Building the Robot: Think Big (7/7) – Wired App Wired

In the CONCLUSION to WIRED’s guide to building a 9 foot 9 inch tall walking, talking, mini-cannon totting GIANT ROBOT MECH, the crew from Stan Winston School…

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  1. Real life is definitely different, but what was the cost versus CGI? Man hours plus materials. It's probably close, but it would be interesting to see.

  2. I would take inspiration from this to cosplay one day, but lets just say the design process might take awhile. Or should I come up with design specs and have someone bring it to life… hmm. I think a bigger bulkier person could sustain a even bigger robot suit. But how to balance it so not top heavy or weak on the bottom. Yes this is a comment monologue, if you read this then I'm sorry.

  3. You Are right. It is. The Skeletonics Crew had a whole Body system. Arms to Feet. I would love to try the legs they came up with. Bruce D Mitchell

  4. You Are right. It is. The Skeletonics Crew had a whole Body system. Arms to Feet. I would love to try the legs they came up with. Bruce D Mitchell

  5. Guys the " military" is not stupid enouge to buy into this, it would be way to expencive and this is foam not steel plates. It would be wayyy to heavy!!

  6. They said they "how to"… this isn't how to do it, it's how to aspire or where to get inspiration. Now I have to watch the guy walking on stilts again frame by frame just to see how the mechanisms work xD

    All joking aside, I love it. I really am thankful for people sharing this kind of thing on youtube.

  7. I could imagine this robot suit evolve into something really usable in combat situation, like bullet proof armor plates, real weapons and missiles. Next evolution of combat exoskeleton is near! Woohoo!

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  9. Anyone else thinking the military is going to want them to give them the designs and the military making a small robot army…. or a big robot army.


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