Bob Tuskin Shakes up NPR with Call Mentioning Building 7 and Other Truths

For the last edition of NPR’s nationally syndicated “program” Talk of the Nation hosted by Neil Conan, Bob Tuskin decided to call up and info jam some truth….

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  1. WTC 7 was hit by the largest collapsing building in the history of the world.

    I suppose thousands of tons of concrete and steel falling hundreds of feet on WTC 7 had NOTHING to do with the collapse?

    How about the 30 foot hole in WTC 7's south facade?

    How about the southwest corner of WTC 7 chopped off?

    Please explain firefighters predicting WTC 7's collapse 3 HOURS in advance?

    Please explain firefighters reporting MASSIVE FIRES in WTC 7?



    Since Larry Silverstein said pull it, demolished WTC 7 and collected billions in insurance, why would the insurance company pay the claim if there's evidence of fraud?

    If WTC 1 & 2 were destroyed by demolition & not fire, how do you explain video of the exterior columns buckling under heat and stress loads 18 minutes after impact?

    How can Marvin Bush be in charge of WTC security when he stopped working for Securecom in June of 2000?

  3. How could NPR lose something they never had to begin with?

    I have never known NPR to do anything to earn respect, therefore how could they lose a notch of respect? They are already on the bottom digging deeper to get closer to their leader Satan/Obama.

    I don't listen to NPR as doing so would no doubt make me lose my lunch.

    Whenever they resort to childish name calling rather than discussing the facts, you know they are deliberately lying to keep their jobs.

    Flood them with calls daily

  4. So the other day I'm talking to one of my co-workers, he watches FOX news and is all smug that FOX is the only "conservative news". I say no man, FOX is just as bad as MSNBC or CNN, they just work the false Right angle. I tell him he needs to go to other sources to get the real story of things. Then he says, Oh I listen to NPR for a "balanced view" I just put palm to forehead.

  5. Good try Bob. Man I stopped listening to NPR even though I did not want to stop but insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. You did get through and Neil was most unprofessional don't you think. Well it showed and I'm sure that Neil Conan's chrome crown has a dent in it now. Too bad it turned out that way. It would have been refreshing if Neil would have talked about it but he had to be a stupid head didn't he?

  6. Take heart. The press-titutes have the most precious think they have. The control of the narrative. For starter, there is no such thing as scientific nonsense. Only when you cannot disprove it with reason you are left with expletives and name calling.

  7. Storm in a teacup. Yes, NPR is and always has been F.O.S. but what is BT's first & foremost allegiance? Open your eyes FOR REAL people…

  8. Most if not all npr hosts, reporters, producers, and members can't even perform basic junior high algebra … they r a completely unreliable source for scientific information … Radiolab's still really cool though, one of the best…

  9. What an ass. No one can trust ANY media anymore it seems. I didn't just make up in my mind what I saw. I also saw BBC say it fell 30 minutes before it really did. This is an outrage.

  10. I think the number one thing about NPR is that it makes listeners think it is rational and intellectual by being soft and dull and careful not to be too edgy. I think they have it down to a a god damn science. It is supposed to make people feel intellectual and skeptical. The only thing is those people don't have a fucking clue what intellectual and skeptical means.

  11. NPR leans on Obama sometimes, but atleast they cover more news then other radio stations.

    Some of the shit they say bothers me, kudos to you I wish i caught this while i was working

  12. Poor Neil went all shakey, Almost sounds like a victim of cognitive dissonance, but I believe he may be part of a deliberate misrepresentation of the event under discussion.

  13. Anthony Salvatore · Edit

    Neil Conan is full of shit. He say's nonsense when the fact is the bitch who had a 99 year lease was heard telling someone to "PULL THE BUILDING"
    Which in demolishion talk is blow it up.

  14. It's government-linked radio. "Public" in this country means "government". The government is complicit in the 9-11 false flag event. They are narrow-minded bigots who will not allow alternative viewpoints from the government ('public') mafia. The same goes for all of their 'holy scriptures' about WWII, the 'Holocaust', the Jews running the MSM, and the biggest lie: that all races are equal in every way imaginable.

  15. 9/11 IS the Litmus test; the only one that is necessary to see a persons true character.
    Those that refuse to discuss the issue or deny the massive amount of evidence are LIARS and TRAITORS, plain and simple.

  16. LOL, NPR just like the rest of the MSM … just doing what they are told: spread the lies and discredit anyone who dares to question the government fairy tail!

  17. It has nothing to do with "seeing or understanding logic".

    These people will be fired (or worse) if they allow the facts about 911 to come out.

    911 is, and will always be, the turning point in the USSA's police state.


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