Breaking News March 2015 EPA debunks? chemtrails further fueling conspiracy theories

Breaking News March 2015 EPA debunks? chem trails further fueling conspiracy theories The EPA has weighed in on the chemtrails controversy, saying it is ‘not aware of any deliberate actions to release chemical or biological agents into the atmosphere. Chem Trails HAARP Military alter weather mind control health risks April 25 2015 Global March

Chem Trails Military weather Manipulation health risks NASA Warning Breaking news March 2015 Global Warming HOAX April 25 2015 Global March against Chem Trails Geo Engineering PART1–JyFw

Strange Sounds UFO’s? Loud unexplained sounds worldwide HAARP Last days news

HAARP Exposed Mind Control Military Weather Manipulation NASA Last days

Chem Trails Military weather Manipulation health risks Global Warming HOAX NASA Warning PART2 Breaking News March 2015

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CFR Council Foreign Affair The Truth About Geo Engineering weather control

CFR Council of Foreign relations The Geoengineering Option A Last Resort Against Global Warming?

Climate Engineering Weather Warfare, and the Collapse of Civilization

Weather Modification, Bill Gates and NASA

Serpentine cloud shapes snaked across the eastern Pacific Ocean in mid-January 2013. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured this natural-color image on , showing an area off of the west coast of the United States and Canada. The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-West) also observed the ship tracks
Planetary Weapons and Military Weather Modification: Chemtrails, Atmospheric Geoengineering and Environmental Warfare

What is cloud seeding?

IPCC warns not to stop chemtrails, aka ‘solar radiation management

IPCC offical document PDF file

Bill Gates’ record as a depopulation enthusiast supports the argument that geo-engineering is a weather domination scheme that may be used as a weapon threatening the lives of billions of people

Bill Gates and Richard Branson Back Geoengineering to Counter Climate Change

Bill Gates Announces Funding for Seawater-Spraying Cloud Machines

Science Magazine reports Bill Gates Funding Geoengineering Research

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28 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. where are the videos showing civilian and military jets having their
    chemtrail tanks filled, where are the airport workers and service men and
    woman, admitting to this on video ? Why are there no employees from the
    chemical delivery trucks that supposedly fill the jets, not coming out and
    stating what their doing? I won’t believe this for a minute until I start
    seeing these things.

  2. Scary info here…..what should we do about it……if we can do anything
    at all……
    Thank you U2 for sharing this……I heard something about Chem trails yrs.
    ago but never knew what all this video explains……I so appreciate

  3. Utoo B Heavenbound · Edit

    SHARE videos you like – Below the Video and above comments click on show
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    Thnx 4 stoppin by U2Bheavenbound

  4. Great compilation video, thank you for making it! These are crimes against
    humanity and this is nothing short of domestic terrorism. The only thing I
    think might change this is to reach out to both commercial and air force
    pilots, and maybe even to passengers, reminding them that they are
    culpable, too. I pray for us all, in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and
    Savior that these souls wake up to what they’re doing to us, one at a time,
    and remember that while what the order takers at Auschwitz did was legal,
    it was wholly unconscionable and Satanic.

  5. Very scary and what should we do about it???? If anything???
    So worth the watch, especially if you are a parent or grandparent and want
    a clean air and green trees and other plants growing for your children to
    enjoy and even for yourself.

  6. Thank you ~ There has been spraying overhead every day until whiteout up
    here in the San Juan Islands ~ we must peacefully demand that weather
    modification cease and desist now!

  7. i’m 81 and know what a contrail looks like. what i’d like to know is what
    governmental agency funds spraying americans like bugs and why it’s been
    allowed to continue for more than ten years. it’s been suggensted that
    chemtrail planes be shot down’ sounds good to me! for the pilots of
    chemtrail to claim ignorance is no excuse How many military familys are
    peing poisoned? how long has it been since you’ve seen a riyal blue sky.?

  8. Those pilots flying those planes must not have a family. Why would you
    purposely poison our planets food and water supply. The global elite want
    to de-populate the planet. “Kill all the the bottom feeders!” That is their
    slogan, but what they Don’t understand is What Goes Around Comes Around. If
    we can’t stop their destruction their is The Almighty and Powerful God
    watching and preparing to avenge us. Praise to Our Lord and Savior Jesus
    Christ, Amen. God bless our planet.

  9. think ‘ California” when you see this document from WAAAY BACK! –

    JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association
    Volume 9, Issue 1, February 1973, Pages: 116–128, R. K. Rudel, H. J.
    Stockwell and R. G. Walsh
    Article first published online : 8 JUN 2007,
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.1973.tb01716.x
    Request Permissions
    Experimental results of cloud seeding in Southwestern Colorado suggest that
    runoff can be increased by 25 percent over a 3,300 mile area. There is a
    need to estimate the economic consequences in the Colorado River Basin. The
    evidence presented suggests that weather modification is an economically
    feasible means to provide additional water for the basin. Compared with
    other proposed means of augmenting water supplies, weather modifications
    appear to be one of the least cost alternatives. A very low proportion of
    weather modification costs are fixed; thus the program is easily
    reversible. Also, a relatively small increase in daily precipitation covers
    the direct costs of operation. Benefits of water produced by weather
    modification included power production and irrigation of forage crops. In
    the long run, if additional water is used for higher valued fruit and
    vegetable production, or for domestic and industrial purposes, its value
    would rise sharply. Preliminary investigation of extra-market costs and
    benefits suggests that while they have little effect on the benefit-cost
    ratio, they may be very important to individuals and groups affected. The
    distribution of costs and benefits is important as the benefits accrue to
    downstream users and some of the costs are incurred by Coloradoans. There
    is a need for further research on the long-run economic effects of weather
    modification programs, particularly with respect to extra-market factors.

  10. Waiting on the Lord · Edit

    In New York I have noticed they haven’t been spraying in the day so much,
    now their spraying at night so you can’t see them

  11. think ‘ California” when you see this document from WAAAY BACK! –

    JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association
    Volume 9, Issue 1, February 1973, Pages: 116–128, R. K. Rudel, H. J.
    Stockwell and R. G. Walsh
    Article first published online : 8 JUN 2007,
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.1973.tb01716.x
    Request Permissions
    Experimental results of cloud seeding in Southwestern Colorado suggest that
    runoff can be increased by 25 percent over a 3,300 mile area. There is a
    need to estimate the economic consequences in the Colorado River Basin. The
    evidence presented suggests that weather modification is an economically
    feasible means to provide additional water for the basin. Compared with
    other proposed means of augmenting water supplies, weather modifications
    appear to be one of the least cost alternatives. A very low proportion of
    weather modification costs are fixed; thus the program is easily
    reversible. Also, a relatively small increase in daily precipitation covers
    the direct costs of operation. Benefits of water produced by weather
    modification included power production and irrigation of forage crops. In
    the long run, if additional water is used for higher valued fruit and
    vegetable production, or for domestic and industrial purposes, its value
    would rise sharply. Preliminary investigation of extra-market costs and
    benefits suggests that while they have little effect on the benefit-cost
    ratio, they may be very important to individuals and groups affected. The
    distribution of costs and benefits is important as the benefits accrue to
    downstream users and some of the costs are incurred by Coloradoans. There
    is a need for further research on the long-run economic effects of weather
    modification programs, particularly with respect to extra-market factors.

    JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association
    Volume 13, Issue 5, October 1977, Pages: 917–925, C. G. Keyes Jr.
    Article first published online : 8 JUN 2007,
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.1977.tb03858.x
    Request Permissions
    need for the prudent design and critical analysis of all weather
    modification efforts was expressed by the attendees of the June 1974
    Governors’ Weather Modification Conference in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
    The attendees also expressed a need for an organization to coordinate and
    cooperate in intrastate, interstate and possible international weather
    modification activities, particularly in view of the growing importance of
    agricultural production, energy demand and domestic water supply. The North
    American Interstate Weather Modification Council (NAIWMC) was ratified on
    January 17, 1975, in Denver, Colorado, with its main purpose to achieve and
    maintain state and local control of such activities while endeavoring to
    attain a high degree of legislative uniformity and an effective information
    exchange mechanism. The need, goals, and objectives of the newly-created
    Council are summarized herein. The by-laws of the Council are presented
    according to the articles adopted at the organizational meeting. Membership
    in the Council is available to all states of the United States of America,
    Mexico, and all provinces of Canada. The officers of the Council are
    elected from its membership according to the regions of weather
    modification activities. A summary of the Council’s progress at performing
    the purposes is presented in this paper. Definition of the users involved
    in the North American Interstate Weather Modification Council has been
    achieved during the early activities of the Council. The Council’s views on
    federal and state weater modification legislation are presented according
    to position statements that have been adopted by the member states and

  13. my point I have documents from NASA 1966
    Weather modification
    Lewis O. Grant
    William R. Cotton
    Article first published online: 14 JUN 2010
    DOI: 10.1029/RG017i007p01872
    Copyright 1979 by the American Geophysical Union.

    Reviews of Geophysics
    Volume 17, Issue 7, pages 1872–1890, October 1979


    number of large weather modification experiments were completed and/or
    reported during the 1975–1978 period. These were, typically, experiments
    that were operated by relatively large groups of scientists and included
    the Bureau of Reclamation Colorado River Basin Pilot Project (hereafter
    referred to as CRBPP), NOAA’s Florida Area Cumulus Experiment (FACE), the
    National Center of Atmospheric Research (NCAR) National Hail Research
    Experiment (NHRE), and the Metropolitan Meteorology Experiment (METROMEX).
    Other important but smaller cloud seeding experiments were also analyzed
    and reported: Israel’s Confirmation Seeding Experiment (Israel II), the
    North Dakota Pilot Project, the Tasmania Experiment, and the Cascade
    Experiment emphasizing only physical studies as distinct from statistical
    experiments. Three broadly considered weather modification assessments were
    also published during this period.

    Atmospheric Sciences
    Progress in planned weather modification research: 1991–1994
    Robert R. Czys
    Article first published online: 6 DEC 2012
    DOI: 10.1029/95RG00599
    Copyright 1995 by the American Geophysical Union.

    Reviews of Geophysics
    Volume 33, Issue S2, pages 823–832, July 1995

    This quadrennial marked progress in understanding basic cloud processes
    under natural and seeded conditions, development of conceptual models, and
    application of advanced computer cloud models and instrumentation.
    Conceptual models were revised so that effects on the scale of cloud
    particles, precipitation processes, and cloud development no longer are
    artificially distinguished from one another; for example hail suppression
    and precipitation enhancements are now viewed as possible concurrent
    effects from seeding. Transport and dispersion studies using tracers have
    begun to show the path of seeding material and have allowed documentation
    of physical effects. Application of two- and three-dimensional computer
    cloud models have helped to explain some results, to guide field
    operations, and to suggest further work. Instrumentation such as microwave
    radiometers and lidars have been used to document the spatial and temporal
    structure of supercooled liquid water.


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