Building 7 Experts Explain It Was Controlled Demolition

College professors give their analysis.

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  1. @thearmin Oh thanks… whew… yeah I know that was a pretty far out
    theory… glad you were able to clarify the reasons it's so weak. I see now
    the error in my thinking. "Yes 'um master… baaaaa… this grass…
    baaaaa… sure tastes… baaaaa… great!"

  2. I can't believe you people are blaming the U.S. for this, no respect for
    the men, woman, and children who lost their lifes during 9/11.

  3. Anyone who insist that those searching for the truth just shut up and go
    away will pay for their willful ignorance and purposeful deception. When
    the truth comes out, there will be weeping moaning and gnashing of teeth.
    Nowhere to hide except the caverns of the deep.

  4. No! no! no! no!! Osama Bin Laden is such a genius that he figured this all
    out. This of course means, that he is the smartest person that ever lived
    and ever will live. He could probably do it again. I bet he could get Dick
    Cheney to still nuke a city. He could put Dick Cheney under a mind contol
    spell and get him to launch any time it could help the NeoCon
    Republicanners. Damn those evil geniuses!!

  5. damn i'm looking for a vid of the beam sticking out of the ground with a
    perfect angular slice just like they do in demolition…i'm collecting the
    best videos trying to convince my mom…if somebody can give me the title
    of that video that would be great…

  6. 3 buildings fall due to fire. 2 were hit by planes 4 planes high jacked. 1
    plane didn't meet its destination. They had to "pull it" anyway

  7. Look let me explain it to you so this may help you get it. The government
    or should i say the people controlling it do not want us to have any power
    and want them to have all the power. They do not care about the people. The
    more fearful we become, the better for them because then they have more
    control over us. The reason they did not blow up the towers over night was
    because they want everyone to see this and for everyone to enter almost a
    fear crazed trance which gives them all the control–

  8. Why though? Why would they not destroy the buildings at night when they
    have fewer people? why the plane in pennsylvania? why the pentagon? 2
    planes flying into the WTC at night would have been sufficient to spark
    public outrage and declare a war on terror which is why I don't buy the
    conspiracy theories

  9. It doesn't matter exactly what kind of hierarchy it is; there is alway
    going to be untruth between the levels. This means that as soon as you join
    a stabile movement you are obliged to believe and support lies that are
    supplied by "leaders" and propagated by "officers". It's sad, but this is
    the way that organization works. It is why Satan is depicted as "in charge"
    or "leader". Of course some military people did it, unless all those bldgs.
    were designed to collapse out of fear.

  10. —-By saying, "Dont worry, we're the government and we'll protect you".
    And for you remark on my the pentagon and such, well, what criminals
    running all this would think, why not? All I ask you to do is to keep an
    open mind and explore, because that will help you discover the truth of

  11. Here's a thought I haven't seen posted yet. What if WTC7 was rigged with
    explosives for security purposes? There was lots of classified information
    being kept inside. Wouldn't want it to fall into enemy hands in case of an
    invasion. But you wouldn't want to admit that to the general public.
    Because who in their right mind would want to go to work in a building
    knowing it was full of explosives? Anyone care to comment?


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