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no actually, but you cared to actually read the research you'd see h isn't the one saying that, the scientists who built the building said specifically what you just said. but you probably don't like reading do you. you'd, rather just follow lying political pundits on jref forum and fox news, or whatever baseless and unoriginal shit you read or watch. compiles all this evidence you idiot debunkers keep crying for, but FUCKING stupid to look at
Are you implying that a 300,000 lb object moving nearly 500 mph crashing into a building spilling 10,000 gallons of jet fuel is not enough to destroy the building? Is your "structural engineering background" from the University of Phoenix?
I'm not saying its perfect, but I'd rather have a fairly large web. U have to remember, they really only home in on our countrymen if they r talking with known or suspected terrorists. I am certain that doesn't include me. But like u said, that's where u and I differ. And here we are allowed the full previleges of open and public dissent. Not that it's relevant to 9/11, but Abe lincoln suspended habeas corpus?
I understand. But to clarify further, the resolution to remove Hussein WAS a UN resolution. Of course it being brought to a final conclusion was fully GHWB's job, like I said, he lost his nerve. And I do agree to a pt that some of the security acts seem unlibertarian. I would argue that unless u r a citizen of this country u don't enjoy the same freedoms on our soil. The ACLU disagrees
Thanks for the clairfication, but it doesn't change my oppinion. Maybe it should have been the job of the UN to remove Saddam from power instead of the US. I just think the US is much too involved with the rest of the world. Reducing dependency of foreign resources, bringing back US manufacture, and defending our shores should be our focus.
You make some very good points with Terri and Timothy, and although I don't see myself as one of those types of people and therefore shouldn't have anything to fear for the time being, I still find laws of this type to be very unLibertarian and potentionally dangerous in the long run. I'm sure you've heard it before but, those who would give up liberty for security deserve neither. I respect your views, they hold merit, however we will have to agree to disagree.
And actually, factually we had a UN resolution to remove Hussein long b4 9/11. It may seem a little petulant, but we could have removed him in the gulf war which was ostensibly to protect Kuwait. Bush 1 lost his nerve but the resolution was in place. Doesn't mean bush 2 was right, just clarifying the facts.
Also ur fear of the NDAA isn't warranted unless u are NOT a citizen. Feinstein-lee is fairly specific about that. If ur not a citizen or working on a visa and ur talking with known terrorists then I suppose u wouldn't appreciate the wisdom of the act.
@mrcritch. Still seems like excessive fear of the govt to me. Don't u want the govt looking at people whine deemed to be a threat to national security? Wouldn't looking into the goings on of Timothy mcvie and Terri Nichols have been a good thing? I think ur fear about how intrusive law enforcement can be hasn't been realized in any way. It does however make terrorist activity very difficult.
Anyway, long winded reply, and I'm sorry for that, but do have a look at the petrodollar's history. There are so many people predicting a collapse of the dollar and they all point at the petrodollar being the one thing (at the momment) keeping it afloat. Doing that you might get an idea of why I distrust the reasoning for our involvement in the middle east and why I think 9/11 was used as an excuse to go to war. Thanks for the level headed comment and for what it's worth, my dad thinks i'm nuts2
I'm not trying to paint a nasty picture of Americans, just to be clear. I have two brothers in the military and nothing but love and respect for our soldiers. But the facts are, the innocent have been lost as well as our own soldiers. There was a man that was killing his own people, but is it really the Americans job to remove him from power and stop the killing? I don't want to try and debate this with you, i can't prove anything about the oil. It's just a gut feeling.
As Far as the oil is concerned, I know a few facts. Since our involvement in the middle east, the price of gas has been steadily increasing. It is my oppinin that we didn't go there to capture the oil, we went there to protect special intrest groups involving oil and used the war as an excuse to drive up the price of oil and protect the petrodollar which is just about the only thing keeping US currency afloat. No WMDS found and that was the reason we were told that we had to go into Iraq.
The Patriot Act does impact my life in that it opens the door to spy any US citizen including but not limited to myself with out a warrant based on a decision that may deem me or anyone else a threat to national security. For the record, the NDAA scares me even more. The Patriot Act opened the door for for the NDAA which now says I may be indefinitely detained with out charge with the "findings" from the powers given to our government with the Patriot Act. It impacts all US citizens.
One truth you maybe missing one very important fact, please consider Dr Judy Woods information. Maths and science don't back up some of this information, anyway I like most of your video's that I have watched keep it up mate.
FEMA is men and women. I assume u have never met anyone from FEMA. U have directly accused those men and women of a major crime against US citizens. That my friend is deplorable. Couple that with the fact Uve implied 1st responder ignorance is doubly shameful. But peace to u as well. Just remember freedom isn't free. And read up on occam.
@onetruth. On the contrary, I don't trust govt. at all. At heart I am a libertarian. But my view about 9/11 is that in ur obsessive distrust of the govt, u include regular men and women as complicit. U would have to. U can't have such a massive operation as u suggest occurred and NOT implicate thousands. U flippantly say just cuz nobody has evidence of det chord or blasting caps doesn't mean they weren't there. Do u realize how insulting that is to those who worked the pile.
Shamrock, it is my concern that, though we be cell-mats in a FEMA camp awaiting our unjust trial, while our families on the outside are being terrorized by drones, you still would think highly of government and its corrupt officials. I hope none of my concerns come to fruition and that you are right that our "overlords" are not despotic. But, alas, the aeons of history side with my "lunacy," not your blind trust. Peace to you my friend, and thank you for your service on the FDNY.
Compare ur fear of our govt to that of Despot dictators thru out the world and tell me exactly what u fear? Comparatively speaking, it's not even close. Travel the world or talk to some citizens who have, or talk to nationals from other countries. Ur fear of this govt as opposed to others isn't warranted. It's just fear perpetuated by those who like to hear themselves complain. I was downtown that day and other then longer lines at the airport, my life hasn't been altered by the patriot act.
@mrcrit. Fair enough. U think the patriot act somehow impacts ur life. It doesn't but whatever. But look at the bush legacy. U mention oil. Where is it? U mention killing innocents. We invaded a country that was murdering its own people. Maybe it was a bad idea, but this idea that the big bad USA invades and indiscrimantly kills for profit isn't bore out by facts either.
Even though I do not believe that 9/11 was an inside job (meaning our government destroyed buildings to push a war agenda or whatever) I do see that since that terrible day things have gotten worse and worse for liberty, and I find it even more frightening than the "inside job" idea. I often wonder how many people our government has killed, soldiers sent to fight wars that killed innocent people and even die for things like oil. That alone is enough for me to fear our government.
I don't think that your ideas are ridiculous, you have EVERY reason to not trust our government as they chisel away our constitutional rights. I just believe that they knew something like it was going to happen, they did nothing to stop it, and for that they should have been held responsible. Instead they used the U S A chants to give us the patriot act, a never ending "war on terror", and the theft of an enormous amount of tax dollars while the people applauded.
I agree with you on so many topics and for that reason I’m a loyal sub, however I can not agree with you on this one. I have no doubt that our government took complete advantage of that terrible day (the patriot act) and probably lined the pockets of thier friends claiming losses from the events. However there are too many ridiculous theories out there for “what really happened”, and too many people debunking just about everything everyone has every about it being an inside job.
ALl structural columns in 7 DID NOT FAIL simultaneously. the penthouse proves it
Sliverstein did not collect 2 occurrences, he tried but lost.
7's fall was NOTHING like a CD. CD's have NEVER collapsed in FF, have Never struck surrounding bldgs. Have ALWAYS left distinctive sounds and evidence in the aftermath, something that DID NOT OCCUR on 9/11
There are some who did use the word bomb, but I am sure u havent a clue as to the context. I know of people who heard bodies hitting the ground and thinking it was an explosion. What u NEED to hear to make it a CD, is repetitive, window breaking cutter charges that r unmistakable to anyone who has ever seen a demolition on youtube. You have NONE of that. And you have very good video of all three collapses.
Here is who has crafted the OS. FEMA, NIST, NYPD, PAPD, FDNY, NEADS, ASCE, SEAoNY, CTBUH, NORAD, AA, UA, seismic stations, coroners, military personnel, swiss reinsurers, SEC, ETC
There are several more. Who do u have? Paranoid, "I hate the US govt therefore it must be them" delusional sycophants without ANY real world expertise
Do u have even the slightest grasp of how men could even rig the bldg and how much material would be needed? How much would be left in the debris? Clearly u dont.
1- U believe men rigged 3 massive structures that were already under heightened security with bomb dogs scouring the site.
2 U believe the method of CD was SILENT. Cuz i have yet to hear any repetitive cutter charges (NOR has any witness-hearing explosions LONG b4 collapse IS NOT what to listen for. Nearly all those hearing SINGLE explosions also smelled kerosene)
3-U beleive the demolition left NO EVIDENCE in the debris. Oh i know, everyone in FEMA and the FDNY and CDI, NYPD, PAPD are lying
"Rather than prove to anyone that building 7 and the twin towers were a controlled demolition, the evidence DEMANDS that the burden of proving that it was NOT a CD rests no the shoulders of those who believe their government's official story."
Of course u believe this, cuz u have NO EVIDENCE OF CD. The LACK oF EVIDENCE OF CD DEMANDS an alternative theory. U claim CD< PROVE IT. Scientific method hasnt changed except in the eyes of the paranoid
"ONE MONTH after the 911 incident the broadest sweeping, right's-stripping piece of legislation" How does this act effect you?h
The Military Industrial complex was further funded and the "War on Terror" Thank God.
"Silverstein insured the WTC complex for (and collected on) TWO separate acts of terrorism.
Yeah and he LOST THE LAW SUIT DOPEY. He did not collect on 2 incidents, u r lying. He lost and his collected 5.6 billion and the rebuild cost MUCH more.
"ONE MONTH after the 911 incident the broadest sweeping, right's-stripping piece of legislation" How does this act effect you?h
The Military Industrial complex was further funded and the "War on Terror" Thank God.
"Silverstein insured the WTC complex for (and collected on) TWO separate acts of terrorism.
Yeah and he LOST THE LAW SUIT DOPEY. He did not collect on 2 incidents, u r lying. He lost and his collected 5.6 billion and the rebuild cost MUCH more.
No, was hit by tower 1, as confirmed by FDNY
7 was reported by the BBC to have fallen 20 minutes BEFORE it actually did"
This is evidence?
"7 came down in the EXACT same manner as 1 and 2" Painfully innaccurate
" all support columns failed at the SAME TIME" Then explain the penthouse;
7 fell at free fall speed" Explain how demolition can REMOVE ALL COLUMNS. It cant so lets listen to the PhD's about what actually happened instead of repeating talking pts
"but "billions" in damage to Verizon and Fiterman"
Yes, BILLIONS. Fiterman is a bldg in the CUNY system and they just completed its rebuid, 1.3 BILLION. Understand?
"government's "official story," which dishonestly EXCLUDES building 7" If this refers to the commission report, u clearly have ZERO understanding of what the commission report was. Congress commissioned the NIST to investigate. Its been done. U dont like what the PhD's determined so u ignore and obfuscate.
The sec looked at the puts and the profit was negligible. It's truther folklore that its relevant. U have ZERO evidence of CD. And r u seriously claiming 7 fell the same as 1 and 2? Really. They collapse from the top and 7 from the base and that's the same? Ur not even honest with urself. All other CD in history do No damage to surrounding bldgs and make distinctive sounds. It was NOTHING like a Cd EVER!! Ur untrained opinion wrought with distortions is meaningless. PhD's, CDI, FDNY, SEAoNY,
Again, ur wrong or lying about everything. Plus comparing much smaller bldgs of completely different design is idiotic. The columns didn't fail simultaneously. Why do u keep saying it did? It's dishonest. And I name ca those who purposely deceive which is what u r doing. Who cares that the bbc misreported, meaningless. 7 was left out of the commission cuz it wasnt involved in a terrorist attack, directly. U clearly have no understanding what the commission was as opposed to NIST
Because there is no REPORT of the finding of det chords, caps,etc, does NOT mean that "no one found any." The government (FEMA) took control of the area VERY quickly (since they just so HAPPENED to be in town the night BEFORE the event). You know there is video evidence of NUMEROUS eye-witness testimonies from office workers and FDNY of bombs and charges going off. But many have selective hearing when weighing the evidence.
It was as instantaneous as the other building which collapsed by CD in this vid. AND is consistent in collapse rate and speed with side-by-side CD examples.
Silverstein insured the WTC complex for (and collected on) TWO separate acts of terrorism (one for each plane)! The amount rewarded by the courts was GREAT!! Three words for you my friend: "Follow the Money!" Four more words: "Trust NOT thy Government."
Rather than prove to anyone that building 7 and the twin towers were a controlled demolition, the evidence DEMANDS that the burden of proving that it was NOT a CD rests no the shoulders of those who believe their government's official story.
8.) ONE MONTH after the 911 incident the broadest sweeping, right's-stripping piece of legislation (the Patriot Act) America had known had passed Congress on the emotional heels of "We Shall Never Forget." 9.) The Military Industrial complex was further funded and the "War on Terror" was strengthened with a fresh influx of cash America doesn't have; 10.) Large PUTS were placed United and American BEFORE the incident (still undeclared). 11.) Pre-911 Silverstein …continued…
PT 2: Here is what we know: 1.) 7 WASN'T hit by a plane; 2.) 7 was reported by the BBC to have fallen 20 minutes BEFORE it actually did; 3.) 7 came down in the EXACT same manner as 1 and 2; 4.) 7 rec'd nowhere near the damage 3 and 6 did…yet, 7 falls and the other two do not? 5.) all support columns failed at the SAME TIME; 6.) 7 fell at free fall speed (no resistance from the columns underneath that WEREN'T subject to ANY fire. 7.) 911 commission OMITTED 7 from the report….con't
PT 1: Shamrock, you have a flurry of questions here. In discourse calling someone names does not facilitate open honest discussion. I'm sure you know this. Of course there was collateral damage, but "billions" in damage to Verizon and Fiterman? You choose to believe the government's "official story," which dishonestly EXCLUDES building 7. I believe that, to believe the official story is to dance with pirates, thieves and murderers on the wrong side of history. …continued….
And ur obnoxious dissertation on demolition finding a new method of fire is self serving crap. Fiterman hall and Verizon suffered billions in damage from 7 and 7 alone. Care to explain how this jives with a planned and predictable collapse? FDNY abandoned search and rescue cuz they felt it would fall. R they in on the govt rolls as well. Btw, retired FDNY here.
They describe column 79 and the progression across the span until the walls were essentially the only thing standing briefly. So u r debating with urself. U r denying facts NOT purported by the PhD's. this is dishonest or naive so please clarify. Sorry for the typos. This self correction on a phone is a pain
Hey uploader, u do know Windsor was primarily steel reinforced concrete design? Maybe u didn't. As for bare steel skyscraper, 7's fires were the longest inflight fires in history. Current was correct. And I'll wait patiently until u clarify ur statement that every steel support failed simultaneously. The video clearly shows this NOT to be the case. Are u going to continue to assert this? If so it proves u to be dishonest. The PhD's CLEARLY describe collapse initiation
U obviously think the video shows all there is to see. U want to point to where the video shows the sounds of repetitive cutter charges? U want to explain why no one found any evidence on tbe steel (det chord, caps, etc). That u dismiss the PhD's views in favor of ur own paranoid delusions of reality only makes u an uneducated egomaniac. A very sad combination. U want to explain Swiss re? Chief nigro? FDNY? CDI? U want to provide any evidence of CD other then ur complete lack of understandi
@soleseatched. Huh. You completely lied about what Silverstein said. Pathetic. Uploaded. Why r u stating something about the collapse that is so completely false. 1st fiterman hall and the Verizon bldg disagree with ur footprint pt. demotion teams cleaned it up dopey. U think they think the collapse was perfect? Why r u claiming all structural components failed simultaneously? U aren't very bright r u? The penthouse collapses 5 seconds b4 the walls. U want to explain how this is simultaneous
no actually, but you cared to actually read the research you'd see h isn't the one saying that, the scientists who built the building said specifically what you just said. but you probably don't like reading do you. you'd, rather just follow lying political pundits on jref forum and fox news, or whatever baseless and unoriginal shit you read or watch. compiles all this evidence you idiot debunkers keep crying for, but FUCKING stupid to look at
Are you implying that a 300,000 lb object moving nearly 500 mph crashing into a building spilling 10,000 gallons of jet fuel is not enough to destroy the building? Is your "structural engineering background" from the University of Phoenix?
I'm not saying its perfect, but I'd rather have a fairly large web. U have to remember, they really only home in on our countrymen if they r talking with known or suspected terrorists. I am certain that doesn't include me. But like u said, that's where u and I differ. And here we are allowed the full previleges of open and public dissent. Not that it's relevant to 9/11, but Abe lincoln suspended habeas corpus?
I understand. But to clarify further, the resolution to remove Hussein WAS a UN resolution. Of course it being brought to a final conclusion was fully GHWB's job, like I said, he lost his nerve. And I do agree to a pt that some of the security acts seem unlibertarian. I would argue that unless u r a citizen of this country u don't enjoy the same freedoms on our soil. The ACLU disagrees
Thanks for the clairfication, but it doesn't change my oppinion. Maybe it should have been the job of the UN to remove Saddam from power instead of the US. I just think the US is much too involved with the rest of the world. Reducing dependency of foreign resources, bringing back US manufacture, and defending our shores should be our focus.
You make some very good points with Terri and Timothy, and although I don't see myself as one of those types of people and therefore shouldn't have anything to fear for the time being, I still find laws of this type to be very unLibertarian and potentionally dangerous in the long run. I'm sure you've heard it before but, those who would give up liberty for security deserve neither. I respect your views, they hold merit, however we will have to agree to disagree.
And actually, factually we had a UN resolution to remove Hussein long b4 9/11. It may seem a little petulant, but we could have removed him in the gulf war which was ostensibly to protect Kuwait. Bush 1 lost his nerve but the resolution was in place. Doesn't mean bush 2 was right, just clarifying the facts.
Also ur fear of the NDAA isn't warranted unless u are NOT a citizen. Feinstein-lee is fairly specific about that. If ur not a citizen or working on a visa and ur talking with known terrorists then I suppose u wouldn't appreciate the wisdom of the act.
@mrcritch. Still seems like excessive fear of the govt to me. Don't u want the govt looking at people whine deemed to be a threat to national security? Wouldn't looking into the goings on of Timothy mcvie and Terri Nichols have been a good thing? I think ur fear about how intrusive law enforcement can be hasn't been realized in any way. It does however make terrorist activity very difficult.
Anyway, long winded reply, and I'm sorry for that, but do have a look at the petrodollar's history. There are so many people predicting a collapse of the dollar and they all point at the petrodollar being the one thing (at the momment) keeping it afloat. Doing that you might get an idea of why I distrust the reasoning for our involvement in the middle east and why I think 9/11 was used as an excuse to go to war. Thanks for the level headed comment and for what it's worth, my dad thinks i'm nuts2
I'm not trying to paint a nasty picture of Americans, just to be clear. I have two brothers in the military and nothing but love and respect for our soldiers. But the facts are, the innocent have been lost as well as our own soldiers. There was a man that was killing his own people, but is it really the Americans job to remove him from power and stop the killing? I don't want to try and debate this with you, i can't prove anything about the oil. It's just a gut feeling.
As Far as the oil is concerned, I know a few facts. Since our involvement in the middle east, the price of gas has been steadily increasing. It is my oppinin that we didn't go there to capture the oil, we went there to protect special intrest groups involving oil and used the war as an excuse to drive up the price of oil and protect the petrodollar which is just about the only thing keeping US currency afloat. No WMDS found and that was the reason we were told that we had to go into Iraq.
The Patriot Act does impact my life in that it opens the door to spy any US citizen including but not limited to myself with out a warrant based on a decision that may deem me or anyone else a threat to national security. For the record, the NDAA scares me even more. The Patriot Act opened the door for for the NDAA which now says I may be indefinitely detained with out charge with the "findings" from the powers given to our government with the Patriot Act. It impacts all US citizens.
One truth you maybe missing one very important fact, please consider Dr Judy Woods information. Maths and science don't back up some of this information, anyway I like most of your video's that I have watched keep it up mate.
FEMA is men and women. I assume u have never met anyone from FEMA. U have directly accused those men and women of a major crime against US citizens. That my friend is deplorable. Couple that with the fact Uve implied 1st responder ignorance is doubly shameful. But peace to u as well. Just remember freedom isn't free. And read up on occam.
@onetruth. On the contrary, I don't trust govt. at all. At heart I am a libertarian. But my view about 9/11 is that in ur obsessive distrust of the govt, u include regular men and women as complicit. U would have to. U can't have such a massive operation as u suggest occurred and NOT implicate thousands. U flippantly say just cuz nobody has evidence of det chord or blasting caps doesn't mean they weren't there. Do u realize how insulting that is to those who worked the pile.
Shamrock, it is my concern that, though we be cell-mats in a FEMA camp awaiting our unjust trial, while our families on the outside are being terrorized by drones, you still would think highly of government and its corrupt officials. I hope none of my concerns come to fruition and that you are right that our "overlords" are not despotic. But, alas, the aeons of history side with my "lunacy," not your blind trust. Peace to you my friend, and thank you for your service on the FDNY.
Compare ur fear of our govt to that of Despot dictators thru out the world and tell me exactly what u fear? Comparatively speaking, it's not even close. Travel the world or talk to some citizens who have, or talk to nationals from other countries. Ur fear of this govt as opposed to others isn't warranted. It's just fear perpetuated by those who like to hear themselves complain. I was downtown that day and other then longer lines at the airport, my life hasn't been altered by the patriot act.
@mrcrit. Fair enough. U think the patriot act somehow impacts ur life. It doesn't but whatever. But look at the bush legacy. U mention oil. Where is it? U mention killing innocents. We invaded a country that was murdering its own people. Maybe it was a bad idea, but this idea that the big bad USA invades and indiscrimantly kills for profit isn't bore out by facts either.
Even though I do not believe that 9/11 was an inside job (meaning our government destroyed buildings to push a war agenda or whatever) I do see that since that terrible day things have gotten worse and worse for liberty, and I find it even more frightening than the "inside job" idea. I often wonder how many people our government has killed, soldiers sent to fight wars that killed innocent people and even die for things like oil. That alone is enough for me to fear our government.
I don't think that your ideas are ridiculous, you have EVERY reason to not trust our government as they chisel away our constitutional rights. I just believe that they knew something like it was going to happen, they did nothing to stop it, and for that they should have been held responsible. Instead they used the U S A chants to give us the patriot act, a never ending "war on terror", and the theft of an enormous amount of tax dollars while the people applauded.
I agree with you on so many topics and for that reason I’m a loyal sub, however I can not agree with you on this one. I have no doubt that our government took complete advantage of that terrible day (the patriot act) and probably lined the pockets of thier friends claiming losses from the events. However there are too many ridiculous theories out there for “what really happened”, and too many people debunking just about everything everyone has every about it being an inside job.
Stop distorting the facts'
ALl structural columns in 7 DID NOT FAIL simultaneously. the penthouse proves it
Sliverstein did not collect 2 occurrences, he tried but lost.
7's fall was NOTHING like a CD. CD's have NEVER collapsed in FF, have Never struck surrounding bldgs. Have ALWAYS left distinctive sounds and evidence in the aftermath, something that DID NOT OCCUR on 9/11
There are some who did use the word bomb, but I am sure u havent a clue as to the context. I know of people who heard bodies hitting the ground and thinking it was an explosion. What u NEED to hear to make it a CD, is repetitive, window breaking cutter charges that r unmistakable to anyone who has ever seen a demolition on youtube. You have NONE of that. And you have very good video of all three collapses.
"Because there is no REPORT of the finding of det chords, caps,etc, does NOT mean that "no one found any"
The rantings of someone with ZERO evidence
The government (FEMA) took control of the area VERY quickly (FEMA)
I worked the site (FDNY) as did the NYPD, CDI PAPD construction workers, etc. U want to explain how FEMA controlled us all??
" NUMEROUS eye-witness testimonies from office workers and FDNY of bombs and charges going off"
Really, site the ones where they used the word "bomb"
Here is who has crafted the OS. FEMA, NIST, NYPD, PAPD, FDNY, NEADS, ASCE, SEAoNY, CTBUH, NORAD, AA, UA, seismic stations, coroners, military personnel, swiss reinsurers, SEC, ETC
There are several more. Who do u have? Paranoid, "I hate the US govt therefore it must be them" delusional sycophants without ANY real world expertise
Do u have even the slightest grasp of how men could even rig the bldg and how much material would be needed? How much would be left in the debris? Clearly u dont.
1- U believe men rigged 3 massive structures that were already under heightened security with bomb dogs scouring the site.
2 U believe the method of CD was SILENT. Cuz i have yet to hear any repetitive cutter charges (NOR has any witness-hearing explosions LONG b4 collapse IS NOT what to listen for. Nearly all those hearing SINGLE explosions also smelled kerosene)
3-U beleive the demolition left NO EVIDENCE in the debris. Oh i know, everyone in FEMA and the FDNY and CDI, NYPD, PAPD are lying
"Rather than prove to anyone that building 7 and the twin towers were a controlled demolition, the evidence DEMANDS that the burden of proving that it was NOT a CD rests no the shoulders of those who believe their government's official story."
Of course u believe this, cuz u have NO EVIDENCE OF CD. The LACK oF EVIDENCE OF CD DEMANDS an alternative theory. U claim CD< PROVE IT. Scientific method hasnt changed except in the eyes of the paranoid
"ONE MONTH after the 911 incident the broadest sweeping, right's-stripping piece of legislation" How does this act effect you?h
The Military Industrial complex was further funded and the "War on Terror" Thank God.
"Silverstein insured the WTC complex for (and collected on) TWO separate acts of terrorism.
Yeah and he LOST THE LAW SUIT DOPEY. He did not collect on 2 incidents, u r lying. He lost and his collected 5.6 billion and the rebuild cost MUCH more.
"ONE MONTH after the 911 incident the broadest sweeping, right's-stripping piece of legislation" How does this act effect you?h
The Military Industrial complex was further funded and the "War on Terror" Thank God.
"Silverstein insured the WTC complex for (and collected on) TWO separate acts of terrorism.
Yeah and he LOST THE LAW SUIT DOPEY. He did not collect on 2 incidents, u r lying. He lost and his collected 5.6 billion and the rebuild cost MUCH more.
"7 WASN'T hit by a plane"
No, was hit by tower 1, as confirmed by FDNY
7 was reported by the BBC to have fallen 20 minutes BEFORE it actually did"
This is evidence?
"7 came down in the EXACT same manner as 1 and 2" Painfully innaccurate
" all support columns failed at the SAME TIME" Then explain the penthouse;
7 fell at free fall speed" Explain how demolition can REMOVE ALL COLUMNS. It cant so lets listen to the PhD's about what actually happened instead of repeating talking pts
"but "billions" in damage to Verizon and Fiterman"
Yes, BILLIONS. Fiterman is a bldg in the CUNY system and they just completed its rebuid, 1.3 BILLION. Understand?
"government's "official story," which dishonestly EXCLUDES building 7" If this refers to the commission report, u clearly have ZERO understanding of what the commission report was. Congress commissioned the NIST to investigate. Its been done. U dont like what the PhD's determined so u ignore and obfuscate.
The sec looked at the puts and the profit was negligible. It's truther folklore that its relevant. U have ZERO evidence of CD. And r u seriously claiming 7 fell the same as 1 and 2? Really. They collapse from the top and 7 from the base and that's the same? Ur not even honest with urself. All other CD in history do No damage to surrounding bldgs and make distinctive sounds. It was NOTHING like a Cd EVER!! Ur untrained opinion wrought with distortions is meaningless. PhD's, CDI, FDNY, SEAoNY,
Again, ur wrong or lying about everything. Plus comparing much smaller bldgs of completely different design is idiotic. The columns didn't fail simultaneously. Why do u keep saying it did? It's dishonest. And I name ca those who purposely deceive which is what u r doing. Who cares that the bbc misreported, meaningless. 7 was left out of the commission cuz it wasnt involved in a terrorist attack, directly. U clearly have no understanding what the commission was as opposed to NIST
Because there is no REPORT of the finding of det chords, caps,etc, does NOT mean that "no one found any." The government (FEMA) took control of the area VERY quickly (since they just so HAPPENED to be in town the night BEFORE the event). You know there is video evidence of NUMEROUS eye-witness testimonies from office workers and FDNY of bombs and charges going off. But many have selective hearing when weighing the evidence.
It was as instantaneous as the other building which collapsed by CD in this vid. AND is consistent in collapse rate and speed with side-by-side CD examples.
Silverstein insured the WTC complex for (and collected on) TWO separate acts of terrorism (one for each plane)! The amount rewarded by the courts was GREAT!! Three words for you my friend: "Follow the Money!" Four more words: "Trust NOT thy Government."
Rather than prove to anyone that building 7 and the twin towers were a controlled demolition, the evidence DEMANDS that the burden of proving that it was NOT a CD rests no the shoulders of those who believe their government's official story.
8.) ONE MONTH after the 911 incident the broadest sweeping, right's-stripping piece of legislation (the Patriot Act) America had known had passed Congress on the emotional heels of "We Shall Never Forget." 9.) The Military Industrial complex was further funded and the "War on Terror" was strengthened with a fresh influx of cash America doesn't have; 10.) Large PUTS were placed United and American BEFORE the incident (still undeclared). 11.) Pre-911 Silverstein …continued…
PT 2: Here is what we know: 1.) 7 WASN'T hit by a plane; 2.) 7 was reported by the BBC to have fallen 20 minutes BEFORE it actually did; 3.) 7 came down in the EXACT same manner as 1 and 2; 4.) 7 rec'd nowhere near the damage 3 and 6 did…yet, 7 falls and the other two do not? 5.) all support columns failed at the SAME TIME; 6.) 7 fell at free fall speed (no resistance from the columns underneath that WEREN'T subject to ANY fire. 7.) 911 commission OMITTED 7 from the report….con't
PT 1: Shamrock, you have a flurry of questions here. In discourse calling someone names does not facilitate open honest discussion. I'm sure you know this. Of course there was collateral damage, but "billions" in damage to Verizon and Fiterman? You choose to believe the government's "official story," which dishonestly EXCLUDES building 7. I believe that, to believe the official story is to dance with pirates, thieves and murderers on the wrong side of history. …continued….
And ur obnoxious dissertation on demolition finding a new method of fire is self serving crap. Fiterman hall and Verizon suffered billions in damage from 7 and 7 alone. Care to explain how this jives with a planned and predictable collapse? FDNY abandoned search and rescue cuz they felt it would fall. R they in on the govt rolls as well. Btw, retired FDNY here.
They describe column 79 and the progression across the span until the walls were essentially the only thing standing briefly. So u r debating with urself. U r denying facts NOT purported by the PhD's. this is dishonest or naive so please clarify. Sorry for the typos. This self correction on a phone is a pain
Hey uploader, u do know Windsor was primarily steel reinforced concrete design? Maybe u didn't. As for bare steel skyscraper, 7's fires were the longest inflight fires in history. Current was correct. And I'll wait patiently until u clarify ur statement that every steel support failed simultaneously. The video clearly shows this NOT to be the case. Are u going to continue to assert this? If so it proves u to be dishonest. The PhD's CLEARLY describe collapse initiation
U obviously think the video shows all there is to see. U want to point to where the video shows the sounds of repetitive cutter charges? U want to explain why no one found any evidence on tbe steel (det chord, caps, etc). That u dismiss the PhD's views in favor of ur own paranoid delusions of reality only makes u an uneducated egomaniac. A very sad combination. U want to explain Swiss re? Chief nigro? FDNY? CDI? U want to provide any evidence of CD other then ur complete lack of understandi
@soleseatched. Huh. You completely lied about what Silverstein said. Pathetic. Uploaded. Why r u stating something about the collapse that is so completely false. 1st fiterman hall and the Verizon bldg disagree with ur footprint pt. demotion teams cleaned it up dopey. U think they think the collapse was perfect? Why r u claiming all structural components failed simultaneously? U aren't very bright r u? The penthouse collapses 5 seconds b4 the walls. U want to explain how this is simultaneous
Do you have a background in structural engineering? No? I didn't think so. I do. The total structural failure was not caused by fire.