Have you noticed more planes flying overhead in your community that leave trails behind them in the sky? These patterns are the result of “weather modificati…
The current political correctness movement is telling activists to stop
using the word “chemtrails” and say “geoengineering”, instead. But
Chemtrails are not SRM (Solar Radiation Management) or SAG (Stratospheric
Aerosol Geoengineering) .
Chemtrails have already been defined as an “exotic weapon” in HR-2977 –
Not SRM or SAG.
Regardless media accusations as a “conspiracy theorist” find out why
“chemtrails” is the best word to define the pollution we see in the sky. http://wp.me/p2FjTj-3nS
+EJ LaFleur
How They Affect You and What You Can Do
THRIVE Movement
Have you noticed more planes flying overhead in your community that leave
trails behind them in the sky? These patterns are the result of “weather
modification” programs — also referred to as “solar radiation management”
or “chemtrails”. The international program involves spraying aluminum,
barium, strontium and other toxic chemicals from airplanes at high
altitudes that then fall to the ground, ending up in our bodies, our water,
our soil and the air we breathe.
For more information, including links mentioned in the video, please visit: http://www.thrivemovement.com/chemtrails-how-they-affect-you-and-what-you-can-do.blog
Thank you to GeoEngineering Watch, Chemtrails 911, Space Weather,
SkyderAlert, Rob Leslie, Ray Gale, truthseeker1922 and Skull for chemtrail
footage that helped make this video possible.
Poisonig the air and all on the earth can come only from US and A. Nobody
else is trying to change the world to their ideology. US and A want to
control the whole world and trying to destroy the whole world. Look at
ukraine! Why are soldiers speaking english? There are american soldiers
masked as Ukrainian or russian soldiers! Killing civlian … children,
woman,… everybody. They want that Russia attack Ukraina or somebody else
saying! I don’t said that putin is the best but he don’t want to controll
the whole world. maybe the old USSR territory but that’s normal!
Yes maybe I don’t speak very good english but who want to understand me, he
Having only become more understanding, recently, on this matter of
chemtrails and their toxic effect on our environment, it only exacerbates
my annoyance at the Industrial Agricultural practices, amongst others, of
the ‘bulging hip-pocket’ of the elite. Becoming informed; not only of the
destruction of the small-farm paddocks & hence, crop-yields, yet the
increasing burden of preventable health issues, loss of native flora &
fauna due to toxic contamination and the inequitable domination in the
market place by the enormous ‘limited liability entities’, is the requisite
responsibility of each individual that believes in fairness of opportunity
and the pursuit of justice.
You call can sit around and bitch about who is right and wrong, but any
idiot who thinks that a ploy like this would be done with commercial
airliners needs their head examined, thoroughly.
Ok, let’s get one thing straight. There are no such things as “chemtrails”.
“Chemtrails” are actually contrails.
Aircraft fuel is composed mostly of hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide and water
vapour being their main combustion products. Contrails form hot exhaust
gases mix with rarefied cool air.
The water freezes quickly, forming a white cloud of ice crystals which
basically forms an elongated cloud. Since this process completes several
hundred feet behind the aircraft, passengers on commercial airliners don’t
really see contrails forming, making it seem as though “chemtrails” only
come from special military aircraft.
Regardless, the very idea of “chemtrails” is pretty hilarious. Aerial spray
from those attitudes would be an terribly inefficient and inexact method of
delivering chemicals to ground-based targets. For example, pesticides are
often sprayed on crops from planes at around thirty feet. Wide-area
mosquito spraying is usually done from 150 feet.
“Chemtrails” are supposedly released 30,000 feet or higher, where winds
would likely disperse them randomly. If there were a conspiracy to
introduce chemicals to the population, it would be simpler and more
effective to put them in the water supply; or even release them from
ground-based vehicles.
But do me a favor. If you are going to be SO adamant about this subject,
and insist that these must be chemtrails, at least show some evidence.
There is none. Most of it are pictures of the sky.
Oh, and remember a side effect of aluminum in the brain is alzheirmers and
dementia. Go see how bad being in the dark can be by visiting an alzheimers
unit located in most nursing homes. That will help you decide where you
stand on what you choose to believe. The aluminum and other toxics like
flouride aka:rat poison is in so many products like bread, flour, packaged
food, most beauty products, deodorant, most medications etc….now air sea
and land. It is bioaccumulative!
No, bitch – you just don’t understand contrails. People who believe this
shit should be shot in the head. You’re fucking pathetic. Con/chem trails
have been around for years, and not a single population has been effected.
No, us Scientifically literate, in academia know where too look, you don’t,
let alone know how to interpret and read the paper from the Journal… this
should be obvious Since you have no degree in Biology, Chemistry, etc.
Educate yourself, or get the fuck out.
I think that we are desperate for an answer to our health issues, and want
to quickly blame what we see in the sky. Chemtrails are real; and have been
used in geo engineering… although I would say almost all of the trails we
see are merely condensation. It has reached a fevered pace of fear and
blame, with no real evidence. I do not believe most fear is warranted. YES
the planes are polluting the atmosphere, but to fear chemicals being dumped
on us is invalid. The altitude is too high for that purpose. There are
easier ways to kill us off….
How does the chemical that’s used to create the chemtrails get on the
aircraft? First it was by the fuel that’s used to power the jet engines but
the clips that were used in your video had nothing to do with engines. You
showed a tube coming out of the tail and another coming out of the trailing
edge on the wing which would need a separate pump/tank to feed these lines
I was in the r.a.f. for 5 yrs and never got any info on this. I would be
very worried if this is being done in the same locations repeatedly. Will
try to research this more. Good.luck to you.
If the motive was to sicken the population are the elite behind this not
shooting themselves in the foot? as they too will be affected. Unless of
course they all live underground.
So, in other words there is no consensus among conspiracy theorists as to
what the goal of chem trails are ? Could be this, could be that. So, it is
equally valid for one to assume that chem trails are really contrails, i.e.
water vapour resulting from either the burning of hydrocarbons or the
pressure differentials along the wings of an aircraft resulting in
condensation and/or crystallization of water vapour. How long they persist
is going to depend on current atmospheric conditions i.e. temp , humidity,
and barometric pressure and meteorological conditions at various levels of
the atmosphere. . Since this follows the principles of basic physics it is
the most probable explanation.
Great sharing. I would like to add that chem (or cloud) busters, i.e orgone
generators, are known to repel chemtrails. Or to dissipate clouds and to
make rain fall. See Wilhelm Reich’s works.
Frankly I don’t know whether to laugh or cry
oh who am I kidding
I have never laughed so much in my bloody life
just where do you start when people go down this route
oh deary deary me
just got a theory…… What if they are trying to poison the air that we
breathe so that we have to purchase purified air from the government and
bang! the government gets more money. Just a theory
Thanks. Using chemtrails to modify the air is like using Chemo-therapy to
kill cancer. As the doctors say, “The opperation was a success, but the
patient died.” As weather is like a river, any modification causes
repercussions somewhere in that stream. Humans have to understand they are
the endangered species. i’m halting the chemtrail operation now!
wow it looks just like CEBU AND THE MANILZ VIDEO I JUST UPLOADED…. 100%
If you imagine a world without borders,leaders, war, money and starvation
and want to stop these atrocities around the world I have an idea and I
would like your help. I am looking for a good video editor and narrator to
make a simple short video and a plan to move forward. If you are interested
please contact me on Facebook ‘ Slippybits Logic’
You guys got to be the most retarded people on this planet.
The governments of the world are responsible for a lot of horrible things,
but “Chemtrails” is not one of them mainly because it is bullshit.
By the gods, you fuckers make me ashamed of being human.
So they are trying to kill us set there are no mass deaths? How long does
this take? I’m getting so sick of all these conspiracy bullshit. All these
conspiracies have been song for decades yet we’ve had one genocide and it
wasnt even in american. (Well one major one)
exactly, I too filmed this happening in the UK over the space of a day and
watched them fill the clear sky’s with this crap until i could see no blue,
this is a sad time in our existence and the instigators possess no
my number one concern regarding chem trail spraying globally, is that it
prevents the sun from reaching planet earth. the sun is source for
everything. this jesuit(nasa), mad science is to keep the sun from reaching
the citizens of the world.
Every day when I see the lace of poison in rows over the sky…I just can’t
believe it isn’t being talked about or discussed by anyone…I mean its right
over our heads….I have to wonder if people have lost so many brain cells
that we are surrounded by zombies…why doesn’t anyone look up and say hey?
what the heck? I don’t understand it…….hello!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha. those trails are caused by the richest 10% of the worlds peoples
travel addiction. and that’s about it. Yeah it is contributing to the
exhaustion of hydrocarbon resources and is probably affecting the weather.
It is very plain to see that the creator’s of this madness haven’t thought
this thing out. The earth and it’s life forms have evolved from inorganic
molecules into organic molecules to become the life forms we all see
outside our windows and when we look into the mirror, all the while being
exposed to light from our sun. Every cell of every life form is programed
by light to be either nocturnal or diurnal; stimulated to procreate
or signaled to migrate etc., just to name a few of the many biological
functions that have evolved. As most of us know, the human brain has a
gland called the Pineal gland which secretes Melatonin necessary for sleep,
it is regulated by the intensity and duration of light. and it has been
well established that, with out sleep, the human body will perish after
suffering from severe psychosis via physiological break-down. Therefore,
the intensity and the duration of light governs the physiology of every
living thing on this world, be it animal, or be it vegetable.
What these idiots don’t realize is that you can’t undo 3.5 billion years of
‘light governed’ physiological evolution with out very serious adverse
psychological consequences. As it is, the winter months of decreased sun
light trigger SAD ( Seasonal Affect Disorder ) which manifests as
depression, aggression, impared cognition and sexual disfunction to name
just a few side effects. To deprive an entire planet’s inhabitants of sun
light is absolutely and totally insane, and a criminal act of inconceivable
How can they think they can succceed when history and the disastrous
medlings of the present prove, again, and again, that every thing we do
eventually turns to shit????? This will fail violently.
P.S. My attemps to inform people via Facebook of the Bio-engineered bloking
of the sun over Southern Ontario Canada was met with my account being
completely deleted. There are many insane people in power.
Read This: http://wp.me/p2FjTj-3nS
The current political correctness movement is telling activists to stop
using the word “chemtrails” and say “geoengineering”, instead. But
Chemtrails are not SRM (Solar Radiation Management) or SAG (Stratospheric
Aerosol Geoengineering) .
Chemtrails have already been defined as an “exotic weapon” in HR-2977 –
Not SRM or SAG.
Regardless media accusations as a “conspiracy theorist” find out why
“chemtrails” is the best word to define the pollution we see in the sky.
“Chemtrails” — How They Affect You and What You Can Do
+EJ LaFleur
How They Affect You and What You Can Do
THRIVE Movement
Have you noticed more planes flying overhead in your community that leave
trails behind them in the sky? These patterns are the result of “weather
modification” programs — also referred to as “solar radiation management”
or “chemtrails”. The international program involves spraying aluminum,
barium, strontium and other toxic chemicals from airplanes at high
altitudes that then fall to the ground, ending up in our bodies, our water,
our soil and the air we breathe.
For more information, including links mentioned in the video, please visit:
Thank you to GeoEngineering Watch, Chemtrails 911, Space Weather,
SkyderAlert, Rob Leslie, Ray Gale, truthseeker1922 and Skull for chemtrail
footage that helped make this video possible.
Poisonig the air and all on the earth can come only from US and A. Nobody
else is trying to change the world to their ideology. US and A want to
control the whole world and trying to destroy the whole world. Look at
ukraine! Why are soldiers speaking english? There are american soldiers
masked as Ukrainian or russian soldiers! Killing civlian … children,
woman,… everybody. They want that Russia attack Ukraina or somebody else
saying! I don’t said that putin is the best but he don’t want to controll
the whole world. maybe the old USSR territory but that’s normal!
Yes maybe I don’t speak very good english but who want to understand me, he
Having only become more understanding, recently, on this matter of
chemtrails and their toxic effect on our environment, it only exacerbates
my annoyance at the Industrial Agricultural practices, amongst others, of
the ‘bulging hip-pocket’ of the elite. Becoming informed; not only of the
destruction of the small-farm paddocks & hence, crop-yields, yet the
increasing burden of preventable health issues, loss of native flora &
fauna due to toxic contamination and the inequitable domination in the
market place by the enormous ‘limited liability entities’, is the requisite
responsibility of each individual that believes in fairness of opportunity
and the pursuit of justice.
Teach your children, well!
You call can sit around and bitch about who is right and wrong, but any
idiot who thinks that a ploy like this would be done with commercial
airliners needs their head examined, thoroughly.
Ok, let’s get one thing straight. There are no such things as “chemtrails”.
“Chemtrails” are actually contrails.
Aircraft fuel is composed mostly of hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide and water
vapour being their main combustion products. Contrails form hot exhaust
gases mix with rarefied cool air.
The water freezes quickly, forming a white cloud of ice crystals which
basically forms an elongated cloud. Since this process completes several
hundred feet behind the aircraft, passengers on commercial airliners don’t
really see contrails forming, making it seem as though “chemtrails” only
come from special military aircraft.
Regardless, the very idea of “chemtrails” is pretty hilarious. Aerial spray
from those attitudes would be an terribly inefficient and inexact method of
delivering chemicals to ground-based targets. For example, pesticides are
often sprayed on crops from planes at around thirty feet. Wide-area
mosquito spraying is usually done from 150 feet.
“Chemtrails” are supposedly released 30,000 feet or higher, where winds
would likely disperse them randomly. If there were a conspiracy to
introduce chemicals to the population, it would be simpler and more
effective to put them in the water supply; or even release them from
ground-based vehicles.
But do me a favor. If you are going to be SO adamant about this subject,
and insist that these must be chemtrails, at least show some evidence.
There is none. Most of it are pictures of the sky.
Grow up.
One thing to add. Short trails can also be chemtrails.
Oh, and remember a side effect of aluminum in the brain is alzheirmers and
dementia. Go see how bad being in the dark can be by visiting an alzheimers
unit located in most nursing homes. That will help you decide where you
stand on what you choose to believe. The aluminum and other toxics like
flouride aka:rat poison is in so many products like bread, flour, packaged
food, most beauty products, deodorant, most medications etc….now air sea
and land. It is bioaccumulative!
No, bitch – you just don’t understand contrails. People who believe this
shit should be shot in the head. You’re fucking pathetic. Con/chem trails
have been around for years, and not a single population has been effected.
No, us Scientifically literate, in academia know where too look, you don’t,
let alone know how to interpret and read the paper from the Journal… this
should be obvious Since you have no degree in Biology, Chemistry, etc.
Educate yourself, or get the fuck out.
I think that we are desperate for an answer to our health issues, and want
to quickly blame what we see in the sky. Chemtrails are real; and have been
used in geo engineering… although I would say almost all of the trails we
see are merely condensation. It has reached a fevered pace of fear and
blame, with no real evidence. I do not believe most fear is warranted. YES
the planes are polluting the atmosphere, but to fear chemicals being dumped
on us is invalid. The altitude is too high for that purpose. There are
easier ways to kill us off….
Why dont yoh guys have more sex have more fun and spend time with your kids
instead of coming up with this shit.
I heard chem trails were for satellite use.
How does the chemical that’s used to create the chemtrails get on the
aircraft? First it was by the fuel that’s used to power the jet engines but
the clips that were used in your video had nothing to do with engines. You
showed a tube coming out of the tail and another coming out of the trailing
edge on the wing which would need a separate pump/tank to feed these lines
I was in the r.a.f. for 5 yrs and never got any info on this. I would be
very worried if this is being done in the same locations repeatedly. Will
try to research this more. Good.luck to you.
If the motive was to sicken the population are the elite behind this not
shooting themselves in the foot? as they too will be affected. Unless of
course they all live underground.
So, in other words there is no consensus among conspiracy theorists as to
what the goal of chem trails are ? Could be this, could be that. So, it is
equally valid for one to assume that chem trails are really contrails, i.e.
water vapour resulting from either the burning of hydrocarbons or the
pressure differentials along the wings of an aircraft resulting in
condensation and/or crystallization of water vapour. How long they persist
is going to depend on current atmospheric conditions i.e. temp , humidity,
and barometric pressure and meteorological conditions at various levels of
the atmosphere. . Since this follows the principles of basic physics it is
the most probable explanation.
Great sharing. I would like to add that chem (or cloud) busters, i.e orgone
generators, are known to repel chemtrails. Or to dissipate clouds and to
make rain fall. See Wilhelm Reich’s works.
Frankly I don’t know whether to laugh or cry
oh who am I kidding
I have never laughed so much in my bloody life
just where do you start when people go down this route
oh deary deary me
just got a theory…… What if they are trying to poison the air that we
breathe so that we have to purchase purified air from the government and
bang! the government gets more money. Just a theory
Thanks. Using chemtrails to modify the air is like using Chemo-therapy to
kill cancer. As the doctors say, “The opperation was a success, but the
patient died.” As weather is like a river, any modification causes
repercussions somewhere in that stream. Humans have to understand they are
the endangered species. i’m halting the chemtrail operation now!
wow it looks just like CEBU AND THE MANILZ VIDEO I JUST UPLOADED…. 100%
If you imagine a world without borders,leaders, war, money and starvation
and want to stop these atrocities around the world I have an idea and I
would like your help. I am looking for a good video editor and narrator to
make a simple short video and a plan to move forward. If you are interested
please contact me on Facebook ‘ Slippybits Logic’
You guys got to be the most retarded people on this planet.
The governments of the world are responsible for a lot of horrible things,
but “Chemtrails” is not one of them mainly because it is bullshit.
By the gods, you fuckers make me ashamed of being human.
Research Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming
-patent US5003186
Don’t follow this..part of the illuminati…watch thrive exposed.
So they are trying to kill us set there are no mass deaths? How long does
this take? I’m getting so sick of all these conspiracy bullshit. All these
conspiracies have been song for decades yet we’ve had one genocide and it
wasnt even in american. (Well one major one)
Its all about population control & The Evil Zionist!!!
exactly, I too filmed this happening in the UK over the space of a day and
watched them fill the clear sky’s with this crap until i could see no blue,
this is a sad time in our existence and the instigators possess no
+Nigel Vermonden How were you not dissuaded by the *free energy* and torus
junk in the movie?
my number one concern regarding chem trail spraying globally, is that it
prevents the sun from reaching planet earth. the sun is source for
everything. this jesuit(nasa), mad science is to keep the sun from reaching
the citizens of the world.
Every day when I see the lace of poison in rows over the sky…I just can’t
believe it isn’t being talked about or discussed by anyone…I mean its right
over our heads….I have to wonder if people have lost so many brain cells
that we are surrounded by zombies…why doesn’t anyone look up and say hey?
what the heck? I don’t understand it…….hello!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha. those trails are caused by the richest 10% of the worlds peoples
travel addiction. and that’s about it. Yeah it is contributing to the
exhaustion of hydrocarbon resources and is probably affecting the weather.
Took a ton of pics while driving through states—needless to
say—chemtrails everywhere
It is very plain to see that the creator’s of this madness haven’t thought
this thing out. The earth and it’s life forms have evolved from inorganic
molecules into organic molecules to become the life forms we all see
outside our windows and when we look into the mirror, all the while being
exposed to light from our sun. Every cell of every life form is programed
by light to be either nocturnal or diurnal; stimulated to procreate
or signaled to migrate etc., just to name a few of the many biological
functions that have evolved. As most of us know, the human brain has a
gland called the Pineal gland which secretes Melatonin necessary for sleep,
it is regulated by the intensity and duration of light. and it has been
well established that, with out sleep, the human body will perish after
suffering from severe psychosis via physiological break-down. Therefore,
the intensity and the duration of light governs the physiology of every
living thing on this world, be it animal, or be it vegetable.
What these idiots don’t realize is that you can’t undo 3.5 billion years of
‘light governed’ physiological evolution with out very serious adverse
psychological consequences. As it is, the winter months of decreased sun
light trigger SAD ( Seasonal Affect Disorder ) which manifests as
depression, aggression, impared cognition and sexual disfunction to name
just a few side effects. To deprive an entire planet’s inhabitants of sun
light is absolutely and totally insane, and a criminal act of inconceivable
How can they think they can succceed when history and the disastrous
medlings of the present prove, again, and again, that every thing we do
eventually turns to shit????? This will fail violently.
P.S. My attemps to inform people via Facebook of the Bio-engineered bloking
of the sun over Southern Ontario Canada was met with my account being
completely deleted. There are many insane people in power.