical spraying of our sky is still going on !
This documentary analyses, in a scientific and rigorous approach the main characteristics of this issue. The weather manipulation is only a collateral aspect of the phenomenon.
In September 2014, Jacques Daidié, a French man very active against illegal geo-engineering, went to Italy and met Antonio and Rosario Marciano, well-known Italian activists against geo-engineering. The French translation is born from this meeting and has been realized by several members of the French association “Ciel voilé”, (www.cielvoile.fr). We thank him warmly and all those who have contributed to the translation: Jacques, Dominique from Avignon, Mary from Monteux, Sebastien from St Firmin in Valgaudemard and Danielle from Gap.
All our gratitude to “Sky Watch Geneva”, on Facebook, for the English translation.
Chain of Rosario Marciano on Youtube :
This is being done to collapse the world system and wipeout the majority of
humans. Pure and simple. That’s why there is seed vault in a frozen
mountain. Monsanto wants to pervert all the seeds, collapse the food system
and reboot after we are all dead. They make money on us at the same time
too. They reveal these facts (of being parasites) in Hollywood movies (the
Matrix for example). We are being fed upon while we are being culled. They
also reveal in Hollywood movies that we are being culled to save the earth.
This theme is so common in TV shows and movies that anyone can see their
plan. For some evil reason they are revealing the plan to us. Wake up and
pay attention… you will see it. Check my Channel for examples. Pure evil
is behind this. We’d better wake up soon or it will be too late.
I can tell you one thing,
When the President comes to Hawaii for holiday they stop the ChemTrails!
this is the best documentary yet–Thanks- I think –haha
definite thumbs up and if you ever need anyone to assist with some
solutions that may help those who are afflicted in your area–
this is a protocol that may assist
again thanks
Best Chemtrail Video to date.
Bar None!
Dieser Dokumentarfilm widmet sich jedem, der kämpfen will für die Wahrheit
und das Leben auf dem Planeten Erde. Lasst uns aufstehen um unsere Rechte
zu verteidigen!
This documentary is dedicated to everyone who wants to fight for truth and
life on planet Earth. Let’s stand up and defend our rights !
Folks! “Con-trails” ARE Chemtrail Planes! Fuck! why won’t you idiots
This! Watch a “Con-trail” plane long enough and it will Turn On Full Chem,
off, after it’s “Laced” it’s patch or existing Chem-Cloud”, then go on it’s
merry way
as a harmless Con-trail…I have my own “Money Shots” of Commercial jets
next to Con-trail planes. This is how they are “Con-ing” us, for Decades
we have
all seen Contrails behind certain planes, but now we’re seeing them all the
but it is NOT ALL Planes! It’s simple, Jet fuel is nothing but High Grade
Fuck the BS about air temperature and humidity to form a “Con-trail”, IT
HAPPEN. The Media and Stupid Scientists WANT you to Believe this. Make
No Mistake, Con-trails ARE Chemtrail planes! They have been quietly
the planet for decades to where NOW, Chem-Clouds will just appear on their
Cotton-Candy, Whispy Chem-Clouds often with Striations in them. Real Clouds
are supposed to be just rising moisture, they’re supposed to Condense into
a solid puffy real Cloud that often becomes dark on the bottom, that is the
collecting due to gravity, hence, a Rain Cloud. We haven’t seen True
Clouds since
at least 10 years ago, even on a Chemtrail free sky we still see that real
can’t stay together, the residual Chemicals in the air dry out the moisture
in them
until they completely break apart…ie: Droughts then happen.
Con-trails ARE Chemtrail Planes! Please Start Noticing This Fact !
I wish to God this video would go viral ALL over the world! Here in
Orlando, Florida in the U.S.A. They frequently (several times a week) spray
unsuspecting tourists at well known theme/amusement parks where people
travel from all over the world to see the mouse.
This film is full of disinformation. Is it to disguise the fact that the
primary goal is to manipulate the weather? There are many errors. Here are
three. It states Agent Orange was used to flood the runways used by the
Vietcong. Silver iodide was used for weather modification purposes, not
Agent Orange. The aerosol trails come from aerosol delivery devices not
jet fuel and ironically, this is evident at 7.06 mins where they show a
trail coming from a large portion of the wing span. Evidence shows the
fibers are produced deliberately. A top researcher is aware of a patent
for fibers and William Thomas said: “Bernard Eastlund, [the inventor of
HAARP], wrote me an e-mail…and he said that to heat up the atmosphere
with HAARP was very difficult, it would go right through the atmosphere
unless you put some element in that airspace that it could heat and he
suggested that polymers would work very well in allowing HAARP to be
directed to heat certain sections of the atmosphere. And in fact, we’ve
been seeing…cobweb like material, polymer material all over the United
States and other locations, in conjunction with airplanes flying overhead
emitting something out of the back end of them. And Eastlund went further
and said that heat generation works by adding magnetic iron oxide to the
polymer…” –William Thomas on Coast To Coast AM with George Knapp,
December 20, 2009. Refer: Chemtrails Confirmed by William Thomas for
more information regarding the fibers.
Quand ils auront bien empoisonné la planète et que plus rien ne poussera
naturellement ,ce qui est déjà le cas ,ceux qui font du jardin doivent bien
voir que depuis quelques années il est impossible de cultiver quoique se
soit sans traiter !!!
Comme ça ils pourront enfin breveter le vivant et nous seront enfin
entièrement à la merci de Monsanto ,de CIA et des USA qui ont bien sur déjà
la solution ,pourquoi produisent ils du mais résistant au métaux lourd
comme l’aluminium ,le baryum ,exactement les mêmes saloperies qu’on nous
balance sur la tête via les chemtrails ,le hasard bien sur !!!,ceux qui
refusent de voir en face les plans des multinationales vont bientôt le
vivre à défaut de s’être battu contre !!!!
New documentary *Chemtrails The Secret War*
By Rosario Marciano aka YouTube’s Tanker Enemy.
Great work in this video.
What are the chances of this being done in English???
Check this Italian documentary video:
This is a wonderful addition to the films on chemtrails, however you may
want to research the work of Clifford Carnicom on the chemtrail fibers, and
that they are not just a by-product, but a most sinister centerpiece of
their hidden bioengineering initiative.
Ich Bitte die Gemeinschaft diese Doku. in Deutsch zu übersetzen. Danke !
Thank you. I have high levels of Barium, Aluminum and Strontium in my blood
and rain. I now have developed an Autoimmune Disease, Idiopathic
Thrombocytopenia. Many are ill with such potentially deadly
diseases.Arizona and US Government are complicit in these programs and deny
as you know. Ex FBI Chief Ted Gunderson was my friend and told me about
this many years ago in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was subsequently murdered with
unknown origins of Arsenic in his body. I also suffer from chronic
bronchitis and muscular-skeletal degeneration.
Excellent job with this vid! Note for other readers here, as an English
speaker, I found it easier to read the captions with the sound off.
Very informative film, but there is an error at 28:40. They used silver &
lead iodide to cause the flooding, not Agent Orange. Agent Orange is a
herbicide / defoliant, not a precipitation enhancer.
“The rate of attenuation in case of light rain or fog is about 0.1db/km for
a 10GHz signal”. A lot of similar detailed completely redundant technical
details, including mathematical formulas. This seems to have been taken
randomly out of research texts as fillers for this documentary. The images
are stock footage for the most part. The interview objects are not
presented with names and credentials. The incessant emotively suggesting
war drums of the soundtrack. References to a “certified French laboratory”,
no name given. Very poor or flimsy on sources. Nothing new here.
People with critical reading skills will find this “documentary” of no use
whatsoever, I’m afraid.
Acutally Truth Films as to your comment.. it is not for that purpose. OUr
thugs are mostly trying to prevent all those new energies coming thru the
sun into earth. And if they can poison a few people they will of course.
Now that said.. the barium and other fine particulate in them is being
used to rebuild the firmament which is why you sometimes see little orbs
around them…testing the contents. The fine particulate is being drawn on
purpose into the higher atmosphere where the particulate will hold water to
it. The firmament was taken down by war fare some time ago.. producing
those 40 days of rain. It is being put back up so that life can grow
longer less affected by radiation on this world. The celestials are doing
this. Its not all bad.
I grew up in Eastern Europe. My dad was in the air force, so we lived in
close proximity to an air field. Never once have I seen a chemtrail, prior
to moving to the US. Chemtrails ARE NOT Condensation trails. Con trails
“follow” the plane and dissipate within minutes; while chemtrails hang
around and spread. I’ve been pretty sick ever since I moved here and my
health would always deteriorate on “rainy days”. I started noticing
criss-cross patterns in the sky, right before the weather would change
drastically and how that change affected me. They’ve been spraying so much
this past year here in Texas that everyone is feeling the chem-trails
affects, but writes it off on viruses or work-related exhaustion. They
start spraying at dawn and within hours, you start sneezing, get stuffy
nose and sore throat, feel fatigued, feel sick to your stomach, get
migraines and severe anxiety out of nowhere. If it goes on for days – you
also start having emotional issues – severe depression and crying spells.
They have been spraying for weeks prior to Christmas and the weather had
been strange. Temperatures fluctuating between 70 and 30F throughout the
day, heavy rain one day, below freezing the other. However, as soon as
Christmas weekend started and all of the military guys got a day off – Sun
is out, nice and warm, everyone is out and about. It felt great. I was at
the park today and saw zero chemtrails, where as usually the sky is
covered. What a coincy-dink, right? If I had the money, I’d jump on the
next plain back to EE and never come back. When you witness all the evil
that takes place in the States, you realize that money and all the material
crap, that the Western world is promoting, is shit. None of that will ever
make you happy.
“ This documentary is dedicated to everyone who wants to fight for truth
and life on planet Earth. Let’s stand up and defend our rights ! ”
mcc helipilot This is the smoking gun video. It has it all. Complete
military and corporate weather control keeps radio blocking cummulus clouds
from ever forming. It is mostly about maintaining constant radio contact
all over the world. It is about control, eliminate weather effects on radio
and satellites and keep in constant contact.
The Secret War against the world…
May your research and hard work pay off by stopping these psychopathic
lunatics who are inflicting this on us and our beautiful planet. They are
predicting chaotic weather because of climate change here in the UK knowing
full well it is being caused by the people who will benefit financially. If
we don’t stop this, humanity has a very bleak future indeed, where 1984 and
A brave New World will be like a walk in the park.
Civilization’s Parasites
The parasite deliberately inculcates in the host the fear that if the
parasite happens to be dislodged, the host will lose all these things, and
be left with nothing. The parasite carefully instructs the host that he
exists only because of the “benign” presence of the parasite – that he owes
everything to the presence of the parasite, his religion, his social order,
his monetary system, and his educational system.
people just don’t care here in the U.S they have bills to pay go to work,
get a check, spend that money on cloths,beers, gas, bills and pointless
shit that many of us don’t need humans =( i need more friends that think
like me and don’t give a fuck about the New World order need a team lol
I know that it is expensive, but this video needs to be in English.
Subtitles are good, but difficult to follow as there is a lot of
Putin is supposed to be traitor to the new world order, but are there
chemtrails in Russia? You will not see chemtrails in Switzerland however;
the only country that matches up with the beast prophecies in the Book of
Finalmente!!!! Grazie…grazie…grazie
Occorre dirlo a tutti…. ciascuno nella sua cerchia di amici….parenti….
Non è più tempo di consumismo…vacanze….vita frivola!!!
19:50 “There is no hard evidence of global warming”
There goes the majority of the audience, right there.
Try to find statistics on how disease-rates have gone up in the last 30-50
It’s VERY difficult to find these :/ Allergies, cancer, altzheimers
disease, miscarriages/pregnancy fails, etc.. Those have all been on the
rise in the last decades…
English Please
Another, outstanding Comedy!
I found one error in logic with this video. At 28:37 / 1:00:56 “The
United States used agent orange to flood with torrential rains, the runways
that were used by Vietcong” Agent orange is an herbicide and is not used
for weather modification. Maybe it was a type o otherwise the rest of the
film seemed correct.
I been filming and taking pictures for years now. Got a few videos on my
channel. All we can do is spread the message and hope people wake up. Also
has this been done in English? As my eyes started to hurt reading the
Now read this and pass it on: the evolution of human society is coming,
Chemtrails the secret war against humanity.
this is illegal on a universal scale. the military and farmaceutical
industry just need to die. Monsanto first.
Putin, nuke ’em…If our chance to live is that slim, I am all for it –
nuke USA! Do not let Evil Rednecks-wannabe-“exceptional”-supremacists get
away with it…NUKE USA!
Thanks for sharing!
THANK YOU ITALIA !!! and Film makers and people in this video.
pass it on
this is NOW for my non believing friends
wake the F**K UP
look up
realize your sickness in your head
and be aware of your body,
hard to do that sheeples when you eat crap food
I can name 30-40 of FB peeps that still just don’t get it, but then look at
their-your diet, I am tired of ranting
GD the military and those behind this evil act
Thank you for this, stop by and say hi some time.
Herzlichen Dank für diese sehr gute Dokumentation…Hier in Deutschland
läuft das gleiche ab. — Alle müssen sich zusammenschließen, über alle
nationalen Hürden hinaus!!! Es geht um das Leben, die Liebe, die Liebe zum
Leben!!! Laßt uns zusammenstehen!!!
Dopo l´Italia e la Francia, anche in Germania e´stato pubblicato il
documentario di “Tancher Enemy”
Thanks Ciel Voilé, Just discovered your channel. Amazing!!!
Thank you so much. This is so true, concise, and informative!
Thank you for this excellent film