Building 7 Controlled Demolition

Compare the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 with stock footage of controlled demolitions. And what was so special about building 7?

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  1. notice how Mathew Davis has to make comments about people but can't send them to that person to see them because he knows he would be humiliated. Notice how he babbles on about molten "steel" but makes no attempt to explain how it would prove a demo when demos don't do that. Notice how he states explosions but doesn't understand explosions in fires are common and does not automatically mean demo charge. Nor does he even try to prove it was a charge and logically explain it. Notice he is an idiot

  2. Thanks for the pointless shit comment looks like you have no facts you can present either. You have proven truthers are fucking idiots. You fucking idiot

  3. thanks for the same exact comment that you've typed in 2 times now to 2 different people. i am not a truther, but you are a fucking idiot.

  4. Thanks for the pointless shit comment looks like you have no facts you can present either. You have proven truthers are fucking idiots. You fucking idiot.

  5. of course you are done…you have no facts to use or even begin with. But if you want to run away in utter humiliation go right ahead. Bye bye have fun living with your head up your asshole in a deluded little world of make belief. You have proven truthers are fucking idiots. You fucking idiot.

  6. (continued) 5- logically explain how any molten material is supposed to prove a demo when demos don't do that.
    No theremite was ever found.
    And btw: what family members do you refer to when you make a claim like no planes?? If there were no planes then there would be no victims and you piss and shit on the families. Guess you only acknowledge the ones that fit into your twisted beliefs you deluded disrespectful pile of shit.

  7. (continued)
    Your point about jet fuel is like you…useless. 1- nobody ever claimed steel melted. It weakened. Fucking sad after nearly 12 years you still cannot tell the difference between melt and weaken Steel weakens within your own temp range of 1500D 2- no material was tested cannot be concluded it was STEEL. 3- There was more than just jet fuel in the fires. Fuel only acted as an accelerant that started the fires and spread them over large areas.

  8. Larry set up insurance?? 1- you are claiming to be his insurance agent now??? 2- of course he set up insurance. It is standard procedure and was part of the lease agreement that he had to have insurance. All buildings have insurance you moron. It would be more "suspicious" if he didn't
    No real CIA or FBI agents have come forward only deluded morons like you claiming to be former agents have made up stories. And you like a retard swallowed the whole load

  9. I never mentioned the govt you dipshit. I really don't care what your deluded opinions on political philosophy are. I only care to here you provide facts and a logical answer to the very simple question I asked. Guess you can't.
    And molten metal??? No demo ever had molten metal so logically explain how that should prove a demo???

    Pretty sad that with two simple questions I sent your entire deluded world crumbling down around you. You retard.

  10. (continued) larry silverstein set up insurance on the towers specifically for terrorists attacks in july of 2001 (which would make him money)
    ex cia employees have come forward with 9/11 information proving the entire story was bullshit!
    jet fuel burns at 1500 degrees, and steel melts at 2600 (please explain the molten steel)
    nano thermite was found in dust samples

    btw: you do realize a staggering 80% of the families of victims think the government had a hand in it right?? think dude!

  11. lol.. i used to be like you.. i looked for every reason possible to believe the story told by our government.. but the facts are: bush and cheney refused to go under oath, 3 steel buildings in the world (wtc1,2,7) have collapsed from fire, the govt. knew about the attacks months in advance, hundreds of witnesses saw molten steel, but the report says that was false, there was no investigation, put options went up 900% on american, and united stock the week before 9/11

  12. yes you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. I asked a few simple questions (want to go back and reread or should I type them out again???) and you failed to even attempt to answer them Guess you can't.
    And there was resistance in WTC7 however you fail to logically explain why a relatively little known tower would need to be destroyed when an attack on WTC1 or 2 would be enough to encite people. You are an illogical moron that has no idea what you are talking about

  13. and youre saying i have no idea what im talking about???? do you have any idea how impossible it is for a building to collapse from the top? thats laughable you think that happened.. there is too much resistance from the other 80 stories to have even brought it down.. and watch building 7 fall, there is no resistance you idiot..

  14. dude.. they used as explained by susan lindauer "a highly dangerous military weapon like nano thermite" the steel was melted at the core of the building.. there was explained as "lava flowing down elevator shafts" by fireman.. that makes sense

    lets not even mention how everything was shipped off to china without examination.. there was no investigation.

  15. (continued) explosions in fires is common you fail to prove they were a demo charge. You can't explain why they are random not in sequence like a demo. You can't explain how they go off in places like the basement but collapse clearly starts at point of impact and fires. You can't explain how they would survive the impact or fires. etc etc etc you clearly have no fucking idea what the fuck you are talking about and are just repeating random bullshit. You fucking moron.

  16. so you have no answer to my points. I understand…you are a fucking retard. And steel framed structures have collapsed from fire WTC is not a first. Also by your logic no species on Earth ever invented a computer so it is impossible humans did. Also no tower ever was taken down by thermite before nor has molten material been in a demo debris so using your logic truther arguments are impossible also…. you fucking moron.

  17. dude… steel buildings have never collapsed due to fire… we have sick evidence surrounding the wtc buildings, and hundreds of witnesses talking of explosives, and you dont think that it happened??? talk about beind in denial

  18. 4- 3:20- why protect only one floor….because it was the floor the mayor would be on in the event of an emergency. He would not roam the entire building he would only need to be protected on that floor. What other businesses on other floors is up to them they may not need that type of protection
    5- designed for wind what is your fucking point?? It wasn't designed to take that much damage and fire or the dynamic loads of 1000s of tonnes falling on it.

  19. 1- Dust at base and pieces fall- ahahaha that is your proof WTC7 is a demo…any building collapsing will do that you moron.
    2- Try showing the entire clip of WTC7 falling not the final few seconds of only the outter wall falling
    3- where in your demo comparisons are the "molten metal" or "pyroclastic clouds" you morons drone on about. Where in your demos was "thermite" used
    4- Prior to 911 WTC7 was a relatively little known building why the need to destroy it?
    Truthers are fucking idiots

  20. You are retarded you don't even know how the economy works, you really believe you actually need to take over a piece of land and colonize it to extract the resources? You know what corporations are? Do corporations have to colonize lands to get access to resources? All you need to do is take control of the leaders of the land and you can get the resources at a fraction of the price. look up cia operations in South America. Afganistan has trillion dollars worth of minerals. sheepie.

  21. There was no instance were the USA attacked another country for oil. Get your facts straight. Additionally, if we really wanted a "larger Empire" we would have taken over countries like Afghanistan and Iraq completely and colonized them. Instead we gave them back to the people once their ruthless leaders were removed. And to put it simply, no 9/11 was not an inside job.

  22. silverstein or diesel fuel line or dammaged from towers or even termites.
    It looked like it was controlled demolition AND IT WAS

  23. You are so right. Problem is, most of the people don't give a $hit! If it doesn't affect them, they don't care. There has to be a mass amount of people to protest. Larry Silverstein (owner of bldg. #7) admitted they pulled his bldg., then tried to recant his story. He was probably afraid he wouldn't get paid his $500 million he profited by taking bldg. #7 down. No bldg. can be wired in 7 hrs. It was prewired before 9/11. Probably the site for the headquarters to remotely bring down the towers.

  24. OperationMockingbird · Edit

    Citigroup controlled portions of the first five and the top 20 floors of WTC 7. AMEC was in charge of wiring Citigroup's offices to diesel tanks throughout the building. This provided AMEC access to the entire infrastructure of WTC 7, for "back-up power," maintenance, surveys and anything else. They collected the insurance policy on WTC #7.

  25. No they did not.It's a hypothesis.And a highly debateble one.The only evidence NIST provides to support their theory is in the form of a computer model.And the data their computer model is based on, is unavailable to independent researchers. It is unavailable because NIST refuses to release it.The NIST theory cannot explain key empirical data.Like the 2,25 sec of freefall.It is faith-based pseudo-science.And they basically admit that as well.


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