the statistics shown indicate we’ve past the point of no return – if we
dont stop immediately a mass extinction is most likely… Our Societies
legacy is the destruction of 90% of all life on Earth, that’s heart
don’t dare forget this video………..this is the one to remember and
become familiar with the vocabulary…… make it apart of your daily
conversation…… ice nucleation…. that’s just one…. species
extinction another…….. the decline of water and the extended
drought is another domino………….. blessings ………….rod
Never have so many supposedly smart people got it wrong hurry I didn’t hear
one thing that was true in the UN 2013 report complete misinformation, bad
science, to much conjecture unsubstantiated bad bad reporting and I’m
really sorry to see what passes for news. The real whos will be here by
next Sunday
Wow. There are many theories, but this seems pretty viable. We are
basically trying to fix what we’ve totally screwed up, and making it
worse. We’re in a vacuum and can’t get out. I say stop spraying and let
the chips fall where they may. Let mother earth fix itself because trust
me, the earth will not die, we will.
“THEY!” If I hear that word one more time on these ChemTrail clips I’m
going to throw-up. WHO IS “THEY?” And please… no Illuminati or
Rothschild BS. My area yesterday(02.04.14) was amazing… crix-cross…
back and forth. Now if this is going on everywhere in the US… who’s
loading the planes? Who’s flying the planes? Who’s running traffic
control at the launch and landing ports? Who’s shipping this stuff to the
airports? Who’s loading it? Who’s manufacturing the crap?Come on folks.
Hundreds… if not thousands… are needed to support this operation. You
telling me NO ONE in all these years has NOT come forward? UHHH… this
guy is talking “end of world” non-sense. And NOT one father… mother…
in this ChemTrail operation hasn’t come forward for the sake of their
children… linked… whistle-blown? Sorry. I see these damn things. I
know something is WAY OFF. Soooo… who in the hell is “THEY!?!”
You´ve reached me.. I will do my best to reach others and spread the urgent
information.. Its so sad, I think of my poor kids.. 🙁 Evil, greedy people
has reigned this planet too long. This must stop and change!
The responsible people who think that they can manipulate the world and its
citizens should realise that they will be held accountable some day.
Geoengineering must stop NOW.
Every goddamn day I wake up it looks dirty outside, I can’t even see the
green of the mountains anymore and that’s been for years now… and then
maybe we’ll have a clear day once in a blue moon… It really blows my mind
that we are being used as lab rats and people are literally doing nothing
about it….. So keep going to the movies keep Hollywood filled with money
which is ruled by the elite and watch your ball games or go to the ball
games and spend money on that bullshit… Pretty that people pretty sad
I know this doesn’t relate to the video but smart meters are extremely
deadly.. they cause all sorts of problems we had a smart meter put in 3
months ago and I’ve been having sleep problems until I bought a smart meter
guard and I’ve slept like a baby ever since we got it but its expensive…
If your meter is digital then its emitting radiation
Remaining in denial, as an alcoholic does, the masses march into the jaws
of evil. The U.N. knows exactly what it is doing. Spraying aluminum
oxide, barium, strontium, dessicated blood cells, micro fibers, etc. is no
different in effect than putting a bit of arsenic in your tea every
morning. For the 100th time (+) search Georgia Guidestones and read for
yourself the agenda of the evil elite. They are killing off about 6.5
billion of us. Get real, they (those with power) are evil people.
Let’s face it; the general public, the average person; 95% of the U.S.
population, is too brainwashed, and too ignorant to even begin to
comprehend what is going on. We (those of us who know and understand what
is truly going on), should stop wasting our time trying to get the retarded
sheeple to see the truth. We should spend our time figuring out how, when,
and where we can go to possibly find a safe haven. Let’s count our losses
and give up on the sheeple. Let them boil to death. Let them die in coastal
flooding. Let them all get skin cancer and die. Fuck them all. If they are
too retarded and useless to comprehend chemtrails, and call those of us who
know the truth, “Conspiracy Theorists:, or “Insane”, we should just worry
about ourselves and let all these stupid cocksuckers die. Let the ignorant
be exterminated from the Earth. The sheeple have no place on Earth any
longer. They have lost the right to live as far as im concerned. If they
aren’t willing to lift a finger to try and learn the truth and fight for
their right to live, then let them die. FUCK THEM ALL.
He mentions finding a journalist who cares great point BUT you have to make
sure that his/her editor cares as well otherwise they’ll just kill the
story and it’ll NEVER see the light of Day. Also don’t tell people about
Chemtrails because they’ll just get “CONSPIRACY THEORIES” and the already
brainwashed sheep will just laugh it off tell them to research
Earth can do without us but we can’t live without Earth. Money making?
Forget it! If idiots who are altering the weather patterns think they are
immune. Think again. The weather patterns are rapidly changing. Look at
what humans are doing. See the storms in the US. Stop wanking, start
thinking and changing your ways or all our numbers are up.
I live in fairbanks alaska. last week we had a hase over fairbanks for
about 5 days we had a least 6 to 12 big airplanes flying from the north
over or town leaving big Chem trails that would stay in the air for days.
It would hardly move only spreading out wider and wider witch led to the
fire looking smoke hase over or town.and today I was listening to news and
they blamed the hase over our town on pollution from the lower 48 states.
In Anchorage they had very bad smog and on the radio they also said the
smog was from china’s pollution. Ha how stupid do they think we are that
the worst excuse I ever heard of.please respond if you have any ideas or if
you heard of what there doing up here . There is a ton of air traffic leave
jet streams coming from the north and it not from our airbase 10 miles
No doubt all commercial pilots are in on this diabolical plot. If you cant
trust that group of alcoholics and tweakers to keep a collective secret,
what is the point of believing in anything? And somehow the population
keeps expanding exponentially, just weird. Maybe, just maybe, you are all
fucking nuts.
Abilene Texas experiencing increased chemtrail saturation spraying
weekly. The chemtrail spraying is higher concentrations than previously.
Most exotic plants commercial and residential have died or dying due to the
rapidity of spikes and lows of temperature changes caused purposely by the
saturation sprays. These saturation sprays dissipate and fall on the
unsuspecting population, plants, animals and water table. Without the
consent or knowledge of the general citizenry. Drive down Industrial to
Extreme Landscaping and look at once was beautiful frontal exotics that
promoted their landscaping design. Those are dead or dying. Drive down
Buffalo Gap passed the chiropractor’s business and the line of palms
purchased in scores to promote her business. Those palms are dead. I am
digging up all cactus and 18 of 20 exotics that were killed due the rapid
drop and rise in temps created by the saturation spraying. Again these
toxic chemicals used for weather modification over Abilene dissipate and
fall on the general population. The thyroid gland is the most vulnerable.
In children this is dire. exaggerated allergies, flu-like symptoms,
diarrhea, nose runs, eyes running and itching, fullness of head and
chronic headaches as well as brain fatigue and memory loss. This report
again needs to be shared with everyone you know.
And everyone of you running up for the newest Immunizations have been
Injected with a serum that catylizes with the crap they are spraying.
You’ll be dieing first I am Afraid.
We are straight making our planet uninhabitable. It is a concerted effort,
and I refuse to believe we are that profit-driven and greed obsessed for
this to be an “unintended” byproduct. That leaves the question WHO and
WHY?? -Some Sci-fi stuff folks.
Where is the “Ardic”? Perhaps you mean ARCTIC! Americans can”t even talk
right anymore;and you pronounce “Inquiry” like “Inkuri” or “Inkeri” WTF Ur
gonna end up ruining the English language!
They would rather die with us in the end than give up 1 dollar of the money
they make!!This is ALL about making money!! And it is not that we do not
have the technology to stop all this,we have!! BUT that means billions of
dollars loss for the powers that be!!!
Abilene Texas experiencing increased chemtrail saturation spraying
weekly. The chemtrail spraying is higher concentrations than previously.
Most exotic plants commercial and residential have died or dying due to the
rapidity of spikes and lows of temperature changes caused purposely by the
saturation sprays. These saturation sprays dissipate and fall on the
unsuspecting population, plants, animals and water table. Without the
consent or knowledge of the general citizenry. Drive down Industrial to
Extreme Landscaping and look at once was beautiful frontal exotics that
promoted their landscaping design. Those are dead or dying. Drive down
Buffalo Gap passed the chiropractor’s business and the line of palms
purchased in scores to promote her business. Those palms are dead. I am
digging up all cactus and 18 of 20 exotics that were killed due the rapid
drop and rise in temps created by the saturation spraying. Again these
toxic chemicals used for weather modification over Abilene dissipate and
fall on the general population. The thyroid gland is the most vulnerable.
In children this is dire. exaggerated allergies, flu-like symptoms,
diarrhea, nose runs, eyes running and itching, fullness of head and
chronic headaches as well as brain fatigue and memory loss. This report
again needs to be shared with everyone you know.
Today where I live, just north of the Pyrenees I watched as two or three
planes spent he afternoon spraying this poison in the atmosphere until the
blue sky turned white. This happens frequently. Do the pilots flying these
planes know what this is doing to their kids. Whoever is responsible should
be gassed!
Funny how so many of Terry Rams comments are deleted now. Because the
trolls hate this timeline…they have ZERO response for it. Copy and paste
it all over these chemtrails threads! 🙂
1958: As far back as 1958, the chief White House adviser on weather
modification, Captain Howard T. Orville, said the DoD was studying “ways to
manipulate the charges of the Earth and sky and so affect the weather by
using an electronic beam to ionise or de-ionise the atmosphere over a given
1960: Series of weather disasters begin. The dumping of chemicals (barium
salt powder etc.) from satellites/rockets began.
1960s: In Wisconsin, US Navy Project Sanguine lays ELF antennae.
1961 – Project Skywater – Bureau of Reclamation (water) cloud seeding
project funded by Congress.
1961: Copper needles dumped into ionosphere as “telecommunications shield”.
1961: Scientists propose artificial ion cloud experiments.
1966, Nov, report from NASA to ICAS (Independent Comm. for Atmospheric
Sciences of the Nat. Academy of Sciences, NAS) was first step in
establishing a National Weather Modification program
1966: Gordon J. F. MacDonald publishes military ideas on environmental
engineering. MacDonald was Chair of the ICAS Select Panel on Weather and
Climate Modification.
1968: Moscow scientists tell the West that Soviets pinpointed which pulsed
magnetic field frequencies help mental and physiological functions and
which do harm.1969: Woodstock festival is heavily rained out, yet
continues, with many claims that the US Government is spraying to create
the weather in a bid to shut down the gathering of peace-loving, anti-war
and pro-freedom types.
1972: First reports on “ionospheric heater” experiments with high frequency
radio waves, at Arecibo. 100-megawatt heater in Norway built later in
decade; can change conductivity of auroral ionosphere.1973: Documentation
that launch of Skylab and associated rocket exhaust gases `”halved the
total electron content of the ionosphere for three hours.”
1973: Recommendations for study of Project Sanguine’ biological effects
denied by Navy.
1974: US Patent 3813875 Barium release system to create ion clouds in the
upper atmosphere
1974: High-frequency experiments at Plattesville, Colorado; Arecibo, Puerto
Rico; and, Armidale, New South Wales heat “bottom side of ionosphere”.
1974: U.S. Navy Secretary, acting for U.S. Government, patents a highly
efficient powder contrail dispersing technology for emitting from high and
low altitude aircraft.1975: U. S. Senator Gaylord Nelson forces Navy to
release research showing that ELF transmissions can alter human blood
1975: Pell Senate Subcommittee urges that weather and climate modification
work be overseen by civilian agency answerable to U.S. Congress. No action
1975: Soviets begin pulsing “Woodpecker” ELF waves, at key brainwave
rhythms. Eugene, Oregon, one of locations where people were particularly
1976: Drs. Susan Bawin and W. Ross Adey show nerve cells affected by ELF
1985: Bernard J. Eastlund, the spiritual father of modern chemtrails,
applies for patent “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the
Earth’s Atmosphere, ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere,” (First of 3 Eastlund
patents assigned to ARCO Power Technologies Inc.)
1986: US Navy Project Henhouse duplicates Delgado (Madrid) experiment —
very low-level, very-low-frequency pulsed magnetic fields harm chick
1987: In the later part of the decade the U.S. begins network of Ground
Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) towers, each to generate Very Low Frequency
(VLF) waves for defense purposes.
1987-92: Other APTI scientists build on Eastlund patents for development of
new weapon capabilities.
1989: The Treaty of Open Skies (TOS) is initiated by George H.W. Bush. This
proposal will allow foreign pilots flying on United Nations aircraft to
legally overfly U.S. territory; presumably to verify military data .
1992: The Open Skies Treaty (TOS) is signed in Helsinki (signed for USA by
Secretary of Defense, James Baker).
1993: TOS is officially ratified by the U.S. Senate.
1993: Modern day chemtrails programme known as ‘Project Cloverleaf’ is
believed to have begun in the United States.
1994: Military contractor E-Systems buys APTI, holder of Eastlund patents
and contract to build biggest
ionospheric heater in world (HAARP).
1995-1997: Public complaints accumulate across the US regarding unusual
cloud formations and sudden increase in observable persistent jet contrails
that appear unnaturally under dry atmospheric conditions. These
observations are accompanied by complaints of biological specimens and web
formations that appear to fall from the sky. Many instances of qualified
lab analysis reveal high concentration of aluminum, barium and other
elements that are consistent with DoD electromagnetic experiments
1995: Raytheon buys E-Systems and old APTI patents. The technology is now
hidden among thousands of patents within one of the largest defense
contractor portfolios.
1995: Congress budgets $10 million for 1996 under “nuclear
counterproliferation” efforts for HAARP project.
1995: Test of patent number 5,041,834 to generate an Artificial Ionospheric
Mirror (AIM), or a plasma layer in the atmosphere. The AIM is used like the
ionosphere to reflect RF energy over great distances.
2001: Some of the first chemtrails in Australia are reported over
Newcastle, NSW near Williamtown RAAF.
2001-2006: Samples are collected on the ground underneath aerial spray
operations and analyzed by numerous civilian investigators in the USA
(Idaho, GA, and other locations), The samples reveal a wide variety of
heavy metals, toxic chemical compounds, bioengineered fungi, and other
biological active materials in the samples collected.
2001, March: Retired U.S. Army General Al Cuppett, a former insider of the
Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, blows whistle to U.S. military Central
Command about the presence of Russian (and possibly foreign national)
pilots that are using United nations aircraft for their spray operations,
conducted through aerial spray operations above the U.S. mainland. Cuppett
alleges this activity dates back to 1993, when the Treaty on Open Skies was
officially ratified by the U.S.
2005: S. 517 (109th): Weather Modification Research and Development Policy
Authorization Act of 2005
The Weather Modification Research and Technology Act further legitimizes
and expands rationale for aerial spray operation above the U.S. mainland.
Thus, the Act includes regulatory statutes for vector control and mass
aerial immunizations in addition to weather modification dispersion of
specific chemical “chad materials.” NOAA, NSF, NASA¬/s517
2005 – ARTIFICIAL ATMOSPHERIC IONIZATION: A Potential Window for Weather
16th Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification
2006: The term ‘Solar Radiation Management’ was coined by Ken Caldeira, one
of the most prominent geoengineers on the planet. While organising a
meeting at NASA-Ames, it was noticed that there was some nervousness on the
part of local NASA officials that the term “geoengineering” might raise red
flags back in Washington.
According to Ken Caldeira, “To avoid the use of the word ‘geoengineering’
in the meeting name, I suggested that we create the term ‘Solar Radiation
Managment’ to use for the workshop. It was meant as parody of
US-government-style bureaucratic jargon. It was meant as a joke and was
intentionally obscurantist. We were laughing about it at the time and never
dreamed that it would become standard jargon.”
2006: Esperance, Western Australia: First heavy military spray operations
take place in Esperance, one of the most isolated places in the world that
had been chosen by the Americans as the best place “to sit out World War
III”. This was one of the first cases of widespread alarm in Australia
concerning daily ongoing chemtrail activity, with widespread animals deaths
and toxicity reported following weeks of heavy aerosol .¬08059
2009…NASA changes their cloud chart to include “persistent spreading”
contrails and a variety of other aerosol flares, haze and chembows. They
then go on to relaease a number of “contrail education” programs and
material to the public, including websites for young children. NASA
confirms anthropogenic aerosols have increased in massive amounts (find
quote), says they have no idea how they could have got there in such large
March 2009: Dave Larson, former CIA biomedical technology program
contractor, alleges that implantable biomedical devices have been deployed
domestically for surveillance and torture under secret program reinstated
by George H.W. Bush in 1988 and running unchecked and unreported to
Congress through March 2009. Also alleges that government polices on the
‘war on terror” and detention were crafted specifically to avoid criminal
prosecution for illegal use of these technologies against Americans.
2013 – Former USAF Staff Sergant Kristen Meaghan continues to blow whistle
on chemtrail operations, says she was in charge of acquisitioning and
assessing hazardous spray materials on base .
2013, July 10 – NASA about 4th of July lithium spraying: “And these
chemtrails, there’s different kinds of chemtrails as you probably know.
Different trails at night we use, and different trails during the day. The
wind blows them around they glow, either on their own or from scattered
I don’t think they have been spraying on a large scale for 60 years. I
have been watching my area and its only been about 20 years that its been a
high scale operation. My suspicion is that it really started during the
Clinton administration.
the statistics shown indicate we’ve past the point of no return – if we
dont stop immediately a mass extinction is most likely… Our Societies
legacy is the destruction of 90% of all life on Earth, that’s heart
don’t dare forget this video………..this is the one to remember and
become familiar with the vocabulary…… make it apart of your daily
conversation…… ice nucleation…. that’s just one…. species
extinction another…….. the decline of water and the extended
drought is another domino………….. blessings ………….rod
But there are better ways of de populating America! Send every person that
is not a born native HOME!!!!!
complete and utter bullshit the UN can not fund anything like that sorry
but you are so wrong.
Never have so many supposedly smart people got it wrong hurry I didn’t hear
one thing that was true in the UN 2013 report complete misinformation, bad
science, to much conjecture unsubstantiated bad bad reporting and I’m
really sorry to see what passes for news. The real whos will be here by
next Sunday
Wow. There are many theories, but this seems pretty viable. We are
basically trying to fix what we’ve totally screwed up, and making it
worse. We’re in a vacuum and can’t get out. I say stop spraying and let
the chips fall where they may. Let mother earth fix itself because trust
me, the earth will not die, we will.
The big European banksters are spraying this shit…
“THEY!” If I hear that word one more time on these ChemTrail clips I’m
going to throw-up. WHO IS “THEY?” And please… no Illuminati or
Rothschild BS. My area yesterday(02.04.14) was amazing… crix-cross…
back and forth. Now if this is going on everywhere in the US… who’s
loading the planes? Who’s flying the planes? Who’s running traffic
control at the launch and landing ports? Who’s shipping this stuff to the
airports? Who’s loading it? Who’s manufacturing the crap?Come on folks.
Hundreds… if not thousands… are needed to support this operation. You
telling me NO ONE in all these years has NOT come forward? UHHH… this
guy is talking “end of world” non-sense. And NOT one father… mother…
in this ChemTrail operation hasn’t come forward for the sake of their
children… linked… whistle-blown? Sorry. I see these damn things. I
know something is WAY OFF. Soooo… who in the hell is “THEY!?!”
You´ve reached me.. I will do my best to reach others and spread the urgent
information.. Its so sad, I think of my poor kids.. 🙁 Evil, greedy people
has reigned this planet too long. This must stop and change!
yeah and whats up with all the star fish and frogs dying? That is real. Its
happening everywhere. Hell it on the main stream news.
My question is…. why the fuck are they doing this?
What is the main reason? seriously? killing themselfs?
The responsible people who think that they can manipulate the world and its
citizens should realise that they will be held accountable some day.
Geoengineering must stop NOW.
Every goddamn day I wake up it looks dirty outside, I can’t even see the
green of the mountains anymore and that’s been for years now… and then
maybe we’ll have a clear day once in a blue moon… It really blows my mind
that we are being used as lab rats and people are literally doing nothing
about it….. So keep going to the movies keep Hollywood filled with money
which is ruled by the elite and watch your ball games or go to the ball
games and spend money on that bullshit… Pretty that people pretty sad
I know this doesn’t relate to the video but smart meters are extremely
deadly.. they cause all sorts of problems we had a smart meter put in 3
months ago and I’ve been having sleep problems until I bought a smart meter
guard and I’ve slept like a baby ever since we got it but its expensive…
If your meter is digital then its emitting radiation
Remaining in denial, as an alcoholic does, the masses march into the jaws
of evil. The U.N. knows exactly what it is doing. Spraying aluminum
oxide, barium, strontium, dessicated blood cells, micro fibers, etc. is no
different in effect than putting a bit of arsenic in your tea every
morning. For the 100th time (+) search Georgia Guidestones and read for
yourself the agenda of the evil elite. They are killing off about 6.5
billion of us. Get real, they (those with power) are evil people.
And you want to know more? Watch,,,
Let’s face it; the general public, the average person; 95% of the U.S.
population, is too brainwashed, and too ignorant to even begin to
comprehend what is going on. We (those of us who know and understand what
is truly going on), should stop wasting our time trying to get the retarded
sheeple to see the truth. We should spend our time figuring out how, when,
and where we can go to possibly find a safe haven. Let’s count our losses
and give up on the sheeple. Let them boil to death. Let them die in coastal
flooding. Let them all get skin cancer and die. Fuck them all. If they are
too retarded and useless to comprehend chemtrails, and call those of us who
know the truth, “Conspiracy Theorists:, or “Insane”, we should just worry
about ourselves and let all these stupid cocksuckers die. Let the ignorant
be exterminated from the Earth. The sheeple have no place on Earth any
longer. They have lost the right to live as far as im concerned. If they
aren’t willing to lift a finger to try and learn the truth and fight for
their right to live, then let them die. FUCK THEM ALL.
We are getting fuckn sprayed non stop every fkn day in the Pacific
northwest so fk off and die you lying murdering fukwads …shizzle
He mentions finding a journalist who cares great point BUT you have to make
sure that his/her editor cares as well otherwise they’ll just kill the
story and it’ll NEVER see the light of Day. Also don’t tell people about
Chemtrails because they’ll just get “CONSPIRACY THEORIES” and the already
brainwashed sheep will just laugh it off tell them to research
Earth can do without us but we can’t live without Earth. Money making?
Forget it! If idiots who are altering the weather patterns think they are
immune. Think again. The weather patterns are rapidly changing. Look at
what humans are doing. See the storms in the US. Stop wanking, start
thinking and changing your ways or all our numbers are up.
food for thought..
I live in fairbanks alaska. last week we had a hase over fairbanks for
about 5 days we had a least 6 to 12 big airplanes flying from the north
over or town leaving big Chem trails that would stay in the air for days.
It would hardly move only spreading out wider and wider witch led to the
fire looking smoke hase over or town.and today I was listening to news and
they blamed the hase over our town on pollution from the lower 48 states.
In Anchorage they had very bad smog and on the radio they also said the
smog was from china’s pollution. Ha how stupid do they think we are that
the worst excuse I ever heard of.please respond if you have any ideas or if
you heard of what there doing up here . There is a ton of air traffic leave
jet streams coming from the north and it not from our airbase 10 miles
This needs to stop. We all know its not right. I miss the blue sky`s. They
are poisoning future generations.
No doubt all commercial pilots are in on this diabolical plot. If you cant
trust that group of alcoholics and tweakers to keep a collective secret,
what is the point of believing in anything? And somehow the population
keeps expanding exponentially, just weird. Maybe, just maybe, you are all
fucking nuts.
Abilene Texas experiencing increased chemtrail saturation spraying
weekly. The chemtrail spraying is higher concentrations than previously.
Most exotic plants commercial and residential have died or dying due to the
rapidity of spikes and lows of temperature changes caused purposely by the
saturation sprays. These saturation sprays dissipate and fall on the
unsuspecting population, plants, animals and water table. Without the
consent or knowledge of the general citizenry. Drive down Industrial to
Extreme Landscaping and look at once was beautiful frontal exotics that
promoted their landscaping design. Those are dead or dying. Drive down
Buffalo Gap passed the chiropractor’s business and the line of palms
purchased in scores to promote her business. Those palms are dead. I am
digging up all cactus and 18 of 20 exotics that were killed due the rapid
drop and rise in temps created by the saturation spraying. Again these
toxic chemicals used for weather modification over Abilene dissipate and
fall on the general population. The thyroid gland is the most vulnerable.
In children this is dire. exaggerated allergies, flu-like symptoms,
diarrhea, nose runs, eyes running and itching, fullness of head and
chronic headaches as well as brain fatigue and memory loss. This report
again needs to be shared with everyone you know.
And everyone of you running up for the newest Immunizations have been
Injected with a serum that catylizes with the crap they are spraying.
You’ll be dieing first I am Afraid.
Population control…look up Georgian world order..see ys on
We are straight making our planet uninhabitable. It is a concerted effort,
and I refuse to believe we are that profit-driven and greed obsessed for
this to be an “unintended” byproduct. That leaves the question WHO and
WHY?? -Some Sci-fi stuff folks.
Where is the “Ardic”? Perhaps you mean ARCTIC! Americans can”t even talk
right anymore;and you pronounce “Inquiry” like “Inkuri” or “Inkeri” WTF Ur
gonna end up ruining the English language!
It Make me sick, They suck, Think about it people, Breathing this crap is
sucking the life out of us SOWLY, Like a frog in a boiling pot…
There is no reason to doubt that the aerosol spraying is real, and it is
toxic. To be denying at this point is willful ignorance.
As an aviation meteorologist this is absolute garbage science.
They would rather die with us in the end than give up 1 dollar of the money
they make!!This is ALL about making money!! And it is not that we do not
have the technology to stop all this,we have!! BUT that means billions of
dollars loss for the powers that be!!!
Abilene Texas experiencing increased chemtrail saturation spraying
weekly. The chemtrail spraying is higher concentrations than previously.
Most exotic plants commercial and residential have died or dying due to the
rapidity of spikes and lows of temperature changes caused purposely by the
saturation sprays. These saturation sprays dissipate and fall on the
unsuspecting population, plants, animals and water table. Without the
consent or knowledge of the general citizenry. Drive down Industrial to
Extreme Landscaping and look at once was beautiful frontal exotics that
promoted their landscaping design. Those are dead or dying. Drive down
Buffalo Gap passed the chiropractor’s business and the line of palms
purchased in scores to promote her business. Those palms are dead. I am
digging up all cactus and 18 of 20 exotics that were killed due the rapid
drop and rise in temps created by the saturation spraying. Again these
toxic chemicals used for weather modification over Abilene dissipate and
fall on the general population. The thyroid gland is the most vulnerable.
In children this is dire. exaggerated allergies, flu-like symptoms,
diarrhea, nose runs, eyes running and itching, fullness of head and
chronic headaches as well as brain fatigue and memory loss. This report
again needs to be shared with everyone you know.
Today where I live, just north of the Pyrenees I watched as two or three
planes spent he afternoon spraying this poison in the atmosphere until the
blue sky turned white. This happens frequently. Do the pilots flying these
planes know what this is doing to their kids. Whoever is responsible should
be gassed!
Funny how so many of Terry Rams comments are deleted now. Because the
trolls hate this timeline…they have ZERO response for it. Copy and paste
it all over these chemtrails threads! 🙂
1958: As far back as 1958, the chief White House adviser on weather
modification, Captain Howard T. Orville, said the DoD was studying “ways to
manipulate the charges of the Earth and sky and so affect the weather by
using an electronic beam to ionise or de-ionise the atmosphere over a given
1960: Series of weather disasters begin. The dumping of chemicals (barium
salt powder etc.) from satellites/rockets began.
1960s: In Wisconsin, US Navy Project Sanguine lays ELF antennae.
1961 – Project Skywater – Bureau of Reclamation (water) cloud seeding
project funded by Congress.
1961: Copper needles dumped into ionosphere as “telecommunications shield”.
1961: Scientists propose artificial ion cloud experiments.
1966, Nov, report from NASA to ICAS (Independent Comm. for Atmospheric
Sciences of the Nat. Academy of Sciences, NAS) was first step in
establishing a National Weather Modification program
1966: Gordon J. F. MacDonald publishes military ideas on environmental
engineering. MacDonald was Chair of the ICAS Select Panel on Weather and
Climate Modification.
1968: Moscow scientists tell the West that Soviets pinpointed which pulsed
magnetic field frequencies help mental and physiological functions and
which do harm.1969: Woodstock festival is heavily rained out, yet
continues, with many claims that the US Government is spraying to create
the weather in a bid to shut down the gathering of peace-loving, anti-war
and pro-freedom types.
1972: First reports on “ionospheric heater” experiments with high frequency
radio waves, at Arecibo. 100-megawatt heater in Norway built later in
decade; can change conductivity of auroral ionosphere.1973: Documentation
that launch of Skylab and associated rocket exhaust gases `”halved the
total electron content of the ionosphere for three hours.”
1973: Recommendations for study of Project Sanguine’ biological effects
denied by Navy.
1974: US Patent 3813875 Barium release system to create ion clouds in the
upper atmosphere
1974: High-frequency experiments at Plattesville, Colorado; Arecibo, Puerto
Rico; and, Armidale, New South Wales heat “bottom side of ionosphere”.
1974: U.S. Navy Secretary, acting for U.S. Government, patents a highly
efficient powder contrail dispersing technology for emitting from high and
low altitude aircraft.1975: U. S. Senator Gaylord Nelson forces Navy to
release research showing that ELF transmissions can alter human blood
1975: Pell Senate Subcommittee urges that weather and climate modification
work be overseen by civilian agency answerable to U.S. Congress. No action
1975: Soviets begin pulsing “Woodpecker” ELF waves, at key brainwave
rhythms. Eugene, Oregon, one of locations where people were particularly
1976: Drs. Susan Bawin and W. Ross Adey show nerve cells affected by ELF
1985: Bernard J. Eastlund, the spiritual father of modern chemtrails,
applies for patent “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the
Earth’s Atmosphere, ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere,” (First of 3 Eastlund
patents assigned to ARCO Power Technologies Inc.)
1986: US Navy Project Henhouse duplicates Delgado (Madrid) experiment —
very low-level, very-low-frequency pulsed magnetic fields harm chick
1987: In the later part of the decade the U.S. begins network of Ground
Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) towers, each to generate Very Low Frequency
(VLF) waves for defense purposes.
1987-92: Other APTI scientists build on Eastlund patents for development of
new weapon capabilities.
1989: The Treaty of Open Skies (TOS) is initiated by George H.W. Bush. This
proposal will allow foreign pilots flying on United Nations aircraft to
legally overfly U.S. territory; presumably to verify military data .
1992: The Open Skies Treaty (TOS) is signed in Helsinki (signed for USA by
Secretary of Defense, James Baker).
1993: TOS is officially ratified by the U.S. Senate.
1993: Modern day chemtrails programme known as ‘Project Cloverleaf’ is
believed to have begun in the United States.
1994: Military contractor E-Systems buys APTI, holder of Eastlund patents
and contract to build biggest
ionospheric heater in world (HAARP).
1995-1997: Public complaints accumulate across the US regarding unusual
cloud formations and sudden increase in observable persistent jet contrails
that appear unnaturally under dry atmospheric conditions. These
observations are accompanied by complaints of biological specimens and web
formations that appear to fall from the sky. Many instances of qualified
lab analysis reveal high concentration of aluminum, barium and other
elements that are consistent with DoD electromagnetic experiments
1995: Raytheon buys E-Systems and old APTI patents. The technology is now
hidden among thousands of patents within one of the largest defense
contractor portfolios.
1995: Congress budgets $10 million for 1996 under “nuclear
counterproliferation” efforts for HAARP project.
1995: Test of patent number 5,041,834 to generate an Artificial Ionospheric
Mirror (AIM), or a plasma layer in the atmosphere. The AIM is used like the
ionosphere to reflect RF energy over great distances.
2001: Some of the first chemtrails in Australia are reported over
Newcastle, NSW near Williamtown RAAF.
2001-2006: Samples are collected on the ground underneath aerial spray
operations and analyzed by numerous civilian investigators in the USA
(Idaho, GA, and other locations), The samples reveal a wide variety of
heavy metals, toxic chemical compounds, bioengineered fungi, and other
biological active materials in the samples collected.
2001, March: Retired U.S. Army General Al Cuppett, a former insider of the
Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, blows whistle to U.S. military Central
Command about the presence of Russian (and possibly foreign national)
pilots that are using United nations aircraft for their spray operations,
conducted through aerial spray operations above the U.S. mainland. Cuppett
alleges this activity dates back to 1993, when the Treaty on Open Skies was
officially ratified by the U.S.
2005: S. 517 (109th): Weather Modification Research and Development Policy
Authorization Act of 2005
The Weather Modification Research and Technology Act further legitimizes
and expands rationale for aerial spray operation above the U.S. mainland.
Thus, the Act includes regulatory statutes for vector control and mass
aerial immunizations in addition to weather modification dispersion of
specific chemical “chad materials.” NOAA, NSF, NASA¬/s517
2005 – ARTIFICIAL ATMOSPHERIC IONIZATION: A Potential Window for Weather
16th Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification
2006: The term ‘Solar Radiation Management’ was coined by Ken Caldeira, one
of the most prominent geoengineers on the planet. While organising a
meeting at NASA-Ames, it was noticed that there was some nervousness on the
part of local NASA officials that the term “geoengineering” might raise red
flags back in Washington.
According to Ken Caldeira, “To avoid the use of the word ‘geoengineering’
in the meeting name, I suggested that we create the term ‘Solar Radiation
Managment’ to use for the workshop. It was meant as parody of
US-government-style bureaucratic jargon. It was meant as a joke and was
intentionally obscurantist. We were laughing about it at the time and never
dreamed that it would become standard jargon.”
2006: Esperance, Western Australia: First heavy military spray operations
take place in Esperance, one of the most isolated places in the world that
had been chosen by the Americans as the best place “to sit out World War
III”. This was one of the first cases of widespread alarm in Australia
concerning daily ongoing chemtrail activity, with widespread animals deaths
and toxicity reported following weeks of heavy aerosol .¬08059
2009…NASA changes their cloud chart to include “persistent spreading”
contrails and a variety of other aerosol flares, haze and chembows. They
then go on to relaease a number of “contrail education” programs and
material to the public, including websites for young children. NASA
confirms anthropogenic aerosols have increased in massive amounts (find
quote), says they have no idea how they could have got there in such large
March 2009: Dave Larson, former CIA biomedical technology program
contractor, alleges that implantable biomedical devices have been deployed
domestically for surveillance and torture under secret program reinstated
by George H.W. Bush in 1988 and running unchecked and unreported to
Congress through March 2009. Also alleges that government polices on the
‘war on terror” and detention were crafted specifically to avoid criminal
prosecution for illegal use of these technologies against Americans.
2013 – Former USAF Staff Sergant Kristen Meaghan continues to blow whistle
on chemtrail operations, says she was in charge of acquisitioning and
assessing hazardous spray materials on base .
2013, July 10 – NASA about 4th of July lithium spraying: “And these
chemtrails, there’s different kinds of chemtrails as you probably know.
Different trails at night we use, and different trails during the day. The
wind blows them around they glow, either on their own or from scattered
share to all points on the web,,i am doing this every day.
I don’t think they have been spraying on a large scale for 60 years. I
have been watching my area and its only been about 20 years that its been a
high scale operation. My suspicion is that it really started during the
Clinton administration.