Building 7 at KPPC[] – counter strike 1.6 project.

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  1. so how did u get in there without getting caught? like…EXACTLY how do u
    get in??? lol…broken window, open door…anything cuzz me and my friends
    wanna go and check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and how do u not get caught??

  2. Most of the buildings really werent so scary in its heyday. Just a bunch of
    crazy folks walkin around making no sense and talking jiberish mostly. It
    was nearly comical if wasn't kind of sad.

  3. funny i found this video back in 2008. and i was just in there last night
    with all my friends exploring, got lost in the dark very thrilling. and in
    the morning there was a heavy fog. when your on the roof u couldnt see 10
    feet infront of you and u could see nothing down below =)

  4. i just went in buildin 7 sunday…. with a group of 7 and we went in threw
    the gate between all the buildings …….shit was crazy but nothin happen
    ..only 1 of us seen something we seen 2 black shadows run by ….didnt know
    if it was ghost or just kids but some 1 in my group seen it other then dat
    its fun and cool 2 go in them ……

  5. dude stop coming bac to this vid if u think kppc sucks…..go away no one
    likes u…u have no freinds and the only reson why u keep commenting on
    this is b/c u want a reaction from us b/c u dont get any social contact in
    the real world cause ur a faggot… shut up please

  6. @technoman43 u say rlly 2 much, im 13 :PP, i hav a life thnk youh, nd im a
    grl so if u wer sayin faggot 2 omg nd bff the UR a faggot, and ther. i do
    correct ppl :PP suck it up… nd ive noticed u hav been starting with
    errbuddy nd fightin online is like running in the special olimpics even if
    u win, ur still retarded 🙂

  7. was jus there 2nite in building 7 and on top of the square part of buildin
    7 on the roof…till it started to f***ing downpour outside lol

  8. all runnaways and saten worshippers live there the kids are freaks ik
    someone that is a cop and kicked down the door and scream freeze mother
    f*ckers and they all ran but he saw then disecting a cat and taking out its
    heart it was nasty they also pushed a hobo down the body shoot and he died


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